Syrinscape—Hell's Rebels #5: "Kintargo Contract" SoundPack

Our Price: $17.60

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The "Kintargo Contract" SoundPack gives you the complete audio solution when playing the fifth chapter of Pathfinder's "Hell's Rebels" Adventure Path. All the preparation is done for you, and every sound you'll need is right at your fingertips.

The Silver Ravens have defeated Paracount Barzillai Thrune and liberated the Silver City of Kintargo, but unless steps are taken to protect what they've won, it's just a matter of time before the rulers of Cheliax respond with open war—a war that would likely destroy Kintargo. The key to Kintargo's defense lies in the lines of a single sprawling scroll recovered from the Church of Asmodeus—the Kintargo Contract.

Is this Pathfinder Adventure Path SoundPack useful when I'm not running a Pathfinder Adventure?

Yes! The "Kintargo Contract" SoundPack supports:

* a bureaucratic arm of Hell, repleat with devils and fire
* a shadow realm monument perfect for planar adventures
* great big shady shadow giants
* hags
* a conversation with an overpowering dragon (just talk your way out of this one!<br>
* a slimy but charming arch baddy
* and... much much more!

This SoundPack includes samples donated by Syrinscape fans at PaizoCon and Gen Con 2015 and 2016. Thank you so much for your energetic, engaged and slightly disturbing work! Shout out to Jon Cary for the voice of Ithanothaur, Rebecca Rauschenberger for a horrible female villain and once again Morgan Rands for the voice of our BBG, Mangvhune".

Availablility: Your Syrinscape audio content will be delivered as a Voucher Code on your My Downloads page redeemable at, and will be downloadable within the Syrinscape Fantasy Player. Contact if you have any questions.

Product Availability

Fulfilled immediately.

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