In the right setting, a single scathing word can prove deadlier than a poisoned dagger. Behind the scenes of heroic battles and magical realms lies a seething underbelly of danger and deception. This world of intrigue holds endless possibilities for adventure, as heroes duel with words instead of steel, plot daring heists, and engage in battles of wills against relentless nemeses. A high-stakes game of shadows and secrets is yours to master—if you have the wits!
Whether the heroes are taming the blood-soaked back alleys of their favorite metropolis or jockeying for the queen's favor alongside highborn nobles, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue is an invaluable companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into a new era.
Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue includes:
The vigilante, a new character class that lives two lives—that of an unassuming member of the community, and a cloaked crusader with his own agenda!
New archetypes for alchemists, bards, druids, hunters, inquisitors, investigators, mesmerists, rangers, rogues, slayers, spiritualists, and more!
New feats and magic items for characters of all sorts, granting mastery of street-smart combat, impenetrable disguises, and misdirection.
Dozens of spells to manipulate tense social settings, whether to reveal adversaries' secrets or hide the truth.
A complete system of influence, providing new goals and rewards to challenge players and link their fortunes to nonplayer characters and organizations.
Systems and advice to help Game Masters introduce a variety of new encounters into their games—daring heists, extended pursuits, and tense searches for buried secrets.
Rules for social combat and verbal duels, allowing characters to use words as weapons to sway hearts and humiliate foes.
... and much, much more!
ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-826-7
Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:
Okay, let's get into Ultimate Intrigue! As the title implies, the purpose of this book is to help flesh out more subtle elements of the game: things like spreading rumors, rallying a crowd, stealing secrets, and other classic cloak-and-dagger stuff. I've used bits and pieces of it in previous campaigns, but read through it carefully (and incorporated a fair bit of it) for my current Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign, as that adventure path is designed around urban political strife. Boiled down to brass tacks, the book is a 256 page hardcover comprised of six chapters. The full-colour artwork is very strong throughout, and the cover is great (though Merisiel's legs are like three times longer than her torso!). There's a very short two-page introduction that summarises each chapter--which is what I'm going to do anyway.
Chapter 1 is "Classes" (60 pages). The big deal here is a new base case, the Vigilante. The concept is that the character has both a normal (social) identity and a masked identity, with certain class options only working while in the associated guise. There are also several safeguards to help keep anyone from figuring out that Bruce Wayne is really Batman. I have a Vigilante character in Pathfinder Society, and one of my players runs one in Curse of the Crimson Throne. I think the class is perfect for an urban campaign mostly set in a single city (especially with lots room for intrigue), but it doesn't work as well with the more traditional "travelling adventuring party" campaign. It's a bit too obvious when five newcomers arrive in town, only for one of them to "disappear" and a new costumed avenger show up. I know there are also some gamers who dislike what can seem like the awkward introduction of comic book super heroes into their fantasy role-playing. For me, I think the concept works well--though as I said, only in particular types of campaigns.
A large chunk of the chapter is devoted to new archetypes for other classes. More specifically, alchemists, bards, cavaliers, druids, inquisitors, investigators, mesmerists, rangers, rogues, skalds, spiritualists, swashbucklers, and vigilantes get some love. Frankly, a lot of the archetypes are fairly forgettable, but there are exceptions--for example, a Daring General Cavalier would be great in military campaigns, the Dandy Ranger could be really useful in an urban campaign, and a couple of the vigilante archetypes are perfect if you want to play the Hulk or Spider-Man. Although the rogue archetypes aren't very good, there are several excellent rogue talents that focus on making the character harder to track through divination, etc. It's worth nothing that this book came out during the period when the hardcover line was still setting-neutral, so there won't be any Golarion-specific flavour with the archetypes (for better or worse depending on your preferences).
Chapter 2 is "Feats" (24 pages). There's something like 110 new feats in the chapter, and probably something for everyone. Given the book's theme, many of the feats are related to sneaking around, hiding and disguising spells, stealing stuff, making plans, figuring out when you're being to lied to, etc. A few that I particularly like include Brilliant Planner (giving you the chance to have just what you need just when you need it), Call Truce (giving a slim chance to actually end combat peacefully when its underway), and Drunkard's Recovery (silly but fun). A couple of important feats are Conceal Spell (which hides the pesky manifestations that spells create in Pathfinder) and Fencing Grace (adding Dex to damage with rapiers, a favourite of swashbucklers everywhere). Overall, I thought the options presented were well-written and plausible in terms of desirability.
Chapter 3 is "Mastering Intrigue" (68 pages). This is probably the most important chapter in the book for GMs. It offers tons of useful advice, as well as clarification on some tricky game mechanics, to help run intrigue-based games. The pages about how common magic spells can be handled while still preserving mysteries, secrets, and misdirection is pure gold. The chapter also introduces seven new rules sub-systems, any or all of which can be incorporated into a campaign to flesh out certain aspects of gameplay. "Influence" is a sub-system that deepens the process of persuading a person or organisation to support you. Instead of a simple single Dipomacy check, PCs need to make certain skill checks to learn a person's interests and weaknesses, and then other skill checks to take advantage of what they've learned. The process operates through multiple phases of tracked successes and failures, and can be tied to mechanical favours and benefits. It's become a very popular facet of many Pathfinder Society scenarios, and I think it's a pretty clever way to handle things--though it can be a bit clunky at first. "Heists" is a sub-system that contains some excellent advice to GMs on how to structure things so players don't obsess over unimportant trivia and are willing to violate that old canard of "don't split the party." "Infiltration" contains some quick advice, but that's about it. "Leadership" deepens the feat of the same name, adding lots of rules for interacting with other sub-systems both in this book and in Ultimate Campaign. I'm personally still not persuaded that the Leadership feat chain is a good inclusion to the game. "Nemeses" is all about adding a recurring villain; I think it's trying to systematise something that could be handled just fine without it. Though there are some fun suggestions on evil plots to foil. "Pursuit" is a little like the Chase sub-system from the GameMastery Guide but stretched out over hours and days cross-country instead of in minutes through alleyways. I could imagine using it. "Research" is probably my favourite of the sub-systems, and one I've used in multiple campaigns. In essence, it gives the PCs a reason to use things like libraries and archives by giving them bonuses to their Knowledge checks, but then makes gaining different thresholds of information the result of multiple successful checks. Overall, a great chapter--I wish the Influence and Research sub-systems had been in the Core Rulebook, because they really add a lot to the non-combat aspects of the game.
Chapter 4 is "Social Combat" (25 pages). The idea here is to present GMs with options on how to handle social conflicts--things like debates, trials, cutting repartee, etc. There's also a "verbal duels" sub-system. I'm just not sure about it--it's something I'd have to see in practice. However, a really useful part of the chapter is advice to the GM on how to handle the various social skills in the game--Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive--as well as the intrigue skills like Disguise, Perception, and Stealth. The advice here is excellent, and I just stopped in the middle of this review to reread it.
Chapter 5 is "Spells" (40 pages). You can judge from the length of the chapter that there's a ton of new spells, and every spellcasting class will find something. One of the fun things the chapter introduces is a new "ruse" descriptor for spells, which means the spell is easily mistaken for another even by observers trained in Spellcraft or Knowledge (arcana). It's a good way to mislead folks who have played way too much Pathfinder. There are some really clever spells in this section, with a couple of my favourites including false resurrection (instead of bringing back a soul, you stuff a demon into the body!) and the hilarious shamefully overdressed.
Chapter 6 is "Gear and Magic Items" (22 pages). There are some new mundane pieces of equipment (weapons like the cool wrist dart launcher, alchemical items, etc.) but most of the chapter is new magic items with an intrigue theme. The one that really stuck out at me was the launcher of distraction, which is perfect for assassination attempts because it makes it seem like the attack is coming from somewhere else.
Overall, I think Ultimate Intrigue is an excellent book. It's pretty much a must-have in my opinion for any campaign that's going to involve a lot of role-playing or that moves beyond traditional dungeon crawling and wilderness encounters. Even readers not involved in "intrigue campaigns" per se are sure to find plenty of material they can use.
Don't get me wrong I love Paizo books, I love their work, and I'm proud to own almost all of their publications.
However, Ultimate Intrigue is the one book I regret buying. It's even more than that, it's the one book i regret they ever published.
We need rules and systems, ok. We need a magic system because magic isn't a real thing. We need a combat system otherwise playing with your grilfriend become home abuse. But we don't need a social system because it's a ROLEPLAYING game. Either you want intrigue heavy campaign and you roleplay them, or you want to dungeon crawl or investigate (that's fine too) and you don't play intrigues. You can even do both and it's great.
Aside from that massive problem, the book suffers from "a turn normal actions into feats/class ability" syndrome. I can't count the number of time where players made me fighters to wizards or rogues with a dual identity. We didn't need the Vigilante, and still don't. And I loved when wizard use to get clever and ask for linguistics/bluff roll to blend a spell into a phrase. Now you need a feat for it. Thanks, Ultimate Intrigue. If that was not enough, some of these nonsense feat are built in feat tax chains.
But the one thing I hate the most about this book is the stupid FAQ it bestowed upon us to promote itself ( That makes a whole school of magic (illusion) utterly useless, and destroys a lot of others (enchantment).
Now I know I can just refuse to use it. But i use to love pathfinder for the clarity and perfect sense with out need to houserule much.
Now it's gone.
I'm tired of paizo trying to stuff this book down our face
If I was playing a home campaign this book might be more fitting,
For society play this verbal debate and other ideas for this book really bog down the game play. I like social aspect of games and role playing but as I said society play it slows the game way down to try and get people up to snuff on the mechanics
So, Ultimate Intrigue took a long time for me to come to a complete opinion on.
The Vigilante class introduced in this book is, in my opinion, easily the best non-spellcasting class Paizo has ever created. It breaks up its social options and combat options in such a way that you have a great character able to participate in all areas of the game without having to choose whether you want to be competent in combat or in the myriad other facets of the game like exploration, social encounters, etc. It has deep and well-designed talents that allow you to pick any of a variety of different ways to participate in combat, with or without weapons, and numerous tools for allowing players to influence the story with safe houses, contacts, and more.
At PAX Prime 2016 I had the opportunity to visit Paizo's Pathfinder demo area and play their pregenerated vigilante character. I honestly didn't expect it to go terribly well; after all, the vigilante is a class built around balancing two identities and moving between different social strata, so you'd think that this would require a more controlled environment where you know the other players in advance and have time to plan out how your character fits into the game world with your GM ahead of time, right? Turns out, I was wrong. The vigilante class is well-crafted enough that even while playing a 1st level pregen I was able to easily deal with situations in and out of combat, and it took me about 60 seconds of conversation to establish with the group that I had a secret identity they were privy to and might need them to cover for my character from time to time if he needed to swap identities. It didn't hurt matters that the only downside to anyone learning a vigilante's secret identity is that, well, they know his or her secret identity. You can go all Tony Stark if you want, announce that you are Iron Man, and carry on as normal. Very few of the vigilante's abilities actually require you to maintain truly secret identities, and the only real hit you take is that you're a bit easier to find by magical means (though even this can be addressed with clever use of the Safe House Social Talent).
The book also elaborates on the intent behind numerous spells that often prove problematic for GMs in games where they want to have a focus on gritty investigation of mystery, such as the various detect spells, speak with dead, etc.
I think my biggest disappointments with the book, and the reason I can't give it 5 stars, lie in the feats and archetypes. I'll start with the feats, and a bit about why I see most of them as representative of missed opportunities.
To start with, Pathfinder's skill system is heavily dated. When Paizo brought it over from 3.5, they combined a few extraneous skills, but otherwise did little to update things, meaning the core area of the rules covering everything in the game that isn't casting spells or hitting things is now well over a decade old and out of date. Several skills don't even actually work, or work well, as written, have interactions you're just supposed to kind of assume or make up (Ride and Handle Animal are a mess, Stealth requires one to check out FAQs and blog posts online to use as intended, Bluff and Diplomacy have more than a few vague areas and inconsistencies, etc.), so what better book to address, update, and expand these core components of the game than a book about playing skill and intrigue heavy campaigns? Unfortunately, Paizo chose not to go that route, instead relying on feats to stretch skills over their gaps and issues, leading to many of the feats in the this book providing skill uses that I've seen GMs at hundreds of tables houserule as basic functions of those skills to begin with. Instead of formalizing intuitive uses of existing skills into their basic function, they added a feat tax to allow characters to do things many people already thought they could do. While there is a section in the book going over several of the vague areas in a few key skills, these are primarily common sense clarifications instead of the full address the skills could have used.
The archetypes, like many Paizo hardcovers, are all over the place. Some of them are interesting and dynamic, like the Masked Performer bard archetype, some show an attempt at embodying a cool and modern concept but fail to achieve that concept in the actual execution, like the Magical Child vigilante archetype, and some are just plain bad, so obviously terribly designed that you almost wonder if the person who wrote them has ever actually played Pathfinder, like the Brute vigilante archetype.
Now, don't let the above wall of negativity mislead you; there is a lot of great stuff in this book, including perhaps the most inspired and well-crafted class Paizo has ever produced, a class that introduces really interesting design concepts, plays with components of the class chassis we haven't seen classes treat as quite so malleable before, and is a genuinely fun and interesting class to play in and of itself. Despite many of the feats ranging from useless to frustrating, there are still quite a few that are interesting and viable, and while the archetypes are very hit or miss, that's generally true of Paizo books in general and probably shouldn't be held against this one in particular.
My final verdict on Ultimate Intrigue is 4 stars, and a strong recommendation to pick it up, if for no other reason than to add the Vigilante class to your game (though there definitely are other reasons to add this book to your collection).
No seriously. The vigilante class is freaking batman. Look at the art for chapter one and for the character. HE'S BATMAN. Of course they also have archetypes if you want to make Hulk, Sailor Moon, even He-Man. With the archetypes from other books the list goes on.
My favorite part, and I cannot wait to test this properly in a game, is the social combat. It works a lot like playing craps or roulette. You get a pool of Determination points which you use to place a bet then you roll off with your social skills check! Seriously it sounds like lots of fun!
So, is this the first time a iconic's finished artwork has been shown on the final cover of the book the class will be in?
No, the bloodrager and swashbuckler are on the cover of ACG, the occultist and psychic on occult adventures, retcon magus on U Magic, samurai on U Combat, and witch and alchemist on APG. (and technically all 4 unchained classes on unchained, though thats not a premiere)
I don't know or not whether its the first time we've seen the cover prior to any other art reveals (con screencaps, meet the iconics, etc.), though.
So, is this the first time a iconic's finished artwork has been shown on the final cover of the book the class will be in?
No, the bloodrager and swashbuckler are on the cover of ACG, the occultist and psychic on occult adventures, retcon magus on U Magic, samurai on U Combat, and witch and alchemist on APG. (and technically all 4 unchained classes on unchained, though thats not a premiere)
I don't know or not whether its the first time we've seen the cover prior to any other art reveals (con screencaps, meet the iconics, etc.), though.
If we're being fully technical, Seoni and Valeros are on the cover of the CRB - the first Pathfinder sourcebook in which their classes appeared. ^_^
I agree. We tend to get con screencaps (acg and occult I think both had con seminar spoilers). With the evil ap iconics claiming blog space, we may not see a meet thread til March @_@
I might change my inquisitor of Dammerich into a Vigilante(Zealot) of Dammerich because it might work better for the abilities and feel I am going for.
I am also excited for the Warlock version(although I have heard they are now archetypes and not variations)
The idea of a vigilante class makes me interested in what other kinds of classes we might get in the future. And if the vigilantes secondary identity thing is a feat available to multiple classes, then we could have vigilante/pseudo-vigilante groups manipulating the city from the shadow(or defending it from the shadows. either or). Even if SOME people use the class as an excuse to play a pseudo-supers game, paizo can still throw in the darker or more horrifying edge(what happens when people go too far in taking the law into their own hands, When a vigilante's identity is discovered by a vengeful enemy, or a once beloved protector of the people dies or disappears and there is a power vacuum to be filled(and there are foes that want to destroy the symbol of the hero before)).
Its interesting to see what the future has in store for pathfinder.
I was so excited about Horror Adventures I forgot this was coming out. Curse you, Paizo! I may have to go w/out household utilities but I must have them both!
The idea of a vigilante class makes me interested in what other kinds of classes we might get in the future. And if the vigilantes secondary identity thing is a feat available to multiple classes, then we could have vigilante/pseudo-vigilante groups manipulating the city from the shadow(or defending it from the shadows. either or). Even if SOME people use the class as an excuse to play a pseudo-supers game, paizo can still throw in the darker or more horrifying edge(what happens when people go too far in taking the law into their own hands, When a vigilante's identity is discovered by a vengeful enemy, or a once beloved protector of the people dies or disappears and there is a power vacuum to be filled(and there are foes that want to destroy the symbol of the hero before)).
Its interesting to see what the future has in store for pathfinder.
I predict that Paizo will go back and make their own interpretations of popular D&d classes that haven't been translated to Pathfinder yet: namely, the Warlord and the Artificer.
They've said that the second identity will be a feat?
During the playtest many people including myself suggested that their should be an amateur vigilante feat in the same why there are amateur gunslinger feats, and the dev's went "That sounds like a good idea." But, whether or not such a thing is actually in the final product has not been officially stated as of this moment as far as I'm aware.
With all the cool vigilante archetypes available (there's a bunch now, and some of them are particularly cool!), you could definitely build a "traditional balanced" party of all vigilantes if you desired, and you'd even have quite a few choices for all but one of them too. Just one month to go; I'm as excited as you guys for you to see what we cooked up!
With all the cool vigilante archetypes available (there's a bunch now, and some of them are particularly cool!), you could definitely build a "traditional balanced" party of all vigilantes if you desired, and you'd even have quite a few choices for all but one of them too. Just one month to go; I'm as excited as you guys for you to see what we cooked up!
I wonder if there will be an archetype that gives them wild talents and a disguised form that is made from their element... may have to homebrew if it doesn't end up in the book.
hmm... or a druid archetype who uses mechanics similar to the vigilantes to represent his control over an area of wilderness... I mean it's not very intrigue, but it fits so well with druid...
I'm about to play a vigilante (using the playtest until this actually releases), so I'm super excited by this. I'm a little hesitant though with the zealot now being an archetype how much will change.
<Crosses fingers that the avenger keeps full BAB>
I would hate to rebuild my PFS playtest vigilante hate an average BAB. I'm currently having fun with a tripping fiend with Dirty Tactics, Improved Trip, Vicious Stomp + Fist of the Avenger, and Vital Punishment + greatsword. Average BAB would totally mess that up.
So, is this the first time a iconic's finished artwork has been shown on the final cover of the book the class will be in?
Nope! It's been happening since the APG. Damiel was on the APG's cover, Setyiel was on UM, Hayamato (sp?) was on UC, Jirelle and Crow were on the cover of ACG, and Mavaro and the Iconic Psychic were on OA. Plus Balazar, Miresielle, Amiri, and Sajan were on Unchained.
In other words, putting a new iconic on the cover is almost always a given.
You mentioned daring heists...I wonder if they will like oceans eleven in terms of planning and execution, or turn into a similar case to a payday 2 heist going loud. Either way, I am looking forward to seeing what kind of spin paizo puts on the whole thing with the presence of magic, booby traps, and monsters. Raiding a wealthy nobles super-secret vault might turn into a vicious gauntlet of obstacles, while plundering an cult or organisations treasury might be a more complex affair of infiltration, sabotage, theft and extraction before the cult realize whats happening and lay them over a sacrificial slab, or otherwise kill them in a gruesome fashion.
Hey everyone, I just thought of something quite interesting. I dunno if this has been mentioned before but, considering the topic of the material in this book there needs to be one question answered first:
Will this book answer the age old question of whether Nondetection works against True Seeing or not? (and, subsequently, someone invisible and with Nondetection being targeted by True Seeing)
I would find it hard to believe this doesn't get a real answer at least in this book.
Hey everyone, I just thought of something quite interesting. I dunno if this has been mentioned before but, considering the topic of the material in this book there needs to be one question answered first:
Will this book answer the age old question of whether Nondetection works against True Seeing or not? (and, subsequently, someone invisible and with Nondetection being targeted by True Seeing)
I would find it hard to believe this doesn't get a real answer at least in this book.
Why should it be answered in this book? These are CRB spells and not new ones from this book.
The consense on the forums is:
True seeing allows a caster level check that if successful lets see through the illusion.
I would rule it the same as DM.
Well considering how much Nondetection and True Seeing blanket practically everything that "Characters of Intrigue" find themselves involved in, it would make sense to address this. It may be a forum consensus but how do the designers rule it? Is it going to be ignored in Ultimate Intrigue also?
Well considering how much Nondetection and True Seeing blanket practically everything that "Characters of Intrigue" find themselves involved in, it would make sense to address this. It may be a forum consensus but how do the designers rule it? Is it going to be ignored in Ultimate Intrigue also?
The designers don't rule it at all.
Such things are clarified very rarely.
And if they are, it happens in the CRB errata.
Stealth and disguise (and perception) are much more used than invisibility and nondetection together (has NEVER happend in any game i took part in 28 years).
Invisibility purge, glitterdust or plain old powder/caltrops take care of invisibility real fast. As does detect magic in 2 rounds.
Nondetection is not very foolproof, mind blank is.
We actually do have a couple of sections for a good number of common intrigue rules interactions and how they fit into your games. I think they're really going to be a boon even for running a non-intrigue game where people are interested in these kind of interactions at all.
We actually do have a couple of sections for a good number of common intrigue rules interactions and how they fit into your games. I think they're really going to be a boon even for running a non-intrigue game where people are interested in these kind of interactions at all.
Well considering how much Nondetection and True Seeing blanket practically everything that "Characters of Intrigue" find themselves involved in, it would make sense to address this. It may be a forum consensus but how do the designers rule it? Is it going to be ignored in Ultimate Intrigue also?
The designers don't rule it at all.
Such things are clarified very rarely.
And if they are, it happens in the CRB errata.
Stealth and disguise (and perception) are much more used than invisibility and nondetection together (has NEVER happend in any game i took part in 28 years).
Invisibility purge, glitterdust or plain old powder/caltrops take care of invisibility real fast. As does detect magic in 2 rounds.
Nondetection is not very foolproof, mind blank is.
So you're saying it's officially ruled that True Seeing vs Nondetection have been clarified already? I definitely didn't see that posted anywhere.
What needs to be clarified about True Seeing vs. Nondetection? True Seeing is a divination spell, and the Nondetection spell description contains rules about how it interacts with divination spells.
I'm so excited for this book I became an RPG subscriber. Don't know how long I'll keep it (those shipping costs!), but I was this book as soon as humanly possible. :D
hmm.... I think the first villain I make with this book will be a vigilante ruler who is being deceived into thinking his evil is justified and virtuous by his LE angel tulpa.
I played a bit of the play test Vigilante for PFS so I'm looking forward to seeing what the final version is like. I hope my character concept can still work. Fingers crossed!
I'm really looking forward to seeing Vigilante art both in this book and in future books, especially ones with different costumes. I'm also interested in seeing Vigilantes of different races.
I'm really glad that I no longer have to choose between the Avenger and Stalker specializations too. The idea of a martial who uses underhanded but not necessarily sneaky tactics has always appealed to me. I'm sure the people trying to build Batman with the class will be pretty happy with it as well.
I'm really looking forward to seeing Vigilante art both in this book and in future books, especially ones with different costumes. I'm also interested in seeing Vigilantes of different races.
I'm really glad that I no longer have to choose between the Avenger and Stalker specializations too. The idea of a martial who uses underhanded but not necessarily sneaky tactics has always appealed to me. I'm sure the people trying to build Batman with the class will be pretty happy with it as well.
Or Green Arrow. Which is what I think of more with this class than Batman, who is really just a TTRPG Munchkin's Dream Character with what him being able to do just about near everything.
I hope the problems with the social talents were addressed. One of the glaring problems in the playtest was that you would spend most of your social talents on gaining more renown or the ability to switch between identities in a reasonable amount of time rather than actually getting fun things to do while in your social identity such as Loyal Aid, Case the Joint and a Safehouse. Gaining more renown seems like something that should happen naturally as you level up and spending a talent so you can switch identities quickly seems like a bit of a tax. It's something nearly all Vigilantes will be forced to take too because switching identities at a moment's notice is the only way they'll be able to react to a situation in time. The fact that you could only take it at Level 7 or higher just made it worse.
Yea safehouses sound cool. If that's still something that sticks around in the final version I hope it gets explained if a vigilante gets a safehouse in each area of renown each of equal size, or he has or just one safehouse that can be moved, or several safehouses but divides up the level-based area cubes amongst them.
Outside of the vigilante, i wonder what kind of archetypes we could get for some of the other classes. Inquisitors, Rogues, slayers, and investigators i could understand some possibilities, but then there are classes like the mesmerist, spiritualist, druid or alchemist that make me wonder what paizo is going to do with them. In any case, colour me...Intrigued.
Also, I will maybe be making a few vigilantes, with names like 'the Silken Spider', 'The Motley Marionette', 'Maskqurade', and 'Overgrowth'.
I'll just be keeping my first Vigilante's name simple. A Dwarf named "The Hammer" who of course, wields a Dwarven Longhammer and smashes evil to bits with it. Sometimes he drinks ale, sometimes he smashes evil while drinking ale. A man of simple pleasures.
The idea of a vigilante class makes me interested in what other kinds of classes we might get in the future. And if the vigilantes secondary identity thing is a feat available to multiple classes, then we could have vigilante/pseudo-vigilante groups manipulating the city from the shadow(or defending it from the shadows. either or). Even if SOME people use the class as an excuse to play a pseudo-supers game, paizo can still throw in the darker or more horrifying edge(what happens when people go too far in taking the law into their own hands, When a vigilante's identity is discovered by a vengeful enemy, or a once beloved protector of the people dies or disappears and there is a power vacuum to be filled(and there are foes that want to destroy the symbol of the hero before)).
Its interesting to see what the future has in store for pathfinder.
I predict that Paizo will go back and make their own interpretations of popular D&d classes that haven't been translated to Pathfinder yet: namely, the Warlord and the Artificer.
The Occultist makes a pretty good stand in for the Artificer, actually. Just say you build your own implements rather than find them and you're good to go.
The Occultist makes a pretty good stand in for the Artificer, actually. Just say you build your own implements rather than find them and you're good to go.
And then you get outsider contacts out of nowhere.... Not perfectly good to go. An artificer archetype would be very easy to put on the occultist though.