graystone |

graystone wrote:It says so in the book description...
Alex Mack wrote:Could we get a few details on the barbarian archetypes?There where barbarian archetypes?
Oh, I'm sure it did but I not seeing them in my notes. the best i can do is list the names. Maybe someone else can fill in the blanks.
New rage powers
brutish swamper
Cave dweller
Pack hunter
Raging cannibal
Maybe I missed it but what does the Green Knight get? Can they actually survive decapitation?
Any idea what section it is in? Like the barbarian, I didn't put anything down for the Green Knight.
I searched the thread, but didn't see anything about cultivating magical plants. Can anyone share anything?
Edit: Also, how's the First World section?
Pay a pile of cash and grow a plant that produces a number of magic fruit/leaves per day for a season: goodberries, high altitude cures, heros feasts, bombs, less sleep bark, ect
Didn't read any of the fluff sections as I didn't really have time to catch all the crunch parts, so no idea on first world stuff.

graystone |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I think the Green Knight is a cavalier archetype.
Antipaladin, gunslinger, magus, shaman, psychic disciplines, shaman spirits and unchained summoners I have. Looks like I missed the cavalier section too, sorry... :(
Is it possible to get a bit more info on that forested?
Do they get more than one favored terrain?
Since they get camouflage, do they also get HiPS?
Are those bonus feats still strictly teamwork feats?
How is breath of life supposed to tie in with the rest of it?
You mean forester?
Terrains: 4 total as you level, starting with 1 at 5th.Camo: no concealment/cover needed for stealth.
Bonus Feats: combat not teamwork. even though they gain tactician, nothing forces them to take teamwork feats.
SLA: it replaces Raise Companion. The archetype is themed to have a bond with the environment so I take this ability to allow you to use that bond to 'jump start' a creature using that bond. That's my take anyway.

Xenocrat |

Lemartes wrote:I think the Green Knight is a cavalier archetype.Antipaladin, gunslinger, magus, shaman, psychic disciplines, shaman spirits and unchained summoners I have.
Got any detail on the psychic disciplines? I think we’ve only seen their names so far.
I’d also be interested in the summoner stuff.

DireToad |

Lemartes wrote:I think the Green Knight is a cavalier archetype.Antipaladin, gunslinger, magus, shaman, psychic disciplines, shaman spirits and unchained summoners I have. Looks like I missed the cavalier section too, sorry... :(
DireToad wrote:Is it possible to get a bit more info on that forested?
Do they get more than one favored terrain?
Since they get camouflage, do they also get HiPS?
Are those bonus feats still strictly teamwork feats?
How is breath of life supposed to tie in with the rest of it?You mean forester?
Terrains: 4 total as you level, starting with 1 at 5th.
Camo: no concealment/cover needed for stealth.
Bonus Feats: combat not teamwork. even though they gain tactician, nothing forces them to take teamwork feats.
SLA: it replaces Raise Companion. The archetype is themed to have a bond with the environment so I take this ability to allow you to use that bond to 'jump start' a creature using that bond. That's my take anyway.
Hah, yeah, Forester not forested. Smartphones are dumb sometimes.
Hm, I'm a little sad that favored terrains kick in that late, but very glad it's not locked into one. Lack of hide in plain sight is a touch disappointing too, but not really a big deal. The rest sounds really solid, I wish I'd had it for the last hunter I played.I can't wait to get this book myself.

graystone |

So... is it viable to create an aesthetic kineticist with the wilding style feat????
Not style but strike. You need wildling and imp unarmed strike to take the first wildling strike and then you can take imp wildling strike. Each strike feat bumps up your base unarmed damage. The feats only work with 'normal' unarmed strikes so aesthetic should work fine.
Note wildling does have a downside: someone can charm animal on you. ;)
DireToad: No worries. I figured that's what you meant as I'm on a mobile device too. Just wanted to make sure.

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Verzen wrote:So... is it viable to create an aesthetic kineticist with the wilding style feat????Not style but strike. You need wildling and imp unarmed strike to take the first wildling strike and then you can take imp wildling strike. Each strike feat bumps up your base unarmed damage. The feats only work with 'normal' unarmed strikes so aesthetic should work fine.
Note wildling does have a downside: someone can charm animal on you. ;)
DireToad: No worries. I figured that's what you meant as I'm on a mobile device too. Just wanted to make sure.
What is the BAB prereq? And how much damage does it go up to?

DireToad |

Bladelock wrote:Same. Like, this might be my go to class now.graystone wrote:lots of good infoI have been waiting for a Hunter Archetype like Forester...Sweet!
Ditto. If my current character ever dies for good in the main game I play in, I think it'll be straight to the Forester I go.

Pennate |
What are the brawler archetypes like?What are role and heritage archetypes?
Bumping this for attention (excluding the part that was already answered). Also, do any archetypes or feats allow PCs to count as an animal for beneficial purposes, like how the pre-errata Animal Soul feat worked?

graystone |

Wilding feats
wilding: animal empathy and animal spells[harmful] can hit you
Wilding strike: str 13, 1d6 [stacks with actual size increase].
Imp wilding strike: str 16, BAB +11 [why?], 1d8
Wildling mind: Reroll mind save by taking int dam
wilding senses: Bonus to perception [doubles for surprise] and counts as alertness.
Wildling stride +10 MOVE!!!! stacks only with enhancement bonuses [like monks].
Honestly, the strike one's are the least exciting IMO. Why would you ever need a level limit on bumping unarmed damage up to 1d8 on a none unarmed focused character? It boggles the mind.
For me, this means I can make a merfolk with hunter and take Wildling/wildling stride, broadtail for 25' move and there are several enhancement bonuses to move to pick up. Triple Time masterpiece, rage power swift foot, monk movement Dervish Dancer bard, Ascetic oracle mystery, ect.
Pennate wrote:Bumping this for attention (excluding the part that was already answered). Also, do any archetypes or feats allow PCs to count as an animal for beneficial purposes, like how the pre-errata Animal Soul feat worked?What are the brawler archetypes like?What are role and heritage archetypes?
Sort of. Wildling lets you take animal soul and aspect of the beast feats but also comes with harmful mental spell animal targeting.
role and heritage archetypes: I'm not sure what this is in reference to. Where was it mentioned?
graystone wrote:Lemartes wrote:I think the Green Knight is a cavalier archetype.Antipaladin, gunslinger, magus, shaman, psychic disciplines, shaman spirits and unchained summoners I have.Got any detail on the psychic disciplines? I think we’ve only seen their names so far.
I’d also be interested in the summoner stuff.
Ferocity and symbiosis for disciplines.
Ferocity buffs senses, adds Wis to con for death checks, gain ferocity monster trait with stat buffs.Symbiosis has share senses with animals, at will detect plant/animal, bonuses to know nature, SLA to use divination ability to scry through plants, and animate tree.
Summoner stuff:
Leshy caller: Plant eidolon with 1 of 5 forms; when summoning can change form if in terrain matching new form by spending 1 of your summon SLA uses. Summon SLA uses nature's allies.
Plant eidolon: gets some energy resistances [imm at 16th], plant immunities, tree shape, pass without trace, speak with plants.

graystone |

Excited about all the Wilding feats making it in! I think someone mentioned Beastmaster Style and Exotic Heritage earlier, too...
yeah, someone asked about Exotic Heritage. Not sure about Beastmaster... [looks in notes] Ah the style for people with animal companions. Yeah that looked interesting.
I'm surprised I didn't see anyone mention mutated shape. Growing a new appendage w/ natural attack is pretty sweet. ;)
PS: thanks for your input in the book.
Wilding strike is underwhelming. I was thinking it gave the monk damage bonus to someone else. Spending 2 feats for a damage increase of 1.5 damage per hit is..... ya...
Well the first jumps it 2 steps [1d3 to 1d6], so that one seems fine. The second... Not so much. Maybe if you leverage actual size changes, like Giant form, into the equation it could be worth it but for your average small/medium pc it's not going to cut it.

graystone |

Lucky! I’m itching for someone to stumble on this one feat I wrote that made it in that I am crazy excited about.
If it's shifters edge, you're right. THAT feat might get me to play a shifter [or an archetype with shifters claws]. If not, I'm curious which one it is. ;)
Much about occultist archetypes?
I posted about them earlier. Follow Post link below. If you have any follow up questions after reading, feel free to ask

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DeciusNero wrote:Much about occultist archetypes?I posted about them earlier. Follow Post link below. If you have any follow up questions after reading, feel free to ask
Sorry, missed it when trying to 'catch-up'. Thank you.
Naturalist - what kind of SLA's / jow manyHistorian sounds cool, how detailed is the reading of ruins?

Mark Seifter Designer |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Shifter's Edge had some issues in the process and is pending a hotfix FAQ once we can get the new FAQ page up. I'm actually surprised it took this long to come up. And that's the only FAQ topic we know of for the book so far! After the FAQ, it's basically Lethal Grace for a shifter's claws (and claw-augmented natural attacks), meaning Dex-based shifters that use Dex to hit and Str to damage can do some pretty big damage (1/2 level scaling up to +10 damage).

graystone |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

For Alexander Augunas, here are some nifty feats no one's asked about.
Command plant/command animal: like control undead
Eidolon Mount: give your Eidolon a mount form!
Energize wild shape: gain a resist energy and deal that damage as an extra with 1 attack.
Enhance gnome magic: add a spell to SLA's. Several nice attack spells included.
Extended animal focus/extended aspects: bonus minutes
Flinging charge: toss a thrown weapon before charge
One eye open: sleep doesn't lower perception checks
Shifters edge: use dex to hit with shifters claws and str to damage and get bonus damage.
Shifters rush: free action wildshape with move.
Vigilant charger: ready a charge
Wild vigor: temp hp when wild shaping.
Wolf rider: pick wolf for mount
Wood crafter: bonus to make wood objects and good check can reduce cost.
Woodland wraith: double move or withdraw ending in difficult terrain gives concealment.

Pennate |
Pennate wrote:Pennate wrote:Bumping this for attention (excluding the part that was already answered). Also, do any archetypes or feats allow PCs to count as an animal for beneficial purposes, like how the pre-errata Animal Soul feat worked?What are the brawler archetypes like?What are role and heritage archetypes?Sort of. Wildling lets you take animal soul and aspect of the beast feats but also comes with harmful mental spell animal targeting.
role and heritage archetypes: I'm not sure what this is in reference to. Where was it mentioned?
Role and heritage archetypes were mentioned earlier in the thread. They refer to animal companion archetypes.

graystone |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Naturalist - what kind of SLA's / jow many
Historian sounds cool, how detailed is the reading of ruins?
Naturalist:speak with planes, message, commune with nature.
Historian: if it's a lair;strongest monster;magic items?;layout;see past.Shifter's Edge had some issues in the process and is pending a hotfix FAQ once we can get the new FAQ page up. I'm actually surprised it took this long to come up. And that's the only FAQ topic we know of for the book so far! After the FAQ, it's basically Lethal Grace for a shifter's claws (and claw-augmented natural attacks), meaning Dex-based shifters can do some pretty big damage (1/2 level scaling up to +10 damage).
Boo! And you wonder why we stayed quiet so long! :P
I didn't think it was out of line with Precise Strike, so I was expecting it to be changed to precision damage. Going lethal grace works too, since it gets multiplied with crits and damages creatures to sneak attack.
PS: Since you're here... Can you explain how the oozemorph works? There are SO many unanswered questions about it.
graystone wrote:Huh, interesting. That's what it was supposed to say. Does it still say that somewhere in the book?Shifters edge: use dex to hit with shifters claws and str to damage and get bonus damage.
LOL Now that I look at it again, it IS missing the str to damage part. I wrote it from memory and my brain must have been thinking "Lethal Grace for a shifter's claws" too. Now I just have to harness this predictive power for good!!! ;)
Role and heritage archetypes: OOOHHHHHHH... I was fixed on PC archetypes and forgot about the animal ones. My bad. Lets see...
I don't have role and heritage listed anywhere but I can take an educated guess what they are.
heritage: something the animal is born with. All of these are harder to handle animal.
Aberrant: darkvision, immune animal target mental spells, compression
augmented: 1/2 healing as living or construct, lowlight/darkvision, resistances similar to construct immunities.
deathtouch: Darkvision, healed by negative, bonus of saves an undead/object doesn't save against
draconic: lowlight/darkvision, dragon resistances, breathe weapon
feytouched: small size but extra stat bonuses, fey magic, DR
verdant: sunlight for food and bonuses on saves to a LOT of effects.
Role: something the animal was trained for
ambusher: camo and ambush abilities.
auspice: aligned, guidance, domain ability, aligned strike
bodyguard: abilities to stay up in negatives, uncanny dodge
bully: improved maneuver feats available and bonuses with maneuvers.
daredevil: bonus acrobatics, mobility, spring attack, immune flank.
precocious: extra tricks and can take mental stat bonuses
racer: bonus movement
Totem: Guidance, owner can spontaneously cast spells, beast speach, eldritch claws, attacks hit incorporeal
tracker: tracking
wrecker: sunder fets available, attacks ignore some hardness, bypass DR adamantine.

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Subscribe! It doesn't cost extra,
*sigh* if that was completely true, I'd be a happy subscriber. Unluckily, (international) shipping costs interfere heavily with that statement. Which is a shame really, because I'd love to support Paizo with more subscriptions and it's not their fault at all, but even with the Pathfinder advantage and all, it's an extra cost I can't afford, especially when I can get it much cheaper via amazon.
On a more positive note, it's only 9 days, and I have so much to read, that I can wait :)

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Rysky wrote:Subscribe! It doesn't cost extra,*sigh* if that was completely true, I'd be a happy subscriber. Unluckily, (international) shipping costs interfere heavily with that statement. Which is a shame really, because I'd love to support Paizo with more subscriptions and it's not their fault at all, but even with the Pathfinder advantage and all, it's an extra cost I can't afford, especially when I can get it much cheaper via amazon.
On a more positive note, it's only 9 days, and I have so much to read, that I can wait :)
Uh, you’d be paying the same amount if your preordered or bought the physical copy from Paizo. Subscriptions don’t cost more than the other methods of buying from Paizo.

Xenocrat |

WormysQueue wrote:Uh, you’d be paying the same amount if your preordered or bought the physical copy from Paizo. Subscriptions don’t cost more than the other methods of buying from Paizo.Rysky wrote:Subscribe! It doesn't cost extra,*sigh* if that was completely true, I'd be a happy subscriber. Unluckily, (international) shipping costs interfere heavily with that statement. Which is a shame really, because I'd love to support Paizo with more subscriptions and it's not their fault at all, but even with the Pathfinder advantage and all, it's an extra cost I can't afford, especially when I can get it much cheaper via amazon.
On a more positive note, it's only 9 days, and I have so much to read, that I can wait :)
"From Paizo" is probably the key mistake you're making. Buying them from a local store is cheaper than a subscription if shipping costs are high.

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Uh, you’d be paying the same amount if your preordered or bought the physical copy from Paizo. Subscriptions don’t cost more than the other methods of buying from Paizo.
as mentioned above the mistake your making is 'from Paizo', if I buy from brick and mortar or order through Amazon UK,, it costs me the same as price where as if you order it through Paizo and want it shipped in good time outside of north america it's an extra $90 per book.