New GameMastery Item Card Idea - Cards from Magic Item Compendium


The Exchange

Or maybe this is not new. Here is the idea. WotC spends so much energy on art work, have you ever thought of combining your Item Cards with their art work? I love looking at your art work and creating new magic items but they already have the done the stat work. Your relationship with WotC might make it possible (or impossible, I don't know much about this). You probably have card ideas for a few year but if not, I would cetainly buy. (Actually, I buy most of your stuff anyways.)

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Duncan Clyborne wrote:
Or maybe this is not new. Here is the idea. WotC spends so much energy on art work, have you ever thought of combining your Item Cards with their art work? I love looking at your art work and creating new magic items but they already have the done the stat work. Your relationship with WotC might make it possible (or impossible, I don't know much about this). You probably have card ideas for a few year but if not, I would cetainly buy. (Actually, I buy most of your stuff anyways.)

It is a good idea, but I am afraid that we do not have permission to use Wotc products or artwork in our GameMastery line. You will, however, see some of the pieces from our Item Card line appearing in our 32 page GameMastery modules with their own stats and abilities.

Jason Bulmahn
GameMastery Brand Manager

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