silversarcasm |
11 people marked this as a favorite. |
Hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah
Can't wait for this, the transfer from fighting the orcs to fighting longside them, the conflict of the frontline/absalom based command, the mystery of the patron of the crimson redeemers and an armoured baddass trans lesbian on the cover!!!!!!!! Sign me up to the knights!

silversarcasm |
13 people marked this as a favorite. |
Can someone tell me about this lady? I didn’t know she was trans, or that she’s even a known character.
She was in Lost Omens: Legends! She's called Kalabrynne Iomedar and is kind of the frontline commander in Lastwall. She's the de facto leader of the Shining Sentinels and her child, Clarethe, was the first of the Crimson Reclaimers!
And she is absolutely canonically trans and had a wife, who was killed by the radiant fire :(
pixierose |
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keftiu wrote:Can someone tell me about this lady? I didn’t know she was trans, or that she’s even a known character.She was in Lost Omens: Legends! She's called Kalabrynne Iomedar and is kind of the frontline commander in Lastwall. She's the de facto leader of the Shining Sentinels and her child, Clarethe, was the first of the Crimson Reclaimers!
And she is absolutely canonically trans and had a wife, who was killed by the radiant fire :(
That is so cool but also sad!

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keftiu wrote:Can someone tell me about this lady? I didn’t know she was trans, or that she’s even a known character.She was in Lost Omens: Legends! She's called Kalabrynne Iomedar and is kind of the frontline commander in Lastwall. She's the de facto leader of the Shining Sentinels and her child, Clarethe, was the first of the Crimson Reclaimers!
And she is absolutely canonically trans and had a wife, who was killed by the radiant fire :(
Also her child is nonbinary

Ly'ualdre |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

This gives me hope for my desires to see Champions adopt the 1e Cavalier and Samurai's Order ability to enable Champions of Causes that aren't strictly tied to Deities. I know the Knights of Lastwall are a religious military order dedicated to Iomedae, but not everyone joined as her followers. A Cause based around the Knights of Lastwall would be very interesting; for what is a Knight if not a Champion of their Orders Cause?

Ezekieru |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Another possibility of a connected product is the new adventure James Jacobs is writing right now. He's previously said it's in a location we've been to before, and has said elsewhere it's a sequel to an Adventure Path. Maybe this new Standalone Adventure is a sequel to Carrion Crown or Tyrant's Grasp? It'd line up with the other themes, and could come out around that time, barring any delays.

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I guess we are getting region and faction books for lost omens huh.
Well I can still hope for the Dragon Empires update or Casmaron book at some point ;D (I do like regions and factions getting books, but I'm admittedly bit more hyped for all major continents being fleshed out first)

keftiu |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I guess we are getting region and faction books for lost omens huh.
Well I can still hope for the Dragon Empires update or Casmaron book at some point ;D (I do like regions and factions getting books, but I'm admittedly bit more hyped for all major continents being fleshed out first)
Arcadia is the top of the list for me. The setting is getting feel incomplete until we at least have a broad sketch of the continent, and ideally a whole lot more than that.

Ly'ualdre |
10 people marked this as a favorite. |

So, obligatory conversation starter: who would your Knight of Lastwall PC be?
I'm craving the nigh-stereotypical "Dhampir Inquisitor of Arazni, who is essentially a Knight Reclaimant motivated by anti-undead spite."
"A fallen Knight buried amongst the heroes of Roslar's Tomb, Sir Arok Gallowmere awoke in a ruined church of Iomadae, after centuries of death, to find that he had been risen been risen from his grave by the Radiant Fire. Nothing more than skeletal reamins, Sir Arok roamed the Gravelands for several years as a mindless thrall of the undead horde plaguing the land. Uncertain how or why he had regained his mind and soul, the undead knight has taken up his sword once more to renew the oath of his fallen brethren and order, and rid the nation of Lastwall of the scourge of undeath."

KaiBlob1 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
This gives me hope for my desires to see Champions adopt the 1e Cavalier and Samurai's Order ability to enable Champions of Causes that aren't strictly tied to Deities. I know the Knights of Lastwall are a religious military order dedicated to Iomedae, but not everyone joined as her followers. A Cause based around the Knights of Lastwall would be very interesting; for what is a Knight if not a Champion of their Orders Cause?
It could be a champion class archetype.

Ly'ualdre |

Ly'ualdre wrote:This gives me hope for my desires to see Champions adopt the 1e Cavalier and Samurai's Order ability to enable Champions of Causes that aren't strictly tied to Deities. I know the Knights of Lastwall are a religious military order dedicated to Iomedae, but not everyone joined as her followers. A Cause based around the Knights of Lastwall would be very interesting; for what is a Knight if not a Champion of their Orders Cause?It could be a champion class archetype.
I don't believe it wpuld have to be an Archetype. Both Class abilities are already very similar. The Cavalier's Orders all have Edicts, which would translate to Champion's Cause Tenets, and both gain three abilities during leveling. Simply change the first ability into a reaction, add a Focus Spell (or a Feat that gives some sort of action-based ability), and give it one alignment restrictions (which could be a bit broader with maybe 2 or 3 options); and bam, Cause options not tied (directly) to Deities.

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So, obligatory conversation starter: who would your Knight of Lastwall PC be?
I'm craving the nigh-stereotypical "Dhampir Inquisitor of Arazni, who is essentially a Knight Reclaimant motivated by anti-undead spite."
I mean, my current Carrion Crown PC is basically like this, but he's a pantheist who worships Iomedae, Pharasma and the Empyreal Lord Andoletta as a divine triumvirate (a tradition in his home village of Grayce, right along the border of Ustalav and the Gravelands)!
I am SO excited for this book! It's another one of those times where I'm like "Paizo, did you write this book just for me, because it's got EVERYTHING in Pathfinder that I love?!" :P

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KaiBlob1 wrote:I don't believe it wpuld have to be an Archetype. Both Class abilities are already very similar. The Cavalier's Orders all have Edicts, which would translate to Champion's Cause Tenets, and both gain three abilities during leveling. Simply change the first ability into a reaction, add a Focus Spell (or a Feat that gives some sort of action-based ability), and give it one alignment restrictions (which could be a bit broader with maybe 2 or 3 options); and bam, Cause options not tied (directly) to Deities.Ly'ualdre wrote:This gives me hope for my desires to see Champions adopt the 1e Cavalier and Samurai's Order ability to enable Champions of Causes that aren't strictly tied to Deities. I know the Knights of Lastwall are a religious military order dedicated to Iomedae, but not everyone joined as her followers. A Cause based around the Knights of Lastwall would be very interesting; for what is a Knight if not a Champion of their Orders Cause?It could be a champion class archetype.
Too many Champion feats implicitly require the deity for such a thing to happen IMO.

Ly'ualdre |

Ly'ualdre wrote:Too many Champion feats implicitly require the deity for such a thing to happen IMO.KaiBlob1 wrote:I don't believe it wpuld have to be an Archetype. Both Class abilities are already very similar. The Cavalier's Orders all have Edicts, which would translate to Champion's Cause Tenets, and both gain three abilities during leveling. Simply change the first ability into a reaction, add a Focus Spell (or a Feat that gives some sort of action-based ability), and give it one alignment restrictions (which could be a bit broader with maybe 2 or 3 options); and bam, Cause options not tied (directly) to Deities.Ly'ualdre wrote:This gives me hope for my desires to see Champions adopt the 1e Cavalier and Samurai's Order ability to enable Champions of Causes that aren't strictly tied to Deities. I know the Knights of Lastwall are a religious military order dedicated to Iomedae, but not everyone joined as her followers. A Cause based around the Knights of Lastwall would be very interesting; for what is a Knight if not a Champion of their Orders Cause?It could be a champion class archetype.
I will say that I am 100% expecting it to be a Class Archetype for the Champion. After seeing how they function in SoM, it is definitely the smarter and easier way of handling it. But, SoM also showed that there is potential for adding or altering rules elements in a way that still makes them functional, without having to explicitly take an Archetype or Feat to facilitate it. But, if I had to guess, I'd wager it would probably function something like this:
Knightly Order (1st)
You find conviction in the dogma and creed of an ardent order, just as many find purpose in the teachings and scriptures of their philosophies and faiths. Rather than dedicate themselves to a Deity, many Champions choose to enlist their valor and zeal in the mission and goals of a structured Order. You choose to place your faith in an Order, instead of following a Deity or Cause. This doesn't prevent you from worshipping a Deity, but effects how many of your abilities and feats function. You gain the Champion's Reaction and Devotion Spell associated with your chosen Order at 1st level, and gain additional abilities at 9th and 11th level. You cannot take Feats directly tied to faith in a Deity or to a particular Cause. Additionally, you gain access to Feats with the Order trait. If you choose this Class Archetype, you must take the Knights Dedication Feat at 2nd level.
---- ----
Something like this seems plausible. And, if someone wanted to play a character with both a Deity and Order, they still gain a Champion Feat at 1st level. Perhaps there can be a 1st level Feat that allows for your choice in Deity to tie into your Order, granting access to all feats that require you to have a Deity, and maybe allow you to take one of those Feats as a bonus?
Admittedly, I recognize the idea is likely dead before arrival, given Faction Archetypes related to various knightly orders and other organizations; such as the Knights of Lastwall and the Hellknights. But, it seemed like a interesting possibility.

Evan Tarlton |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm majorly in the "both Ragathiel and Arazni in the weirdest team up ever" camp. It just makes too much sense to me and I hope it will get confirmed one way or the other in this book!
I don't find it that weird. If there was anybody Ragathiel would rather see redeemed than smote, it would be Arazni. Besides, I suspect Iomedae might have a part to play. She would definitely rather see Arazni redeemed than smote.

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silversarcasm wrote:I'm majorly in the "both Ragathiel and Arazni in the weirdest team up ever" camp. It just makes too much sense to me and I hope it will get confirmed one way or the other in this book!I don't find it that weird. If there was anybody Ragathiel would rather see redeemed than smote, it would be Arazni. Besides, I suspect Iomedae might have a part to play. She would definitely rather see Arazni redeemed than smote.
The problem here is that Arazni despises ANYONE that wants to "redeem" her. So she would definitely hate and refuse to work with both if that was their intention (and it's actually canon that she hates Iomedae because of her followers only trying to "redeem" her after she was transformed, after doing nothing to save her when she needed it).
So in your merry "let's redeem Arazni" gang, the main player, Arazni herself is not only against that goal but actually hostile to it.I could still see Arazni and Ragathiel work together, but not if Ragathiel even thought about trying redeeming her.
There's a reason Arazni, NE, gives powers to CG followers, but not NG even if it's closer in steps to her alignment.

Spamotron |
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Evan Tarlton wrote:silversarcasm wrote:I'm majorly in the "both Ragathiel and Arazni in the weirdest team up ever" camp. It just makes too much sense to me and I hope it will get confirmed one way or the other in this book!I don't find it that weird. If there was anybody Ragathiel would rather see redeemed than smote, it would be Arazni. Besides, I suspect Iomedae might have a part to play. She would definitely rather see Arazni redeemed than smote.The problem here is that Arazni despises ANYONE that wants to "redeem" her. So she would definitely hate and refuse to work with both if that was their intention (and it's actually canon that she hates Iomedae because of her followers only trying to "redeem" her after she was transformed, after doing nothing to save her when she needed it).
So in your merry "let's redeem Arazni" gang, the main player, Arazni herself is not only against that goal but actually hostile to it.I could still see Arazni and Ragathiel work together, but not if Ragathiel even thought about trying redeeming her.
There's a reason Arazni, NE, gives powers to CG followers, but not NG even if it's closer in steps to her alignment.
One bit of consistent characterization for Iomedae is that she is keenly aware of her own fallibility and she always makes a sincere effort to learn from her mistakes. Previous attempts to redeem Arazni were indeed a disaster. That means Iomedae would seriously try to understand why and would then change her approach. Also previously Arazni had her negative emotions warped and amplified by undeath. Having overcome that and ascended to full godhood could have given her some new perspective.

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Plus, Ragathiel is the General of VENGEANCE, so he and Arazni may have more in common than you think: sometimes evil really does need to be smote and smote HARD. I imagine Ragathiel would respect Arazni's "take no sh!t" attitude in regards to this, and while Arazni's ire is perhaps less discerning, targeting any who've wronged her while Ragathiel tries to keep his retribution evildoer exclusive, she probably sees him as someone who at least kind of "gets it" for lack of a better word?
I see them as the kind of people who, if they were to encounter each other, would give each other a curt, but polite, nod and then go their separate ways.

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keftiu wrote:"A fallen Knight buried amongst the heroes of Roslar's Tomb, Sir Arok Gallowmere awoke in a ruined church of Iomadae, after centuries of death, to find that he had been risen been risen from his grave by the Radiant Fire. Nothing more than skeletal reamins, Sir Arok roamed the Gravelands for several years as a mindless thrall of the undead horde plaguing the land. Uncertain how or why he had regained his mind and soul, the undead knight has taken up his sword once more to renew the oath of his fallen brethren and order, and rid the nation of Lastwall of the scourge of undeath."So, obligatory conversation starter: who would your Knight of Lastwall PC be?
I'm craving the nigh-stereotypical "Dhampir Inquisitor of Arazni, who is essentially a Knight Reclaimant motivated by anti-undead spite."
Pleeeeeease tell me this was a shout out to Medievil.

Ly'ualdre |
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Ly'ualdre wrote:Pleeeeeease tell me this was a shout out to Medievil.keftiu wrote:"A fallen Knight buried amongst the heroes of Roslar's Tomb, Sir Arok Gallowmere awoke in a ruined church of Iomadae, after centuries of death, to find that he had been risen been risen from his grave by the Radiant Fire. Nothing more than skeletal reamins, Sir Arok roamed the Gravelands for several years as a mindless thrall of the undead horde plaguing the land. Uncertain how or why he had regained his mind and soul, the undead knight has taken up his sword once more to renew the oath of his fallen brethren and order, and rid the nation of Lastwall of the scourge of undeath."So, obligatory conversation starter: who would your Knight of Lastwall PC be?
I'm craving the nigh-stereotypical "Dhampir Inquisitor of Arazni, who is essentially a Knight Reclaimant motivated by anti-undead spite."
I'm glad someone caught it. :D

Ly'ualdre |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

"Somewhere in the Deadland, an unlikely group of adventures walk into a crypt. A Duskwalker Summoner and their Psychopomp Eidolon, an Mortic Orc Warpriest of Gorum, the Ghost of a Halfling Inquisitor of Pharasma, and a Dhampir Oracle of Bones; lead by the Skeletal remains of one Sir Arok of Gallowmere, undead Paladin of Iomadae. Together, they have vowed to rid the land of the undead plague."