Question: Traits

General Discussion (Prerelease)

The Exchange

*Crosspost from Legacy of Fire discussion*
In the traits pdf it says that "A character can only have one trait from each particular trait category or subcategory."
So we have our categories: Basic, Campaign, Race, Region and Religion. And then we have subcategories: Basic/Combat, Basic/Religion, Basic/Social, Basic/Magic as well as Race/Region and Race/Religion (Elves of Golarion) and IIRC there's a couple more (I'm doing this without the books/files in front of me).
Now then, the way I understand it is this: if I take, for example, a Basic/Religion trait I then cannot take a trait from the other three subcategories in the Basic category, I have to pick from one of the other four categories. And, if the category has them, from a different subcategory as well - say I'm playing an elf and I've picked from the Basic/Religion category/subcategory, I then could not select a trait from the Race/Religion subcategory.
Am I getting this right or do people have different thoughts on this?

Liberty's Edge

each one is a category
you can't take 2 traits from religion (which I protest) but must take it from other category

there is 2 types of traits... basic... and Campaign (or AP) related

basic has many categories, so you can chose one from any of them, but not 2, there is another thread where its is explained further, i will look for it

edit: here

For those too lazy to look up the link:

There's basically 5 categories: Basic, Campaign, Race, Regional and Religion. Basic, however, is split into 4 subcategories: Combat, Social, Faith, Magic. So you really have 8 cagetories, and you can only have one of each.

That means you could have a social trait and a magic trait, even though both are "basic".

And you can also have one faith trait and one religious trait, since they're different. Faith is generalised spirituality - either divine spellcasters or those that have a tie to religion, no matter what that religion may be - while religious is specific to one faith:

A trait "divine scholar" (you devoured religious texts as a child, and as a result gain +1 to Knowledge (Religion) and it's always a class skill for you) is a (basic) faith trait, since it doesn't matter if you are a follower of Asmodeus, Calistria, Irori, The Green Faith, or even an atheist - you just know a lot of religious lore.

A trait "Drunken Crusader" (you can create holy water with an alcohol content, usually an ale, beer, wine, or mead, and gain a morale bonus to attacks, damage, and saves against fear and charm effects whenever you imbide a flask of holy "water") would be specific to Cayden Cailean's faith, and thus a religious trait.

Race traits are sometimes limited to a region, but that's more because that race is limited to that region. You could in all likelyhood use it even if you were from somewhere else. It's important to be from that race

Regional traits, on the other hand, are specific to a certain region, and don't care too much about race.

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