Level 1 Specialist Ability Should Scale

Combat & Magic

Most of the specialist schools have a level 1 ability that can be used any time as a Standard action. If that ability is to fill the role of the "something I can do even when I'm out of spells" ability, it needs to scale more than just a +1 damage every 5 levels.

I recommend an extra +d6 every 2 levels which allows it so have at least some impact without outshining any higher level spells.

Shadow Lodge

I respectfully disagree. Wizards bread and butter is their spells, This ability should almost certainly be less powerful than a first level spell but somewhere a little more effective in combat than a cantrip. That is where they sit right now and it's a good place.

This ability makes a nice bridge for low level wizards to give them some usefulness in combat when they only have 4-8 spells. Once they have a ton of spells this should be something only used for mop-up operations. Rather than wasting actual spells to kill off that last orc or doing nothing and letting the fighter do it the wizard can finish him off.

A touch attack that deals 1d6 * 1/2 caster level is more powerful than a rogues sneak attack. No No No

-- Dennis

Sovereign Court

0gre wrote:

I respectfully disagree. Wizards bread and butter is their spells, This ability should almost certainly be less powerful than a first level spell but somewhere a little more effective in combat than a cantrip. That is where they sit right now and it's a good place.

This ability makes a nice bridge for low level wizards to give them some usefulness in combat when they only have 4-8 spells. Once they have a ton of spells this should be something only used for mop-up operations. Rather than wasting actual spells to kill off that last orc or doing nothing and letting the fighter do it the wizard can finish him off.

A touch attack that deals 1d6 * 1/2 caster level is more powerful than a rogues sneak attack. No No No

-- Dennis

Agreed with da Ogre, I could however see a nice compromise where you get +1 damage every other level instead of every 5 though, +10 damage at 20th level is nowhere near the level of spells, and still enough to make it have an impact as a last resort (where +4 at 20th is pissing into the wind)

Could you not do something like the reserve feats?

It does X damage (not sure what it is currently) + 1d6 for every 2 levels of the highest spell memorized?

So a 5th level Wizard that has a 3rd level spell memorized would do an extra 1d6 damage, the 9th level Wizard with the 4th level spell would do 2d6. Or it could even be for every level of spell.

Shadow Lodge

lastknightleft wrote:

Agreed with da Ogre, I could however see a nice compromise where you get +1 damage every other level instead of every 5 though, +10 damage at 20th level is nowhere near the level of spells, and still enough to make it have an impact as a last resort (where +4 at 20th is pissing into the wind)

It is every other level:

Acid Dart (Su): As a standard action you can
unleash an acid dart targeting any foe within 30
feet as a ranged touch attack. The acid dart deals
1d6 points of acid damage +1 for every two caster
levels you possess.

ArchAnjel wrote:

Most of the specialist schools have a level 1 ability that can be used any time as a Standard action. If that ability is to fill the role of the "something I can do even when I'm out of spells" ability, it needs to scale more than just a +1 damage every 5 levels.

I recommend an extra +d6 every 2 levels which allows it so have at least some impact without outshining any higher level spells.

Or you could just play a warlock. The warlock's eldritch blast progresses at that rate. But then you don't get spells, and don't really need them.


I would also abstain from making that 1st level ability much more powerful. Maybe some of the specialist abilities need a little tweaking here and there but overall the power level feels just right.

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