Karliah the Scarlet Sentinel. |

As an expression of trust and peace, Karliah decided it was best to sheath her rapier, spreading her hands out wide to they could see she had no other weapons... and let them see them in case they suspected she might be attempting to cast any spells. “The wave of wickedness from the orb travelled pretty far.” She explained, Karliah hoping the truth would be enough.
“I was above ground at a forest that seemed burnt down when I felt it, so I investigated. Found the ruins and people vanishing into it, spotted a way down which led me to the encampment back there. Questioned the guards, they told me of the murder and how they were guarding the corridor in case the murderer came back. They let me pass and I spotted the side corridor.” Glancing back at Talirin, she said.
“I wouldn’t punish them to hard. I’m not a member of your group. Their priority was to keep the people safe, which they did.” Turning back to the orb, Karliah continued speaking. “Whilst I do not know what you care of for my advice, I would say do not destroy it yet. I’ve heard of evil items that seek to manipulate others due to having a malevolent force trapped within, and destroying it sets them free. You need to be sure of what the orb is before you destroy it.”

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I feel that such a force would play itself up in an attempt to inflame my paranoia, instead it uses the same tactics as I imagine Sam fell to. As to my guards, perhaps you would be willing to help me test them.

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Siobhan, like Karliah, sheathes her sword and opens her hands to make her peaceful intentions clear.
"My name is Siobhan Beldam, I am Rico Beldam's sister. I volunteered to come as an ambassador of sorts to promote co-operation between our groups. As to how I got here I simply followed your captain-of-the-guard here."
Looking over at Talirin she smiles broadly. "Perhaps the guards were following their captains example? Besides the chaos going on back there was awful. I tried to get people moving away from here but I suspect my success was limited."

Lershoth Sholme |

Lershoth lets out a low whistle. [b]"This is a rather surprising find, watch your step, no doubt there could be traps.
Admittedly, I don't have anything in "particular" I'm looking for. If your talking about generic items of interest well I can give a list.
Lershoth will looks through the various things, looking for useful items for himself, any of the other residents, their current mission, or for the community at large.
Perception: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (9) + 11 + 2 + (1) = 23
Burning an Inspiration point.
If you are talking general then anything Alchemy related, tools useful to an aspiring skill-monkey, weapons, armor. If you are asking for specific items then things like:
Restless Lockpicks (or better Lockpits in general)
Gloves of Reconnaissance
Traveler's Any Tool
Investigator's Hat
Investigator's Pipe
Better Shortswords
Mithral Chain Shirt
Cloak of Resistance
Wizard Book w/ Spells (for my Formula List)
Sorry, I wasn't sure what you meant.

Polmar Finn |

Now this is a worthy cause! He pulls a scrooge McDuck and does a dive into the treasure pile Woo hoo we're rich! Suck it Rose!
He will search quickly for anything that might be the seedling that they are looking for and then, failing that any intact potentially usable weapons or armor
perception (with dim seer): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22

Jalel "Quip" Medin |

Karliah the Scarlet Sentinel. |

“You... intend to use me to test the guards?” Karliah said cautiously, the discussion about the magic orb could be left for later. Karliah had said her piece, and had nothing else she could say in that regards. She didn’t really know much about Rose after all... “May I ask how you intend to do so...?”

Talirin |

Siobhan, like Karliah, sheathes her sword and opens her hands to make her peaceful intentions clear.
"My name is Siobhan Beldam, I am Rico Beldam's sister. I volunteered to come as an ambassador of sorts to promote co-operation between our groups. As to how I got here I simply followed your captain-of-the-guard here."
Looking over at Talirin she smiles broadly. "Perhaps the guards were following their captains example? Besides the chaos going on back there was awful. I tried to get people moving away from here but I suspect my success was limited."
Well met Siobhan.
Unlikely that they were following my example, most have never been guards before and have little formal training.I am doing my best with them but I am new to the position as well and we have just started their training. I hope to change that soon.

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Never mind. My instructions were unclear. They might attack.

Karliah the Scarlet Sentinel. |

Karliah tilted her head for a few moments before sighing and shaking her head. “Whatever. Are we going to head back now, or are we just going to stand around talking?” Karliah was pretty sure they ALL had something else to do... especially when Karliah glanced back at the catfolk, saying. “Plus, I think I might be able to help training the guards. I’m not the best fighter around, but I’m decent enough.”

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"Well there still needs to be a decision about the orb but, if the Duchess is willing, I too would be happy to help out where I can. My people have survived down here as long as yours, maybe we could learn new things from each other." Siobhan declares with a smile.
She walks next to Karliah as they head back up the tunnel. "So, would you tell me more about the Scarlet Sentinels? They sound intriguing and I've never heard of them before!"

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Thanks. And I'm still waiting on an answer about how many carts could be made with our 1 wood resource Let's go. I'll speak to you two more in the main cavern. Talirin grab Sam. She tucks the orb away.

Lershoth Sholme |

Any sort of relevant knowledge to that thing?
"What do you think Polmar, safe to go? Why don't you go kick it, you're small, if it was trapped it would probably be set for someone more my height, or Jalels.
Lershoth does his best to appear to be suggesting an innocent question.
Going to be a bit busy this weekend so posting will probably drop.

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Can I estimate how much of our stone resource we can take like that?

Polmar Finn |

Polmar studies it for a moment Well, this sort of thing seems to be set to trigger our greed. I suspect it might melt the beautiful piles of gold. Fortunately, I have prepared for this eventuality
Polmar will pull out his collection of sacks he prepared for the journey Let's fill em up and load the boat with all this sweet sweet treasure....and then maybe we'll mess with this orb

Jalel "Quip" Medin |

"Hmm, I suppose since nothing untoward has occured yet we should take what we can carry. Though nothing that would slow any of us down. I still don't understand why they would leave all of this here though... Even if it is some unnamed island." Jalel said, reaching for some jewels.
"By the way Polmar, was there some sort of enchantment there?"

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Tall Tale Teller |

The sailors, start filling sacks with gold and jewels. After a short time They stop as they hear a deep growl. The door shuts instantly and the gold begins to tremble! When out bursts a rat! A rat the size of a stallion. It has deep red fur, large front teeth, and a pink tail and six legs, with claws coming from its pink feet. It comes scurrying at the Party, ready to kill. Roll initiative

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Well damn, that won't work Rose moves out of the side cave and back towards the main cavern.

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I know. I have to think about it. He seemed remorseful, but like he'd been worked on for a long time until he broke. We may yet be able to salvage him. I'm just not sure it's worth the effort.

Karliah the Scarlet Sentinel. |

“Make a jail.” Karliah spoke as she headed back towards the cavern with Rose and Talirin. It wasn’t exactly difficult for her to overhear Talirin discussing what needed to be done about Sam, and Karliah was determined not to let Sam die. “When the civilized world is all but gone, life is too few to extinguish so easily. And is that really how you want to start rebuilding the world? On top of corpses? It might take a long time, but any chance to salvage him, a chance to be taken. Your choice here is going to shape how people think of you forever down the line.”

Talirin |

Or be the one known for letting possible mass murderer live. Whatever the orb is or does seemed to have perverted Sam and if he were to escape he could kill more than a few before we might stop him. I am not cold hearted, just practical given our current circumstances. The guards are unlikely to be able to deal with him, with the little training they have, and we can't watch him all day and night.
Build a jail...have you seen how we have survived in these caves? Better we use the time and resources to build shelter or defenses.

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Sam's grief changed the man we once knew. It turned him into something else. Something we cannot afford to have among our people. Unlike the man who attacked his wife while drunk, Sam knowingly and purposefully murdered another man. We cannot afford to give him a chance to spill more of our people's blood.
I will take him to where we've interred the dead and give him peace. May the gods have mercy on his poor soul.

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He admitted it to me. He was sad, mad with grief. He believed a life for a life would bring Emily back. You may choose to put your trust in me, but if you so wish, I will start a hearing.

Tall Tale Teller |

One of the residents step forward a young, dark skinned woman. "You said he admitted it to you? I would personally like to hear his confession myself." A few folk agree. Others say otherwise. "I trust our duchess." "If she says he confessed then I believe her." "Why did we elect her if we are not going to trust her?"
Another speaks, "I didn't elect her, I voted for Jalel." "So did I. I feel he is a better politician. This one is to quick to fight and often leaves as if she was some scout."
Supporters call out, "Wrong. She is just more hands on." "She often speaks first...Though she can be pretty aggressive..." "She has only been the duchess a short time. She is still learning her role. And so far she has led us well."
A tall black haired man calls out in a booming voice, " People! People! Come on now. We are supposed to be talking about Sam not Rose."
A lot of folks begin to argue.

Karliah the Scarlet Sentinel. |

“The foundation of civilization is its laws, the courts ensure that the laws are carried out justly.” Karliah said, speaking loudly but firmly, almost scowling at how these two wished to simply kill the man due to sheer convenience. This was not a woman worth following... “The foundation of the court and due process is ‘Innocent before proven guilty’. Is it not our duty to rebuild the world? Is it not our duty, to rebuild civilization as we know it? Civilization survives over cooperation, and unity. The people speak clearly. A trail must be held, and Sam must be judged by all. Not just by one.”

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"Good people, calm yourselves!" Siobhan raises her voice to be heard over the general hubbub. "You elected Rose to be your duchess and you must respect that. When you elected her no doubt you knew you were getting a woman of action, I suspect that many of you voted for her for precisely that reason."
She takes a short pause to gauge the crowds mood. "This is a difficult time, a time of new beginnings and new crises. With the fog lifted the outside world awaits our rediscovery, but that can only be achieved by a united people, with a common goal, under strong leadership.
None of you know me, but my tribe have lived these may years not far from your own. Their chieftain, my brother, has sent me here as an ambassador, to work with you and learn from you so that both our tribes might prosper and grow as we once did, before the mists came.
With your permission Duchess" She nods to Rose. "I will walk amongst your people and speak with them." Turning back to the crowd she continues. "Tell me what you believe. Should this man be put to death or not? Speak to me of anything you wish and I swear, upon my honour as a fellow survivor, that I will report faithfully and anonymously your opinions to the Duchess."
Siobhan walks off into the crowd, listening to anyone who wishes to speak to her.
Diplomacy to Gather Information: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25