TAVelcro |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

If only this and other pawn collections could be out closers to release of AP1 so GMs running it don't have to use rando minis for the (Insert Spoiler for Creature Here) in the AP1-AP3. I get why it has to come out after, but why 3 months after the final AP hits streets? The last AP of the Ruby Tournament will be out when the pawns for AP1-3 finally reach GM hands. *Types this as he packs up his current paper pawns for session 1 of Gauntlight with a frowny face*

Aaron Shanks Marketing & Media Manager |

If only this and other pawn collections could be out closers to release of AP1 so GMs running it don't have to use rando minis for the (Insert Spoiler for Creature Here) in the AP1-AP3. I get why it has to come out after, but why 3 months after the final AP hits streets? The last AP of the Ruby Tournament will be out when the pawns for AP1-3 finally reach GM hands. *Types this as he packs up his current paper pawns for session 1 of Gauntlight with a frowny face*
Thanks for your input. We can't make pawns until the art on the last volume is final. We have not found the solution, yet.

TAVelcro |

TAVelcro wrote:If only this and other pawn collections could be out closers to release of AP1 so GMs running it don't have to use rando minis for the (Insert Spoiler for Creature Here) in the AP1-AP3. I get why it has to come out after, but why 3 months after the final AP hits streets? The last AP of the Ruby Tournament will be out when the pawns for AP1-3 finally reach GM hands. *Types this as he packs up his current paper pawns for session 1 of Gauntlight with a frowny face*Thanks for your input. We can't make pawns until the art on the last volume is final. We have not found the solution, yet.
Ya, i've read that answer before and understand. But the art for Abomination vaults is finished at end of march, right? Why a late june release? The art for the phoenix tourney would be finished then too. Or is the pawn collection for abomination vaults also include the Ruby tourney AP?

Aaron Shanks Marketing & Media Manager |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Could these pawns ever be released as official token packs for VTTS such as Foundry VTT? I know you've been releasing the bounties on there, which is awesome! I'd love to be able to get official token packs for the Adventure Paths.
It is possible. VTT support, that is not via licensed partners, is a new landscape that the pandemic pushed us onto. Adapting will take a good deal of time, planning and budgeting. The vast majority of our resources go into creating print products or convenient PDFs. Once we create such tokens, how would we protect them from theft? Who creates them? Do we hire another full-time member of the art team? How do we price them? Do we give them away as part of a subscriber benefit? do we give them away for free as part of the marketing budget? Are they part of a larger Adventure Path package? What’s the price of that? Wheels are turning. We’ll get back to you. ;)

MrDaso |

It is possible. VTT support, that is not via licensed partners, is a new landscape that the pandemic pushed us onto. Adapting will take a good deal of time, planning and budgeting. The vast majority of our resources go into creating print products or convenient PDFs. Once we create such tokens, how would we protect them from theft? Who creates them? Do we hire another full-time member of the art team? How do we price them? Do we give them away as part of a subscriber benefit? do we give them away for free as part of the marketing budget? Are they part of a larger Adventure Path package? What’s the price of that? Wheels are turning. We’ll get back to you. ;)
All very valid questions on your end. Thanks for the reply. Keeping my fingers crossed you guys figure it all out.

Danscath |

MrDaso wrote:Could these pawns ever be released as official token packs for VTTS such as Foundry VTT? I know you've been releasing the bounties on there, which is awesome! I'd love to be able to get official token packs for the Adventure Paths.It is possible. VTT support, that is not via licensed partners, is a new landscape that the pandemic pushed us onto. Adapting will take a good deal of time, planning and budgeting. The vast majority of our resources go into creating print products or convenient PDFs. Once we create such tokens, how would we protect them from theft? Who creates them? Do we hire another full-time member of the art team? How do we price them? Do we give them away as part of a subscriber benefit? do we give them away for free as part of the marketing budget? Are they part of a larger Adventure Path package? What’s the price of that? Wheels are turning. We’ll get back to you. ;)
I think you just need to add another PDF with higher resolution images for that, there's tools for create tokens with the image like tokenizer foundryvtt module or token stamp 2 website, the problem with the current PDF which goal is to print the tokens I guess its the resolution.
Thats my opinion and I guess there will be more like me, we dont need to buy a online accesory to import and then, there're the images on our vtt which its a heavy work for you cause u will need to made a system to do that in more than 1 system and after that we will need to select the token and add the image so for that we can give a few seconds more and use some of that tools that I mentioned at the beggining

Aaron Shanks Marketing & Media Manager |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Aaron Shanks wrote:MrDaso wrote:Could these pawns ever be released as official token packs for VTTS such as Foundry VTT? I know you've been releasing the bounties on there, which is awesome! I'd love to be able to get official token packs for the Adventure Paths.It is possible. VTT support, that is not via licensed partners, is a new landscape that the pandemic pushed us onto. Adapting will take a good deal of time, planning and budgeting. The vast majority of our resources go into creating print products or convenient PDFs. Once we create such tokens, how would we protect them from theft? Who creates them? Do we hire another full-time member of the art team? How do we price them? Do we give them away as part of a subscriber benefit? do we give them away for free as part of the marketing budget? Are they part of a larger Adventure Path package? What’s the price of that? Wheels are turning. We’ll get back to you. ;)I think you just need to add another PDF with higher resolution images for that, there's tools for create tokens with the image like tokenizer foundryvtt module or token stamp 2 website, the problem with the current PDF which goal is to print the tokens I guess its the resolution.
Thats my opinion and I guess there will be more like me, we dont need to buy a online accesory to import and then, there're the images on our vtt which its a heavy work for you cause u will need to made a system to do that in more than 1 system and after that we will need to select the token and add the image so for that we can give a few seconds more and use some of that tools that I mentioned at the beggining
The higher the resolution, the easier they are to replicate illegally. But, we have a team working on this.

JesterOC |

I ordered it but I am disappointed that the pawns or figures I most likely would not have in my collect (giant flies for instance) are not represented. You would figure the more unique monsters would get preferential treatment. If I wanted common monsters I would get the bestiary pawns

SnydleyMoosley |

I am running Abomination Vaults at this time (May 2023). I purchased the pawn set and for the most part like it.
There are a couple of things that are less than desirable about this product. The first encounter include multiple mitflit gremlins (3 or more), the next encounter includes a giant frog. The third encounter includes several mitflits and a giant fly larvae. The next encounter involves either two giant fly larvae, or two giant flies, depending on where the party goes.
The pawn package for this adventure includes a total of two mitflit gremlins, no giant frog, no giant fly larvae and no giant flies. Now I understand that Paizo needs to find a sweet spot for the amount of stuff included vs. the pricepoint. With that said, it is a little disappointing that the first group of encounters in the adventure path are not supported with this premium product.
The blurb for the product states "the Abomination Vaults Pawn Collection brings to life the enemies and allies from all three adventures of the Abomination Vaults Adventure Path." I understand that it presents enemies and allies from all three adventures... not all enemies and allies from all three adventures...
What my complaint is about is related to trying to keep the adventure moving forward as the DM. It doesn't help for the DM to be searching for materials when the players are sitting.
When I purchase a premium product, it is disappointing that it is not complete.
First world problem, I know.
Other than this, I like the product. I just wish it covered all of the encounters, not most of the encounters.

...m... |
Removed a bunch of off topic posts. Please keep discussions to on topic.
...now that abomination vaults 5e finally approaches its long-awaited publication, when can we expect the $5 vouchers offered as a pre-order bonus back in autumn 2022?..
https://paizo.com/community/blog/v5748dyo6si5k?PreOrder-Bonus-for-Abominati on-Vaults-5E
...should we anticipate a reprint of abomination vaults pawns to make use of said vouchers?..i doubt i'm the only person who held my pawns order in anticipation of the preorder voucher...

Old Deadeye |

This need s reprint. Too many groups still playing this or picking it up and with all the new versions of the product it's got to be done! =)
If anyone has any idea how to make use of the PDF to make pawns I'm all ears. The digital versions of these products should be formatted in way that you can just cut out the image, fold over the piece of paper and put it in the pawn base.

bugleyman |

Question: I had to buy the Abomination vaults pawns in PDF form because the other set was no longer in stock. So my question is what is the exact type of cardstock used for the regular pawns? Thanks.
When I looked into this in the past, the closest analog was what is commonly known as "chipboard: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=80+pt+chipboard. Specifically, the 80pt thickness is what I've read is the closest match for what Paizo uses.
Print the pawns on a full-page sticker sheet, adhere to the chipboard, cut with Exacto knife. Should get you very close.