Feros |

These look amazing! I like where this is heading. My only concern is how many people will balk at the increased price in spite of the increased content.
EDIT: Just saw that the expansion packs beyond this are not much higher priced than the Map-packs! Concern averted! :)

CrystalSeas |
9 people marked this as a favorite. |

Design request:
Could you please put a unique alpha-numeric coding on each tile face?
I want to be able to layout the tiles, note their serial numbers, sweep them up and put them away, and then easily reassemble that layout next week or next month from my layout diagram.
"Take a photo" is not a good answer. I don't want to have to peer at part of an image and then try to find the same pixels and orientation by visually scanning a bunch of similar little pictures. A photo of the layout is useless if I can't quickly identify the specific tile face and its position in the layout.

Fumarole |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'd prefer there to be no text on the tiles as it breaks immersion. It looks bad on the Traps and Treasures pawns and I don't think it would look good here. Really, writing down a sequence of tile numbers then finding said tiles would not be faster than something like looking at a photo as you will still need to account for the facing of the tiles.
Please Paizo, no text on these, it worked fine for the map packs and they look great.

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These look fantastic! I using the reverse side of the tiles is an idea that seems almost intuitive to use, doubling the product while not increasing the size of packaging and etc. I’m hoping that since these are listed as “tiles” and ARE double-sided that they are being printed on something sturdier than the usual card stock used in the Map Packs. Something thicker, like the Pawns are printed on.
As a PFS GM, I can easily picture these being used for an Interactive Special or Evergreen scenario in the near future!

skizzerz |

Does this set contain any duplicate tiles? Things like the intersections, hallways, and rooms would probably be useful to have multiple copies of.
If no duplicates in the starter set, it may be useful for some of the tiles in the expansion sets to have one side be generic (a repeat of a tile in the starter set) whereas the other side is themed to that expansion.

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This is a great concept, and I hope it works better off in the long run. I like the two-sided tiles I have from similar old 3e/4e D&D products, and that they are marker-safe like the Flip=Mats.
Question: Pictured are 21 unique tile images (uncropped, I assume - to account for the edges), and since the set "features 42 full-color 6 x 6-inch map tiles, with dungeon corridors and room pieces on both sides," does this mean there are 21x 2-sided tiles with 42 images, or 42x 2-sided tiles with 84 images? Either way, the assumption is that only a portion of the tile set is currently being displayed, prior to release and distribution.
Thanks. Looking forward to it.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Question: Pictured are 21 unique tile images (uncropped, I assume - to account for the edges), and since the set "features 42 full-color 6 x 6-inch map tiles, with dungeon corridors and room pieces on both sides," does this mean there are 21x 2-sided tiles with 42 images, or 42x 2-sided tiles with 84 images?
I believe that "42 tiles...with images on both sides" means 84 sides/images.

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Thanks, Samy. I was hoping to assume that as well, but was just looking for confirmation.
I have been drafting some maps relevant to Starfinder, both for Flip-Mat layout, as well as some accompanying modular tiles in this vein. I would like to make sure they are appropriately formatted for standard use, and had a similar question on a Flip-Mat product thread [here] regarding the standard-sized vs. over-sized Flip-Mat format, and if this was a new standard.
PS: Thanks for confirmation, Vic.

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That's correct.
Thank you for confirming, Vic. :-)
Do you already know how the package box is made up?
Is it essentially the same as the old tiles boxes (only thicker to be able to hold more tiles and with 6 x 6 inches measurements), made of the same cardboard or will it be a box?
Thank you for your time.

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I'm gonna guess expansions won't have boxes, and will be packaged like Map Packs or Pawn not-box Collections -- with a wraparound paper slip serving as a cover.
I don´t think so, Samy. Why?
The description for the Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Dungeon Perils Expansion says:"These double-sided dungeon tiles come in convenient packaging for easy storage."
I think these 2-piece boxes are of thinner cardboard than the Pawn boxes, maybe as thick as the map-pack boxes or a little thicker.
They also won´t have to be as high, as the tiles are much thinner as the pawn sheets.

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Weight of a box? It is pretty important for us living oversea. Shipping cost is the reason for which I have regretfully suspended the pawn subscription.
We'll have the final shipping weight next week, but the current estimate in the system is probably going to be within an ounce or two. Feel free to add it to your cart and start the checkout process to see the shipping estimate for you.

Feros |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Design request:
Could you please put a unique alpha-numeric coding on each tile face?
I want to be able to layout the tiles, note their serial numbers, sweep them up and put them away, and then easily reassemble that layout next week or next month from my layout diagram.
"Take a photo" is not a good answer. I don't want to have to peer at part of an image and then try to find the same pixels and orientation by visually scanning a bunch of similar little pictures. A photo of the layout is useless if I can't quickly identify the specific tile face and its position in the layout.
Each tile has an alpha-numeric code.
Format: Two-letter code identifying the map group it belongs to (DU for Dungeon as an example) followed by a set number (0 for the starter set, 1 for the first expansion, etc.). Under that code each tile has a two digit number for each tile (01, 02, 03, etc.) followed by an A or B to mark which side of the flip-tile it is.
So the first tile map is marked:
Its reverse is marked:

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It would be nice if there was an index sheet included in the box,
so it wasn't necessary to look through all the tiles to see if there
was one that could be used instead of drawing a custom map.
I know I can create one myself from the PDF, but that's a lot of work!

BushidoWarriorWookiee |

Would some kind soul be willing to put up a review of this product? Of interest to me would be:
1: Whether there are any duplicate tile faces, such as for more common features like longer hallways;
2: How well they "handle" on the table, such as how neatly they abut one another, how slippery they are (like how easily they can be accidentally knocked around), etc.
3: Ease of storage, organisation, and retrieval.
(For reference, I do not own any flip mats or map packs; I've long thought tiles would be a better approach, and so I'm really excited for these, but I also REALLY want them to be awesome, and it would be great to have other opinions before I go sinking money into them.)

bugleyman |

Would some kind soul be willing to put up a review of this product? Of interest to me would be:
1: Whether there are any duplicate tile faces, such as for more common features like longer hallways;
2: How well they "handle" on the table, such as how neatly they abut one another, how slippery they are (like how easily they can be accidentally knocked around), etc.
3: Ease of storage, organisation, and retrieval.
(For reference, I do not own any flip mats or map packs; I've long thought tiles would be a better approach, and so I'm really excited for these, but I also REALLY want them to be awesome, and it would be great to have other opinions before I go sinking money into them.)
You might find this of interest (though I'd suggest skipping to around 14:48; the dude's commentary is painful).
As for #2: They're pretty easy to knock around, depending on the surface on which you place them. For something like a kitchen table, I find putting them down on something like this is helpful. You might also try poster tack, but that might get a bit unwieldy with this many tiles.

Fumarole |

That was indeed painful to listen to. The constant comments on lack of color while the expansion set was sitting right there looking all bright and cheery. Ugh.
At least I got to see the tiles though. Well, most of them. The constant flipping and lack of centering the camera for the expansion portion was not at all viewer friendly.
Thanks for sharing.

bugleyman |

That was indeed painful to listen to. The constant comments on lack of color while the expansion set was sitting right there looking all bright and cheery. Ugh.
At least I got to see the tiles though. Well, most of them. The constant flipping and lack of centering the camera for the expansion portion was not at all viewer friendly.
Thanks for sharing.
Anytime. FYI the last few minutes of the video show each tile in succession nicely centered. ;-)

Steve Geddes |

My subscription copy of this (and the dungeon perils expansion) just arrived.
Full marks to the care and thought that went into this - they've clearly been designed with usefulness in mind. I loved the fact there's room for a couple of expansions to fit in this box. I loved the fact you included half a dozen dividers. I loved the fact the box wasn't a super-snug fit (the one the expansion set came in was a little tight for me)
I haven't used them in play yet, but from flipping them around it seems to me you've done a good job in including useful tiles - perhaps I would have liked more rooms and fewer corridors, but given the obvious expandability, that's not going to be an issue for long.
The little code identifying each tile are small enough to be unobtrusive and large enough to be legible.
I really think you've done a great job with this evolution of the map line.


Strange request years after these have already released, but what are the odds you guys update the (current) PDF only files for each of the digital versions with a JPG download with no security text essentially giving the customer's identity away, like you do with all newer released tile products? I want to use these for my VTT games, but the idea of having random people be able to see my IRL name and email account just looks like a recipe for bad outcomes.
As is, I had to use a free trial of Adobe just to convert the PDFs into a usable file, and while I'm not claiming to be computer savvy in any way, it's a weird hurdle you're asking your customers to go through for a product that frankly isn't particularly cheap for what you're getting.