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Great, I understand the cost formula. Now if we are on a deserted island, such as in Serpent's Skull AP, and my alchemist is brewing potions to help the group out, where do we ante up the Gp value of the potion? Is that assuming we are "using up" that GP value of items in the creation of the item and just have to mark it off?

Kevin Andrew Murphy Contributor |

Great, I understand the cost formula. Now if we are on a deserted island, such as in Serpent's Skull AP, and my alchemist is brewing potions to help the group out, where do we ante up the Gp value of the potion? Is that assuming we are "using up" that GP value of items in the creation of the item and just have to mark it off?
Yes. You trade your gold to some hermit crabs for just the right seashells to brew your potion.
Basically, it's a handwave convention of the system. Even if there's no realistic place to do your shopping outside of a major metropolis, it somehow works anyway even at podunk inns in the middle of nowhere or desert islands where all you get to talk to are seagulls and hermit crabs.
Or you cargo cult it and throw your gold into the ocean and crates wash up on shore with exactly the grot you need.
Alternately, you state that your GP is in the form of random "trade goods" and all "trade goods" can be brewed into potions or immediately used for their cash value as barter as everyone seems to want these nebulous "trade goods" which still weight the same as gold and have the same value.

james maissen |
Great, I understand the cost formula. Now if we are on a deserted island, such as in Serpent's Skull AP, and my alchemist is brewing potions to help the group out, where do we ante up the Gp value of the potion? Is that assuming we are "using up" that GP value of items in the creation of the item and just have to mark it off?
That's up to your DM, ask them.
The same would hold for a wizard with scribe scroll.
One DM might hand-wave things, while another might require some contact with either civilization or some form of raw materials in which to procure ink/base reagents.

Odonna Mirrin |

Well were running into a similar issue with our King Maker game.
Our Alchemist has been making potions left right and center but they have only Olegs, and only been there less then a week. Where is he getting the dross from to make these potions?
Still not sure how I am going to run it though I have gone through several 3.0 and 3.5 supplements to get some ideas. Like using Survival to gather the material.
I don't want to hand wave it as part of the theme of the King Maker is out in no mans land for the first while. Yes Oleg will be able to bring in supplies as well.
I also like the idea if they find some treasure that is specific, like 200 gp with of scribe scroll material in the form of inks, quills and some very good scroll paper. Do something similar with potions as well. Find a crate filled with alchemical supplies that the bandits stole but had no use for and give it a monetary value.
Just some thoughts and looking for others?

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Anthony Rabiola wrote:Great, I understand the cost formula. Now if we are on a deserted island, such as in Serpent's Skull AP, and my alchemist is brewing potions to help the group out, where do we ante up the Gp value of the potion? Is that assuming we are "using up" that GP value of items in the creation of the item and just have to mark it off?Yes. You trade your gold to some hermit crabs for just the right seashells to brew your potion.
Basically, it's a handwave convention of the system. Even if there's no realistic place to do your shopping outside of a major metropolis, it somehow works anyway even at podunk inns in the middle of nowhere or desert islands where all you get to talk to are seagulls and hermit crabs.
No, it is not.
Using an item creation feat also requires access to a laboratory or magical workshop, special tools, and so on. A character generally has access to what he needs unless unusual circumstances apply.
You cannot craft magic items, potions included in the middle of the jungles of Sarvaga. Being deserted on a desert island or travelling across country you are not going to have access to a laboratory or a magical workshop.
I would likely allow a player to Gilligan's isle something up if they settled in one place for a week or more but you cannot craft just anywhere on the side of the trail.

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Well were running into a similar issue with our King Maker game.
Our Alchemist has been making potions left right and center but they have only Olegs, and only been there less then a week. Where is he getting the dross from to make these potions?
Still not sure how I am going to run it though I have gone through several 3.0 and 3.5 supplements to get some ideas. Like using Survival to gather the material.
I don't want to hand wave it as part of the theme of the King Maker is out in no mans land for the first while. Yes Oleg will be able to bring in supplies as well.
I also like the idea if they find some treasure that is specific, like 200 gp with of scribe scroll material in the form of inks, quills and some very good scroll paper. Do something similar with potions as well. Find a crate filled with alchemical supplies that the bandits stole but had no use for and give it a monetary value.
Just some thoughts and looking for others?
At Oleg's you have a permanent base and access to supplies on a regular basis, it's assumed that part of the material components for crafting includes such things as vials, testtubes, or whatever you require.
The big thing is the character has to have a dedicated work area.

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Yes. You trade your gold to some hermit crabs for just the right seashells to brew your potion.
Basically, it's a handwave convention of the system. Even if there's no realistic place to do your shopping outside of a major metropolis, it somehow works anyway even at podunk inns in the middle of nowhere or desert islands where all you get to talk to are seagulls and hermit crabs.
Or you cargo cult it and throw your gold into the ocean and crates wash up on shore with exactly the grot you need.
Alternately, you state that your GP is in the form of random "trade goods" and all "trade goods" can be brewed into potions or immediately used for their cash value as barter as everyone seems to want these nebulous "trade goods" which still weight the same as gold and have the same value.
Is there a Best of Pathfinder Messageboards flag? Kevin, thank you. You had me in stitches, but those hermit crabs may be making an appearance in one of my upcoming adventures.

Odonna Mirrin |

Thanks for the input.
The laboratory thing is also I am sort of stuck on. I can see doing potions and scrolls maybe on the road, though possible doubling the time to craft it as per the rules. But crafting items beyond what I perceive as simple items I think really would need a working area, shrine or lab. I can certainly see hand waving things once they get a few towns going and the like. Just like in a regular campaign, but I wanted to emphasis the uncivilized land of the Greenbelt and the need for hardiness of pioneer spirit to survive out here.
I'll see what my players think and get some input from them. If they really hate the idea even once I explained my position I may end up hand waving it but I'd rather not but I also want my players to have a good time. Hard balance some times.

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From the core book (pg 549)
"If the caster is out adventuring, he can devote 4 hours each day to item creation, although he nets only 2 hours' worth of work."
In the Kingmaker game I play in, my character is the potion maker. And 2hrs of work can let me finish a potion each day.
A portable alchemy kit comes in real handy for traveling & item creation.

BigNorseWolf |

I can't seem to find the monetary costs for brewing a potion in the APG. What are they and where can I find them?
Brewing it yourself is 25 gp × the level of the spell × the level of the caster. Double for base/market costs.
Caster level X spell level X 25
First: 1 X 1 X25 = 25
Second: 4 X 2 X 25= 200
Third: 7 X 3 X 25 = 525
So the same as a bard.
The witch uses the same column as the wizard , 0: 12.5, 1st: 25, 2nd 150, 3rd 325