The ferocious foes of the Pathfinder Bestiary come alive on your tabletop with this collection of more than 375 creature pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy RPG! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each double-sided pawn contains a beautiful full-color image of a nasty monster from the Pathfinder Bestiary. Each pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base, making them easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures, bringing your Pathfinder campaign to stunning life!
The Pathfinder Bestiary Pawn Box includes an assortment of bases and the following pawns:
Small (and Smaller)
Aeon, Arbiter
Angel, Cassisian
Angel, Choral
Animated Object, Broom
Archon, Lantern
Azata, Lyrakien
Beetle, Flash
Bloodseeker (2)
Caligni Creeper (2)
Caligni Dancer
Daemon, Cacodaemon
Deep Gnome Rockwarden
Deep Gnome Scout
Deep Gnome Warrior
Demon, Quasit
Dero Magister
Dero Stalker (2)
Dero Strangler
Devil, Imp
Dinosaur, Velociraptor
Dog, Guard
Eel, Electric
Elemental, Air Mephit
Elemental, Air, Zephyr Hawk
Elemental, Earth Mephit
Elemental, Earth, Sod Hound
Elemental, Fire Mephit
Elemental, Fire, Cinder Rat
Elemental, Water Mephit
Elemental, Water, Quatoid
Faerie Dragon
Goblin Commando (2)
Goblin Pyro (2)
Goblin War Chanter (2)
Goblin Warrior (2)
Gremlin, Jinkin
Gremlin, Mitflit (2)
Gremlin, Pugwampi (2)
Kobold Dragon Mage (2)
Kobold Scout (2)
Kobold Warrior (2)
Leshy, Fungus
Leshy, Gourd
Leshy, Leaf
Lich, Demilich
Protean, Voidworm
Psychopomp, Nosoi
Rakshasa, Dandasuka
Rat, Giant (2)
Ratfolk Grenadier (2)
Snake, Viper
Soulbound Doll
Sprite (2)
Sprite, Grig
Sprite, Pixie (2)
Aeon, Axiomite
Aeon, Kolyarut
Alghollthu, Faceless Stalker
Alghollthu, Skum (2)
Angel, Astral Deva
Angel, Balisse
Animated Object, Armor
Animated Object, Statue
Archon, Horned
Archon, Legion
Azata, Gancanagh
Azata, Ghaele
Boggard Scout (2)
Boggard Swampseer
Boggard Warrior (2)
Bugbear Thug (2)
Bugbear Tormentor (2)
Caligni Stalker
Cat, Leopard
Catfolk Pouncer (2)
Centipede, Giant
Changeling Exile (2)
Demon, Succubus
Devil, Barbazu
Devil, Erinys
Devil, Lemure (2)
Devil, Phistophilus
Dhampir Wizard
Dinosaur, Deinonychus
Dog, Riding
Drake, River
Drow Fighter (2)
Drow Priestess
Drow Rogue (2)
Duergar Bombadier (2)
Duergar Sharpshooter (2)
Duergar Taskmaster
Elemental, Air, Invisible Stalker
Elemental, Air, Living Whirlwind
Elemental, Earth, Living Landslide
Elemental, Earth, Xorn
Elemental, Fire, Living Wildfire
Elemental, Fire, Salamander
Elemental, Water, Brine Shark
Fleshwarp, Grothlut
Genie, Janni
Ghost Commoner
Ghost Mage
Ghoul (2)
Ghoul, Ghast
Gibbering Mouther
Gnoll Cultist
Gnoll Hunter (2)
Gnoll Sergeant (2)
Goblin Dog (2)
Grim Reaper
Grim Reaper, Lesser Death
Hag, Green
Hag, Night
Hag, Sea
Hell Hound
Hobgoblin Archer (2)
Hobgoblin General
Hobgoblin Soldier (2)
Horse, Pony
Lizard, Giant Gecko
Lizard, Giant Monitor
Lizardfolk Defender (2)
Lizardfolk Scout (2)
Lizardfolk Stargazer
Merfolk Warrior
Merfolk Wavecaller
Mummy Guardian
Mummy Pharaoh
Nymph, Dryad
Nymph, Dryad Queen
Nymph, Naiad
Nymph, Naiad Queen
Ooze, Sewer
Orc Brute (2)
Orc Warchief
Orc Warrior (2)
Planar Scion, Aasimar Redeemer
Planar Scion, Duskwalker Ghost Hunter/li>
Planar Scion, Tiefling Adept
Psychopomp, Morrigna
Rakshasa, Raja
Rust Monster
Sea Devil Baron
Sea Devil Brute
Sea Devil Scout (2)
Shadow, Greater
Shining Child
Skeleton Guard (2)
Skeleton, Skeletal Champion
Snake, Ball Python
Snake, Giant Viper
Spider, Hunting (2)
Tengu Sneak
Vampire Count
Vampire Mastermind
Vampire Spawn Rogue (2)
Web Lurker
Werecreature, Wererat
Werecreature, Werewolf
Wolf (2)
Xulgath Leader
Xulgath Skulker (2)
Xulgath, Warrior (2)
Xulgath, Plague (2)
Zombie Shambler (2)
Aeon, Pleroma
Alghollthu, Veiled Master
Ape, Gorilla
Arboreal Warden
Archon, Shield
Azata, Lillend
Barghest, Greater
Bat, Giant
Bat, Vampire Bat Swarm
Bear, Cave
Bear, Grizzly
Beetle, Giant Stag
Boar, Daeodon
Brain Collector
Cat, Lion
Cat, Smilodon
Cat, Tiger
Centipede Swarm
Daemon, Astradaemon
Daemon, Ceustodaemon
Daemon, Leukodaemon
Demon, Balor
Demon, Marilith
Demon, Vrock
Devil, Gelugon
Devil, Pit Fiend
Dragon, Adult Black
Dragon, Adult Brass
Dragon, Adult Copper
Dragon, Adult White
Dragon, Young Black
Dragon, Young Blue
Dragon, Young Brass
Dragon, Young Bronze
Dragon, Young Copper
Dragon, Young Gold
Dragon, Young Green
Dragon, Young Red
Dragon, Young Silver
Dragon, Young White
Drake, Desert
Drake, Flame
Drake, Frost
Drake, Jungle
Drake, Wyvern
Eagle, Giant/li>
Eel, Giant Moray
Elemental, Air Storm Lord
Elemental, Earth, Stone Mauler
Elemental, Water, Living Waterfall
Elemental, Water, Tidal Master
Ether Spider
Fleshwarp, Drider
Flytrap, Snapping
Genie, Djinni
Genie, Efreeti
Genie, Marid
Genie, Shaitan
Giant, Fire (2)
Giant, Frost (2)
Giant, Hill (2)
Giant, Stone (2)
Golem, Alchemical
Golem, Clay
Golem, Flesh
Golem, Iron
Golem, Stone
Hag, Annis
Hell Hound, Nessian Warhound
Horse (2)
Hyena, Hyaenodon
Lamia Matriarch
Lizard, Giant Frilled
Mantis, Giant
Naga, Dark
Naga, Guardian
Ogre Boss
Ogre Glutton
Ogre Warrior (2)
Ooze, Gelatinous Cube
Ooze, Ochre Jelly
Protean, Keketar
Protean, Naunet
Pterosaur, Pteranodon
Rat Swarm
Scorpion Swarm
Scorpion, Giant
Skeleton, Skeletal Giant
Skeleton, Skeletal Horse
Spider Swarm
Tarantula, Giant
Troll (2)
Troll King
Wasp Swarm
Wasp, Giant
Werecreature, Werebear
Wolf, Dire
Wolf, Winter Wolf
Zombie Brute
Alghollthu Master
Animated Object, Giant Statue
Ankhrav Hive Mother
Arboreal Regent
Arboreal, Awakened Tree (2)
Cyclops, Great
Demon, Glabrezu
Dinosaur, Ankylosaurus
Dinosaur, Deinosuchus
Dinosaur, Stegosaurus
Dinosaur, Triceratops
Dragon Turtle
Dragon, Adult Blue
Dragon, Adult Bronze
Dragon, Adult Gold
Dragon, Adult Green
Dragon, Adult Red
Dragon, Adult Silver
Dragon, Ancient Black
Dragon, Ancient Brass
Dragon, Ancient Copper
Dragon, Ancient White
Elemental, Air, Elemental Hurricane
Elemental, Earth, Elemental Avalanche
Elemental, Fire, Elemental Inferno
Elemental, Fire, Firewyrm
Elemental, Water, Elemental Tsunami
Elephant, Mammoth
Flytrap, Giant
Giant, Cloud (2)
Giant, Storm
Golem, Adamantine
Nightmare, Greater
Octopus, Giant
Ooze, Black Pudding
Pterosaur, Quetzalcoatlus
Shark, Great White
Skeleton, Skeletal Hulk
Snake, Giant Anaconda
Zombie Hulk
ISBN: 978-1-64078-211-2
Product Availability
Print Edition:
Fulfilled immediately.
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This is a great product overall, and the sheer value is impossible to beat as a less expensive alternative to miniatures. Unfortunately, the 2E Bestiary Box repeats the biggest mistake of the 1E version: Too few pawns of common, low-level baddies (skeletons, ghouls, wolves, etc.). While I appreciate that there are cost constraints in play, a single extra sheet devoted to these guys -- even if it came at the expense of including multiple copies of some of the more obscure monsters in the Bestiary -- would have made the box vastly more useful for new GMs (or GMs just getting into pawns).
The pawns themselves are exactly the same form factor and material as the 1E pawns, but the art appears to be all new. As one should expect, the art is distinctly "2E" style, which makes these slightly less useful for other games (though this is to be expected as Pathfinder continues to develop it's own visual style). The box is about 1/2 inch taller than the original Bestiary Box, in order to make room for what looks like several additional sheets of pawns. The box did get come with bases, including one colored (blue) medium base.
Gargantuan remains a monster size we can't really do with pawns, due to the size.
Is that due to technical reasons?
I have seen actual pawns bigger than huge size and they looked great, but it was a different kind, as they were four cardboards slotted into each other without bases.
Can't you do something similiar as a separate product?
"Bigger monsters" do have a market imo.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
How big would a flat gargantuan pawn be? If it's much bigger than (roughly) 8 by 10, it wouldn't fit in the usual box.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Gargantuan remains a monster size we can't really do with pawns, due to the size.
Is that due to technical reasons?
I have seen actual pawns bigger than huge size and they looked great, but it was a different kind, as they were four cardboards slotted into each other without bases.
Can't you do something similiar as a separate product?
"Bigger monsters" do have a market imo.
A gargantuan pawn is large enough that we'd only be able to fit one on a page. We could fill the leftover space with mediums and smalls and maybe even larges, but that doesn't change the fact that we'd need to put a LOT of sheets in there to cover the number of gargantuans we want to cover. Furthermore, we don't offer Gargantuan bases, so we'd have to solve that problem as well. And finally, the size of a Gargantuan pawn pushes beyond the boundary of aesthetics... it starts feeling weird to some folks for something that big to be represented by a single two-dimensional thing. (I've seen home-made pawns of that size in play and they're unsatisfying looking, in my opinion...)
Would folks really want to spend 20 or 30 bucks just to get a dozen Gargantuan pawns? I'm not sure there IS a market for something like that.
We've been doing pawns for MANY years, and have spent a lot of time considering how to do Gargantuan pawns in a way that's cost effective that won't lose us money. So far, we've not figured that out. It might be a better model for a smaller company with smaller print runs, perhaps. But the realities of production for pawns has, so far, made it a not great option for us.
Would folks really want to spend 20 or 30 bucks just to get a dozen Gargantuan pawns? I'm not sure there IS a market for something like that.
Not that one anecdotal hand raise is a market, but I'd probably subscribe to pawns again if there were Gargantuan products, and I'd definitely buy a Gargantuan pawn pack before I'd buy yet another small/medium/large/huge box.
I've spent about $20-30 bucks a year every year for five years to print, cut, and paste my own Gargantuan pawns to cardstock, for both Pathfinder and Starfinder and mostly using CUP and fan art. I'm lucky to have a crafts store two blocks away that carries everything I need, down to loanable cutters; most don't.
Having them professionally printed, cut, and pasted would be worth it for me, for sure. A pack of chromatic dragon pawns for $35? I'd use the hell out of that vs. one $35 mini of one kind of dragon that I still have to paint, store more carefully, and repaint when I inevitably screw it up when trying to travel with it. A pawn, I could chuck into a book or binder and not have to worry about it.
One of these bad boys will hold about 4 sets of first edition pawns.
On average each one of my containers (mind you, I've swapped some bins between the totes for sorting) contain the following.
Each compartment can hold:
Small Bin w/ Small Pawns: about 34 pawns to a bin.
Small Bin w/ Medium Pawns: about 17 pawns to a bin
Medium Bin w/ Large Pawns: about 17 pawns to a bin
Large Bin w/ Huge Pawns: About 10 pawns to a bin.
Why not just give the Gargantuan creatures a huge-creature size? And put a * or other sign on the card so people know it is gargantuan, better that than to ignore them entirely... People can just use rocks or other stuff to block out the other space the gargantuan creature takes on the map...
Why not just give the Gargantuan creatures a huge-creature size? And put a * or other sign on the card so people know it is gargantuan, better that than to ignore them entirely... People can just use rocks or other stuff to block out the other space the gargantuan creature takes on the map...
You'd have 1 star reviews that go "pawns printed at wrong size" and people calling customer service that there's a misprint in their box and demanding a replacement as well as peed off store owners because they replaced a box that a customer showed as faulty and the new box is faulty as well.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Awahoon wrote:
Then they can better drop the pawns, and just focus on the battle cards.
Charybdis never getting a pawn is reason enough for me to never be interested in them. So I go with the cards from now on.
That seems a rather counter-productive attitude, but as my friend Connie Crete says "ya be ya".
One of these bad boys will hold about 4 sets of first edition pawns.
On average each one of my containers (mind you, I've swapped some bins between the totes for sorting) contain the following.
Each compartment can hold:
Small Bin w/ Small Pawns: about 34 pawns to a bin.
Small Bin w/ Medium Pawns: about 17 pawns to a bin
Medium Bin w/ Large Pawns: about 17 pawns to a bin
Large Bin w/ Huge Pawns: About 10 pawns to a bin.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Hm. My very rough count indicates that something north of 5000 pawns were published for 1st edition. That's a lot of pawns - and most of them are probably just as useful for PF2. Won't stop me from continuing to buy pawns, but still...
The colossal size has been cut in PF second edition, which makes things simpler.
But where is the point of offering stats for big fearsome creatures to fight on a 3D Battle map, when there is no way to reasonably represent them?
It's works for real-life creatures as the T-Rex or common fantasy-monsters like dragons to find a toy to represent them, nur cool creatures like the Baomal will never see table-time unless you custom-build them and that can't be it.
The colossal size has been cut in PF second edition, which makes things simpler.
But where is the point of offering stats for big fearsome creatures to fight on a 3D Battle map, when there is no way to reasonably represent them?
It's works for real-life creatures as the T-Rex or common fantasy-monsters like dragons to find a toy to represent them, nur cool creatures like the Baomal will never see table-time unless you custom-build them and that can't be it.
Just plomp a toy dinosaur there and use your imagination.
I just use things of approximate size and square usage.
Yeah, i do that too.
I used the D&D Icons Gargantuan Black Dragon for "Black Magga" in the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition and also as "Roc" in Mummy's Mask.
There are players which have no problems with this and there are others who are taken out of the illusion by it.
In my experience it depends on the atmosphere of the game and the creature represented.
In todays market, where Wizkids is releasing colossal D&D 5e creatures as a miniature, i think that a set of pawns (something in which Paizo is the market-leader) representing truly big creatures is an opportunity.
There is a russian company which makes affordable 3D buildings with moving parts and in which minis can be placed out of cardboard which are in scale with D&D & Pathfinder, so i don't think it isn't doable.
It's just something new which hasn't been done, an innovation.
Well, if anybody hoped that the existence of Starfinder has led to disappearance of robotz with lazors from Pathfinder, they're in for a major disappointment.
It's a scyfy setting heavy on fantasy where Pathfinder is fantasy with a bit of everything. You have dragons in Starfinder and robots in Pathfinder.
Pretty sure they haven't said they won't do robots or other tech stuff in Pathfinder since Starfinder exists, and they're no less important than the thousands of other monsters that also haven't been printed.
It's a scyfy setting heavy on fantasy where Pathfinder is fantasy with a bit of everything. You have dragons in Starfinder and robots in Pathfinder.
Pretty sure they haven't said they won't do robots or other tech stuff in Pathfinder since Starfinder exists, and they're no less important than the thousands of other monsters that also haven't been printed.
Pretty sure the Tarrasque is important.
The Tarrasque is important to D&D it is, I actually hope we get a more mythology-accurate Tarasque this time around.
And less, far less Robots, they should stay in greater numbers in your favorite starfinder.