Expanded Options #6—Items of Quality: Weapons and Armor Charms (5E) PDFFat Goblin GamesThe Expanded Options product line brings you an assortment of ideas, homebrew rules, and various options from the talented pool of writers at Fat Goblin Games for use with the 5th Edition Fantasy Game. These short and low-priced products are perfect for Game Masters and Players who want to integrate unique new options to their games. Fat Goblin Games Presents: Expanded Options #6—Items of Quality: Weapons and Armor Charms The reliance on mundane equipment in 5th edition fantasy games is more important than ever. Magical items are rare, and most characters will be relying on unenchanted equipment for a large portion of their adventuring career. As such, there exists a gap between mundane items and magical equivalents. The concept encompasses a dynamic system for low-level powers that can enhance weapons without disrupting balance. Consider the following items as not a replacement for magic weapons and armor, but to act as intermediary items that can make lower level loot tables feel more special and interesting. The best part is that they can supplement otherwise mundane equipment that is special to a character, such as heirloom armor or a sword that, while not magical, is made of a meteorite, for instance. None of these charms are especially powerful or potent, and they won't generally grant a competitive edge, but they do bestow interesting and character defining little tricks and boons that make your weapon and armor feel just a slight cut above the rest. Product Availability
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