What's with all the Cancel Subscription threads?

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Dark_Mistress wrote:
I imagine they will always be around in PDF form. I can't see a reason they would ever stop offering them that way.

I would agree. I don't speak for paizo, but I don't imagine you'll ever not be able to buy them in PDF form.

Scarab Sages

Have you seen the unemployment/lay-off figures lately? I would of been "a cancel" also had I not gotten a job at just the right time, after 3 1/2 months unemployed, and no UEI, since I had been contract.

I'm hurting still catching up on bills etc. I'm above water now, but I'm screwed if I get layed off again...as I don't have savings now.

I've kept my subscription and was able to buy my beta copy, and that's it...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I am like many, I make enough to make ends meet and not much more. I buy game books mostly cause I get more value out of them. I mean i could go see a movie and eat out once a month or buy the PF book that month. Needless to say I do the later.

But yeah if things got tighter money wise I might be forced to dump it. I hope it never comes to that, hell I hope I can find a better job and subscribe to more.

Scarab Sages

I know what you mean Mistress, I like having something after I spend my money...that's why I'm not a bar hound...heh. Talk about a waste of money...Same with cigarettes and SUVs HAHAHAHA. I have a lil Scion xA...great gas mileage and still holds the family and the groceries...plus I don't have to help anyone MOVE!!!!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I blame it on the lack of Seoni content. :)

Silver Crusade

I for one am one of those leaning towards cancellation, mainly due to finicial reasons. My hours at work dipped way below what I normally would get for 2 weeks straight in October & then to start that month off in the hole in the hundreds (gotta love paying bills) as well, I'm still in a hole, but I'm starting to see some light.

I've switched my option to once a month, so hopefully that'll help things. Last month I wasn't expecting to get double shipments of monthly books, but of course that wasn't Paizo fault & such, so I'm cool with that. Just, again wasn't expecting 2 shipments.

I've kept my superscriber subscription going & I hope to for a long time, as I really like the products that Paizo puts out. The world has taken ahold of me like Mystara for Basic D&D did some 24+ years ago. If anything I'll keep my Pathfinder subscription, & drop the rest. I think that is the heart & the soul of Pathfinder + of course it's what originally started this whole thing anyways.

I haven't gotten the beta rules & probably won't but I will be getting the Rules when the release next year + the other "core" books that come down as well. Thou you never know I might get a impluse purchase & get it. (not from Amazon thou!!! bassturds, ha ha ha!!!!!)

I've cut back on a couple hobbies, mainly scale modeling, eventually will let a MMORPG subscription die & lately I've started to cut back on my miniature purchases as well (my primary hobby). I've started to sell off some things that I've gotten over the years (models, decals, rpg books, etc, etc), hoping that I can claw my way of this.

Of course thou, if push comes to shove I'll have to cancel & that is something I really don't want to do, but until then (as taken from Marvel comics) "Make mine Paizo!!"


Scarab Sages

I cancelled my subscription to buy locally. And when cash was available, just a lot cheaper.

Although I play 4E so "probably" won't buy into the PFRPG ruleset, I intend to convert what I have.

Liberty's Edge

While I currently make enough to get by and afford to keep up with my hobbies ok (although there are tight months) my Pathfinder subscriptions would be the last things I gave up of all my extraneous spending. Not only do I love playing/running the games and absorbing all the information on the world (still don't have as much crammed in as I do on Star Trek, but I'm working on it) I see the oppurtunity to use Pathfinder as a 'path' to a career doing what I love.

The company has so far taken just about every step I've hoped they would take (going to PFRPG being the biggy) and I'm looking forward to a long time together with them as both a consumer, volunteer and hopefully one day - writer or even full time editor.

Liberty's Edge

For me personally, while I feel pressure to curtail my discretionary spending in what amount to difficult economic times, there was more to it.

I supported Paizo because they're a good company, and I believed that they would make the kind of games I like. Pathfinder was a huge undertaking, and I don't think they have the resources to run the open playtest effectively. I feel that good suggestions have gone ignored (not listened to and rejected, which I could accept, but simply ignored). Others have been heard but dismissed without explanation. Trying to communicate the desires in the open forums are a mess. I'm glad that report fuctions now exist, but so many of the posters are yelling and not sharing a dialogue. I don't care for it.

At this point, I don't expect that Pathfinder will address the major problems with 3.5 and improve what can be improved. I see most of the changes as 'change for the sake of change'. As long as I believe that Paizo is making the game I want to play, I will buy all of their products, as I used to do. At this point, I do not believe that they are doing so, so I will withhold my money in order to 'vote with my wallet'. If I am in a minority, I will accept that and move on. If I am part of a majority or at least a significant enough 'slice' of the customer base, I expect Paizo will accomodate me and I will become a customer again. I didn't want to send the wrong message by supporting them when I felt they were making severe missteps.

I've only been a subscriber since Second Darkness, and I was worried I would miss PF #13 as part of the subscription because I started so late.

In my case, I didn't start with Second Darkness because I love drow or anything, but just because it was a good place to start at the beginning of a path. I would have subscribed to Curse of the Crimson Throne if I had been working at the time, but unlike most people I was unemployed most of the spring/summer and only started getting regular income again in September.

I got my Pathfinder Companion subscription after getting the Companion #1 that was the toss-in with PF#13, so good marketing ploy on Paizo's part. :-) The freebie booster packs of item cards caused me to buy a few decks of those too, and I plan to buy more.

After reading this thread before and seeing that Paizo was selling out of books without reprints, I've gone back and purchased PF #1-6 as individual purchases. I got issue 1 and issues 3 through 6 from Amazon, because Amazon had issue 1 and Paizo didn't. I originally ordered #2 from them too but they didn't really have it and updated their page to say "shipping in 1 to 2 months" after I had placed my order. I also got Classic Monsters Revisited from Amazon because it wasn't available here on Paizo. I still plan to pick up Curse of the Crimson Throne, more for the included bestiary entries than for anything else.

I also got Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary when I saw it was frequently referenced by Paizo's books. I haven't found a hard copy of Tome of Horrors yet but I hope to get it too since I've seen what Paizo is doing with stuff from it.

I'm not sure whether I'll go PFRPG or not (I have more 3.5e material than I can ever hope to use), but I do want to soak up all the 3.5e material I can get before the switch happens and I'll probably get the PFRPG corebook anyway. Occasionally I pick-up variant books like Monte Cook's World of Darkness and d20 Modern Core Rulebook (to that end I still want to get d20 Dark Matter) so I'd pick it up in much the same way. Anyway, that's a long way from now yet and I may want to throw more money at Paizo then so who can say.

Anyway, this is probably more information than you needed. Suffice to say, I'm very interested in throwing my money at Paizo right now. So much so that I have to resist ordering stuff all the time so I can afford to eat. (I honestly think my buying habits are a substitution for not getting to actually play the game enough.)

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