James Jacobs Creative Director |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Is there any friction between worshippers of Gozreh and worshippers of the Green Faith? Likewise, is there any friction between the good-aligned gods and the green faith?
I recently ran a situation where a local church of Serenrae was reluctant to resurrect a prominent druid PC of the green faith because she was so vociferously against the role of the gods in people's lives. While my players went along with it, one of them made the case that the church of Serenrae is simply more compassionate than I depicted them, and they wouldn't be that petty. I recognize that it's my game, so it's canon, but I want to render an honest version of the wonderful world you've shared with us.
Check Ultimate Wilderness for the Green Faith to be sure, but I don't recall there being much friction between any of those.
The church of Sarenrae should not really be one to refuse to resurrect characters at all, frankly—her faith is arguably the kindest and most welcoming of the core 20 faiths, and as the goddess of healing (this includes resurrection), refusing to resurrect a druid PC is not something I'd say is appropriate for her faith. Her worshipers SHOULD be more compasionate and open-minded—she's the goddess of not only healing, after all, but also redemption and honesty. And as the goddess of the sun, her faith is also quite keyed into the natural world as well—in fact, she has plenty of neutral good druids who worship her as well.
It's certainly your game, but since you asked... the church of Sarenrae would and should be happy to resurrect a PC druid. In fact, of all the core 20 deities, and possibly of ALL the deities, her church is the most likely to do so for free, just out of good will. ESPECIALLY if the players supply the gemstone, but even then, if they don't, the church would shoulder the cost and say "We've done you this great favor of the gift of life—please take that gift and pay us back by spreading good in what you do."
TheAlicornSage |
TheAlicornSage wrote:Question,
The FAQ mentioned 2e will be tied more closely to fluff.
I'm concerned about how that will impact the usability of the rules for non-golarion campaigns without a list of houserules. I.E. the core rules of 1e do not require a cleric to follow a specific god, though golarion does. If they make the core rules match golarion, then that is another houserule that needs fixed, for a setting where clerics focus on a pantheon instead of individual dieties, like real history.
I like d20 as a toolbox, not for golarion (which I honestly am neutral on).
As a creator, I want players exploring my world, not the world described in the rulebook.
So, how will the current plans for 2e impact that?
I prefer the term "flavor" to "fluff." (The word fluff marginalizes and trivializes the part of the game I'm the most interested in, since its definition when applied to something that's not physically fluffy like down or cotton is something of no consequence, or an error.
That said, for the moment you'll need to wait and see how we handle things when we release the playtest game at Gen Con. Once you see the rules in context, you'll have all the information you need to give us informed feedback; for now, it's not that useful to any of us and won't do much but stress you out if you worry too much about it. If we put out the playtest and there's a strong negative reaction to the content of world material in it, we'll consider adjusting it... but to be frank, I MUCH PREFER an approach similar to what we've taken with Starfinder as regards presenting content other than raw rules mechanics.
Never heard of "fluff" used like that. Flavor works for me.
I am not familiar with starfinder (I can't even afford three meals a day, so a game is totally out of reach), so that doesn't help much.
I certainly plan to participate in the playtest, but the tighter the mechanics and flavor get intertwined beyond seperability, the less flexible they become, but worse than that, the more it encourages playing the rules instead of playing the story.
I like a lot of pathfinder, but it tends to feel far too much like the creators want to encourage playing the rules and inhibiting other settings.
magnuskn |
magnuskn wrote:James Jacobs wrote:Ah, no problem. But I had to get it out there, before it is decision time at the story department. ;)magnuskn wrote:Ask all you want. We're well over a year away from it being the right time to talk about stuff like that.So, dare I ask...
Reign of Winter spoiler
** spoiler omitted ** ^^"Decision time at the story department" began a few years ago in this context. There's still plenty of time for folks to ask questions and make suggestions about where they'd like us to go in 2nd edition, of course, but we've already done a LOT of the early groundwork for this and made several decisions already. In fact, I HAVE made a decision on the topic you spoilered—a decision Rob and I have talked about on and off pretty much since he first started work on Reign of Winter like half a decade ago.
But we don't reveal those decisions before the time is right.
Again, no problem, James. :) I'm looking forward to that book, whenever it comes out. :D
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
You've basically answered this question already, but I have to know for sure:
Will you still be the creative director for all things Golarion with PF 2.0?
It's my absolute favorite setting, and I hope there's no sweeping crazy changes like Faerun underwent during the transition to 4e.
Yes. And in fact, I'm already the creative director for Pathfinder 2nd edition, and have been since we first started working on it.
Just as we didn't do any world-sweeping changes when we shifted from 3.5 to Pathfinder 10 years ago, we won't be doing any when we switch from 1st edition to 2nd edition. We will be advancing the world's timeline up to 4719 AR, and will be setting the events of the 1st edition adventure paths and their resolutions into the timeline (just as we did the same for the 3.5 adventure paths when we did the Inner Sea World Guide for Pathfinder), and that means that there will be some changes between the setting—but those changes will be the natural results of over a decade's of adventure paths, not sudden changes out of the blue.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Boxers or briefs?
Coke or Pepsi?
Burger or taco?
I've not really imbibed soft drinks for about 4 years now. I guess coke, because now and then I'll have a rum and coke, but drinking soft drinks raw right out of the can? No thank you.
Both, depending on my mood, but tacos more often.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
MythicFox |
If you could have any or all of the cast of another fictional setting officially 'guest star' in an adventure set in Golarion, who would it be? (Like how you get inter-company comic book crossovers, or Batman showing up on Scooby-Doo.) For the sake of this hypothetical, assume that copyright isn't a barrier.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
If you could have any or all of the cast of another fictional setting officially 'guest star' in an adventure set in Golarion, who would it be? (Like how you get inter-company comic book crossovers, or Batman showing up on Scooby-Doo.) For the sake of this hypothetical, assume that copyright isn't a barrier.
The best characters from Game of Thrones.
Steve Geddes |
Would you consider writing a blog on the creative side of things alongside the crunchy side in upcoming weeks/months?
I’m curious as to how much of my campaign setting books will be redone over time and how many will be left in 1E. (I presume there’ll be another in the gazetteer-campaign Guide-ISWG evolution, for example but am also expecting the Sandpoint book to be usable in PF2. I’d be curious to hear the thinking from Paizo’s side).
The impact on the campaign setting products are more important to me than any rules changes.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Would you consider writing a blog on the creative side of things alongside the crunchy side in upcoming weeks/months?
I’m curious as to how much of my campaign setting books will be redone over time and how many will be left in 1E. (I presume there’ll be another in the gazetteer-campaign Guide-ISWG evolution, for example but am also expecting the Sandpoint book to be usable in PF2. I’d be curious to hear the thinking from Paizo’s side).
The impact on the campaign setting products are more important to me than any rules changes.
Time I spend writing blog posts is time I'm not answering questions here or developing Return of the Runelords and working out the Vancaskerkin family tree (it's complicated).
At some point, though, I suspect we WILL be talking about this. There'll probably be at least one seminar at Paizo Con, for example.
That said, the Inner Sea World Guide will still be plenty usable in 2nd edition for the setting content, pretty much, as will most of the other setting lore we've developed over the years. I'm as interested in how things stay the same through the edition change as much as how they DO change, as I'd rather not have to completely start from scratch when coming up with stories for the game.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Draco Bahamut |
I'm absolutely aware of it, and am constantly trying to remain aware of it, and I apologize if I offended you.
Apologies accepted. But you weren´t offensive, just got close.
As for dual worshiping—I have NO problems with that at all, but keep in mind that in this game, we have specific rules that apply specifically to clerics who worship singular deities in the form of favored weapons and domains and the like. Clerics are, as the game has evolved, the class who worships a singular deity and gains powers. The role of a class that worships a group of powers or other mystic traditions not represented by a single deity are oracles, who do NOT gain favored weapons or domains in the same way. I have no problem with a group worshiping a "mini pantheon" of deities that includes Desna and Gozreh, or of them calling it anything different, but the idea that this creates a separate conjoined deity that exists apart from Desna and Gozreh being their own thing is what doesn't have a place in the setting.If you're a cleric,...
I am aware that in game terms it wouldn´t work for clerics and similars. But how would the gods react ?
Let´s say the Cheliax government issued that Halfling slaves don´t have the rights to worship any deities of the hafling pantheon. Chaldira being close friend of Desna could be disguised as a Desna cult. After some generarions of the Desna/Chaldira cult, the mortals see them as one thing. This could happen ? The gods would took issue to keep them separated ? Or the fact that the worshipers in their hearts know the truth is good enough for the gods ?(Actually just one question with multiple interrogation marks)
James Jacobs Creative Director |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Is the Vancaskerkin family big enough that an ambitious gaming group could run a game where all of the player characters are members of it?
Yes, but that'd curse your group to humiliation, betrayal in their own ranks, and all around sadness. The Vancaskerkins are not a healthy family unit, and I doubt they'd make a cohesive and "let's work together" party.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I am aware that in game terms it wouldn´t work for clerics and similars. But how would the gods react ?
Let´s say the Cheliax government issued that Halfling slaves don´t have the rights to worship any deities of the hafling pantheon. Chaldira being close friend of Desna could be disguised as a Desna cult. After some generarions of the Desna/Chaldira cult, the mortals see them as one thing. This could happen ? The gods would took issue to keep them separated ? Or the fact that the worshipers in their hearts know the truth is good enough for the gods ?
(Actually just one question with multiple interrogation marks)
That's not far off from the fact that in Cheliax, which has a state religion of Asmodeus, doesn't really go in for you worshiping anyone else anyway. In the situation you propose, though, if you wanted the halflings over generations to become worshipers of something like "Desdria" as a single entity, they wouldn't have clerics in their group. They'd have oracles or shamans or whatever, because if they tried to be clerics and worship "Desdria" nothing would happen.
The gods wouldn't "take issue" with this and smite the halflings. Free will, including the choice to worship however you want, is the fundamental part of being a mortal with a soul, and when the gods try to FORCE you to do things, you don't have free will and aren't faithful—you're enslaved by a tyrant.
But that doesn't mean that the gods have to remake themselves to match the beliefs of mortals.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Have you heard of True History, by Lucian, perhaps the first Sci-Fi book ever written?
I have not.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Are there any of the gods/divine entities in the PF setting you'd like to give more of a focus to at some point?
Yup, and we'll continue to do so in the deity-themed articles in Pathfinder Adventure Paths.
But one in particular I hope to be able to personally write more info about some day (not anytime soon though) is Nhimbaloth, the outer goddess I added into the Elder Mythos pantheon in Pathfinder #109.
dysartes |
Pendagast wrote:what rule or concept did not get into the final version of pathfinder that you miss and/or wish would have worked into the final version?...
And I wish there was a table of the various types of bonuses and how they stack. That table finally gets into print in Ultimate Magic, at least!
Is this something that you'll make sure is in the CRB for the new version of Pathfinder, James?
(And I understand if the answer to this is a chorus of "Wait until Gen Con 2019!" ;) )
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs wrote:Pendagast wrote:what rule or concept did not get into the final version of pathfinder that you miss and/or wish would have worked into the final version?...
And I wish there was a table of the various types of bonuses and how they stack. That table finally gets into print in Ultimate Magic, at least!
Is this something that you'll make sure is in the CRB for the new version of Pathfinder, James?
(And I understand if the answer to this is a chorus of "Wait until Gen Con 2019!" ;) )
Wait until Gen Con 2019.
TheAlicornSage |
I noticed Norgorbur (hope I spelled it right. the assassin god) has little info known to mortals, but I get the distinct impression that his followers are worse people than he is.
Do you have more info about him in the background that informs the minimal portrayals of him, but that remain out of thd public knowledge?
James Jacobs Creative Director |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
I noticed Norgorbur (hope I spelled it right. the assassin god) has little info known to mortals, but I get the distinct impression that his followers are worse people than he is.
Do you have more info about him in the background that informs the minimal portrayals of him, but that remain out of thd public knowledge?
Oh, never fear. He's worse than his followers. And as he's one of the deities I exported from my homebrew, and was originally created back in 1990 or so... there's quite a bit more stuff about him that I haven't yet let out into the public.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I still have your Baria: Savage Tide handout. Do you need it?
HA! Awesome! Ahh the memories!
I've got it lurking around here somewhere in my giant Baria folder, but thanks for the blast from the past! And good to hear from ya too!
dysartes |
Two kinda linked questions that occurred to me while looking at my Pathfinder shelf...
A, Is it safe to assume that the announcement of the new version of Pathfinder puts the kibosh on any more Collected Edition hardbacks of the early adventure paths (like Rise of the Runelords and Curse of the Crimson Throne were reprinted)?
B, Was there a reason that some of the ancillary materials included in the individual Pathfinder AP issues don't appear to have been included in those hardbacks? For a quick example, the articles on Abadar and "large-scale urban disasters such as famines and plagues" from PF #8 don't seem to appear in the CoCT hardback.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Two kinda linked questions that occurred to me while looking at my Pathfinder shelf...
A, Is it safe to assume that the announcement of the new version of Pathfinder puts the kibosh on any more Collected Edition hardbacks of the early adventure paths (like Rise of the Runelords and Curse of the Crimson Throne were reprinted)?
B, Was there a reason that some of the ancillary materials included in the individual Pathfinder AP issues don't appear to have been included in those hardbacks? For a quick example, the articles on Abadar and "large-scale urban disasters such as famines and plagues" from PF #8 don't seem to appear in the CoCT hardback.
A: I'm not answering questions about 2nd edition in this thread at this time.
B: Because those materials have either been reprinted elsewhere (for example, the Abadar and all the deity articles now live in Inner Sea Gods) or because the material was incorporated in other ways into the book in a more streamlined manner to make room for other content.