Plight of Northlight

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[DECEASED] Dwarven Tiefling Feral Champion Warpriest VMC Oracle (3) Wounds (13) HP (24) AC (21/12/19) Saves (5/3/5, +2 against diseases, mind-affecting effects, and poisons) Initiative (+2) CMD (19) SR (11) Lvl 1 (0/4) Blessings (0/4) Fervor (0/3)

Ingrid sat back and nursed her mead. It was that time of the month, when she brought in what she had hunter and traded for what she and her mother needed. It was also the time for mead! The gift of the gods, it was such a rare treat. And not a cheap one either.

Like all Ulfen, she was tall. And she was strong, if she did say so herself. Perhaps not as strong as a berserker in the heat of battle, but strong enough to handle the monstrous axe that was slung across her back. It was big enough to cut a wolf in two, which is about all that it had ever done in her hands. And if life kept going as it did, that is all it would ever do. She just wished that something *interesting* would happen. Anything! Not that her wish would come true. Not with her luck.


Hello there! Checking in with the party “rogue.” When it comes to traps she has +7 Perception, +7 Disable Device, and she has +6 Stealth. Everything a rogue needs?

Only instead of sneak attacking she has a butchering axe and AC18 to tank it out. Well...17, after Bragi gets everyone angry. :p

Speaking of that. I’m curious, what rage powers do you (eventually) plan to grace us with?

Changeling (Very) Wintery Witch 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 (T12/FF10) | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Speed 30' | CMB +1 | CMD 13 (FF 11) | F+1 R+2/+4 W+2 | Active Conditions: Endure Elements (cold only) |
Spells Prepared:
at will: Detect Magic, Message, Ray of Frost; L1: Frostbite (1/1), Mage Armor (1/1)

Livana strode into the village, head held high despite all of the sidelong glances she received from the other villagers. She was tall and willowy, which was even more noticeable as she wore a simple ice blue dress with an ivory apron. Proud like all Ulfen in her appearance, she stood out with the absence of furs and braids but instead sported ornate ivory jewelry on her bare arms and in her unbound white hair. Another thing to set her apart was that other than a couple throwing javelins she bore no weapons, not even a knife.

She stared straight forward as she walked, not acknowledging any of the glares as she took freshly harvested and cured Winterbite to the trading post to obtain the week's supplies.


Hello back at ya! Checking in with the "Girl who should be named Elsa but isn't." She's a little odd compared to most witches since she will spend most of her time either in melee range or 10' out using touch spells more than she will be doing the usual hex debuffs. Hopefully that line of tanky folk will help keep her safe. Her familiar will also be used a lot for scouting instead of just chilling next to her all of the time.

I'm still debating whether to leave her familiar as is, or if I want to give it an infiltrator or emissary archetype. Also her spells are not all set in stone so if anyone has a request let me know before game starts and they get locked in.

Masculine (He/Him) Software Engineer

does "accepted" mean I'm in? I should create a profile and dot in to gameplay?

[DECEASED] Dwarven Tiefling Feral Champion Warpriest VMC Oracle (3) Wounds (13) HP (24) AC (21/12/19) Saves (5/3/5, +2 against diseases, mind-affecting effects, and poisons) Initiative (+2) CMD (19) SR (11) Lvl 1 (0/4) Blessings (0/4) Fervor (0/3)

Losing share spells is kinda a big blow to a witch, isn’t it?

Emissary is great. I plan to take it! Better chance to pass will saves and guidance? Yes, please.

But for your theme:

“Arcane Amplifier: The secret of the arcane amplifier familiar was first discovered where winter witches used used white-furred foxes or hares to strengthen their spells.“

Can’t comment on the crunch, but it would be one more tie-in to your theme.

Male Human (Ulfen) Skald 1 | AC 16 | HP 14/14 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1 | CMB +3, CMD 14 | Init +2 | Perception +2

I don't really want to get too comfortable in here until the recruitment is officially over, but to answer your question...

Ingrid Foedottir wrote:
Speaking of that. I’m curious, what rage powers do you (eventually) plan to grace us with?

I've been looking at the Elemental Blood (fire) powers, mostly: I might pick the Fire Music feat later as well, to go with the theme. I don't think Bragi necessarily has any strong elemental heritage, but I imagine his fiery temper and hotbloodedness comes through in poetry—the figurative becomes literal, when spoken by a skald.

Renewed Vigor looks kind of interesting as well, since being able to share it with multiple people radically increases its utility.

Changeling (Very) Wintery Witch 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 (T12/FF10) | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Speed 30' | CMB +1 | CMD 13 (FF 11) | F+1 R+2/+4 W+2 | Active Conditions: Endure Elements (cold only) |
Spells Prepared:
at will: Detect Magic, Message, Ray of Frost; L1: Frostbite (1/1), Mage Armor (1/1)
Ingrid Foedottir wrote:
Losing share spells is kinda a big blow to a witch, isn’t it?

Share spells honestly doesn't end up getting used too much. How many spells are really out there with a target of "you" that you want to cast on a familiar on a regular basis, or spells that don't normally effect magical beasts? I can only think of a couple and I don't plan on even learning them. The tradeoff with infiltrator is getting some really good scouting capabilities which is my main intended use for Crys.

Arcane Amplifier is nice, but it's all based the familiar itself getting to use metamagic feats when delivering touch spells. I'm not going to use him for that often if at all (since I have the hair to do it) so the crunch is 100% useless for my build.

Emissary is just as thematic for me, since I would give Crys the Storm domain power, so he'll be able to create aoe ice storm doing nonlethal cold damage and attack debuffs.

Changeling (Very) Wintery Witch 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 (T12/FF10) | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Speed 30' | CMB +1 | CMD 13 (FF 11) | F+1 R+2/+4 W+2 | Active Conditions: Endure Elements (cold only) |
Spells Prepared:
at will: Detect Magic, Message, Ray of Frost; L1: Frostbite (1/1), Mage Armor (1/1)
Bragi Ragnarsson wrote:
I don't really want to get too comfortable in here until the recruitment is officially over

Yeah it seemed like we were ready to go, then a whole bunch of people showed up so now I'm not positive he's going to take all completed submissions any more. I guess we'll wait for GM guidance on that one, as until he states otherwise we do officially have 3 more days.

Human Druid | HP 10/10 | AC 16/FF12/Touch13 | Saves F+4/R+4/W+5 | Init+7 | Perception+7/Stealth+7/Survival+9

Klaus moved through the town like a shadow with his cloak pulled up and over his head in an attempt to hide the mark. The few folk that noticed him looked away almost as fast as he did. He knew the3 only reason he was allowed to stay was his mother, and he hated it. Maybe someday things would change but for now he did what he could to supply herbs that she could use in healing salves and such. But for now he was tired.

He saw Livana striding across town like she owned it. Some of the folk didn't like her, but Klaus admired her, for her attitude as well as her looks. He felt that she was what an Ulfen should be, and wished again that he could be.... at least less different. Wanting to wash down his thoughts he heads over to the mead house. Maybe just a bit of drink to take the edge off....

Hi all! I've yet to get in a game that didn't have a couple of drops in the first two to four weeks or less. That said, let's make this a fun game!

Familiar archetypes? I've heard of them but hadn't actually seen them in play.

Changeling (Very) Wintery Witch 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 (T12/FF10) | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Speed 30' | CMB +1 | CMD 13 (FF 11) | F+1 R+2/+4 W+2 | Active Conditions: Endure Elements (cold only) |
Spells Prepared:
at will: Detect Magic, Message, Ray of Frost; L1: Frostbite (1/1), Mage Armor (1/1)

Klaus...If our PCs know each other due to both being 'outcasts' like we talked about then you should probably know:
Livana doesn't feel like she owns the town. She walks like that because she's embarrassed and upset that people dislike her so much, especially as she doesn't really understand why. The stride and the way she holds her head up and gaze forward is partially not wanting to show them that they affect her and partially because she's worried that if she makes eye contact with any of them she might start crying. She hates village day, but lately Dad's been less useful so she has to go into town for the both of them.

I've decided to play her as mostly quiet and sensitive, but having a fierce temper like her Mom. She hides the sensitivity behind fake pride because she doesn't want others getting inside her shell or feeling like they can take advantage of her. The only place she feels comfortable is with family or in the wild. She's also more comfortable around Klaus and his Mom since they are disliked just like her and her Dad.

Male Lizardfolk Sorcerer 1/Dragon Disciple 3

Well, we're just a regular band of misfits, aren't we? They must choose us to deal with the town's problems because we're expendable.

Coincidentally arriving at the store just after Livana is an Ulfen man of no particular height (among the Ulfen, anyway), but broad-shouldered and powerfully built, with ice-white hair and pale blue eyes. In contrast to the witch, he wears a white parka and carries uses a longspear as a walking stick. When he sees her, he smiles hesitantly and gives a slight wave with his free hand. "It is good to see a friendly face, Livana. Not something I often encounter in town."

FYI, Thorfinn and his family live outside of town, with his mother (a Draconic Sorceress) and grandfather (also a Draconic Bloodrager). Also his father, but the poor man's a normie, no magical talent whatsoever. The townsfolk shun the weird little family with the white hair, weird eyes, and...were those claws!? I swear that man had claws! (well, only when he's angry. But still)

Male Human (Ulfen) Skald 1 | AC 16 | HP 14/14 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1 | CMB +3, CMD 14 | Init +2 | Perception +2

Okay, I think we're set...

Bragi, rather appropriately for a "face" character, seems to be the most socially adjusted and respectable person in the group. His grandfather is a chief (though not the chief) and his mother is a renowned seeress and storyteller. His father was a raider from Bildt, which is probably a controversial subject, but Bragi himself sees this as adding to his pedigree.

I'm not sure about the exact geography or the number of people living in the area, but I imagine Bragi's clan (basically an extended family + servants, maybe two or three dozen people?) lives in a fortified homestead near-ish the main market/meeting place. There's not much of worth in or around Northlight, I presume, but they'd control some arable land, a well, and a bunch of livestock.

Basically, the way I think of him, Bragi comes from a "good" family, and he's really set on proving himself and increasing his (and his family's) standing in the community.


So, who's related to who and how? :)

Masculine (He/Him) Software Engineer

GM's latest post in recruitment has me even more confused, haha.

I apologize for any confusion I've caused.

Ingrid Foedottir
Bragi Ragnarsson
Livana Henriksdottir
Klaus Stennes
Thorfinn Wyrmblod
Kinnith Itginsson

You are the accepted characters.

Quick background question for Ingrid-When your mother returned home with child, does that mean she was pregnant when she came back or were you born but an infant?

Male Dwarf (strong blooded) Fighter 5; AC: 22, HP: 28/75; Saves F+11, Ref +9, Will +9 (2 Hero points)

Near the smithy and shrine of Torag, but not INSIDE it, Dyrm is throwing knucklebones with some of the other locals. The dwarf's race makes him an oddity in some way for dwarves are few here, but at the same time his family is of the oldest settlers so most every one knows of him.

He winces as the bones do not favor him. "I swear, sometimes I think Torag is trying to discourage this little vice of mine"

[DECEASED] Dwarven Tiefling Feral Champion Warpriest VMC Oracle (3) Wounds (13) HP (24) AC (21/12/19) Saves (5/3/5, +2 against diseases, mind-affecting effects, and poisons) Initiative (+2) CMD (19) SR (11) Lvl 1 (0/4) Blessings (0/4) Fervor (0/3)

Came back with a bun in the oven. So Ingrid was born up here in the cold north

Changeling (Very) Wintery Witch 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 (T12/FF10) | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Speed 30' | CMB +1 | CMD 13 (FF 11) | F+1 R+2/+4 W+2 | Active Conditions: Endure Elements (cold only) |
Spells Prepared:
at will: Detect Magic, Message, Ray of Frost; L1: Frostbite (1/1), Mage Armor (1/1)
Bragi Ragnarsson wrote:
So, who's related to who and how? :)

Well let's see. Literally I'm related to a Winter Hag, and to a rather nice man who is shunned since he had a baby with a Winter Hag. The villagers realized that when I started showing signs of my heritage hence some of my own social issues. I am personally unaware of what my mother is, so far I only have figured out that she (and I) are the reason my dad is shunned, that she is somehow 'abnormal', and that she is not near but still alive

Non-literally, Klaus and I already had a couple of PMs. Since I spend a lot of time wandering the wilds like he does we decided we had at least a strong acquaintance with each other if not a full fledged friendship.

For anyone else, if you have a reason why you would have a friendly relationship with the woman who everyone is a bit afraid of and who is shunned then we can be pre-existing friends too, just be aware the other villagers might not be happy about you consorting with that girl.

There's also a possibility of being someone's cousin or niece, since I'm all Ulfen on my father's side.

Thorfinn Wyrmblod wrote:
The townsfolk shun the weird little family with the white hair, weird eyes, and...were those claws!? I swear that man had claws!

Hehehe I have white hair, weird eyes, and claws too! Aren't we a pair? I guess my unnaturally dark skin compared to the standard Ulfen is now the only unique feature of my heritage. My claws are permanent least you don't have to hide yours around normies.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
[DECEASED] Dwarven Tiefling Feral Champion Warpriest VMC Oracle (3) Wounds (13) HP (24) AC (21/12/19) Saves (5/3/5, +2 against diseases, mind-affecting effects, and poisons) Initiative (+2) CMD (19) SR (11) Lvl 1 (0/4) Blessings (0/4) Fervor (0/3)

Social Outsiders
* Livana: White hair and claws
* Thorfinn: White hair and claws
* Klaus: The guy was born with the (un)holy symbol of Dahak on his face!
* Ingrid: Her mom came back from adventuring pregnant, and her child is a halforc. Townspeople stopped asking questions

Normal, “well adjusted” people
* Bragi: Good family, respectable career
* Dyrm: Good clan, respectable career
* Kinnith: Married three times and lives by himself...but at least he is a proper Ulfen warrior

Male Lizardfolk Sorcerer 1/Dragon Disciple 3

For now I only have claws when raging, though that will change when I start adding levels of Dragon Disciple (so the “that man” in my post would be grandpa, who has at least one level of DD already. Or else they saw me in an angry moment before I reeled it back in). As Thorfinn gains levels and starts adding natural armor, energy resistance, etc, he’ll grow scales, among other things (including wings, eventually). If any of you have the Legacy of Dragons sourcebook, I’ll be using the Draconic Heritage Visual Guide in that book heavily for Thorfinn’s appearance. It doesn’t mention hair, but hair and scales are closely related, evolutionarily, so I figure his hair color should match the scale color of his Draconic ancestor. As of now, his pupils are an odd color (a pale ice blue), but you have to look really close to notice that they aren’t quite round. That may change as he advances too.

Masculine (He/Him) Software Engineer

Sweet. I should be able to create a profile and join in on all the pre-campaign character-bonding today/tomorrow.

Human Druid | HP 10/10 | AC 16/FF12/Touch13 | Saves F+4/R+4/W+5 | Init+7 | Perception+7/Stealth+7/Survival+9

Who's related and how?

Well, as Livana posted, we decided that as somewhat shunned folk that love being away from town and wandering the wilds we would've met. Bad on me for posting in error, but while she strides across town at least pretending pride, I do my best to not be noticed. I'm wishing that I could walk like that.... Livana's good looking and proper for an Ulfen. (I wish I had your white hair!) I'm not. I look like maybe I belong in the lands to the south, and then there's that strange, ugly mark covering half of my face. It's not a scar, I was born with it. But what does it mean? Is it an omen of some coming disaster? Whether or not it is true, I feel that I've only been allowed back in town 'cause my mother's a babe and the old guys (letches) like ogling her. (Plus she's a cleric and a town can't have too many folk with healing magic....)

So, Dad's dead. He was a good Ulfen. Mom's a cleric of Shelyn and a middle-aged hotty. And I have a birth mark on my face that looks strangely like a holy symbol for an evil god. Dahak is an interesting god though, if you think destruction is interesting or fun. Fortunately most of the town's folk don't have any knowledge-religion or planes, and I only know of it from what my mother told me!

Changeling (Very) Wintery Witch 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 (T12/FF10) | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Speed 30' | CMB +1 | CMD 13 (FF 11) | F+1 R+2/+4 W+2 | Active Conditions: Endure Elements (cold only) |
Spells Prepared:
at will: Detect Magic, Message, Ray of Frost; L1: Frostbite (1/1), Mage Armor (1/1)

Found a better avatar. They actually have a Winter Hag one!
My skin isn't this dark yet, it just looks like a dark tan (although I like to think it will continue to darken as I grow in my powers), and I don't have a skull decoration on my head, but it does give a better image than the pale-skinned one I had before.

Male Lizardfolk Sorcerer 1/Dragon Disciple 3
Scarred Klaus Stennes wrote:

Who's related and how?

Well, as Livana posted, we decided that as somewhat shunned folk that love being away from town and wandering the wilds we would've met. Bad on me for posting in error, but while she strides across town at least pretending pride, I do my best to not be noticed. I'm wishing that I could walk like that.... Livana's good looking and proper for an Ulfen. (I wish I had your white hair!) I'm not. I look like maybe I belong in the lands to the south, and then there's that strange, ugly mark covering half of my face. It's not a scar, I was born with it. But what does it mean? Is it an omen of some coming disaster? Whether or not it is true, I feel that I've only been allowed back in town 'cause my mother's a babe and the old guys (letches) like ogling her. (Plus she's a cleric and a town can't have too many folk with healing magic....)

So, Dad's dead. He was a good Ulfen. Mom's a cleric of Shelyn and a middle-aged hotty. And I have a birth mark on my face that looks strangely like a holy symbol for an evil god. Dahak is an interesting god though, if you think destruction is interesting or fun. Fortunately most of the town's folk don't have any knowledge-religion or planes, and I only know of it from what my mother told me!

Uhhh...Dahak you say? As it happens, I worship Apsu, so...

[DECEASED] Dwarven Tiefling Feral Champion Warpriest VMC Oracle (3) Wounds (13) HP (24) AC (21/12/19) Saves (5/3/5, +2 against diseases, mind-affecting effects, and poisons) Initiative (+2) CMD (19) SR (11) Lvl 1 (0/4) Blessings (0/4) Fervor (0/3)

Now that is going to be interesting...

Changeling (Very) Wintery Witch 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 (T12/FF10) | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Speed 30' | CMB +1 | CMD 13 (FF 11) | F+1 R+2/+4 W+2 | Active Conditions: Endure Elements (cold only) |
Spells Prepared:
at will: Detect Magic, Message, Ray of Frost; L1: Frostbite (1/1), Mage Armor (1/1)

No fighting boys. Cool it. Chill. I said CHILL!


- INACTIVE - (GM abandoned game)

Here is Kinnith.

Kinnith-I see that you have a son that is unknown to you. Which wife did he have the son with?

Male Dwarf (strong blooded) Fighter 5; AC: 22, HP: 28/75; Saves F+11, Ref +9, Will +9 (2 Hero points)

Well, Dyrm's family has been known to adopt humans now and then. He's probably got at least one human NPC brother or sister who is a better smith than he is (How humiliating) but if any PC wants a tie to Dyrm just let me know.

Male Human (Ulfen) Skald 1 | AC 16 | HP 14/14 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1 | CMB +3, CMD 14 | Init +2 | Perception +2
Livana Henriksdottir wrote:

No fighting boys. Cool it. Chill. I said CHILL!


Oh. That's is how you're going to be, huh? :P

Livana Henriksdottir wrote:

For anyone else, if you have a reason why you would have a friendly relationship with the woman who everyone is a bit afraid of and who is shunned then we can be pre-existing friends too, just be aware the other villagers might not be happy about you consorting with that girl.

There's also a possibility of being someone's cousin or niece, since I'm all Ulfen on my father's side.

I'd love to have a weird cousin! Bragi would be in an interesting situation, where he has to treat his kin fairly, but he doesn't necessarily want to associate himself too closely with a witch. Overall, he's a bit less superstitious than the average Ulfen, because he's and arcane caster himself, but he's very conscious about his reputation.

We could go the other way, though, and have Bragi be infatuated with the mysterious witch-woman. Opposites attract, and all that.


I think there's a good chance everyone has heard Bragi perform at some point, since he goes around the different homesteads telling tales, as well as reciting poetry at village happenings. He's especially fond of flyting, though he has trouble finding challengers. I'm sure there are a lot of passable wordsmiths in town, but Bragi is good.

Bragi and Dyrm could be drinking buddies. Every time his grandfather has orders to deliver to the smithy, Bragi volunteers for the job so he can practise his Dwarven. Since Dyrm is the least dour (read: not Lawful) dwarf around, they have a better chance of getting along. Bragi's also not against rolling some dice while there.

Kinnith is old and grizzled, while Bragi is young and fresh-faced, so there's probably going to be some room for both mentorship and generational rivalry between the two. I do imagine Bragi has, at some point, said something snide about the Kinnith's misfortune with women—that's just too juicy to not put into verse.

There's an obvious contrast between Bragi and Klaus, as well, with Bragi being especially charismatic and handsome, and Klaus... well, not so much. I don't think Bragi would make fun of Klaus, though, at least not for his looks—he's not a bully. I suppose his attitude would depend on whether or not he recognises Klaus' brand...

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 ~ Okay, I think we're safe.

Bragi has probably approached Ingrid at some point, inquiring about her parentage and asking her to teach him Orcish. I imagine this didn't go over too well, because it's... well, a very rude thing to do to someone, even if it's done with good intentions. Bragi doesn't necessarily see being a half-orc as a bad thing (since it makes you big and strong!), but he's maybe a bit too excited about using her heritage to his own advantage—know your enemy, and all that.

I think Bragi is curious about Thorfinn, more than anything—especially if they've ever fought together, or against each other. Maybe a meadhall brawl or something? Both of them are prone to raging. Anyway, as with half-orcs, Bragi reckons that anything which makes you mightier in combat can't be all that bad.

Basically, there's a non-zero chance Bragi has gotten into an argument or a brawl with just about anyone. He can get very moody when he's bored.

Changeling (Very) Wintery Witch 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 (T12/FF10) | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Speed 30' | CMB +1 | CMD 13 (FF 11) | F+1 R+2/+4 W+2 | Active Conditions: Endure Elements (cold only) |
Spells Prepared:
at will: Detect Magic, Message, Ray of Frost; L1: Frostbite (1/1), Mage Armor (1/1)
Bragi Ragnarsson wrote:
he doesn't necessarily want to associate himself too closely with a witch

I wonder...

This might end up being a GM decision but I'm not sure if anyone in the village would know that Livana was a witch. She's of suspicious heritage, and I'm sure at least some of them suspect her mom is specifically a Winter Hag due to her appearance changes (and probably someone at least saw her mother back when she was doing stuff with dad). The villagers' issues with her are (at least as I saw it) purely based on her heritage.

In terms of how she portrays herself though, she's a herbalist with a father who is a cleric of Tolc who spends a lot of time alone. They might suspect witch, they might not. I'd like to think not, but if enough other players (or the GM) think that it would be obvious, that's cool. I can't control what other people see or think :)


OK looks like I have a pre-existing friendly relationship with Thorfinn and Klaus. Unless we rarely crossed paths I probably have one with Ingrid since our situations are very similar (disliked half-breed with one parent of "bad" race)

In terms of others, Livana stays away from people as a defense mechanism to avoid being treated badly. If you had ever approached her in a friendly manner she'd be friendly back, so any relationship is up to you. She's actually quite nice if you treat her like a normal person.

She does have quite a temper, gets that from her mom. I don't think she'd be in one of Bragi's bar brawls though...with avoiding people (especially drunk ones) and her father overdrinking I'm guessing she avoids the tavern completely.

[DECEASED] Dwarven Tiefling Feral Champion Warpriest VMC Oracle (3) Wounds (13) HP (24) AC (21/12/19) Saves (5/3/5, +2 against diseases, mind-affecting effects, and poisons) Initiative (+2) CMD (19) SR (11) Lvl 1 (0/4) Blessings (0/4) Fervor (0/3)

Great post, Bragi.

Well if he did so, she’d agree to teach him. She has burning assurance (+2 Diplomacy) not intimidating (+2 Intimidate). So if someone showed her actual friendship she’d take it. Her character goal is earning acceptance in the village, afterall.

If you’d like, she and Bragi could practice Flyting when she comes to the village to barter. I’d imagine that she’d be really bad at it, but would enjoy being part of something and for having something to think about on the lonely nights hunting.

Male Human (Ulfen) Skald 1 | AC 16 | HP 14/14 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1 | CMB +3, CMD 14 | Init +2 | Perception +2
Livana Henriksdottir wrote:

This might end up being a GM decision but I'm not sure if anyone in the village would know that Livana was a witch. She's of suspicious heritage, and I'm sure at least some of them suspect her mom is specifically a Winter Hag due to her appearance changes (and probably someone at least saw her mother back when she was doing stuff with dad). The villagers' issues with her are (at least as I saw it) purely based on her heritage.

In terms of how she portrays herself though, she's a herbalist with a father who is a cleric of Tolc who spends a lot of time alone. They might suspect witch, they might not. I'd like to think not, but if enough other players (or the GM) think that it would be obvious, that's cool. I can't control what other people see or think :)

That's entirely up to you, of course, but from Bragi's perspective, the difference between an alleged witch and a confirmed one is practically null—it's all about reputation. When you're a potentially hag-born herbalist who lives outside of town talking to animals, people are going to call you a "witch" (in the general, non-Pathfinder sense of the word) regardless of whether you actually are one or not. So, it's not obvious, perhaps, but certainly not unlikely or unthinkable.

That being said, if they are related, Bragi is obligated to kick the sh*t out of anyone who would claim such a thing within his earshot, regardless of what he thinks. Honour-based cultures are weird that way.

Ingrid Foedottir wrote:

Well if he did so, she’d agree to teach him. She has burning assurance (+2 Diplomacy) not intimidating (+2 Intimidate). So if someone showed her actual friendship she’d take it. Her character goal is earning acceptance in the village, afterall.

If you’d like, she and Bragi could practice Flyting when she comes to the village to barter. I’d imagine that she’d be really bad at it, but would enjoy being part of something and for having something to think about on the lonely nights hunting.

Well, that works too! Bragi is all about starting with the vulgarities, so a bit of friendly flyting in Orcish is perfect.

Also, it gives me an excuse to grab the language later on. ;P

Male Dwarf (strong blooded) Fighter 5; AC: 22, HP: 28/75; Saves F+11, Ref +9, Will +9 (2 Hero points)
Bragi Ragnarsson wrote:

I think there's a good chance everyone has heard Bragi perform at some point, since he goes around the different homesteads telling tales, as well as reciting poetry at village happenings. He's especially fond of flyting, though he has trouble finding challengers. I'm sure there are a lot of passable wordsmiths in town, but Bragi is good.

Dyrm might try now and then, but while more skillfully tongued than your average dwarf (A whole TEN for his charisma) he would get skunked most times, possibly even if the contest was all in Dwarven. But at least Dyrm has the serenity to not take it too personally.


Bragi and Dyrm could be drinking buddies. Every time his grandfather has orders to deliver to the smithy, Bragi volunteers for the job so he can practise his Dwarven. Since Dyrm is the least dour (read: not Lawful) dwarf around, they have a better chance of getting along. Bragi's also not against rolling some dice while there.

Ah, an odd friendship might start there...Dyrm will even teach proper profanity to Bragi...if Bragi's going to use dwarven swear words he should at least get the proper tools to do it correctly.

And Dyrm's sense motive versus Bragi's bluff could make for some interesting card games.

[DECEASED] Dwarven Tiefling Feral Champion Warpriest VMC Oracle (3) Wounds (13) HP (24) AC (21/12/19) Saves (5/3/5, +2 against diseases, mind-affecting effects, and poisons) Initiative (+2) CMD (19) SR (11) Lvl 1 (0/4) Blessings (0/4) Fervor (0/3)

Could we open gameplay so we can dot?

- INACTIVE - (GM abandoned game)
Livana Henriksdottir wrote:
Also her spells are not all set in stone so if anyone has a request let me know before game starts and they get locked in.

Endure Elements seems like an obvious spell pick for a level 1 campaign in a winter setting. Any other spell casters with access to it should probably have it prepared at least once. We'll probably have a chance to re-prepare spells before any overland journeys, I suppose. Just make sure you have access to it.

- INACTIVE - (GM abandoned game)

I would love to have gameplay open.

Matt Adams 259 wrote:
Kinnith-I see that you have a son that is unknown to you. Which wife did he have the son with?

Kinnith's heir is with his third wife. She lives in Northlight (as does his second wife). He avidly avoids them both. If he has seen his son with his third wife he has assumed that the boy is a bastard rather than his own progeny.


Livana: He probably knows and believes the rumors that Livana is the daughter of a hag. He will be wary towards her, most likely.

Bragi: Kinnith won't have forgotten the jokes that Bragi sang/said about Kinnith and his wives. He might have gotten into a tussle with Bragi over it, even. Regardless, he won't like Bragi to start.

Klaus: If he saw Klaus when he lived in town with one of his wives, he would remember him.

For the rest of the PCs, I think Kinnith would be out-of-the-loop of the happenings in town enough to be more or less oblivious to their backgrounds and rumors about them. Unless they've been around longer than I realize.

Anyone else have ideas for how to tie Kinnith further in with the other PCs? I don't think it's necessary, especially since Kinnith tends to keep to himself lately. But this is fun and I'd love to hear ideas if anyone has some.

Here is what I have on him for those who haven't seen it yet

Kinnith's Fluff:
Scraggly graying beard, hair a mix of white, gray, and dark. Sometimes it is tied back, but never very well, so that many strands are loose. Teeth are in okay condition but are rather crooked. Piercing gray/blue eyes. Face craggy and wrinkled. Deep scratchy voice.
Consummate Woodsman
Lives alone in the woods, but has gotten along with a team before in the past and can do so again
Generally at least a little dirty
Somewhat superstitious
Doesn't revere a particular god, but believes strongly in the power and capriciousness of the gods
Carries Greatsword wrapped in blankets, strapped to his back. It is a weapon of war, and he is not at war, so he has no need of it at present. But he has fought in enough wars not to give it up. He uses his Longspear and Longbow for hunting.
Greatsword was a gift from a warlord that Kinnith served under
Longbow has been in family for several generations

Goals and Metagoals
Kinnith is mostly looking to survive the harsh winters of the north lands without angering the gods, his neighbors, or the land and its creatures. He sees himself as part of a larger whole; he would never say or think anything of "balance" in a yin-yang sense, but he has learned that there is a natural rhythm to nature and he would seek to stop those who would disrupt that rhythm. His desire to avoid angering the gods also sometimes becomes a drive to actively please them. He is not generally a driven or goal-oriented man, however.
As a player, he is part of my ongoing quest to try characters that are more different than my usual (L/N Good heroic types)

Kinnith has been married three times; he was widowed once, divorced once, and cuckolded once. He is still legally married to his last wife, but has not seen her in several years. He believes he has no children.
He does in fact have a son.

Known NPCs
His second wife hated him because of his outdoorsy habits. His third wife still likes him but is upset at him for leaving.
He has good relations with a noble/warlord that dwells not too far from Kinnith's home forest in the north. Most of the people he fought alongside value and trust him as well.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
He doesn't keep himself very clean.
He is very superstitious.
He doesn't like to sit in chairs or lay on beds. He prefers to squat or sit on the ground and likewise prefers to sleep on the floor.


GM: a few things, 1) I'm going to RP that Kinnith does have the sword I mentioned in his bio. I'll treat it as something that he can't actually use until he has the GP to buy it via normal means, at which point we'll pretend it's been there the whole time. If that's alright with you. 2) I think Thorgrim Hroskelson will be the "warlord" I mentioned in the bio if that works for you 3) I may tweak one or two things; mostly just thinking about picking up a drawback for another trait. As I think I said elsewhere, Kinnith is ripe for a drawback.

Changeling (Very) Wintery Witch 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 (T12/FF10) | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Speed 30' | CMB +1 | CMD 13 (FF 11) | F+1 R+2/+4 W+2 | Active Conditions: Endure Elements (cold only) |
Spells Prepared:
at will: Detect Magic, Message, Ray of Frost; L1: Frostbite (1/1), Mage Armor (1/1)

I'll never pick Endure Elements.
(Spoiler: Winter Witch gives it as a constant effect (cold only) at level 1 and then as I level I get increased DR/cold and eventually get full cold immunity)

There's a reason I went Winter Hag Changeling Season Winter Winter Witch Winter Witch with the Winter Patron :P

Also that's why I describe her as wearing only a dress and not furs :)

- INACTIVE - (GM abandoned game)

You can cast Endure Elements on other people.

Changeling (Very) Wintery Witch 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 (T12/FF10) | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Speed 30' | CMB +1 | CMD 13 (FF 11) | F+1 R+2/+4 W+2 | Active Conditions: Endure Elements (cold only) |
Spells Prepared:
at will: Detect Magic, Message, Ray of Frost; L1: Frostbite (1/1), Mage Armor (1/1)

Damn you for making sense. I wasn't even thinking about that.
If noone else can take it I will swap a spell out.

I picked all of her spells based on her background and personality. I wasn't thinking about learning something to benefit other people and not myself when I was ostracized. Just didn't fit. Makes sense to take it if no one else can though, when thinking OOC

[DECEASED] Dwarven Tiefling Feral Champion Warpriest VMC Oracle (3) Wounds (13) HP (24) AC (21/12/19) Saves (5/3/5, +2 against diseases, mind-affecting effects, and poisons) Initiative (+2) CMD (19) SR (11) Lvl 1 (0/4) Blessings (0/4) Fervor (0/3)

Cold weather clothing. 8 gold, +5 Fort saves vs cold. Better than taking up all her spell slots.

Later on 700 gold for cracked Iridescent spindle Ioun Stone with Wayfinder. Gives constant Endure Elements. If you REALLY want this, take the trait rich parents to have 900 starting gold. Buy this for it to be a family heirloom and spend 200 gold on starting gear.

Or for 2500 gold buy an abjuration cloak of the hedge wizard. At-will prestidigitation, and 1/day Endure Elements And 1/day shield.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human Druid | HP 10/10 | AC 16/FF12/Touch13 | Saves F+4/R+4/W+5 | Init+7 | Perception+7/Stealth+7/Survival+9

I can change my spells to include endure elements if needed. 2 available.

Thorfinn, I don't worship Dahak. I just have his holy symbol on my face.... I worship Gozreh. Maybe I should get an actual tattoo of Gozreh's holy symbol on the other side!

[DECEASED] Dwarven Tiefling Feral Champion Warpriest VMC Oracle (3) Wounds (13) HP (24) AC (21/12/19) Saves (5/3/5, +2 against diseases, mind-affecting effects, and poisons) Initiative (+2) CMD (19) SR (11) Lvl 1 (0/4) Blessings (0/4) Fervor (0/3)
Scarred Klaus Stennes wrote:

I can change my spells to include endure elements if needed. 2 available.

Thorfinn, I don't worship Dahak. I just have his holy symbol on my face.... I worship Gozreh. Maybe I should get an actual tattoo of Gozreh's holy symbol on the other side!

You should! Maybe this?

Runeward Tattoos +1 insight saves vs enchantment or illusion spells (or whatever). A holy tattoo to keep you in the fight despite the efforts of cowardly wizards.

- INACTIVE - (GM abandoned game)

Klaus can cast it as a druid. However he only has 2 or 3 spell slots, which doesn't quite cover the whole party. Dyrm and Bragi might have access to it but get a much smaller total spell selection and fewer spells per day. Unfortunately it does make sense for you to have it selected.

- INACTIVE - (GM abandoned game)

From personal experience +5 on fortitude saves vs. Cold is not the same thing as immunity to cold weather :-p

I'm assuming all of us but the witch will be buying that gear, but if we get caught in a blizzard or if it just gets *really cold* we'll want to have more than just the +5

Changeling (Very) Wintery Witch 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 (T12/FF10) | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Speed 30' | CMB +1 | CMD 13 (FF 11) | F+1 R+2/+4 W+2 | Active Conditions: Endure Elements (cold only) |
Spells Prepared:
at will: Detect Magic, Message, Ray of Frost; L1: Frostbite (1/1), Mage Armor (1/1)

Even if Klaus and I both take it, and use ALL of our spell slots for it, it still doesn't cover the whole party. It would only cover 4 and leave us both with 0 spells. It wouldn't even be until level 3 that we would be able to cast anything BUT endure elements if we just tried to keep it on everyone. We really need everyone to buy cold weather gear and not just rely on the spell.

I will swap it out and get it learned but I probably won't train it every day unless we get into a rough patch of weather early on.

Male Lizardfolk Sorcerer 1/Dragon Disciple 3

Thorfinn wears an Erutaki Coat already. Add in a +4 on Fort saves, and he should be ok most of the time. Not saying he wouldn’t take Endure Elements, but he’s probably a low priority compared to some of the others.

Male Human (Ulfen) Skald 1 | AC 16 | HP 14/14 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1 | CMB +3, CMD 14 | Init +2 | Perception +2

I think that cold-weather outfits, endure elements for the weakest teammates, and good Survival checks to get to where we're going as fast as possible, should all do for now. We probably aren't going too far right off the bat. Maybe snow shoes or skis would be useful to have, if it gets really snowy? We definitely need tents, if we're going sleep in the wild. Once we get communal endure elements, we'll be set. That, or a wand of endure elements.

Dyrm wrote:

Ah, an odd friendship might start there...Dyrm will even teach proper profanity to Bragi...if Bragi's going to use dwarven swear words he should at least get the proper tools to do it correctly.

And Dyrm's sense motive versus Bragi's bluff could make for some interesting card games.

Works for me! :)

Kinnith Itginsson wrote:
Bragi: Kinnith won't have forgotten the jokes that Bragi sang/said about Kinnith and his wives. He might have gotten into a tussle with Bragi over it, even. Regardless, he won't like Bragi to start.

Makes sense. I'm sure we'll have fun ribbing each other, at least until Bragi learns to be less of an insufferable brat.

Kinnith Itginsson wrote:
Anyone else have ideas for how to tie Kinnith further in with the other PCs? I don't think it's necessary, especially since Kinnith tends to keep to himself lately. But this is fun and I'd love to hear ideas if anyone has some.

Since he's actually fought against the orcs (I think it came up in the recruitment thread?), it might be interesting for Kinnith to have some sort of a connection to Ingrid—maybe he knows something about her father, even. Or maybe Kinnith and Ingrid are themselves related? That would make for awkward family gatherings, I imagine.


Just out of curiosity: how old are everyone's characters? Bragi is 21, for reference.

Changeling (Very) Wintery Witch 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 (T12/FF10) | Init +2 | Perc +1 | Speed 30' | CMB +1 | CMD 13 (FF 11) | F+1 R+2/+4 W+2 | Active Conditions: Endure Elements (cold only) |
Spells Prepared:
at will: Detect Magic, Message, Ray of Frost; L1: Frostbite (1/1), Mage Armor (1/1)
Bragi Ragnarsson wrote:
Just out of curiosity: how old are everyone's characters? Bragi is 21, for reference.

You know, I hadn't thought about age yet for Livana. Based on her background and character growth so far I'd put her in her mid to late teens. She's pretty inexperienced with life, and I have to assume all of the physical changes from her heritage would have happened around puberty and they were relatively recent.

I'll go 19 since I have a thing against roleplaying underage people XD

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