shadram |

I love the spooky ghost-fog tiles in this set! Now I just need to figure out how to use them...
Regarding the comment above about the tiles moving in play, I have been laying them on a large-ish foam-backed play mat (the giant-mouse-pad kind) with the foam side up. That holds the tiles in place quite nicely during play.

beepeearr |

Love the flip tiles line so far, and really like this set, but kind of felt it was different enough in theme it should be a completely different set from the Woodland tiles, or at least had more transition tiles from forest to dead forest. Also the broken bridge being the only river piece but having the dead woods instead of the same trees as the river pieces in the other sets was a little weird. Maybe we can get a creepy forest starter set later down the line.
Also an expansion for the city set with larger room interiors and roofs, like the whole tile so that we can use them to make things like taverns and inns would be pretty cool too.
Can't wait to eventually get my city slums expansion set in!

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Update: The digital assets for this product have been updated to include JPGs for easier use with VTTs, in addition to the original PDF(s). If you already have the digital version of this product, you should be able to download the updated version from the Digital Content section of your account at your convenience. Enjoy!