Zoomba’s Secrets Long Submerged [Gameday XII][SFS] (Inactive)

Game Master Zoomba


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Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

Female CG Human Ace Pilot Operative 12 (daredevil) | SP 108/108, HP 76/76, RP 13/13 | Speed 50, climb 30, fly 70 (average), swim 30 | EAC 32, KAC 33 | Fort +11, Ref +16, Will +11; +4 Toughness | Init +15; darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21 (+25 trap spotter) | Active conditions: none (reroll USED)
GM Zoomba wrote:
These creatures' tongues are a bit different: you are stuck to it and Grabbed just on a hit (though those tongue attacks deal no actual damage themselves)[/ooc]

Hmm, sounds like some mad scientist bred moray/electric eel hybrids into something much, MUCH larger, then spliced in some cave fisher DNA just for spite. (One of my baby PFS PCs got to fight cave fishers in an in-person game last night.)

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG death-touched kiriinta ghost operative 11 | SP 77/77 HP 70/70 | RP 8/10 | EAC 27, KAC 27 | Fort +8; Ref +15; Will +11 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 50ft, 20ft fly | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: low-light vision (60 ft).

I'm sorry, but I am spending a lot of time looking up rules to figure out what I can do. I have a couple of questions that will determine whether or not I can do anything worthwhile.
1) The rules I see on grappled don't seem to say I can't take full actions. Is that right? If so, I can still trick attack. But I only have a few bullets with my low-tech gun. Speaking of which
2) Do fusions negate DR? I had a merciful one on the handcannon. It didn't seem important, but if magic negates DR, I dealt something like 30 more damage (and can do a lot more if need be.)

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

Of course: always happy to clarify as much as possible.

Iskakii wrote:

1) The rules I see on grappled don't seem to say I can't take full actions. Is that right? If so, I can still trick attack. But I only have a few bullets with my low-tech gun.

The grappled condition does not prevent Full-actions. The only action restrictions are that you can't move (though this is referring to actual movement from the square, not other uses of a Move action or Full action) and cannot take an AoO (though can take other Reactions if relevant). So long as your Trcik Attack doesn't require two hands (which it doesn't for you) you can do it as normal (though affected by grappled's attack roll and Dex skill roll penalties).

Full Grapple condition text:
You are restrained by a creature, effect, or trap. You can’t move, and you take a –2 penalty to your Armor Class, attack rolls, Reflex saving throws, initiative checks, and Dexterity-based skill and ability checks, except those made to grapple your opponent in turn or to escape a grapple (see Grapple on page 246). In addition, you can’t take actions that require two hands (or other limbs) to perform. You can’t make attacks of opportunity.

You can’t use Stealth to hide from the creature grappling you, even if a special ability allows you to hide when you normally couldn’t. If you become invisible, through a spell or other ability, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your check to escape being grappled, but you receive no other benefit.

Iskakii wrote:
2) Do fusions negate DR? I had a merciful one on the handcannon. It didn't seem important, but if magic negates DR, I dealt something like 30 more damage (and can do a lot more if need be.)

A weapon with any amount of fusions on it counts as magical for DR purposes. However, while that would allow it to ignore DR/Magic, these serpents have DR 15/- which doesn't care if its magic or not.

Certain fusions also allow for the bypassing of any type of DR (like how the disruptive fusion ignores all of an undead creatures' DR or energy resistances regardless of the type of DR), butthat would not apply to any of the fusion you or the party has here.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG death-touched kiriinta ghost operative 11 | SP 77/77 HP 70/70 | RP 8/10 | EAC 27, KAC 27 | Fort +8; Ref +15; Will +11 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 50ft, 20ft fly | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: low-light vision (60 ft).

Grappling is so weird. It says that I need to beat the target's KAC to escape, which is probably easy with my +28 (+26 while grappled). But that eel can only miss grabbing me on a fumble, so it just keeps me from doing any damage.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG death-touched kiriinta ghost operative 11 | SP 77/77 HP 70/70 | RP 8/10 | EAC 27, KAC 27 | Fort +8; Ref +15; Will +11 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 50ft, 20ft fly | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: low-light vision (60 ft).

OK, we need to do some math quickly. When we do piercing damage underwater and the target has DR, do we halve the damage and then subtract or subtract and then halve? Like that crit I got: was it 80/2-15=25 or (80-15)/2=32?

Iskakii only has a few more analog shots left, and if he needs to keep escaping to avoid being swallowed, his max damage (without a trick) is either 1 or 0.

Also, can I use my own feats for my equipment? I have Improved Great Fortitude, so I can spend a resolve point to reroll a failed Fortitude save, but I don't know if that is only for me or for my gear as well.

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died
Iskakii wrote:
OK, we need to do some math quickly. When we do piercing damage underwater and the target has DR, do we halve the damage and then subtract or subtract and then halve? Like that crit I got: was it 80/2-15=25 or (80-15)/2=32?

Good question: I have been ruling it as the former (damage/2-DR), reasoning that the halving is due to the water resistance affecting it first as the attack goes between you and the target, and then DR is what it resists at the moment of impact. And obviously any underwater or trailblazer-fusioned item would ignore the halving.

That said, if you see anything where I'm ruling the order of operations wrong and it should be the other way plase show may and I am happy to reverse.

Iskakii wrote:
Also, can I use my own feats for my equipment? I have Improved Great Fortitude, so I can spend a resolve point to reroll a failed Fortitude save, but I don't know if that is only for me or for my gear as well.

You can use it: your attended items needing saves are using your modifiers and I don't see any reason that can't also apply to using your feats too.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

Female CG Human Ace Pilot Operative 12 (daredevil) | SP 108/108, HP 76/76, RP 13/13 | Speed 50, climb 30, fly 70 (average), swim 30 | EAC 32, KAC 33 | Fort +11, Ref +16, Will +11; +4 Toughness | Init +15; darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21 (+25 trap spotter) | Active conditions: none (reroll USED)

Oh, hey, I just thought of something: Geiti's going to become fully attuned at the beginning of her turn. If she supernovas, would that do full damage since she's inside the eel instead of in the water? And would it get a penalty to its Reflex save?

I doubt that will do enough damage to kill the thing, but it would definitely help give us a better chance of finishing it before Geiti has to start hemorraging Resolve.

(I know Xysh is saving a spell slot or two in case he needs to bring back the very recently dead via a high-level Mystic Cure, but let's hope he only needs to use the extra healing option!)

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

That is...a question I have genuinely never thought about before.

Doing some googling and finding nothing helpful about this specific rules question but a bit about fish in general I am going to rule that while in the stomach Geiti (or anyone else) are NOT considered underwater

Thus, while a character is still grabbed (and taking those penalties and restrictions) they are not also taking the penalties for fire or non-melee-piercing damage, nor the extra attack penalties (again, beyond the Grappled condition itself penalizing you).

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

Female CG Human Ace Pilot Operative 12 (daredevil) | SP 108/108, HP 76/76, RP 13/13 | Speed 50, climb 30, fly 70 (average), swim 30 | EAC 32, KAC 33 | Fort +11, Ref +16, Will +11; +4 Toughness | Init +15; darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21 (+25 trap spotter) | Active conditions: none (reroll USED)

Woo, edge case for the win! (Or so we hope so...)

Also of interest: I've just started working on a handout on archaic weapons for a scenario I'll be running next month, and just reread the Analog property (emphasis mine):

This weapon does not use any advanced electronics, computer systems, or electrical power sources. It is immune to abilities that target technology. While this use of the word “analog” is not technically correct when referring to technology, use of the term in this way has become common throughout the Pact Worlds.

That would make things marginally better for Zefira, and possibly some other PCs.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

Female CG Human Ace Pilot Operative 12 (daredevil) | SP 108/108, HP 76/76, RP 13/13 | Speed 50, climb 30, fly 70 (average), swim 30 | EAC 32, KAC 33 | Fort +11, Ref +16, Will +11; +4 Toughness | Init +15; darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21 (+25 trap spotter) | Active conditions: none (reroll USED)

Xysh's player (my partner) is sick with COVID at the moment, so might not be up to posting for a little while. I'm negative for now, and will help her out with posting/botting as much as I can, so that we can keep moving along in a timely manner.

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

Sorry to hear that: I hope they feel better soon (and you continue to feel fine).

Right now awaiting Geiti: I've been holding off on botting them as given their perilous situation I would prefer they control their next turn. (If still nothing for another couple of days, will need to do so regardless to keep things moving).

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

Female CG Human Ace Pilot Operative 12 (daredevil) | SP 108/108, HP 76/76, RP 13/13 | Speed 50, climb 30, fly 70 (average), swim 30 | EAC 32, KAC 33 | Fort +11, Ref +16, Will +11; +4 Toughness | Init +15; darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21 (+25 trap spotter) | Active conditions: none (reroll USED)

I just rememebered that we were given a tiara of translocation, and this encounter is undoubtedly why the author included it. Looking back at past posts, I can't see that anyone claimed it, despite Geiti being under her worn item limit. (Zefira was more interested in the cloak of diffraction, so only that one was explicitly claimed.)

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG death-touched kiriinta ghost operative 11 | SP 77/77 HP 70/70 | RP 8/10 | EAC 27, KAC 27 | Fort +8; Ref +15; Will +11 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 50ft, 20ft fly | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: low-light vision (60 ft).

I was wondering about the needler pistol, but I am otherwise good. Iskakii has an ability that should actually allow him to phase out if need be, albeit in a limited space.

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

So gang, we've actually butted right up agaisnt the end timeline for the gameday!

After this combat there are a few more things still to do, but those hopefully should not take that much longer (part of what dragged this out - apart from the fact there's plenty in this scenario before you even leave the city - is that the way the dice landed and situations arose in this a-lot-going-on fight meant I was much less aggressive in botting than typical. Most fights even in PbP generally don't move into the 4th week!).

I am happy and willing to report the game now so the Gameday can wrap up its reporting and you can be sure to get the appropriate ACP bump just don't then die and make it a whole thing :p. I will however need to know your PFS# for Xysh...Xysh

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG death-touched kiriinta ghost operative 11 | SP 77/77 HP 70/70 | RP 8/10 | EAC 27, KAC 27 | Fort +8; Ref +15; Will +11 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 50ft, 20ft fly | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: low-light vision (60 ft).

Two consecutive crits! I think the dice want us to be done, too.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

Female CG Human Ace Pilot Operative 12 (daredevil) | SP 108/108, HP 76/76, RP 13/13 | Speed 50, climb 30, fly 70 (average), swim 30 | EAC 32, KAC 33 | Fort +11, Ref +16, Will +11; +4 Toughness | Init +15; darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21 (+25 trap spotter) | Active conditions: none (reroll USED)

Definitely a good time for those!


Male LG Shirren Scholar Mystic 12 | SP 96/96, HP 41/78, RP 13/13 Speed 30 | EAC 29, KAC 29 | Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +15 | Init +4; darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +22 | Spells: 1st - 5/5; 2nd - 5/5; 3rd - 1/4; 4th - 1/3; | Active conditions: none

Xysh is 246222-702, Advocates.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG death-touched kiriinta ghost operative 11 | SP 77/77 HP 70/70 | RP 8/10 | EAC 27, KAC 27 | Fort +8; Ref +15; Will +11 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 50ft, 20ft fly | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: low-light vision (60 ft).

I took a look at the stats everybody has posted, and the rules for chases. We actually only need to roll this if there are modifications to the terrain. While we are ahead of all enemies, Zefira has a +30 Piloting, and the DC for Speed Up (move two zones this round) in this ship is 30.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

Female CG Human Ace Pilot Operative 12 (daredevil) | SP 108/108, HP 76/76, RP 13/13 | Speed 50, climb 30, fly 70 (average), swim 30 | EAC 32, KAC 33 | Fort +11, Ref +16, Will +11; +4 Toughness | Init +15; darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21 (+25 trap spotter) | Active conditions: none (reroll USED)

Zefira can always take 10 with Piloting thanks to skill mastery (she has Skill Focus in Piloting). If she Double Maneuvers each round, that's a result of 34 for each maneuver before any other modifiers.

The chase maps states that we can't Speed Up for the first couple zones, so Double Maneuver (Evade [DC 23] and Trick [DC 28]) seems like our best choice until that becomes an option. At that point, we GTFO!

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

That is much more Piloting than the scenario anticipated :)

As noted in the IC chennel, between that and some other circumstances you cannot fail this chase, so feel free to narrate how awesome you are at beating it. Will post more (including the dramatic rest of the downloaded data!) this evening

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

Female CG Human Ace Pilot Operative 12 (daredevil) | SP 108/108, HP 76/76, RP 13/13 | Speed 50, climb 30, fly 70 (average), swim 30 | EAC 32, KAC 33 | Fort +11, Ref +16, Will +11; +4 Toughness | Init +15; darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21 (+25 trap spotter) | Active conditions: none (reroll USED)

Zefira was initially based on my pilot character from a short Serenity RPG campaign that a friend ran many moons ago. That version was built to be as good a pilot as I could make with a starting character, and I did the same when I rebuilt her in Starfinder. (That previous game is also why she's human rather than something more exotic, but the bonus feat and skill ranks definitely don't hurt.)

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

You've IC already guessed a choice you'll need to make about what to do with your findings, but I also posted the rest of what exactly those discoveries are.

Think it over, chat IC if you'd like, and I'll be back to post myself likely on Friday. For those in the US, happy Thanksgiving!


Lashunta Female LG Lashunta Pilot Solarian 10 | SP 80/80, HP 74/74, RP 6/9 Speed 35 | EAC 30, KAC 32 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +7 | Init +3; darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15 | Active conditions: none

I am so sorry I keep flaking out. I'm living with a very senior cat I am constantly worried about, then my very senior Grandmother got sick as well.

I have been, very, very down in the dumps this holiday season, and you would think a little escapism would be nice, but I could never manage to motivate myself to do the things that were on my list.

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

I get it. I have (and I think most people have) times where the stress and realities of life can build up and 'block' us from doing the things we enjoy, even the things that might give us a break from those very stressors.

We are almost wrapped here, just this point and one other to go. And real life always comes first.

I hope that your cat, your grandmother, and the rest of your family continue to do well.

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

And with that, we are wrapped on the actual content of the scenario!

I greatly enjoyed running for all of you. And appreciate you humoring me for the slight extension.

If any of you have day jobs, feel free to roll them here. I will try to get chronicles up and out shortly.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

Female CG Human Ace Pilot Operative 12 (daredevil) | SP 108/108, HP 76/76, RP 13/13 | Speed 50, climb 30, fly 70 (average), swim 30 | EAC 32, KAC 33 | Fort +11, Ref +16, Will +11; +4 Toughness | Init +15; darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21 (+25 trap spotter) | Active conditions: none (reroll USED)

Day job, Profession (gambler): 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (19) + 26 = 45 (includes +1 for professional clothing)
= 90 credits

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

Female CG Human Ace Pilot Operative 12 (daredevil) | SP 108/108, HP 76/76, RP 13/13 | Speed 50, climb 30, fly 70 (average), swim 30 | EAC 32, KAC 33 | Fort +11, Ref +16, Will +11; +4 Toughness | Init +15; darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21 (+25 trap spotter) | Active conditions: none (reroll USED)

Thanks for running! I had fun despite our various setbacks. I always enjoy getting to.play Zefira, which I don't get to do as often now that she's this level.


Male LG Shirren Scholar Mystic 12 | SP 96/96, HP 41/78, RP 13/13 Speed 30 | EAC 29, KAC 29 | Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +15 | Init +4; darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +22 | Spells: 1st - 5/5; 2nd - 5/5; 3rd - 1/4; 4th - 1/3; | Active conditions: none

Thank you for running! I know Geiti had a bunch of Real Life at inopportune times (I hope that's going better!), but I had great fun with this scenario.

Day Job, maintenance worker, +1 clothing: 1d20 + 30 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 30 + 1 = 48

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG death-touched kiriinta ghost operative 11 | SP 77/77 HP 70/70 | RP 8/10 | EAC 27, KAC 27 | Fort +8; Ref +15; Will +11 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 50ft, 20ft fly | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: low-light vision (60 ft).

Profession: Soldier: 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (17) + 28 = 45

Thank you for running! I had a lot of fun, and the pace did not affect my enjoyment. (Actually, I felt better about it toward the end since I was able to focus on one game when most of my others were done.) Don't feel bad about PBPs going long- my record for longest game I played in was 2-01, and it lasted for over a year.

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died
Iskakii wrote:
my record for longest game I played in was 2-01, and it lasted for over a year.

Which is especially wild as the first part of that is ironically a fast-paced in-game timered course IIRC :)


Lashunta Female LG Lashunta Pilot Solarian 10 | SP 80/80, HP 74/74, RP 6/9 Speed 35 | EAC 30, KAC 32 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +7 | Init +3; darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15 | Active conditions: none

Sorry for missing so much. Life has not been great since I signed up.

Profession, Saleswoman: 1d20 + 81 ⇒ (3) + 81 = 84

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG death-touched kiriinta ghost operative 11 | SP 77/77 HP 70/70 | RP 8/10 | EAC 27, KAC 27 | Fort +8; Ref +15; Will +11 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 50ft, 20ft fly | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: low-light vision (60 ft).
GM Zoomba wrote:
Iskakii wrote:
my record for longest game I played in was 2-01, and it lasted for over a year.
Which is especially wild as the first part of that is ironically a fast-paced in-game timered course IIRC :)

Yep. That part was fairly fast, but we had a few players slow down after it. I am shocked that I survived considering my character was basically built to fail without me knowing it.

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

Again, it happens to all of us from time to time. I hope things get better, and that the next time we meet on these boards it's in a more fortunate time.

And for all of you I'm glad you enjoyed it. Your chronicles are up HERE - let me know if I made any errors or issues that need correcting!

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