Starfinder Flip-Mat: Stadium

Starfinder Flip-Mat: Stadium

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Whether the heroes are spectators at a championship brutaris tournament or fighting for their lives in a televised post-apocalyptic deathmatch, no Game Master wants to spend time drawing every antigrav goalpost and automated obstacle. Fortunately, with Paizo's latest Starfinder Flip-Mat, you don't have to! This line of gaming maps provides ready-to-use science-fantasy set pieces for the busy Game Master. This double-sided map features a zero-gravity athletics stadium on one side and a lethal death sports arena on the other. Don't waste time sketching when you could be playing. With Starfinder Flip-Mat: Stadium, you'll be ready the next time your players take the field!

A special coating on each Flip-Mat allows you to use wet erase, dry erase, AND permanent markers with ease! Removing permanent ink is easy—simply trace over any permanent mark with a dry erase marker, wait 10 seconds, then wipe off both marks with a dry cloth or paper towel.

  • 24" × 30" mat
  • Folds to 8" × 10"
  • 1" squares on each side

ISBN: 978-1-64078-231-0

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop

Note: This product is part of the Starfinder Maps Subscription.

Additional Product Images

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Starfinder Flip-Mat: Stadium Starfinder Flip-Mat: Stadium

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Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Available for preorder! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.

Dark Archive

Looking good, thanks for the sample art!

Shadow Lodge Contributor

These look great! The similarity between the classic Pathfinder Arena on the one side is a nice touch, and I absolutely adore the other side, too!

Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

Update: The digital assets for this product have been updated to include JPGs for easier use with VTTs, in addition to the original PDF(s). If you already have the digital version of this product, you should be able to download the updated version from the Digital Content section of your account at your convenience. Enjoy!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Katina Davis wrote:
Update: The digital assets for this product have been updated to include JPGs for easier use with VTTs, in addition to the original PDF(s). If you already have the digital version of this product, you should be able to download the updated version from the Digital Content section of your account at your convenience. Enjoy!

Hi Katina,

It seems like the new digital files are corrupt The zips are very small and I cannot unzip them. Seems to be both the PDFs and the JPGs.

SF variant on the arena map. Nice.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Aventhar wrote:
Katina Davis wrote:
Update: The digital assets for this product have been updated to include JPGs for easier use with VTTs, in addition to the original PDF(s). If you already have the digital version of this product, you should be able to download the updated version from the Digital Content section of your account at your convenience. Enjoy!

Hi Katina,

It seems like the new digital files are corrupt The zips are very small and I cannot unzip them. Seems to be both the PDFs and the JPGs.

For anyone else having this issue, It appears to be fixed now. I was able to get the correct files after clicking the ‘refresh my downloads’ button on the Digital Assets page.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I just realized the playing field on the SF side of the stadium doesn't line up with the "goals" and it is driiiiving me nuuuuuuts!

Overall a nice map though. 8/10, maybe 7/10 if you have compulsive tendencies.

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