Paizo and The Judges - Thank You!

RPG Superstar™ 2008 General Discussion

Sharoth wrote:
However, I have to say that us Paizoians are the real winners with this contest.

I totally agree. This contest has been a breath of fresh air; it's certainly kept me coming back and way more active on this site than I otherwise would be. It's also been great to see the thought process of the judges when they evaluate submissions, it's an invaluable aid for anyone looking to get published.

So thank you very much to Paizo for putting this on. Thanks very much to the judges who have put in a lot of work and let us "peek under their skirts." And thanks to all the contestants - whoever the winner is, I think we can all agree we've seen lots of awesome people and awesome submissions here.

Three cheers for Paizo, the judges, and all the stars!

I agree and thanks to both the contestants and the judges for this contest! Great idea Lisa! Good job Clark, Erik, and Wolfgang!

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

We had a wonderful time judging the contest. I was working on the Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer at the same time, and I can definitely say that the country round of RPG Superstar encouraged me to change some stuff around on that project. RPG Superstar has made me a better game designer and writer, and that made all the long nights and early mornings more than worthwhile.

Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Clouds Without Water

For what it's worth, I know I've personally bought more RPG stuff since the contest started than in a long, long period preceding. And the first Paizo-produced stuff I ever bought at all.

So there's that.

Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Clouds Without Water

Clouds Without Water wrote:

For what it's worth, I know I've personally bought more RPG stuff since the contest started than in a long, long period preceding. And the first Paizo-produced stuff I ever bought at all.

So there's that.

Oh, and I've been buying the Kobold Quarterly PDFs as well.

Overall, this contest helped me dig a bit deeper into the non-wotc world.

Ernest Mueller wrote:

So thank you very much to Paizo for putting this on. Thanks very much to the judges who have put in a lot of work and let us "peek under their skirts." And thanks to all the contestants - whoever the winner is, I think we can all agree we've seen lots of awesome people and awesome submissions here.

Three cheers for Paizo, the judges, and all the stars!

I agree! Well done all, well played all and well said.

This contest rejuvenated my intrest in RPG in a way I hadn't forseen. WotC has come to bore me over the last few years and I stopped looking around at everything the gaming enviroment had to offer because of it. This contest has shown me that there is more to DnD then just what WotC has to offer, and for that I am extrememly grateful.

Example: Being impressed with the proffessionalism of Mr. Baur during this contest, I have already gone over and subscribed to Kolbold Quarterly. (Note to everyone reading: If you haven't already checked out this little giant of a mag, I highly recommend that you do so.)

Thanks to everyone involved, Paizo staff, contestants and those in the Superstar community, for lighting this little fire and showing me why I love this game and the people who play it. This has been a great place to hang around in for the last couple months. I can't wait to see what Paizo has planned for the future.

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