Pathfinder Lost Omens: Ancestry Guide

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Pathfinder Lost Omens: Ancestry Guide
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Remember who you are!

The Age of Lost Omens is filled with people of all types, including more than just those of common ancestries. Lost Omens Ancestry Guide places the spotlight on the uncommon and rare ancestries of the Inner Sea (like geniekin, androids, kitsune, sprites, and more!), providing information on their cultures and place in the world. The book also expands on the rules options for these ancestries and versatile heritages. Finally, Lost Omens Ancestry Guide also features new ancestries and versatile heritages including some that are brand new, as well as old favorites from throughout Golarion!

Written by: Calder CaDavid, James Case, Jessica Catalan, Eleanor Ferron, Lyz Liddell, Luis Loza, Ron Lundeen, Patchen Mortimer, Andrew Mullen, Samantha Phelan, Jessica Redekop, Mikhail Rekun, David N. Ross, Mark Seifter, Owen K.C. Stephens, Isabelle Thorne, Linda Zayas-Palmer

Note: Base rules for the Azarketi can be found in an excerpt from Absalom, City of Lost Omens, available as a free download. These rules have been provided for use along with the other Azarketi feats and heritages found in Lost Omens Ancestry Guide.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-308-9

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Pathfinder Nexus on Demiplane
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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5.00/5 (based on 8 ratings)

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Good rules and flavor



One of the best in the catalogue


I finally got around to buying my own copy today, but I've loved this book since release! Giving some oddball Ancestries a chance to shine (my beloved Androids!) with not only interesting rules, but phenomenal writeups of their varied ethnic groups and cultures. I'd gladly buy a second Ancestry Guide if it hit on some of my more esoteric favs - Lashunta, Minotaurs, Wyrwoods - with similar care here.

I can't praise the art enough, either.


An excellent book full of a bevy of options for all the previously released ancestries as well as tons of new ancestry and versatile heritage options. As standard for Lost Omens books it's also accompanied by a bevy of details and lore for all the folks of the Inner Sea and beyond. A very excellent book for anyone who wants to break out of the Core Rulebook options. I think some of my favorite additions are the geniekin heritages. Being able to have a touch of elemental power on any of your favorite ancestries is so much fun. The available variety is incredible.


This book definitely helps enrich Golarion with more unique demihuman races. I only wish a few more races were covered. Such as minotaurs, caligni, munavri, rougarou, nagaji, vishkanya. But, it's still good!

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Aaron Shanks wrote:

Indeed. The six ancestries in the CRB are human, elf, gnome, goblin, halfling and human. In the Last Omens Ancestry Guide there are 14 ancestry/heritages that have already been presented and are being expanded, if you include gillmen. There are 14 ancestry/heritages that are new to Pathfinder Second Edition, when you count all the geniekin. All are uncommon or rare.

The tweet is a teaser introduction to the Ancestry Guide. The full paragraph can be found on Facebook. Happy New Year!

Ok, so what we have so far:

1. Sprites
2. Kitsune
3. Fetchlings
4. Fleshwarps
5. Ifrits
6. Oreads
7. Undine
8. Sylphs
9. Suli
10. Androids
11. ???
12. ???
13. ???
14. ???

very exciting, curious if we'll get any more reveals before it launches

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
AnimatedPaper wrote:

Edit: Also, whatever new name they're going to come up with Skinwalkers.

Oh? They're going to change the name? That's decent, as that term is rather dicey in regards to native cultures - just as well, as they don't really match the creatures in much else but name.

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
DeciusNero wrote:
AnimatedPaper wrote:

Edit: Also, whatever new name they're going to come up with Skinwalkers.

Oh? They're going to change the name? That's decent, as that term is rather dicey in regards to native cultures - just as well, as they don't really match the creatures in much else but name.

Creative Director James Jacobs said that they learned that, and if they bring back something like that, they might be more directly named “were creatures’, as with PF2 ancestry system, they can name one the same thing as a monster without it needing to be as powerful as the monster, like it was in PF2. So no need to create a “pseudo monster X” ancestry anymore.

So yeah, either they “rename” it, or they phase them out completely, since they are not needed mechanically anymore (they needed a “weaker than the monster” version to have “playable” were creatures), and they never were deeply integrated in the lore.

Marketing & Media Manager

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Hi fans. I confirmed yesterday that a free PDF supplement containing the azarketi (gillman) ancestry will be released with or before the Lost Omens Ancestry Guide. The book contains expanded azarketi material and you need that content to use it, of course. Don't fret. We've got your back.

We have ancestry-themed short fiction planned for next month that will serve as both a preview and something evergreen that will add value in the long term.

I am starting a social media campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram spotlighting a new ancestry or heritage every week with art and a little intro. I'm planning to release those images and content via the Saturday morning "This Week at Paizo" email before they hit the inter-webs, so make sure you are signed up. We have so many ancestries, heritages, and cultures now that I think we can find 52 to take us through 2021. We can only do about two blogs a day (I'd prefer 1), so that necessitates a social media campaign. So make sure you follow us on your preferred platform.

Lastly, I'm working with the Lost Omens team to plan a preview blog or two. I think at least one announcing the complete list for all to see in one place is in order so that fans can subscribe to the Lost Omens line by early February. That's my hope.

Adventures Ahead!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ahhhhh that all sounds so exciting, thanks you Aaron! Can't wait to see what the last few unannounced ones are, got my fingers crossed for Samsarans!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
KaiBlob1 wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:

Indeed. The six ancestries in the CRB are human, elf, gnome, goblin, halfling and human. In the Last Omens Ancestry Guide there are 14 ancestry/heritages that have already been presented and are being expanded, if you include gillmen. There are 14 ancestry/heritages that are new to Pathfinder Second Edition, when you count all the geniekin. All are uncommon or rare.

The tweet is a teaser introduction to the Ancestry Guide. The full paragraph can be found on Facebook. Happy New Year!

Ok, so what we have so far:

1. Sprites
2. Kitsune
3. Fetchlings
4. Fleshwarps
5. Ifrits
6. Oreads
7. Undine
8. Sylphs
9. Suli
10. Androids
11. ???
12. ???
13. ???
14. ???

very exciting, curious if we'll get any more reveals before it launches

Well, when I look in my copy of Inner Sea Races from PF1, I see that races listed as common are Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, and Halflings. Uncommon races are: Aasimar, Drow, Geniekin, Goblins, Kobolds, Orcs, and Tieflings. Rare races are Androids, Catfolk, Changelings, Dhampirs, Fetchlings, Ghorans, Gillmen, Hobgoblins, Ratfolk, Strix, Kasathas, Lashuntas, Triaxians, Trox, Kitsune, Nagaji, Samsarans, Tengus, Wayangs, Aquatic Elves, Gathlains, Grippli, Merfolk, Skinwalkers, Vanaras, Vishkanyas, Wyrwoods, and Wyvarans.

Of these races/ancestries/heritages, the ones we have not seen adapted or mentioned as planned to be adapted in this book or another book (Gillmen, Grippli) are: Drow, Ghorans, Strix, Kasathas, Lashuntas, Triaxians, Trox, Nagaji, Samsarans, Wayangs, Aquatic Elves, Gathlains, Merfolk, Skinwalkers, Vanaras, Vishkanyas, Wyrwoods, and Wyvarans. So, it appears likely that four of these will occupy the remaining four slots. Personally, I'm rooting for the Lashuntas, Samsarans, Vishkanyas, and Wyrwoods. But, I think it more likely that the remaining four slots will go to the Drow, Ghorans, Strix, and either the Aquatic Elves or the Merfolk; though, I can easily see a scenario where all four of the remaining slots go to four different types of skinwalkers, instead.

I bet we get 1 aquatic ancestry, 1 more versatile heritage, 1 permanent flight ancestry, and 1 alien or Tian-Xia/Arcadia/Casmaron - based ancestry for the 4 open slots.


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I believe that it was confirmed or at least hinted that one of the new ancestries in this might be the Stheno (Medusa-like people who are brand-new to the world and have no culture of their own just yet), who are also coming in Bestiary 3 (where they were teased as being 'ancestry-ready').

Ghorans and Strix as the other options seem likely as well, and then for the final slot it's basically a wildcard - possibly a brand-new versatile heritage?

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
RiverMesa wrote:

I believe that it was confirmed or at least hinted that one of the new ancestries in this might be the Stheno (Medusa-like people who are brand-new to the world and have no culture of their own just yet), who are also coming in Bestiary 3 (where they were teased as being 'ancestry-ready').

Ghorans and Strix as the other options seem likely as well, and then for the final slot it's basically a wildcard - possibly a brand-new versatile heritage?

No, this is a common confusion because it was not clear on the stream, but Mark said he added Stheno in the Bestiary 3 and made it "ancestry ready" in case they want to add them later, as in, the bestiary entry looks more like an NPC entry than a monster one. But he confirmed it was not an ancestry right now, to Rysky's ultimate sadness.


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Well, either way, the book description does mention "some that are brand new, as well as old favorites", so we could still end up with some unexpected surprises., especially as we seem to be heading into the era of PF2's development that is becoming more about brand-new stuff rather than just porting over old favorites from 1e, given some other products coming this year (Secrets of Magic, Guns & Gears).

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Aaron you have just became one of my favourite people in the internet :D

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I know we got Shoony in extinction curse, but would be nice to have it in a hardbound book officially :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

All mechanics (including ancestries) are open content, so I don't think Paizo has any need of reprinting shoonies. Also it was already mentioned that there is no Shoony content in this book.

Need, no. But we can always hope.

I think if they do an ancestry book for the rulebook line, or discuss homebrewing an ancestry in something like Gamemastery Guide 2, the shoonies could be an example ancestry that they pick apart and show how to build, like these races in the advanced race guide.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I hope Drow are one of the remaining ancestries... unless they are planning an underworld setting book in its own right which I would happy to wait for.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Qbalrog wrote:
I hope Drow are one of the remaining ancestries... unless they are planning an underworld setting book in its own right which I would happy to wait for.

Yeah, I'd be happier with a giant, gnarly Darklands book with all the drow, duergar, sverfneblin, dero, all that. There's a lot of underutilized underground space in the game, in my opinion, and it's one of the most popular directions for campaigns to go!

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Sporkedup wrote:
Yeah, I'd be happier with a giant, gnarly Darklands book with all the drow, duergar, sverfneblin, dero, all that.

I'd like that too, for what's probably the opposite reason: keeping all the Darklands concentrated in a single book makes it easier NOT to run those kinds of campaigns.

Now that the basics have been made available (hello, Bestiary 3!), I prefer deep-dive, setting/society focused material. Give me a book that really lays out the Darklands as a unit. Or Arcadia. Or pirates and the high seas.

Customization of campaigns is so much easier when the material is together in one document, rather than bits and pieces spread throughout multiple APs, setting books, bestiaries, etc.

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Aaron Shanks wrote:

I'm planning to release those images and content via the Saturday morning "This Week at Paizo" email before they hit the inter-webs, so make sure you are signed up. We have so many ancestries, heritages, and cultures now that I think we can find 52 to take us through 2021. We can only do about two blogs a day (I'd prefer 1), so that necessitates a social media campaign. So make sure you follow us on your preferred platform.

Sorry to bug you, but where can I make sure that I'm signed up to receive those emails?

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Laird IceCubez wrote:
I'm here to make known that there's people that want Ghorans.

Yes - I understand they are quite tasty!

Silver Crusade

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Cthulhudrew wrote:
Laird IceCubez wrote:
I'm here to make known that there's people that want Ghorans.
Yes - I understand they are quite tasty!

Comes with the full package. I'm ready to play a delicious person again.

Horizon Hunters

4summoner2020 wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:

I'm planning to release those images and content via the Saturday morning "This Week at Paizo" email before they hit the inter-webs, so make sure you are signed up. We have so many ancestries, heritages, and cultures now that I think we can find 52 to take us through 2021. We can only do about two blogs a day (I'd prefer 1), so that necessitates a social media campaign. So make sure you follow us on your preferred platform.
Sorry to bug you, but where can I make sure that I'm signed up to receive those emails?

just go to your privacy settings page and check the appropriate box, I think.

So ive just discovered the facebook post aaron mentioned a few days ago, and here's what it says:

Paizo wrote:

The Pathfinder Core Rulebook introduces six ancestries that are particularly common within the Inner Sea region, but these represent only a small fraction of Golarion’s diverse peoples. With a history that stretches tens of thousands of years across endlessly shifting nations and even to other worlds and planes of existence, the Lost Omens setting has a vast, varied, and colorful selection of ancestries and heritages a player can choose when building a character. From those who must shoulder the expectations of being infused with supernatural essences, to peoples who have been embraced as champions of good, to outcasts who have experienced lifelong intolerance and suspicion, to members of vast empires long hidden in the mists of time or the depths of the ocean, there’s a perfect ancestry for every character concept!

so from this we have the following descriptions of ancestries:

1. "those who must shoulder the expectations of being infused with supernatural essences" - im guessing this refers to the geniekin

2. "peoples who have been embraced as champions of good" - first thing that comes to to mind is tritons, more on that later.

3. "outcasts who have experienced lifelong intolerance and suspicion" - could be fetchlings?

4. "members of vast empires long hidden in the mists of time or the depths of the ocean" - mists of time implies some old empire, first thought is serpentfolk but iirc they said they wouldn't do a serpentfolk ancestry, depths of the ocean sounds like something to do with algholthus, but they are similarly all evil so I doubt that as well

There is also this comment on the post:

Baka Josh wrote:

I really hope this book has Merfolk as an ancestry. If not I can use another aquatic race but I have a aquatic campaign I pitched to players and they’ve latched onto playing that one.

which received this reply from paizo:

paizo wrote:
one is definitely aquatic.

This feels to me like they're saying not merfolk but something else, which pushes me more towards tritons unless it just refers to the gillmen supplement coming out concurrently.

What do y'all think for descriptions 2,3, and 4? I think 1 is pretty unambiguously geniekin but we'll see; I could be wrong.

link for those who want to check it out themselves, scroll down until january 3rd

Paizo Employee Developer

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1. Geniekin
2. Aasimar
3. Tiefling
4. Azarketi


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Luis Loza wrote:

1. Geniekin

2. Aasimar
3. Tiefling
4. Azarketi


DARN IT! No hints!

You win again this time, Mr. Loza!!

Androids? in Pathfinder? ... That seems like a low blow to me, coming from starfinder. Was it really necessary to so evidently step on Starfinder's toes?

At least you could have made them "living-clockwork" in art and style...

I'm sorry but this really rubs me the wrong way.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
LotsOfLore wrote:

Androids? in Pathfinder? ... That seems like a low blow to me, coming from starfinder. Was is really necessary to so evidently step on Starfinder's toes?

You could have at least made them "living-clockwork" in art and style.

This really rubs me the wrong way.

Androids were in Pathfinder 1E originally, so no toes were intended to be stepped on. And they just announced clockwork Automatons for the Guns and Gears book for this fall.

Ezekieru wrote:
LotsOfLore wrote:

Androids? in Pathfinder? ... That seems like a low blow to me, coming from starfinder. Was is really necessary to so evidently step on Starfinder's toes?

You could have at least made them "living-clockwork" in art and style.

This really rubs me the wrong way.

Androids were in Pathfinder 1E originally, so no toes were intended to be stepped on. And they just announced clockwork Automatons for the Guns and Gears book for this fall.

Were they there with that specific Starfinder style and look? I didn't know that, thanks for letting me know.

It still rubs me the wrong way.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah. I love starfinder but a lot of it's core races are actually from Pathfinder, including kasatha and lashunta.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
LotsOfLore wrote:
Ezekieru wrote:
LotsOfLore wrote:

Androids? in Pathfinder? ... That seems like a low blow to me, coming from starfinder. Was is really necessary to so evidently step on Starfinder's toes?

You could have at least made them "living-clockwork" in art and style.

This really rubs me the wrong way.

Androids were in Pathfinder 1E originally, so no toes were intended to be stepped on. And they just announced clockwork Automatons for the Guns and Gears book for this fall.

Were they there with that specific Starfinder style and look? I didn't know that, thanks for letting me know.

It still rubs me the wrong way.

With the circuitry tattoos and everything? Yep!

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Ezekieru wrote:
LotsOfLore wrote:
Ezekieru wrote:
LotsOfLore wrote:

Androids? in Pathfinder? ... That seems like a low blow to me, coming from starfinder. Was is really necessary to so evidently step on Starfinder's toes?

You could have at least made them "living-clockwork" in art and style.

This really rubs me the wrong way.

Androids were in Pathfinder 1E originally, so no toes were intended to be stepped on. And they just announced clockwork Automatons for the Guns and Gears book for this fall.

Were they there with that specific Starfinder style and look? I didn't know that, thanks for letting me know.

It still rubs me the wrong way.
With the circuitry tattoos and everything? Yep!

In fact, they were there for years, before Starfinder was even conceived. Androids were in the Inner Sea Bestiary, published in 2012.

Here is a Pinterest link to the artwork that was used for Androids in Inner Sea Bestiary.

Kasatha and Androids were a part of the Iron Gods Adventure Path published in 2014, too. Part 1 of that AP even had an article on the ecology of Androids.

Also, Lashunta, Kalo, Shobhad, Dragonkin, Contemplatives, Brethedans, Aballonians, Oma, The Forever Queen, Triaxians (Ryphorians), Eoxians, Sarcesians, Vercites, and other things from the Starfinder Pact Worlds were a part of Pathfinder long before they appeared in Starfinder, as well. I think most, if not all, of them first appeared in Distant Worlds, published by Paizo in 2012, as well.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ezekieru wrote:
LotsOfLore wrote:

Androids? in Pathfinder? ... That seems like a low blow to me, coming from starfinder. Was is really necessary to so evidently step on Starfinder's toes?

You could have at least made them "living-clockwork" in art and style.

This really rubs me the wrong way.

Androids were in Pathfinder 1E originally, so no toes were intended to be stepped on. And they just announced clockwork Automatons for the Guns and Gears book for this fall.

Hey Automatons aren't clockwork, they are Ancient Mindupload Robots ;p

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Gaulin wrote:
Yeah. I love starfinder but a lot of it's core races are actually from Pathfinder, including kasatha and lashunta.

Considering that the Pact Worlds exist in pretty much the same star system that Golarion did, that's not very surprising. :-)

Anadi? They seem a bit overdue by now....also I want them.

Paizo Employee Developer

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Raviiiii wrote:
Anadi? They seem a bit overdue by now....also I want them.

They're in the next book, Mwangi Expanse. The wait is almost over!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Luis Loza wrote:
Raviiiii wrote:
Anadi? They seem a bit overdue by now....also I want them.
They're in the next book, Mwangi Expanse. The wait is almost over!

Anadi, Grippli, Gnoll, Shisk, Conrasu, and Goloma will be in the Mwangi Expanse. But, I'm dying just to even know what the Shisk, Conrasu, and Goloma look like! I have no clue.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ashanderai wrote:
Luis Loza wrote:
Raviiiii wrote:
Anadi? They seem a bit overdue by now....also I want them.
They're in the next book, Mwangi Expanse. The wait is almost over!
Anadi, Grippli, Gnoll, Shisk, Conrasu, and Goloma will be in the Mwangi Expanse. But, I'm dying just to even know what the Shisk, Conrasu, and Goloma look like! I have no clue.

Feathers, wooden exoskeletons, eyes. That's all I know!

Marketing & Media Manager

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Preview images of the android rare ancestry have now been sent out via email and on social media. Subscribe to our emails to get a first look at our next preview next Saturday!

Paizo Employee Developer

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Ashanderai wrote:
Luis Loza wrote:
Raviiiii wrote:
Anadi? They seem a bit overdue by now....also I want them.
They're in the next book, Mwangi Expanse. The wait is almost over!
Anadi, Grippli, Gnoll, Shisk, Conrasu, and Goloma will be in the Mwangi Expanse. But, I'm dying just to even know what the Shisk, Conrasu, and Goloma look like! I have no clue.

I'm dying to show them! ;)

I am also excited to learn what those are!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
KaiBlob1 wrote:

Ok, so what we have so far:

1. Sprites
2. Kitsune
3. Fetchlings
4. Fleshwarps
5. Ifrits
6. Oreads
7. Undine
8. Sylphs
9. Suli
10. Androids
11. ???
12. ???
13. ???
14. ???

very exciting, curious if we'll get any more reveals before it launches

Touching on this a bit, looks like maybe we will get seven (7) new Ancestries and Heritages each. This is an assumption I'm making based on the information we have so far. Of these, this is how I'd wager they'll break down.

1. Sprites
2. Kitsune
3. Fetchlings
4. Fleshwarps
5. Androids
6. ???
7. ???

1. Ifrits
2. Undine
3. Sylphs
4. Oreads
5. Suli
6. ???
7. ???

My thoughts on these are rather long, so consolidate space I shall.

Long post is long:

Several of these Ancestries and Heritages have been hinted at having distinct Heritages and Lineages that represent specific creatures related to them. Sprites for example is a family of creatures which include the eponymous Sprite, but also the Grig (based on the cover, information, and Bestiary), Pixie (based on the Bestiary). I'd guess that we could eventually see other examples, such as the Atomie who seem related to the Sprite family.

Fetchlings seem like an Ancestry rather than a Heritage to me, in much the same way Androids are. They are the result of Humans who fled to the Plane of Shadows and eventually were infused with the planes essence. So I don't think we would see anything like a Fetchling Elf or Gnome; although, considering Elves, Gnomes, and even Humans exist in the Shadow Plane, it is maybe a bit odd Fetchling don't exist in varience.

Likewise, Android were specifically modeled after and created by the Androffans, Humans from the planet Androffa. At this point in Android technology, most of them that are present on Golarion are based on Androffans, and the ability to create more models is not a thing currently.

Fleshwarps seem likely to have Heritages based on the various warped creatures subjected to the cruel Drow tactics; similar to the Sprites and their presumed Heritages. I'd imagine we will see some, if not all, of the core Ancestries represented here. So the Gomnit (Gnome), Grothlut (Human), Gublask (Goblin), Irnakurse (Elf), and Jashoi (Halfling). I could see the Oronci (Orc) here too, if only to give an option for those players who tend to play Orc and Half-Orcs.

The last two are up in the air for me. I'd have guessed the Azarketi (Gillman) as the Aquatic Ancestry, but it has been stated that they will get a write up in a free PDF. So I'm gonna throw my hat in for Aquatic Elves, who I'm hoping have their own ancestral name now; and Samsaran to help round out the Ancestries of Tian-Xia.

As for Heritages, the Geniekin are being separated into each, which I think is a good move. Keeps a versatile Geniekin Heritage from getting too messy. Also leaves a lot of room for customization. Each of the Geniekin are described as being birthed not only from more than just Genie, but also in different forms and combinations depending on their parentage and relation to the planes. Oread for example can be born from a mortals union with an Earth Mephit or even a Xorn. They can be born as variants, such as as an Undine being a Rimesoul and Mistsoul. A Suli can be born through the union of not only a mortal and a Half-Jann, being Suli-Jann; but also any combination of two non-Suli Geniekin, wherein they have specific affinity for just those two elements. So a lot to work with there.

As, for the other two, I'd like to see Aphorites and/or Ganzi, to round of the Planar Scions.

I'd also like to see Skinwalkers, with Lineages tied to the varied Werecreatures. I'd like an ancestral name for them as well. I personally like the name Therion, in relation to Therionthropy.

As for additional content for Aasimer and Tiefling, I hope to see some more Lineages. I'd like to see the Emberkin Aasimer, to tie into the inclusion of the Peri in Bestiary 3; which I asked about myself on a previous stream and was pleasantly surprised to have gotten confirmation on it. And Hungerseed Tiefling, to tie into the inclusion of Oni in the Bestiary 3.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Preview images of the android rare ancestry have now been sent out via email and on social media. Subscribe to our emails to get a first look at our next preview next Saturday!

Not to me they haven't. :-( I suppose this is probably related to the problem I've had getting email installments of Liane Merciel's tale. Ah, well, waiting is...

Paizo Employee Developer

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Ly'ualdre wrote:

My thoughts on these are rather long, so consolidate space I shall.

** spoiler omitted **...

We've mentioned a lot of information over the past months so I'm going to recap a bit of that here to make things either easier or more difficult for theorizing.

Fleshwarp is an umbrella term for individuals that have undergone dramatic physical transformation. This includes fleshwarps as you know them, but also includes individuals that have undergone mutation in the Mana Wastes or individuals who have been stitched together in a Frankenstein's monster-esque way. Each of these means of transformation is a heritage for the greater fleshwarp ancestry.

Azarketi are absolutely the aquatic ancestry featured in this book. We may have been unclear on sharing information, but players looking to play an aquatic character will want to look at azarketi. If our teasing led people to believe there would be a new aquatic ancestry beyond azarketi, that was not our intent, so sorry about any confusion!

All of the current versatile heritages, save for duskwalker, will be receiving new lineages so look forward to those! Duskwalkers will receive their own unique set of 1st-level feats that fill much the same role as lineages.

Finally, just because I like fanning fires, two of the unrevealed entries have the means to gain a fly speed. :)

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Luis Loza wrote:

Finally, just because I like fanning fires, two of the unrevealed entries have the means to gain a fly speed. :)

Will this fly speed be all the time and available at a decent level?

Or will it be like Aasimar/Tiefling and only be available at lvl 17?

Paizo Employee Developer

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No more teases from me today! You'll have to wait and see.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I kind of assumed Fleshwarped may have worked as such, but I wasn't certain. It felt safer just to assume it would center more on the Drow Fleshcrafting than anything else. Glad to know that there will be some variation here.

Wasn't sure on this, given that the Azarketi were meant to be featured in the LO: Absolom book. Still exciting regardless. I'd much rather see the likes of Merfolk, Aquatic Elves, and the like featured in a book that dives into the depths of Golarion's oceans and seas.

Nice to see more Lineage support.

Gathlain, Strix, Syrinx, Wyvaran? Take your pick.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ly'ualdre wrote:
Wasn't sure on this, given that the Azarketi were meant to be featured in the LO: Absolom book. Still exciting regardless. I'd much rather see the likes of Merfolk, Aquatic Elves, and the like featured in a book that dives into the depths of Golarion's oceans and seas.

Apparently according to Aaron Shanks we get free pdf coincidencing with this book's release with Azarketi basic stuff, so presumably same info on Azarketi as what would have been in absalom book rather than that stuff being moved into this book.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I was operating under the assumption that the inclusion of an "aquatic" option was going to be something new to the Ancestry Guide itself. With that, I assumed it wouldn't be the Azarketi, since, had this unfortunate turn of releasing events not happened, would have been introduced in the Absolom book. Nevertheless, still very excited for any and all options we get.

Hope one of the flying option are the Strix. I've always been fascinated with them.

Ed Reppert wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Preview images of the android rare ancestry have now been sent out via email and on social media. Subscribe to our emails to get a first look at our next preview next Saturday!
Not to me they haven't. :-( I suppose this is probably related to the problem I've had getting email installments of Liane Merciel's tale. Ah, well, waiting is...

Yeah, I haven't gotten any emails from Paizo in quite a while either.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Well now, if two of the four remaining Ancestry vacancies are eventual fliers and the Azarketi are the only aquatic race getting support in the Ancestry Guide and they are going to be coming out in the Absalom book/in that PDF mentioned as releasing the same day as the Ancestry Guide, I will need to adjust my predictions for those four remaining Ancestries to:

1. Ghorans
2. Strix
3. Gathlains
4. Samsarans

I am unsure if Drow would count as elves, which I now remember it being mentioned somewhere that elves would not be getting support in this book... Also, we had a Samsaran NPC already appear in Pathfinder Society Guide and it would seem a big shame if we had to wait an extra long time to see support for playing one after an important NPC of that ancestry already made an appearance in a 2nd edition release.

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Drow are saved for later to be released in a Lost Omens Darklands book with Ancestries relevant to that region, like the drow, and occult classes in an accompanying RPG book. Plus, even though drow are popular with players, they are, more often than not, villains and adversaries than ancestries like Geniekin, Androids, Kitsune, Samsarans, Ghorans, and Gathlain.

Luis Loza wrote:
Finally, just because I like fanning fires, two of the unrevealed entries have the means to gain a fly speed. :)

Strix, Ganzi, and Aphorites in that case. The final one I'm unsure of, but probably Ghorans or Samsarans.

Though personally I'd prefer some kind of Undead-lite like either the Shabti or a Mortic ancestry. Dhampirs are cool, but I'd like a proper full ancestry for them. Though something might be coming in LO:ME? Brain fried, can't think right now.

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