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I was hoping to see the Series 5 Teaser immediately following The End of Time, but it looks like it debuted on YouTube instead...
Karen Gillan, at 0:35, is cuter than bunnies.

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Woo Hoo! Thanks Vic. :D
I am furiously trying to get my hands on Part 2 of End of Time to watch before I go camping for a week, but alas I don't think it's going to happen (that I and I just know that my Dr. Who RPG will arrive while I'm away as well).
The Doctor firing a gun... what is the world coming to!

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Karen Gillan, at 0:35, is cuter than bunnies.
That is an Understatement!!!!
I have a thing for Redheads....
Now if only I can get my wife to dye her hair red... *Quickly gives her a call*

Loztastic |
Karen Gillan, at 0:35, is cuter than bunnies.
She is a very good acress - and it will be good to get her out of the god-awfull "comedy" show "The Kevin Bishop" show
I put "comedy" in quotes, as is it possibly the least funny thing ever to be transmitted. I laugh more at a blank screen

Xabulba |

flash_cxxi wrote:In the BBC 8th Doctor books, the Doctor fires a gun at a human in Revolution Man. Yeah, I didn't like it then, either.
The Doctor firing a gun... what is the world coming to!
At least he didn't shoot it at a person, and for a person who hates guns he's a damm good shot.

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Looks to me like he's shooting at some thing rather than some one.
After making the point that the Doctor DOES NOT use guns in the final Tennant episode, I find it too difficult to believe that they'd turn around on it so fast. I honestly think the "no guns" rule is one of the most important aspects of the Doctor's character, and I'd be shocked if they change it.
In other words: No Big Deal.

Christopher Dudley RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |

Christopher Dudley wrote:At least he didn't shoot it at a person, and for a person who hates guns he's a damm good shot.flash_cxxi wrote:In the BBC 8th Doctor books, the Doctor fires a gun at a human in Revolution Man. Yeah, I didn't like it then, either.
The Doctor firing a gun... what is the world coming to!
Since I'm thinking about it, the 5th Doctor fired a flintlock pistol at a locked door in The Visitation.

Xabulba |

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No official dates yet... but given the following starts:
Series 1: March 26
Series 2: April 15
Series 3: March 31
Series 4: April 5...I'd guess March 27 or April 3, with a lesser chance of March 20 or April 10.
A new Series 5 trailer is up, showing the return scheduled for "Easter." Since Easter Sunday is April 4, I'm thinking that means Series 5 begins Saturday, April 3....

Grey Lensman |
The bit with the gun told me exactly how bad things were in that episode. After a long conversation with his sidekick about how he won't ever use one, a new planet appears in the sky. After being asked "isn't that a good thing? Those are your people, aren't they?" The Doctor's facial expression goes blank and he grabs the gun right out of the guy's hand.
Yep, the returning Time Lords were THAT bad.

Serendipity |

A new Series 5 trailer is up, showing the return scheduled for "Easter." Since Easter Sunday is April 4, I'm thinking that means Series 5 begins Saturday, April 3....
Gah. That preview gives me a very "Twilight" vibe. Please PLEASE let me be wrong on that impression..............

Xabulba |

Vic Wertz wrote:A new Series 5 trailer is up, showing the return scheduled for "Easter." Since Easter Sunday is April 4, I'm thinking that means Series 5 begins Saturday, April 3....Gah. That preview gives me a very "Twilight" vibe. Please PLEASE let me be wrong on that impression..............
Does the Doctor sparkle in sunlight?

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Gah. That preview gives me a very "Twilight" vibe. Please PLEASE let me be wrong on that impression..............
You know, I have nothing against Twilight itself. It's not my thing, but I deal with that by simply not watching the movies. I dunno why so few people seem to be able to do this.
But one thing about it that I have absolutely grown to utterly loathe is that suddenly everything that involves teenagers, vampires, werewolves, love, or a vaguely romantic situation (even if there is no actual romance) is automatically assumed to be channeling Twilight and must therefore automatically suck.

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Anyone notice he went hand to hand with one of the Weeping Angels?
Quite liked that trailer, especially the bit when his new companion asked him about that star which was flickering...
"Oh sorry about that, thought I fixed it,"
I may be doubtful about Matt Smith but I did like that line!
Indeed. Looks like it's going to be very well written.

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Anyone notice he went hand to hand with one of the Weeping Angels?
And how is that supposed to make a lick of sense? As long as he's watching it, it's petrified. What's to struggle against?
Really, I liked "Blink" a whole lot. (A friend of mine went trick-or-treating as a Weeping Angel, remaining motionless when the door was opened, holding out a little plastic jack-o-lantern.) And I'm altogether worried that bringing them back is going to ruin their cool.

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hopeless wrote:Anyone notice he went hand to hand with one of the Weeping Angels?And how is that supposed to make a lick of sense? As long as he's watching it, it's petrified. What's to struggle against?
Really, I liked "Blink" a whole lot. (A friend of mine went trick-or-treating as a Weeping Angel, remaining motionless when the door was opened, holding out a little plastic jack-o-lantern.) And I'm altogether worried that bringing them back is going to ruin their cool.
It was in the Vortex, where anything can happen.

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Vic Wertz wrote:A new Series 5 trailer is up, showing the return scheduled for "Easter." Since Easter Sunday is April 4, I'm thinking that means Series 5 begins Saturday, April 3....No official dates yet... but given the following starts:
Series 1: March 26
Series 2: April 15
Series 3: March 31
Series 4: April 5...I'd guess March 27 or April 3, with a lesser chance of March 20 or April 10.
No official announcement for any other country yet, including the UK... but BBC America has announced that they'll begin airing Series 5 in the USA on April 17.

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Vic Wertz wrote:No official announcement for any other country yet, including the UK... but BBC America has announced that they'll begin airing Series 5 in the USA on April 17.Vic Wertz wrote:A new Series 5 trailer is up, showing the return scheduled for "Easter." Since Easter Sunday is April 4, I'm thinking that means Series 5 begins Saturday, April 3....No official dates yet... but given the following starts:
Series 1: March 26
Series 2: April 15
Series 3: March 31
Series 4: April 5...I'd guess March 27 or April 3, with a lesser chance of March 20 or April 10.
Whoo hoo! Now if only they'd air Sarah Jane and the BBC get busy on Torchwood and Primeval!

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Matthew Morris wrote:Last I knew Primeval was canceled in the UK.Whoo hoo! Now if only they'd air Sarah Jane and the BBC get busy on Torchwood and Primeval!
Last info I heard was here

DM Wellard |

hopeless wrote:Anyone notice he went hand to hand with one of the Weeping Angels?And how is that supposed to make a lick of sense? As long as he's watching it, it's petrified. What's to struggle against?
Really, I liked "Blink" a whole lot. (A friend of mine went trick-or-treating as a Weeping Angel, remaining motionless when the door was opened, holding out a little plastic jack-o-lantern.) And I'm altogether worried that bringing them back is going to ruin their cool.
You do realise they are officially part of Pathfinder don't you Chris..they appear as a variant gargoyle in "Dungeon Denizens Revisited"

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I'm still waiting on Torchwood news as well.
Well... here's what I know... Every series has drawn more viewers than the previous, having moved from BBC 3 to BBC 2 to BBC 1, and Torchwood has been a *very* successful export—Children of Earth set viewing records for both BBC America and Australia's ABC2.
Russell T Davies has said that he's interested in being directly involved in another series should the BBC give it the go-ahead, and John Barrowman would also like to see it come back. Earlier this month, Barrowman was on Jonathan Ross; asked about the future of Torchwood, he replied: "I don't know ... that's the answer I have to give you, I have no idea. I have no clue of what's going to happen, that's the official answer. That's what I am sticking to—I always say something else and and say something more, and I get in trouble for it, so I'm not saying anything more!"
However, the fact that he's signed on to the cast of Desperate Housewives in the US shows that he's not exactly sitting by the phone waiting for a call.
One good sign, though—the BBC did a bit of housecleaning in a big Doctor Who auction at Bonhams this week; most of the new series items were pretty obviously things they don't expect to need again—mainly costume pieces from characters like Rose, Martha, Mickey, and the like. I think it's a good sign that they weren't getting rid of the Torchwood archive—the only Torchwood item offered up was the Range Rover, which was written out of the series during Children of Earth.
Meanwhile, The Hollywood Reporter claims that Julie Gardner and Jane Tranter, who are now working in Los Angeles for BBC Worldwide developing BBC properties in the US, are in discussion with Fox about a US run of Torchwood, and that Russell is writing the pilot. The BBC confirmed that a pilot script has been written for Fox.
On the other hand, the BBC has confirmed Series 4 of the Sarah Jane Adventures, despite the fact that it has very limited international presence—Series 2 has yet to be broadcast in the US, though it has been released on DVD. Canada has just started airing Series 2; I'm not sure about Australia.

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I still dislike calling this series 5. It's either series 6 or series Season 32. Torchwood only had five hours of programing last year, but nobody is suggesting that it should be called series 3 this year.
Steven Moffat agrees with you... in Doctor Who Magazine #417, he reportedly said:
"It's either Series 31 of Doctor Who or Series 1 of Matt Smith's Doctor. It's not Series 5. The reason is that Series 31 sounds epic and awe-inspiring, Series 1 sounds exciting, but Series 5 sounds boring, like an aging brand, and it's inaccurate." But the BBC is apparently calling it Series 5 anyway.

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How many noticed the clip ends with the Doctor pointing a gun at an unknown person/object.
I haven't looked into it, but I heard somewhere that there's a new version of the same trailer where the gun scene has been replaced, leading to speculation that that scene has been dropped. But I don't really know anything for sure...
Ah... here's where I saw that the scene was dropped from the trailer...

Loztastic |
Xabulba wrote:How many noticed the clip ends with the Doctor pointing a gun at an unknown person/object.I haven't looked into it, but I heard somewhere that there's a new version of the same trailer where the gun scene has been replaced, leading to speculation that that scene has been dropped. But I don't really know anything for sure...
Ah... here's where I saw that the scene was dropped from the trailer...
it's more likley that the BBC, being sensative to showing guns in trailers/adverts, has a childrens-TV-time version of the trailer, and a post-tea-time version

Samnell |

I'm a bit disappointed to see ** spoiler omitted ** featured again. Haven't we seen them enough for a while?
The Cybermen were just in one of the specials, though. Eesh.