Untitled III

Off-Topic Discussions

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*grabs hippeh's leg*

*drags to stock tank*

*buries at bottom with bones and long-lost toys*

*comes back home*

*shakes off in the middle of everybody*

Scarab Sages

Git thet sumb@&&+, ol'Grue!

*Dusts himself off and starts humping grue's leg*

Hehehehee, how ya like me now man


*breaks free and goes for the face*

Scarab Sages

Dang blast thet hippeh. Ain't no rispekt fer sumbuddy else's bodeh!

Silver Crusade

Only Mammeh's allowed to hump ole Grue.

Scarab Sages


I teh yew wut

Scarab Sages

Them goddang hippehs bin breedin, ah think.

Ayup. Ah figger.

Silver Crusade

Mebbeh we oughtta sterimalize 'em.

Scarab Sages

Ah ain't so shor thet'd werk. Dang hippehs is lahk cocker roaches. Ah'm purty shor they's even tryin tuh enfultrate, purtendin they's normuhl folk lahk us.

Dats sum fancy talkin', Abes.

*Sits in a rocking chair, lights up his pipe* This shore is a comfy chair [i]*Exhales copius amount of smoke

*fetches chair out from under Hippeh and takes it back to Mammy*

Scarab Sages

Dangit! Uhnuther danged hippeh! Git 'em ol'Grue!!

Come on rednecks now, smile on your brother everybody get together try to love one another right now.

Scarab Sages

Ah'ma shoot this sumb!+~~.


Silver Crusade

Putim in the woodchipper!

Scarab Sages

Thet's uh good ideer. Wood chipper'll grind 'em up nuff we ken use 'em fer firtliezer.

Aberzombie wrote:

Ah'ma shoot this sumb#~%$.


Damn man, where is the love? *lights joint on hot barrel of shotgun*

Silver Crusade

feeds hippeh into the woodchipper

gathers up the resulting pulp and stuffs it in an incinerator

waits several hours, then sweeps up the ashes into a dustpan

pours the ashes into a bucket of wet cement and stirs thoroughly

waits for cement to dry, then takes cement block to the docks and puts it on a boat

takes the boat out to the middle of the lake and throws the cement block overboard, watching it sink to the bottom

Ain't never seen nobody come back from that.

*Swims up from the bottom of the lake*

Man, that was f@@#in refreshing, you guys wanna get high

Scarab Sages

Ah got yer "high" raht heer, yuh dang hippeh! Mah high tempurchur flame thrower!

BURN, YA SUMB&!+%!!!


Silver Crusade

We gotta fahnd that hippeh's phylactery.

*ears perk up at "find"*

"Am tryin' sleep here! Now shuts thats damn Tee Vee owf!"

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The is a flash and a puff of noxious gasses. Mammy appears, wrapped in a muumuu made of several dozen different rainbow-colored skins crudely-stitched together.

Heavens to R'yleh! I tried me a summonin and it summined me to this horrid place fulla talking ponies!


They was gud eatins though. Kept rattlin on about friendship and magik. I showed them a lil' magik I knows...hee hee!

Them gahl dern hippeh ponies had it a comin', I teh yew wut

*sits at Mammy's feet and begs*

Mammy fishes a horse hoof from somewhere and tosses it to Grue. The hoof sparkles as it falls to the floor

That's a good Grue! That thar hoof is good for yer fangs and such

Silver Crusade

Ole grue'll never git that glitter outta his fur.

Welcome back, Mammeh.

Scarab Sages

Ah dun seen me uh ghost!!!


Wooooh, man that chick is hawt, you can be my big mama anytime sweet cheeks.

Aberzombie wrote:
Ah dun seen me uh ghost!!!


*runs off looking for Uncle Casper*

Durn hippehs! Allus after me virtue! Not if yewwin' had a dozen tentacles an' an unpronounceable name, sonny!

Grue in the Attic wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Ah dun seen me uh ghost!!!


*runs off looking for Uncle Casper*

Mmmmmmmm. Hippeh braaaaains...

Big Mammy Grillz wrote:
Durn hippehs! Allus after me virtue! Not if yewwin' had a dozen tentacles an' an unpronounceable name, sonny!

Come on hawt mamma, check out my van. I got some awesome blacklight posters.

Silver Crusade

Summon a Old One, Mammeh! Thet awtta take care of im.

Mammy chuckles

Oh I gots jest the thing fer this ol' boy

She begins chanting and whirling, Her elephantine bulk shaking the porch, her large mouth croaking words in some antediluvian tongue. The fringe of her muumuu flares out, revealing several still-attached pony heads. The heads suddenly open their eyes and begin scream-chanting in accompaniment


A cacophonous din erupts from thin air

Mammy chuckles

Les' try that

Silver Crusade


Scarab Sages

Ah reckin so.

Silver Crusade

Whut'd yer summon, Mammeh?

Sum anti-hippeh sounds. I learnt that hex from one of me ol' beaus Erich Zann.

Scarab Sages

Ah shor did lahk thet feller, Erich. He played purty mewzik.

Holy crap man, that shit was much louder than the last Phish show I saw.

Scarab Sages

Whut zat bout fishin? Dang hippeh's gotta try tuh roon evythang!!! Probleh try tuh git all them fishes high on yer marryjewanna!!



*The hippeh dances away from the shotgun blasts due to his extremely high dexterity from years of hacky sack and extreme frisbee.

Damn dude, isn't it a little early to be dressing up for Halloween, what are you like a zombie marlon brando or something hehehehehe

*pounces off the roof and lands on Hippeh*

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