Savage Worlds Supplement Query

Other RPGs

Been watching Gamer Geek on you tube and decided to pick up the Savage Worlds rulebook however am wondering which of the supplements would be best to pick up.

I'm planning a game where it takes the best part of the Lost series namely its pilot episode and have the PCs aboard a plane that gets into difficulties and they wake up in a forest glade or island and have to figure out whats happened to them and possibly find a way back.

I've been tinkering with using either Sundered Skies or Slipstream but the idea for the campaign I'm trying to think through involves them being trapped in a pocket universe where the worlds are the shattered remains of several worlds and they have to eventually find a way to travel through them to find a way home, however I am wondering if it would be better to just explain that their plane was caught within a rift ala flash gordon except it opens into several continuities essentially a tyrannical empire, a fantasy world and perhaps a dinosaur era ala primeval.

Am I going too far?

Should I just stick to one setting and which one is best for this kind of campaign?

hopeless wrote:

Been watching Gamer Geek on you tube and decided to pick up the Savage Worlds rulebook however am wondering which of the supplements would be best to pick up.

I'm planning a game where it takes the best part of the Lost series namely its pilot episode and have the PCs aboard a plane that gets into difficulties and they wake up in a forest glade or island and have to figure out whats happened to them and possibly find a way back.

I've been tinkering with using either Sundered Skies or Slipstream but the idea for the campaign I'm trying to think through involves them being trapped in a pocket universe where the worlds are the shattered remains of several worlds and they have to eventually find a way to travel through them to find a way home, however I am wondering if it would be better to just explain that their plane was caught within a rift ala flash gordon except it opens into several continuities essentially a tyrannical empire, a fantasy world and perhaps a dinosaur era ala primeval.

Am I going too far?

Should I just stick to one setting and which one is best for this kind of campaign?

Well Savage Worlds will easily handle all the concepts you've tossed out. Slipstream is very Flash Gordon-y while Sundered Skies is very much a Fantasy realm with Dwarves, Orcs and Elves (admittedly they are somewhat changed from standard tropes) think Spelljammer with a darker subtext and a plot. So if you're basic idea is to take characters from the modern world and dump them in a funky alternate universe while they think they've merely survived a crash then I would probably go with Slipstream as the tech level is closer and that sort of origin is more in keeping with that setting.

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