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The Blakros Museum rises into the night sky, its single black spire severing the full moon in twain. The black iron gates surrounding the exhibition hall grind in protest against the wind. Beyond, the museum’s large oaken doors stand wide open, a silver-gray mist belching forth from the cavernous darkness within. You wonder how you ended up here, standing at the precipice of unknown terrors, and instantly Venture- Captain Adril Hestram’s wide looming face is conjured into your minds’ eye. His booming words ring out from memory as clearly as he spoke them only one hour ago:
“The Blakros Museum is cursed. Some darkness has descended upon the place and those who enter are blasted with evil and left raving through its halls, more beast than men. The curator, Nigel Aldain, is an old associate of the Society, though he chose to leave our organization some years back after a disagreement.”
Adril looked sheepish then, as if remembering some distasteful incident from his youth.
“Nigel has long denied the Society access to the Blakros Museum’s considerable collection of relics and scrolls, using his extensive contacts to nab several excellent finds right out from under us... he always had a nose for the hunt. Whatever is past between Nigel and the Society, he needs our help now. Perhaps if we can come to his aid, he may think on rejoining the Pathfinder Society, or at least offering to share his discoveries with us.”
“Apparently the trouble at Blakros Museum began this morning, shortly after a wayward Pathfinder named Lugizar Trantos returned to Absalom after months spent in the Mwangi Expanse. Supposedly, instead of coming straight to the Lodge to report in, he went to Blakros, sold his finds to Nigel, and then disappeared with a hefty sum of gold. The few who glimpsed Lugizar claimed he was much changed by his time in the Mwangi... gaunt, his eyes yellowed and unfocused, a strange rasping cough that seemed to wrack his now wasted frame. Whatever he brought back with him, we believe it is the cause of the Blakros Museum’s ills. Root it out.”

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Before sending you off, the good captain did give you a sketch map of the museum (linked above). He also suggested you "head to the offices first to find Nigel as he may have some insight into whatever foul curse vexes the place"
Much of the Mwangi’s darkest interior worships a demon lord named Angazhan, who is described in the Book of the Damned as a thing of primordial darkness, a foul-breathed demon who grunts prophecies of blood to apes and madmen. The jungle is his beating heart.
The Gorilla King’s dread city was founded hundreds of years past by cultists who bowed to Angazhan. It is said they captured the souls of monkeys in the wood-grains of strange idols called Tik Taan. The monkeys’ tormented spirits became the slaves and playthings of Angazhan, who murdered their playful whims and replaced them with a deep-seated hate and wild madness. These Tik Taan are rumored to shred the sanity of anyone who spends too long in their presence.
The cultists who created the Tik Taan were hunted by a brave tribe of the Mwangi called the Jambala Jaeg. The Jambala Jaeg created ritual knives, crafted out of bone handles and obsidian blades, to slay the demons inside the Tik Taan. Legends speak of the deadly mists of the Tik Taan, ill humors that invade men’s hearts by seeping into their mouths. Anyone wearing a scarf or other protection against the airborne menace is immune to its effects.
Lugizar Trantos spent the better part of a year in the Mwangi Expanse. At first he wrote letters to his brother and wife, but after a few months these stopped coming and most gave him up for dead
His letters spoke of a lucrative find at one point, three idols of dark wood carved in the shape of bearded monkeys.
The last of his letters evidenced an unhinged mind, and was covered in strange sketches of monkey paws. He described dark eyes glaring out from the mists. Shortly after his return to Absalom, many of the monkeys and apes in the city’s menageries attacked their keepers and fled into greater Absalom.
The museum proper is large. Built with gothic architecture it rises out of the night like a great, looming shadow.

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Diplomacy: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 = 17
"I've heard word of this, Lugizar. He spent the better part of a year in the Mwangi Expanse. At first he wrote letters to his brother and wife, but after a few months these stopped coming and most gave him up for dead. His letters spoke of a lucrative find at one point, three idols of dark wood carved in the shape of bearded monkeys."

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knowledge (history): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
knowledge (local): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Alas I am at work and do not have time to relate the great bits of arcane spoilers Natula the would-be iconic wizard knows. Let's just say it reads a bit like the spoilers themselves if the spoilers had a creaky, vocal fried voice that sneered at the rest of the party a lot.
*Knowing smirk.*

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Aiden nods in appreciation of Natula's knowledge on both Lugizar and the Tik Taan. The tall, almost regal man whistles at the stories of the Tik Taan. "Those monkey statues sound like bad business, and could be exactly what befell Lugizar if the stories are true. With a place that has the reputation of the Blackros Museum, I suggest all of us get some scarf or protection from any gases."
He turns and taps his chin, glancing at Natula and then muttering, "I bet the Paracountess would like to examine one of these statues."
The former slaver checks the multiple blades on his belt and thathis net is properly folded. "Once we get some possible protection from the vapors, we should check in with Nigel. I wonder how Lugizar was acting when he saw him."
Scarves are 1sp to 5gp; A doctor's mask is 50gp (gives +1 to fort save), and a filter hood is 10gp (+2 vs. airborne, lasts 1d4+10 minutes)

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There are vendors out and about. If you want to buy stuff, by all means go for it. Put it in a post in the discussion thread so I can put it on your chronicles for you.

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Natula picks out a tasteful, black 'I survived the Seige of Serpents' t-shirt and idly wonders if that Pollyanna--what was her name again--did in fact survive. Meh, what's matter anyhow, she probaby didn't get a cool black t-shirt from the ordeal.
Later, she heads to an apothecary to see if they have anything labeled 'the Cure'.

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Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14 I hope this is the worst dice roll for this game.
The tall, thin half-orc nods to the words of the future iconic wizard.
"I done some research but not much. Thank you."
The half-orc is more human than orc. You don't see any fangs or powerful muscles. Only the dark green shade of skin, yellow eyes and a large jaw with protruding cheekbones mark him as a half-breed.
"My name is Zaamir Zatar." - he introduces himself with a solemn voice - "Welcome you, companions. Let our adventure will be easy for each of you! As for me, you can lean on me when you need someone to convince. Harr! Of course if here we'll need it."
He grins, looking around at the Museum. Despite the somewhat haggard appearance, he really makes a very pleasant impression. His soft hypnotic voice and calm gestures is clearly likable.

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Picks herself up a Trent black scarf and pair of tight brown leather pants too.

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Aiden goes to buy some scarves and a mask. "Anyone want a scarf? i'm going to buy some."
Aiden will buy a 2gp scarf, a filter hood, and a flask of holy water. Anyone want a scarf? Aiden is willing to buy it for you if you don't have the funds.

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Picks herself up aTrenttrendy black scarf and pair of tight brown leather pants too.

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Well perhaps I'll get a scarf too )

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Can you add yourselves to the map and then post away. We'll start now, no sense in waiting any longer

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Anibal drops his hat from his head and leaves it hanging over his back, on a twine fixed to his cloak. He eyes the museum door curiously.
"No scarves for me, thanks.", he reaches into his cloak and produces a rag of some sort. "This helps against the sands of Garund. And that sand is as small as freshly milled flour, I can assure you. Hopefully it will do just as well here. Unfortunately I'm not from around, so - not much gossip I can help with."
He nods at the half orc and the other pathfinders, then looks at the door again: "I'm not sure if there will be too many people to talk to at this hour, Zamir. If we do find someone, it could turn out to be quite interesting. Anyone fancy meeting a ghost or the like? Who else would walk around a museum at night?"
He makes a small grin with one side of his lip, but it disappears shortly after.

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The doors of the Museum stand closed before you, while dark clouds boil overhead. A bolt of lightning strikes down, and the clap of thunder is only moments behind it. Heavy rain starts to fall, and unless you head inside you will soon be very wet.
Anibal - Face covering from travellers outfit?
Zaamir - scarf
Natula - trendy black scarf and brown pants
Aiden - scarf
Hakimo - scarf

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The doors of the Museum stand closed before you, while dark clouds boil overhead. A bolt of lightning strikes down, and the clap of thunder is only moments behind it. Heavy rain starts to fall, and unless you head inside you will soon be very wet.
"Nice touch."

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Anibal - Face covering from travellers outfit?
It's not mentioned, but I assume something like that is a part of the outfit itself. If not, I'll just take my chances.
As the rain starts, the bounty hunter puts on his hat, ascends the stairs, and stops next to the door. He puts his hand on the handle, while looking at his companions for the night.
"Shall we?"

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The door swings ominously and silently inward.
An unnatural cold permeates this chamber and the tendrils of silver-gray mist flowing out the front archway into the courtyard beyond seem to effortlessly pierce the flesh and gently caress the bone in a cold embrace. The grand entranceway’s vaulted ceiling is supported by six great pillars of hewn black stone. Braziers mounted on the pillars cast white radiance from balls of continual light. The light glimmers eerily in the silvery haze that fills the atrium, giving the impression of something alien watching from the glowing fog.

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Aiden wraps the scarf around his neck and then pulls it up to cover his mouth. He decides to leave the filter hood in his pack for the time being until it seemed the scarf might not work.
He glances at Anibal. "Uh, that doesn't bode well." He sighs. "Well, the Paracountess never said this would be fun. She implied what could be fun, but it wasn't this." He turns and wink at the others before walking inside.

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Thoughts of the paracountess are far away as shadows jump around in the dark, gloomy and mist shrouded building.
For the moment shadows are all that jump. For the moment.
Map is unhidden, this room is lit, but does anyone have their own illumination?

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I don't need, I have darkvision.
Zaamir follows the example of Aiden and also got a scarf around the neck.
"Perhaps it makes no sense to procrastinate. Should perform this ritual right now..." - half-orc mutters under his breath, and then kneels, and begins to hum a mournful prayer.
A half-minute later the silhouette of a woman appears before him, rapidly gaining clarity.
Three heart beat - and silhouette becomes a clear image of an attractive woman of the same race as Zaamir... No, not the image! You realize that this creature is a spirit, and it is real and independent.
She is though beautiful, but blows cold and sadness and even emits some barely perceptible dark glow.
She looks around...

Kida Rashish |

"Nice to be in this place. It is well suited... for those like you and I... Yes, Zaamir?"
She looks around Zaamir's companions.
"My mark is sadness. My sadness comes from the knowledge. And my knowledge is that all paths ends in the same way. I know that better than anyone. So, listen up. When the battle begins... Try to listen to my advices. I'm going to give them quite a lot... And those who will hear it, will join me in the same Kingdom... not so fast."
All this she says in a confident, but at the same time a sad and quiet voice. Then she lowers her eyes and seemed to lose interest in everything except the game of shadows and smoke in the room.

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"Nice speach. So. Kida, these are my comrades in this expedition. Comrades, this is Kida. We share many things. But I will not have to bother you with such stories. Enough to know that she really will be useful to us."
He sighs.
"Though I'm not sure you'll like it."
A smile slips on his face.
"Well, forward to the adventure? To fighters - a ticket in the stalls. Go ahead, we will always cover and heal you!"

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From near the back of the party, Natula makes a whoopdee-flippin'-doo gesture with one finger and says "Recon" into her cape.

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"Squeee." A tiny bat emerges from under the cape and streaks off to peer into the museum's windows.
Hopefully coming back with a series of emotional impressions of the museum's various quadrants.

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Aiden suddenly looks around at all the new members of their group. "It got very crowded in here." He bows slightly to the ghostly Kida, and glances at Zaamir. "She'll help us?"
He edges away from Kida and draws both of kukris. "Keep your eyes open for anything weird." He points to the hall at the end of the room. "The Grand Exhibit is that way."

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The emotional impressions returned by the bat correspond more or less with that of the map provided by the VC. (sketch map, linked above)
Although whether a bat's sonar can see through a solid window, I'm not too sure
The mists swirl around the room, and rain continues to pound down outside. A chill wind disturbs you all, but after a moment the mists reform, thicker than ever.

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Unperplexed, Anibal stands next to the door as the first Pathfinders enter. He gives Zaamir's companion a brief look and nod, then glances at Natula.
"Nice tricks, nice tricks. Did it find anything we should know about?"
He waits for the Ulfen's response, then enters the hall, and tries to look for signs of anything unusual...
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
... but somehow, rain and the mist overwhelmed his eyes.

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The main hall leads off into darkness. Two doors are nearby, one leading off each side. Though in the thick mist anything more is hard to make out.

Kalas the Bat |

The emotional impressions returned by the bat correspond more or less with that of the map provided by the VC. (sketch map, linked above)
Although whether a bat's sonar can see through a solid window, I'm not too sure
Kalas's blindsense wouldn't have line of effect through glass (it would be able to sense things in something like obscuring mist or darkness or things that are invisible--enough to figure out which space they were in without having to concentrate on a perception roll). Primarily I was hoping it might be able to spot things/movement with it's regular (low-light) vision.
If the ceiling is high enough and the mist stays near enough ground level Kalas flies above it while inside the museum.

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The mist fills the rooms, really cutting down vision.
However checking out the closer windows.
The room to the north has a number of bipedal figures.
The room to the south has "large creatures" - this mist is also thinner here.
None of the figures or creatures move.

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"I think if you have no other offers, we need, moving in the same order, go ahead."

Kalas the Bat |

The room to the south has "large creatures"....

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"Kalas has a bad feeling about the north and south museum wings." Natula creaks from beneath her scarf.

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"Yeah, I got a bad feeling about this whole place. But we're here now. We've got to find our boy, Nigel." He moves up to the hallway and peers down the corridor.
"The sketch said there were offices through here." He points to the left. "And storage to the right. Might be where the Tik Taans still are."
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
If he sees nothing, Aiden will move to open the door on the left.

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A placard above this hall reads “The Honored Dead” in blood-red calligraphy.
Aiden opens the door...
The mists here congeal into a thick and silvery fog that cools the lungs. Arranged throughout this large hall are exhibits on the funerary traditions of several civilizations, along with preserved corpses arrayed in grim stillness. A giant warrior looms from the haze, his arms crossed at his chest, his helm solemn and still. Beyond lie sarcophagi of varied designs, and a few glass cases wherein withered dead are held upright by rods and string; grim exhibits of long-dead citizens whose fallen empires were erased an age past.

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Anibal steps forward to not fall behind. He looks into the room and makes a series of rapid movements to get his quiver ready. When he realises he's looking at a museum exposition, he slows down, but readies his quiver and bow anyway.
"Heh - honoured. Until treasure hunters and tomb raiders find out where you are."
If there's any illumination in the room, he checks for anything that seems out of place or sticking out. Besides the several arranged corpses, that is.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

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In the far corner of the room, Anibal spies a door.
Was that movement in the darkness?
Probably just the mist swiling. Probably.

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"There's another room here. Closed. Maybe we should check it out."
He pauses briefly, looks again.
"Also - I think something moved inside. But that might have just been a gust of wind and the mist."

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"And Pathfinders!" Aiden chuckles and slowly walks into the room. "Come on. I'm sure there's something wrong here, but until we find it, we're just jumping at shadows."
He heads towards the far corner of the room, glancing around in the mist for anything moving towards him.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

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There is something here... I am certain of it... be on your guard, Hakimo...
The young Tian-min moves forward cautiously following Anibal and Aiden.
I'm unable to edit the map on my ipad. Could someone move me up to Anibal's flank?

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Moved Hakimo. Hope that's where you wanted to be.
Since Aiden carelessly bravely walked into the room, Anibal shrugs and follows in. He stores the bow on his back.
"Is it just me or is this mist really cold? Should have put on another pair of socks. Then again; maybe it's just the stone floor."

Kalas the Bat |

In the far corner of the room, Anibal spies a door.
Was that movement in the darkness?
Probably just the mist swirling. Probably.
Was that movement in the mist? Blindsense 20 ft.

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"Will start soon." - Zaamir makes a wave of his hand towards Kida and her not for long enveloped in purple glow, which soon disappears.
Cast mage armor on Kida
"A bit of support. Suddenly one millimeter decides someone's fate?."
Cast Guidance on all party members just before be opened the next door.