Starfinder Adventure Path #46: The Perfect Storm (Drift Crashers 1 of 3)

3.80/5 (based on 5 ratings)
Starfinder Adventure Path #46: The Perfect Storm (Drift Crashers 1 of 3)
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The Drift Crisis has begun! When the Drift—the dimension that allows starships to travel faster than light—suddenly crashes, all the starships in it are hurled to random locations in the multiverse. Among these starships is the Marata, whose crew find themselves stranded in Hell, their starship now boasting a strange new artifact with the power to travel anywhere in space and time. Soon they're literally running from the devil, crashing through parallel universes, coming face to face with strange versions of themselves, and finally reaching an apocalyptic future where everyone they know is dead. Will they ever find their way home again?

"The Perfect Storm" is a Starfinder adventure for four 1st-level characters, launching the 3-volume Drift Crashers Adventure Path. Drift Crashers is part of the Drift Crisis, an event taking place across the entire Starfinder game line, in which faster-than-light travel breaks down and the galaxy is thrown into chaos. In addition to the adventure itself, this book includes a player's guide filled with character creation advice and new gear designed just for Drift Crashers players, along with an Adventure Toolbox filled with new rule options and strange alien creatures.

Each bi-monthly full-color softcover Starfinder Adventure Path volume contains a new installment of a series of interconnected science-fantasy quests that together create a fully developed plot of sweeping scale and epic challenges. Each 64-page volume also contains in-depth articles that detail and expand the Starfinder campaign setting and provide new rules, a host of exciting new monsters and alien races, a new planet to explore and starship to pilot, and more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-426-0

The Drift Crashers Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in Starfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheets are available as a free download (573.3 kb PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Starfinder Adventures Subscription.

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3.80/5 (based on 5 ratings)

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Quite the ride, but challenging to run and pretty deadly in parts


stub review - lots of nice setpieces, but I found it rather hard to run, there it is certainly not an AP(volume) for new GMs. But there is plenty to like, for more experienced GMs.

Your group will likely get a lot more out of this AP, if they are more familiar with the setting.

The start is pretty darn brutal, and I really had to hold back.

One of the bigger challenges, excluding the surprise in the new world, is to keep your players focused on the plot, especially considering their mobility options.
I had to add in more breaks in the action etc. it really starts with a rush and I feel like it is a bit too hard for that.

In other words, as listed above, this needs an experienced GM that knows when to use a light touch.

3.5 out of 5 - but honestly a couple of issues are just based on the Starfinder rules and how they can be pretty darn brutal.

Do not pass Go. Go directly to Hell!


Spoiler: You haphazardly go to Hell! What could go wrong? Love the lore coming out of this one! Let's Go! 5-Stars

Nice start to The Drift Crisis


I have not played this module yet but will be doing shortly in under a week. But I feel it is getting an unfair star rep from that first poster review (and I would'nt even call that a "review" myself!!) so 5 Stars to counter that regardless. Really wish there was a minimal limit one HAS to post in a review, but I digress....

So we launch into The drift crisis with this, first I would recommend starting with the one shot scenario Before the Storm, then this AP. So it warms up the players for what is about to come, but not 100% needed.

Positives +

* The action is fast and furious with no let up thus starting this "Crisis" with a bang and no slow burn here and that as much needed in my humble opinion!!

* Nice to have the players involved with making their own special ship NPC and pick an addition to their ship, really gives the players a feeling of ownership, compared to other Starfinder AP's

* Merging ships is an interesting twist (Double edged sword thing though...)

* Having some of the pirate crew as enemies to kill or befriend is nice to have instead of just lazer blaster fodder, good RP to be had in the spare moment before the action continues

* Reexploring your old/new starship and what popped in there will be quite interesting when the party "cleans house"

* Going to the plane of Hell for the first time in Starfinder, COOL, (but a bit sparse there)

* Meeting your alter ego in another time line might be trite and done to death for some but the reviews need to be done for the average gamer in many regards, not ye old grizzled vet who wants it ONLT their way, no exceptions, LOL I think my crew will have a blast with this in all honesty.

* the Knights of Golarian are a nice touch to get the flavor of them in the Space station

* Then that Dream Station of Desna's should be a hoot for many players, not all but I think a good share

* The Starstone destroyed in this alternate time??!! GULP :)

* Starfinder ship chase!! Need I say more, and not just the average and somewhat boring in my opinion ship to ship slugfest that happens in other AP's


- Granted Starfinder AP page counts are much smaller that Pf I and II's AP's but it would have been nice to explore the plane of Hell a bit more, be they combat encounters, skill check challenges or "local' NPC interactions...

- The combined ships, NO MAPS, create your own, NOT GOOD

- Partial maps of specific areas, with an AP that focuses on a Starship as their home for the most part Paizo should have really gone full out and perhaps have had a special flip map or flip tile product attached to this!!!

- The lack of downtime and thinking of WFT is going on can be an issue for some players and GM's but I think anyone can make some time as needed, between events

- kinda wish they would have given examples of fun, goofy off the wall NPC companions the players could pick from OR come up with their own, but maybe that's just me??

So in the end I think The perfect storm sets this Drift Crisis up just right, might not be to somes specific tastes but I think many players and GM's will have a great time playing this.



Short, not really Planar/Hell-related, and not really Crash-related?


Note: My players and I were divided on this one. I call it a 3/5 due to the bait and switch, but they really enjoyed it and probably would give it a 4.5 so I'm splitting the difference with a 4.

In Starfinder AP #46, Paizo is experimenting with something that rarely works out well - time travel and alternate realities.

Make no mistake -- you go to Hell for just long enough to fill up the gas tank before you're back out in a bunch of crazy stuff -- I have some small criticisms with the copy but the big issue is this: Nothing you do matters. You go to a mirror universe and then the future -- two settings that don't amount to a hill of beans when it comes to leaving lasting impacts on Starfinder.

These are well worn Star Trek tropes - emphasis on the worn. Part of the problem was encapsulated by the constant use of the tropes in Star Trek: Voyager, where brutal things would happen to the crew only for things to be tied up with a little bow at the end in the form of a reset button that turned everything back to status quo. It's a reason that Ronald D. Moore hated working on it and left to work on the now-famous Battlestar Galactica.

Plus time travel raises tons of questions. Can deities see through time? If you kill a soul in the future, but you're from the present, "when" does Pharasma judge it? Now-ish? Or in the future? Vexing metaphysical issues ahead!

Overall, this AP has a very brisk pace to it, and is slightly under-tuned. I was able to knock this out with a party of 4 in about 3 sessions of 5-6 hours each. Don't expect the provided NPC's to be really memorable. Populating your ship with NPC's is almost a must -- especially if you have someone who's missing a critical skill like Computers or Engineering. A Mechanic or Operative is almost mandatory.

On to the nitpicky details:

- Knights of Golarion. The NPC's don't wear heavy armor? They all wear Estex Suits. Kind of odd, especially given the art direction. Some flavor text explaining they live in a crapsack world where you can't easily get heavy armor might have been useful, or maybe designated them as "Squires" or "Pages" -- ineligible to wear heavy armor.

- Player ship starts out statblocked at tier 3 but the AP assumes you've got a tier 1 ship to start (it mentions upgrading your ship to tier 2 after a starship combat on page 19). Maybe I missed something here, but if I don't have a tier 1 ship, what am I supposed to do, make one from scratch? What's the point of the inner cover statblock for the player ship then? I started out the encounter with a CR 3 ship.

- The Dopplegangers are something that requires buy-in or a lot of creativity. I was able to create the statblocks in a hurry but it's definitely something that could be skipped. Alternately it could wind up a TPK....sneaking up on characters and killing them in their sleep without their heavy armor is a dangerous plot move!

- AP is undertuned after the battle at the beginning of the AP. The second part can either be super easy if you're stealthy or difficult if you murderhobo your way through it. You can faceroll through the third part just mindlessly rolling d20's and d6's.

- To get the most out of this AP you definitely need 3-4 NPC's on the crew to perform essential functions if necessary. As I said above, mechanic/tech operative is a necessity. Lots of engineering checks.

- It says that the glitch gremlins cast holographic image on someone in the party and graffiti up their armor as a prank -- the shortened stat block probably should've also mentioned this requires all four glitch gremlins. I glanced at their spell list and was very confused until I read the fine print at the bottom.

- The linkage to the Drift Crisis as a whole only occurs at the end of the AP when you realize what the Hell (no pun intended) happened the same way the Terminator explains what happens to John Connor in Terminator 2. Not the best form of exposition. I prefer explosition.

- Someone REALLY likes the Wizard of Oz. You'll know it when you read it.

In summary - with the right party makeup (I had a Desnan on the crew, so she is fangirling out right now) this is a great AP. I think it should have been labelled the "Desnan" AP since she factors heavily into it. And I like Desna! But anybody expecting this to be a cool planar romp will be disappointed. Paizo, you used up your "One time travel/alternate reality AP" ticket. Don't abuse it.

It's Morbin time!


Like Morbius, the Drift Crisis is a huge letdown and not worth your time. Spend your money elsewhere.

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Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

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Announced for June! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.

Please note: Starting in June 2022, the price of Starfinder Adventure Path softcover books will increase to $24.99.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, this sounds... insane.

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Planescape Chocolate in my Starfinder Peanutbutter?!

Looking forward to this.

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Bummer about the price increase but looking forward to this Drift Crisis Event!!


Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

we knew a price increase was needed, I can live with paying 2$ more that seems fair to me.
Looks like Drift crisis and crasher will be fun!
"power to travel anywhere in space and time" that's nice power at 1st level

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An AP that leans into going full gonzo may actually manage to keep my players ON the rails, oddly enough.

Extremely intrigued by this.

Wayfinders Contributor

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Ooh, I cannot wait to read this one!

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I'm get to turn your ship into a bloody TARDIS?!


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Recent discussions have made it clear how little Paizo's staff/freelancers make, and how difficult it is to increase how much they're paid given the current pricing of products. So I, for one, am very happy to hear about the price increase!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

I want this Path. I want this a bunch. But I do hope this isn't a beginning of the end for Starfinder AP.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
James Martin wrote:
I want this Path. I want this a bunch. But I do hope this isn't a beginning of the end for Starfinder AP.

We have nothing that indicates this is the case.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

No, there's nothing, except this is a book that substantially changes one of the core concepts of the world. Books of this sort have been used to justify edition changes or the ending of lines in the past. Couple that with the decision to bump the AP back to one per two months and anecdotal evidence I've heard from store owners of fire sales on new product and low sales and I can't help but wonder. Perhaps I am wrong. Perhaps I am not.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

10 people marked this as a favorite.
James Martin wrote:
I want this Path. I want this a bunch. But I do hope this isn't a beginning of the end for Starfinder AP.

As someone who's seen the product schedule, this is not heralding anything of the sort. Starfinder ain't goin' nowhere!

wait that's a double negative, hang on, this is why we have editors

Marketing & Media Manager

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Alex Speidel wrote:
James Martin wrote:
I want this Path. I want this a bunch. But I do hope this isn't a beginning of the end for Starfinder AP.

As someone who's seen the product schedule, this is not heralding anything of the sort. Starfinder ain't goin' nowhere!

wait that's a double negative, hang on, this is why we have editors

I'm really excited that Starfinder is trying something new. This is inspired by comic book summer cross-over events that touch multiple product lines and leave the world largely unchanged after they end. It just adds adventurous lore.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

Good deal. I'll look for it with anticipation then!

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Sooooooo hyped for this!!!! Congratulations, Jess!!

12 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Triune: "Bad news, had to shut down the Drift"

Marata crew: "We're in **HELL**"

Triune: "Good news! I've got a quick patch job for you, you just have to beta-test it!"

Marata crew: "Somehow we're even DEEPER in **HELL**!!!"

How is a 3 part adventure path going to do justice to such an expansive premise.

I can't help but think that this should have been a full path.

Marketing & Media Manager

8 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

How is a 3 part adventure path going to do justice to such an expansive premise.

I can't help but think that this should have been a full path.

Just you wait. :)

Aaron Shanks wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

How is a 3 part adventure path going to do justice to such an expansive premise.

I can't help but think that this should have been a full path.

Just you wait. :)

I'd rather get some more information before I'm willing to spend my money on this.

Dismissing my question doesn't instill very much confidence to be honest.

Grand Lodge

6 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

How is a 3 part adventure path going to do justice to such an expansive premise.

I can't help but think that this should have been a full path.

Just you wait. :)

I'd rather get some more information before I'm willing to spend my money on this.

Dismissing my question doesn't instill very much confidence to be honest.

Luckily, it's not coming out for another six months, so there's plenty of time for more information to be given at the pace that the people who's job this is decide is appropriate.

Sasha Laranoa Harving wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

How is a 3 part adventure path going to do justice to such an expansive premise.

I can't help but think that this should have been a full path.

Just you wait. :)

I'd rather get some more information before I'm willing to spend my money on this.

Dismissing my question doesn't instill very much confidence to be honest.

Luckily, it's not coming out for another six months, so there's plenty of time for more information to be given at the pace that the people who's job this is decide is appropriate.

That is true! It doesn't make dismissing my question any less rude.

It's not like I haven't been an extremely loyal and forgiving customer over the years there's absolutely nothing wrong asking Paizo about a product I have serious doubts about and would like a bit of clarification about before I buy it. I didn't give them a time table I merely asked a serious question to which I expected a serious answer. No response would have been better than dismissing the question out of hand.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I wouldn't call it dismissing, I would call it more of a tease when he probably can't say anything official about future products. Some people (myself included) love getting hints about stuff and speculating

4 people marked this as a favorite.

It's also worth mentioning the description says "an event taking place across the entire Starfinder game line". This 3 part adventure path isn't trying to cover the expansive premise, but is presumably just one of many products that will tie into it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I believe two APs and at least one standalone adventure have been promised (more being left to the realm of speculation), plus "about four" Starfinder Society scenarios.


John Mangrum wrote:
I believe two APs and at least one standalone adventure have been promised (more being left to the realm of speculation), plus "about four" Starfinder Society scenarios.

That sounds about right. I could be wrong, but I believe I saw or heard that there is going to essentially be a Campaign Setting book centered around the Drift Crisis, likely meaning it's encouraging people to make up their own adventures as well as the ones Paizo is officially making simply BECAUSE of how expansive an entire plane of existence (to say nothing of how integral it is to extrasolar space travel) going haywire would affect the galaxy.

Anyone who made any regular use of the Drift is going to have their own story to tell. Heck, just throwing this out, think of how messed up Drift travel would affect the Azlanti Empire. All of a sudden their Empire is fragmented and difficult to keep reliable tabs on everything. It would be a huge chance for conquered planets in other star systems to attempt to break away since their planetside overlords can't easily call for back-up, though there is definitely risk there.

Only people I can think of who aren't going to be too put out with the Drift Crisis would be species who don't need to solely use the Drift, like the Witchwyrds (oh man, just thinking of the profits they could make on the panic).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Syvis wrote:
John Mangrum wrote:
I believe two APs and at least one standalone adventure have been promised (more being left to the realm of speculation), plus "about four" Starfinder Society scenarios.
That sounds about right. I could be wrong, but I believe I saw or heard that there is going to essentially be a Campaign Setting book centered around the Drift Crisis, likely meaning it's encouraging people to make up their own adventures as well as the ones Paizo is officially making simply BECAUSE of how expansive an entire plane of existence (to say nothing of how integral it is to extrasolar space travel) going haywire would affect the galaxy.

Conveniently, the sourcebook is titled “Drift Crisis”.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hellknights are going to be through the roof; their ships already feature backup Helldrives.

Marketing & Media Manager

10 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Sasha Laranoa Harving wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

How is a 3 part adventure path going to do justice to such an expansive premise.

I can't help but think that this should have been a full path.

Just you wait. :)

I'd rather get some more information before I'm willing to spend my money on this.

Dismissing my question doesn't instill very much confidence to be honest.

Luckily, it's not coming out for another six months, so there's plenty of time for more information to be given at the pace that the people who's job this is decide is appropriate.

That is true! It doesn't make dismissing my question any less rude.

It's not like I haven't been an extremely loyal and forgiving customer over the years there's absolutely nothing wrong asking Paizo about a product I have serious doubts about and would like a bit of clarification about before I buy it. I didn't give them a time table I merely asked a serious question to which I expected a serious answer. No response would have been better than dismissing the question out of hand.

I apologize. I meant to be humorously coy.

I can't address your question until future products are announced. I can say that the Drift Crisis is a meta-event that will effect Starfinder products from the spring of 2022 to the spring of 2023. I hope the totality will do it justice in your eyes.

Wayfinders Contributor

6 people marked this as a favorite.
John Mangrum wrote:
Hellknights are going to be through the roof; their ships already feature backup Helldrives.

If I recall, they are fueled by the souls of Hellknights who forsook their vows. That's why all novice Hellknights spend their first vigil in a Citadel in the powercore room, so they can contemplate what's at stake.

Aaron Shanks wrote:
I can say that the Drift Crisis is a meta-event that will effect Starfinder products from the spring of 2022 to the spring of 2023. I hope the totality will do it justice in your eyes.

I am looking forward to seeing how this one plays out, Aaron!

Wayfinders Contributor

6 people marked this as a favorite.

You know, I missed an opportunity there. I should have had them contemplating their 'core' values!


2 people marked this as a favorite.

For the love of the gods can we please get adventures, especially these shorter APs that start at a higher level? So much low level material exists, how about giving people something else for a change?

Aaron Shanks wrote:
I can say that the Drift Crisis is a meta-event that will effect Starfinder products from the spring of 2022 to the spring of 2023. I hope the totality will do it justice in your eyes.

I think you may have given us a spoiler there. If the Drift Crisis no longer affects Starfinder products after spring 2023, that would suggest that the resolution of the meta-event is a restoration of the previous status quo in regard to Drift travel. Any other resolution would seem to require no end date for the effects of that meta-event.

Marketing & Media Manager

6 people marked this as a favorite.
David knott 242 wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
I can say that the Drift Crisis is a meta-event that will effect Starfinder products from the spring of 2022 to the spring of 2023. I hope the totality will do it justice in your eyes.

I think you may have given us a spoiler there. If the Drift Crisis no longer affects Starfinder products after spring 2023, that would suggest that the resolution of the meta-event is a restoration of the previous status quo in regard to Drift travel. Any other resolution would seem to require no end date for the effects of that meta-event.

Maybe? But honestly, I don’t know what the status quo will be after the marketing event is over? The Star Chamber has not told me.

This event is inspired by comicbook crossover events. Sometimes things go back to normal. Other times half the galactic population is gone or “no more mutants.” :)

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Just happened to think: Wonder if Akiton is suddenly going to find its fortunes change overnight, since thasteron drives are still around and are a well-known technology...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Siph0n wrote:
For the love of the gods can we please get adventures, especially these shorter APs that start at a higher level? So much low level material exists, how about giving people something else for a change?

I so agree, little high level play, up the game.

Status quo is likely the end result, to ensure they don't invalidate many pre-existing adventures.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I apologize. I meant to be humorously coy.

I can't address your question until future products are announced. I can say that the Drift Crisis is a meta-event that will effect Starfinder products from the spring of 2022 to the spring of 2023. I hope the totality will do it justice in your eyes.

Humorously coy is how I interpreted it. Sadly tone can be challenging to get across in just a small snippet of text.

That said, I very much look forward to this. I enjoy a good major meta arc that I can play through or run players through.


MurderHobo#6226 wrote:
Just happened to think: Wonder if Akiton is suddenly going to find its fortunes change overnight, since thasteron drives are still around and are a well-known technology...

I forget if there was a specific drive involved, and may need to reread some adventures and books, but my main recollection was that thasteron was simply fuel meant for sublight travel on this plane. It's still used, but given Drift travel doesn't use it, the call for it outside of moving around your local solar system quickly peaked. Though if there were a breakthrough that allows thasteron to be used for fuel for long distance travel again, it would most definitely be cool to see a renewed and revitalized Akiton. Though hopefully having learned to have multiple sources of income to help mitigate the possibility of another planetwide bust in the future.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Wait a sec so is name of starship Marata or Primorata? Weird typo if name of the ship doesn't change between two adventures :D


7 people marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:
Wait a sec so is name of starship Marata or Primorata? Weird typo if name of the ship doesn't change between two adventures :D


Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So excited!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is GOLD. Thank you for going all out with this concept!

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I do hope there is a permanent shift in Starfinder canon regarding how FTL/Drift travel works, as currently written its easily one of my least favorite parts of the setting. A reworking of FTL would be a very welcome change.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CrusaderWolf wrote:
I do hope there is a permanent shift in Starfinder canon regarding how FTL/Drift travel works, as currently written its easily one of my least favorite parts of the setting. A reworking of FTL would be a very welcome change.


Also, would be nice to have a galactic map for the game, something more all encompassing and detailed than the Pact Worlds illustration

Marketing & Media Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.
LotsOfLore wrote:
CrusaderWolf wrote:
I do hope there is a permanent shift in Starfinder canon regarding how FTL/Drift travel works, as currently written its easily one of my least favorite parts of the setting. A reworking of FTL would be a very welcome change.


Also, would be nice to have a galactic map for the game, something more all encompassing and detailed than the Pact Worlds illustration

Drift Crisis excerpt:

"The Drift Crisis affects Starfinder’s entire setting, creating thousands of stories. For the canonical climax and conclusion of the Drift Crisis, see Starfinder Adventure Path: Drift Hackers. [Name intentionally spoiled in the Polygon article.] But you can also write your own ending, creating an adventure for a single session or a campaign that plays out over many months. Regardless of your ending, it needs to be satisfying and significant. The Drift Crisis—and the actions your heroes take to resolve it—should leave the galaxy forever transformed."

I do not see a galactic map on the schedule. And why should there be one? GMs should be free to place locations where they need them. And Drift travel is about number of beacons, not distance. That's what gives it its unique flavor, imo. That said, I do not know the canonical end. (I tried to look ahead, but it is not on the server! lol)The Starfinder Team may be planning to make travel more location-based? But I suspect the Drift Crisis will leave it a more dangerous place.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

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I always thought the Drift was an underused concept. I want there to be floating chunks of other planes - bits of Heaven and Hell, abyssal dreadnoughts, devil-whales, chaos smurfs, a bit of everything in there. Society travel tends to be very quiet; I want the travel to be the adventure. I hope this moves in that direction.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Martin wrote:
I always thought the Drift was an underused concept. I want there to be floating chunks of other planes - bits of Heaven and Hell, abyssal dreadnoughts, devil-whales, chaos smurfs, a bit of everything in there. Society travel tends to be very quiet; I want the travel to be the adventure. I hope this moves in that direction.

to your point though, the fact that the drift is pretty quiet permits you to have all kinds of society adventures at the destinations and not bog down the session in the travel


2 people marked this as a favorite.
James Martin wrote:
I always thought the Drift was an underused concept. I want there to be floating chunks of other planes - bits of Heaven and Hell, abyssal dreadnoughts, devil-whales, chaos smurfs, a bit of everything in there. Society travel tends to be very quiet; I want the travel to be the adventure. I hope this moves in that direction.

If you look at the Drift Encounters table in the appendix of Galaxy Exploration Manual, this is a lot of what you'll find.

Marketing & Media Manager

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Good Morning. We have a Starfinder Drift Crashers Players Guide that is complete and I am working with the team to get a short blog written to release is ASAP. Stay tuned.

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