Trouble in the Academy! The heroes have proven themselves to be worthy additions to Magaambya school of magic, but they are still students. Trusted to handle important school business in the surrounding city of Nantambu, the Song-Wind City, the heroes confront a vengeful alchemist, stealthy infiltrators, and other dangers. A mysterious artifact housed within the Magaambya might be the source of the school's recent troubles, but can the students discover its secrets, protect their fellow students, and still graduate?
“Spoken on the Song Wind” is a Pathfinder adventure for four 4th-level characters by Quinn Murphy. This adventure continues the Strength of Thousands Adventure Path, a six-part, monthly campaign in which the heroes rise from humble students to influential teachers, and ultimately decide the fate of the Magaambya. This adventure also presents several Mwangi folktales, as well as new monsters and new rules from the Song-Wind City!
Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters, and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the world's oldest fantasy RPG.
ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-356-0
The Strength of Thousands Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure and Chronicle Sheets are available as a free download (954 KB PDF).
Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:
This part of the adventure juggles multiple different mysteries dealing with the local crime lord and the lord mayor. I enjoy a lot of the antagonists throughout this adventure in particular as encouraging not every person the party might come across as needing to die while them serving as solid opponents.
The encounters throughout this are just small set pieces that explore different people within the city and I enjoyed adding a couple throughout to pad out and pace some of the sessions. The small encounters though ended up taking far more time than either of the mini-dungeon pieces here.
If there is something I would have changed if I ran thus again, it would have been to put more emphasis on events at the school. This isn't necessarily important to the plot, but having a few more interactions involving fellow students would have been nice. Even then, this might be better per GM to handle rather than trying to pace out in the book. I greatly enjoyed it.
The second volume of this AP has good things going for it... and some pacing issues. *Spoilers ahead!*
First of all, I think most players will be fairly surprised at the sudden decision of Janatimo to nominate them as conversants that soon in the AP. While my players all knew the student arc was only the first two books, none of them really expected for it to happen a mere summer after they've became attendants. As written, there's not a big gap between the two, not enough to be really significant of an achievement.
Second of all, the second chapter has some highlights in the form of tasks really succeeding on putting the emphasis on the community aspect of the Magaambya. However, letting players choose in what order they do the tasks can end up a bit wonky, since you can end up not hearing about Froglegs for a few tasks in a row. In other words, the menace doesn't make itself seen nor heard of enough.
My players and I really enjoyed the Sekmin arc of the adventure and the reveals that the Egg was most likely causing the aggregation of insects and other arthropods at and under the school.
A nice follow-up to Kindled Magic, but the menace feels way lower than it did in other APs, which i do not think was for the best.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
keftiu wrote:
What do we think the odds of “new rules” being an Archetype here?
"Rules" is plural and vague, so I would guess that it is more than one different thing. I would not be at all surprised if these things include an archetype.
What do we think the odds of “new rules” being an Archetype here?
"Rules" is plural and vague, so I would guess that it is more than one different thing. I would not be at all surprised if these things include an archetype.
It is indeed many things--including two archetypes!
What do we think the odds of “new rules” being an Archetype here?
"Rules" is plural and vague, so I would guess that it is more than one different thing. I would not be at all surprised if these things include an archetype.
It is indeed many things--including two archetypes!
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
The Raven Black wrote:
Ron Lundeen wrote:
Lonesomechunk wrote:
ooooh are we allowed to ask for any hints on these two archetypes?
Oh, I could tell tales about them now, but maybe better wait until this releases, then ring people up for details.
I guess "Ring people up" is a teaser for the other archetype. So, Tale-teller and Ringleader ?
The tale teller is correct. It’s called the Folklorist and lets you utilise your knowledge of stories to affect the world around you.
The other is linked to the Chime Ringers, Nantambu’s city watch, and has some useful party buff abilities.
Other things included are a new ritual, 16 magic items including a couple of mwangi figurines of wondrous power, and 8 monsters, including one based on a Zambian myth.
While we communicated the release date delay on social media and in several forums posts, our product pages were only recently updated. We do apologize for the miscommunication and hear your frustration. Thank you.
There have been numerous news posts and updates about the August shipment being delayed for at least a week now.
Sadly, news posts and updates are more fleeting than a product's page.
Thankfully, I know thanks to skimming the boards that Paizo is deeply aware of this and are trying to improve their IT and organization and recruit people so that things are better communicated in the future.
Thanks to Aaron and all the people involved for all the hard work. We do appreciate it even when we're grumbling because we love your excellent products so much and would want to give you our money yesterday.