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David Fryer wrote:I know what you mean about coffee/tea. If I absolutely find I need to have a soda, I'll have it at lunch. Caffeine too close to bed time really messed up my sleep schedule, which was another reason I quit drinking soda. I was sleeping in until 10-11 in the morning, which is not conducive to keeping a job. :)taig wrote:Excellent! I've managed to lose a lot of weight by taking soda out of my diet altogether. Those first 2-3 days were tough.If I go off caffine for too long I develop an arythmia. Since I can't stand the taste of coffee or tea, I have to drink at least some soda. It also helps with my ADHD.
I managed to give up Coca Cola when I had my Wisdom teeth removed.
All 4 done in day surgery. They too 3 weeks to heal properly instead of 3-4 days. The Pain Killers and constant sleep were enough to overcome the withdrawal symptoms.Didn't do anything for my weight tho. I put the 20 kilos I lost while not being able to eat properly straight back on. :(

Kobold Catgirl |

Rob: The bandits walk closer to Shmoopy, and he can see that one of the bandits is quite shorter than the other, someone rude and completely intolerant may describe him as 'a stupid looking midget'. Shmoopy says to the bandits "Spare some gold for the poor, friend?" but they totally ignore him, and keep walking.

Patrick Curtin |

taig wrote:Excellent! I've managed to lose a lot of weight by taking soda out of my diet altogether. Those first 2-3 days were tough.If I go off caffine for too long I develop an arythmia. Since I can't stand the taste of coffee or tea, I have to drink at least some soda. It also helps with my ADHD.
Have you ever considered Vivarin? I hate coffee and tea myself, and soda before 12 PM makes me nauseous. I find a little yellow pill in the morning gets the caffeine pumping first thing, which is good, especially when waking up at O-dark-30 like I am wont to do.

Anarcho-Syndicalist Peasant |

Anarcho-Syndicalist Peasant wrote:Dennis the Peasant wrote:Come see the violence inherent in the system!HEY! THAT'S MY SCHTICK!How'd you get that job, eh? By exploiting the workers. By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society.
No you Bolshevist twit, I got this job as duly appointed chairperson for the commue on Fridays and alternate Tuesdays, with any legislation proposed by me having to be ratified by a simple majority of commune particpants in the case of local matters, but by a two-thirds majority in the case of major commune policy ..blah blah ...
Weaves a Political Confusion spell on the thread.

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David Fryer wrote:Have you ever considered Vivarin? I hate coffee and tea myself, and soda before 12 PM makes me nauseous. I find a little yellow pill in the morning gets the caffeine pumping first thing, which is good, especially when waking up at O-dark-30 like I am wont to do.taig wrote:Excellent! I've managed to lose a lot of weight by taking soda out of my diet altogether. Those first 2-3 days were tough.If I go off caffine for too long I develop an arythmia. Since I can't stand the taste of coffee or tea, I have to drink at least some soda. It also helps with my ADHD.
I,ve considered it. I used to have these things called Pep-ermints, which were caffine infused mints. The store that sold them went out of buisness though.