Answer for Eyolf, re: mold gaunt

Homebrew and House Rules

Scarab Sages

Eyolf The Wild Commoner wrote:

I assume that's your website. (link)

Question, that mold gaunt... What the heck does this mean? I've not seen anything like it before.

"Special regeneration 5 (positive, negative, acid, electricity),"

Two things: 1) regeneration 5 means it regenerates 5 hit points each round, and 2) if it takes positive, negative, acid, or electricity damage its regeneration is "off" on the following round.

Since designing that creature I discovered that regeneration and creatures without a Con score don't mesh (but in practice, the above worked just fine, so I left it on the website). With any luck, the final play-tested mold gaunt template will appear in a KQ issue soon.


Scarab Sages

Eyolf The Wild Commoner wrote:

Kobold Quarterly

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