DUNGEON Cover #125

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Is it just me, or does one of those giant worms (the one on the right) look just ... wrong?

thorindale wrote:
Is it just me, or does one of those giant worms (the one on the right) look just ... wrong?

It's issue #124...and I don't see 'it'.

don't ask me....i did a double take when i first saw the worm-thingys in King Kong!
and as a side note, can we make sure to continue on with some more phallic imagery in ap3 please (volcano on the verge of erupting, slimy worms writhing in rifts and fissures...i mean REALLY)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Sometimes a worm is just a worm.

Liberty's Edge

Rule 1:
"All worms are equal!"

Rule 2:
"But some worms are wormier than others!"

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