A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 11th- through 14th-level characters.
Years ago, the Starfinder Society suffered a monumental setback during a mission into the region of space known as the Scoured Stars. After a year of rebuilding, the Society returned to the Scoured Stars and rescued its surviving agents, only to be pushed out by an aggressive species known as the jinsuls. Over the course of the next year, the Society built a coalition of allies and defeated the jinsul menace, scattering them and stopping the divine herald Dhurus from consuming the energies of the Scoured Stars’ awakening deity, Kadrical.
In the years since, former First Seeker Jadnura has patiently waited within the Scoured Stars onboard his starship, the Perfect Silence, acting as a self-appointed steward of the system and communing with the god Kadrical through deep meditation. Now, a potent celestial event is about to occur within the Scoured Stars—an alignment of the stars and planets poised to create a strong metaphysical bridge that could further empower Kadrical and allow the deity to take another step into re-asserting itself within the cosmos. Jadnura has invited the Society’s most senior agents to witness the monumental event alongside him, aboard the Perfect Silence. When disaster strikes, the Starfinders experience echoes from the Starfinder Society’s recent past and endure an encounter with the divine.
Will you survive the final assessment?
Return to the Scoured Stars in the final adventure for Starfinder First Edition!
Note:The Final Assessment is a capstone adventure for characters participating in the Starfinder Society Organized Play Campaign. Players participating in this adventure should know that it includes difficult encounters, a fateful choice, and has the potential to permanently retire their character. The Final Assessment should be played by a group of experienced Starfinders who are looking for a momentous event to finish their character’s story.
Written by: Thurston Hillman
Scenario tags: Faction (Second Seekers [Jadnura]), Nova
[Scenario Maps spoiler - click to reveal]
The following maps used in this scenario are also available for purchase here on paizo.com:
Announced for May! Cover and product description are not final and are subject to change.
Your first opportunity to play this adventure will be at PaizoCon, May 23-26. Stay tuned for more information about PaizoCon Online and PaizoCon@ events soon!
Is there also going to be a multitable to close out SF1 or is this it
As the product description states, this is the final adventure for Starfinder Society (first edition).
Yeah, the final season seems a bit more about accessibility for both new and old players, as well as tying up as many story threads as reasonably possibly.
The Year 7 Metaplot adventure is low level and just three scenarios long so people just coming in can get an easily run taste of how being a Starfinder often puts you at the forefront of history as SF1 is closing. At least two other storylines starting back in Year 1 are getting a fairly final conclusion. Many of the Scenarios that don't have a strong tie to anything else herald pretty significant changes to the Pact Worlds at the very least.
And regarding this adventure, people who can't regularly make it to Cons or big events get the chance to take their characters onto something of relatively similar scale with ties, again, to the earliest adventures in Year 1. Afterall, level 11-14 scenarios can be counted on one hand if I recall correctly, and this one is advertising right up front that it isn't pulling any punches.