A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.
The Maze of the Open Road has mostly been stabilized, and yet agents are still ending up at the wrong destination. While no one has been hurt, Venture-Captain Sigvard Tornkvist fears that it might be a matter of time until injury or worse results. She tasks the PCs with investigating the cause of these mishaps, and dealing with it if possible. Little do the PCs know what they've gotten themselves into, but there's a nonzero chance they'll find themselves in a dance-off before their mission is complete.
Written by Mikko Kallio
Scenario tags: Repeatable
[Scenario Maps spoiler - click to reveal]
The following maps used in this scenario are also available for purchase here on paizo.com:
This is one of the silly ones, so give it a skip if you don't vibe with more light-hearted adventures. That said, it's a VERY GOOD silly one, and makes for a nice little collection of puzzles and combats that my PaizoCon table seemed to enjoy. The adventure has a ton of mechanical variety, with each self-contained scene offering something new to the table, and the NPCs are a fun bunch of rascals that were a joy to roleplay.
One thing I didn't like was the amount of prep time it took to run this thing physically. If you don't own the tiles, you have to draw A TON of maps, and that feels bad if you're not sure which scenes your party will actually pursue. Luckily, since this was for a convention, my local society members were able to help everyone prepare their physical materials together, so I saved myself hours of work via community help.
All in all, this was the highlight of my first convention run, and I think it makes a great introduction for kids especially.
Overall, there were a few fun parts, but it was weighed down with somewhat forced mechanics. It seems every scenario has a chase mechanic in it now, and honestly there's just too much going on here even for a repeatable. The options within the chase are fairly long and having directional choices isn't really a good mechanic within this system.
However, I will say the options at the very end are enjoyable and interesting. That being said, it'd be nice if it followed one of the existing subsystems.
Story gets a 4/5 as it was interesting and it seemed to mostly get the plot across.
Mechanics get a 1/5 for adding complexity that didn't need to exist.
This scenario has an interesting structure, giving players the opportunity to pick their preferred tasks. Each group feels interesting to run it for and play it with. My one major issue is the required chase. It's also interesting, since there are some forks in the path. But when each obstacle requires chase points equal to the number of players, it pretty much inevitably bogs down into a death march of just begging the dice for decent rolls. (A player pointed out that with a party of 6, the chase requires a whopping 48 successes. There's really no way for that to not become a quagmire.) I would prefer more dynamic chases with fewer chase points per obstacle. It's also worth noting that this scenario "feels" better doing only three of the tasks rather than four. Four tasks plus all the required bits and pieces seems to drag a little bit.
You can pick which challenges to take on based on what your party happens to be good at, minimizing the frustration of dealing with challenges that no one happens to have the means to overcome. This is a godsend if you don't have a say in what the party composition ultimately turns out to be come the day you play this adventure.
I like this one: It has fun(ny) encounters without falling into the slapstick trap, as has been the case with too many recent scenarios. I have a few question marks with regards to the actual replayability since the choice of encounters is largely dictated by player choice, but in general it's a well thought-out and developed scenario.
Note that I especially like the "alternative" final encounter a lot, even though the scaling within the tiers seems to heavily favour being in the higher Challenge Point regions of the said tier. The main inconvenience of the setup is that you have to make it clear to the players that it is a skill challenge that uses very varied skills (instead of only the obvious one). Even then, I think most people will veer towards the combat option, despite the alternative being really well set-up.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Why is the pdf for this thing nearly 20 times the size of the pdf for the other pfs scenario this month?
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Ah. Guess I should have opened the zip before asking.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber
The lack of Tile Numbers is world rendering hard mode. Why we have pictures of the maps but no way to quickly reference the tiles is... Irritating.
And while I'm complaining - please, for the love of all goodness - start including the range of numbers for the enemies so "Minimum - Maximum" instead of having the number for base challenge for the encounter and having to reference the box adds like 20 minutes to my prep' time. This would be the single biggest Quality of Life improvement for me as a GM, as I try and have miniatures for every battle.
Is this ONLY going to require the forest tiles starter set? Gonna run it next week and want to make sure I have the maps I need.
Amethyst Tiefling wrote:
Any chance we can get a list of which tiles are referenced for which maps?
Hey Guys, I ran it on Saturday. I have to say this was incredibly annoying. It was such a mess to switch maps, especially because they share tiles. (Related: there was so much switching that I ended up losing one of my tiles, I'm genuinely very bothered.) In addition, one of the maps used THE SAME PIECE. This Flip tile hassle: I could not give this adventure more that 4 stars. Building such massive maps and not including the Flip tiles should not be allowed.
This PDF has been updated with assembly guides for the flip-tile maps. Our apologies for the omission, and thank you for your patience as we corrected it!
No other part of this scenario was altered in this process.
I've downloaded the scenario after receiving an email concerning the update but the pdf still does not seem to contain assembly instructions. Have I missed something?
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
I've downloaded the scenario after receiving an email concerning the update but the pdf still does not seem to contain assembly instructions. Have I missed something?