Frog Pond

Off-Topic Discussions

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Resistance is futile.

Resistance is Futile.
We will add your biological and technological destinctiveness to our own.

Species 269, prepare to be assimilated.

Shadow Lodge

Smurf-Drone 8 of PaizoMatrix 0 wrote:

Species 269, prepare to be assimilated.

I shall defend the lil' froggie's!


Llamafrog wrote:

*Cut for Commercial:*

Vote for Callous Jack on the OTD Presidential campaing!

Here, a little Sourvenier!

*Back to standard program...*

Go Jack go!

Shadow Lodge

*half-red dragon colossal froggie stares then breathes fire on jack's right hand man*

No vote for Frog Cultist!

Shadow Lodge

See i iz a froggie too!

Dragonborn3 wrote:

*half-red dragon colossal froggie stares then breathes fire on jack's right hand man*

No vote for Frog Cultist!

*laughs at the fire* I'm made of metal. Is that the best you got?

Shadow Lodge

Do you know what happens to metal when it heats up?
*reaches down and turns jack's right hand man into buddha statue*
It gets real easy to shape and mold into new forms.

We will mold you all in time

We will give you a less flawed form

We will take away your imperfections

We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to are own

Lay down your weapons

Embrace unity

Let go of your flawed persona's

Resistance is Futile

Shadow Lodge

Machine, I ask of you, do you realize that in order to be perfect one must be imperfect?

Dragonborn3 wrote:

Do you know what happens to metal when it heats up?

*reaches down and turns jack's right hand man into buddha statue*
It gets real easy to shape and mold into new forms.

*Jack reverts back to his original form and knocks Dragonborn down with one punch. Walks back to Jack hangout* I'm going to quit coming to this frog pond. Weird critters everywhere.

Perfection is a goal we strive to.
We will strip away your flaws
and bring you closer to perfection

Shadow Lodge

Primary Adjunct of paizomatix 0 wrote:

Perfection is a goal we strive to.

We will strip away your flaws
and bring you closer to perfection

Answer the question or leave the pond.

Shadow Lodge

Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:

Do you know what happens to metal when it heats up?

*reaches down and turns jack's right hand man into buddha statue*
It gets real easy to shape and mold into new forms.
*Jack reverts back to his original form and knocks Dragonborn down with one punch. Walks back to Jack hangout* I'm going to quit coming to this frog pond. Weird critters everywhere.

Yes one down an just the machines to go!

Power to all the froggies!

Reactive Thermal Shielding Activated.
Your efforts to resist are futile.

We will add your biological and technoligical distinctiveness to our own.
You will adapt to service us.
We are Borg.

Shadow Lodge

Smurf-Drone 8 of PaizoMatrix 0 wrote:


HA! Your FLAWED! Lil' froggies... ATTACK!

Resistance is Futile

Shadow Lodge

Says the flawed machine.

Perfection is a goal we strive to.
We will strip away your flaws
and bring you closer to perfection

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Šmurf-Drone 8 of PaizoMatrix 0 wrote:

HA! Your FLAWED! Lil' froggies... ATTACK!

Your structure is unstable.

You have been transformed into species 692
You will be assimilated without difficulty.

Resistance is Futile.

Shadow Lodge

You flw doesn't allow such an act. Lil' ones attack with emps and magnets... NOW!
There is always a chance for victory.

Your attacks are Irrelevant

We will adapt

We are Borg

Resistance is Futile

Oy! I is scramblin mad! I gotta take a pee fo' three minutes, ana when I come bakk, der is all ye guys here! Who ye tink ye are, being like dis! Everybodies gonna betta get out now! Dis is a froggy pond, notta robot, smoif, jackie pond! Us froggies be busy. Now shoo!

*poitns dented abraham's cannon towards robie*

Outta de loan you rusty cans of worms (worms...yumm!)...We are not invading your bug of before we go Goerg Bush on your rusty cold butts!

*loads a +5 construct bane chaotic shell*


Don't make me call in da aiw stwike! Isa dangewous wepin!

Shadow Lodge

Am I not the air strike?

Shadow Lodge

Primary Adjunct of paizomatix 0 wrote:
We will adapt

If you can adapt why do you need anyone to be assimilated?

Scarab Sages

All of us meatpuppets out here are getting tired of the chainsaw sound of you metal "men" grinding your gears on each other. Remember the riddle of steel, metal is weak, Flesh is strong. We meatpuppets will be here long after you have rusted away, flesh grows metal rusts .

Your Assumptions of your longevity are Irrelevant

Scarab Sages

I'm done. Somebody wake me when you finish playing Star Trek.

Hey Matiz metal dude, this is the second warning, leave the premBOOOOM!!..... 8| ...

oops... sorry about that Matiz dude, sometimes the trigger its too bad

*drives backwards slowly...*

Your piteous attacks are Irrelevant
You will adapt to serve us
Resistance is Futile

Fellow frogs, a reminder that thou blenders are cool...NEVER swim inside one... look at poor cousing Bob in a blender

*link courtesy of thrice damned Malice Jack*

Shadow Lodge

Our poor cousin.... and that little tadpoles is why cousins shouldn't marry.

Liberty's Edge

eh, i prefer newts. much classier amphibians, as far as i'm concerned...

Butterfrog wrote:

Fellow frogs, a reminder that thou blenders are cool...NEVER swim inside one... look at poor cousing Bob in a blender

*link courtesy of thrice damned Malice Jack*

Malice Jack revs up the Cuisinart Blaster 3000.

"Thrice damned I might be little frog, but I'm the one with the gun."

Shadow Lodge

*breathes fire, melts gun* What gun? All i see is a blod of molten metal.

Looks at the blob of metal

"Dude I have, like, six more payments on that thing!"

Thrice damed for exposing to the public eye poor cousing bob's tragic demise...

and we have our gons too, but we are gentlemen and willing to forgive this transgression. Apologies on the thrice damned quote.

*Points 140mm abaham's main gun*

I not a gentles kinda man! I is a gennlefrog. Da best kind o all!

Yeah shoot that stoopid robot Fearless Leader!

Shadow Lodge

If he is willing to apologize we should consider leaving him.
As long as he causes no further transgrassions.....

Margarinefrog wrote:
Yeah shoot that stoopid robot Fearless Leader!

You should treat Lord Callous Jack with more respect. He will soon be your president.

Shadow Lodge

hm... he didn't see one of my post.
*looks at Jack*
Didn't you hear? Froggie cultist and I won!

Dragonborn3 wrote:

hm... he didn't see one of my post.

*looks at Jack*
Didn't you hear? Froggie cultist and I won!

When was this? I demand a recount!


munches on a stack of Callous Jack votes...

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