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I can't find either of these spells for Pathfinder. I found a homebrewed version for each. See, e.g.,
Enlarge Item
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One object of up to Colossal size
Duration: 1 day/level; see text
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
The caster of this spell touches a non-magical object (which may only be within the limitations of Colossal size) that immediately increases in size by four size categories, effectively making it sixteen times larger at each of its dimensions. A particular object can only be enlarged by a single casting of this spell at a time; any further castings merely reset the duration, if possible. The spell lasts for the extent of the duration or until the object is reverted back to its normal size, which may be done by the caster speaking a command word.
Enlarge item can be made permanent with a permanency spell, in which case the affected object can be shrunk and expanded indefinitely, but only by the original caster. This spell also dispels (or is dispelled by) shrink item.
It seems like these would be simple, team-enhancing skills that wouldn't break the game. That said, I think that expanding their reach v. magical items would be even better, especially for the halfling in the group who can't wear or use anything the group comes across.