Fourshadow |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Is this the Player Companion follow up to Ultimate Intrigue!? It sounds like it!
Darn you, Paizo! I subscribed because of Arcane Anthology and Blood of Shadows and thought I could cancel after that...no, you had to bring in Magic Tactics Toolbox and now this! Cannot save money with you producing must-have items like this.

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6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Is this the Player Companion follow up to Ultimate Intrigue!? It sounds like it!
Darn you, Paizo! I subscribed because of Arcane Anthology and Blood of Shadows and thought I could cancel after that...no, you had to bring in Magic Tactics Toolbox and now this! Cannot save money with you producing must-have items like this.
Paizo and Steam are having confronted charisma rolls to decide who dominate my wallet.

Brinebeast |

Hey Owen here are some 3.5 Pathfinder materials that have not been updated to Pathfinder RPG that are relevant to this topic that I would enjoy seeing updated. However, there is a chance some of this might be included in ultimate intrigue.
Magic Items
Gossip Glass: Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Missive Stone: Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Third Eye: Escape From Old Korvosa
Bloodlink: Endless Night
Raucous Canard: Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Elixir of Shadewalking: A History of Ashes
Costume Bureau: Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Codespeak: Second Darkness Player’s Guide
Hidden Knowledge: Second Darkness Player’s Guide
Impede Speech: Second Darkness Player’s Guide
Detect the Faithful: Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Equipment: Weapons/Clothing
Bolt, Drow Poison: The Armageddon Echo
False Jewelry: Rise of the Runelords Player’s Guide
Sniper Shot: Pathfinder Campaign Setting
Sneaky Vagabond: Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Experienced Vagabond: Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Shingle Runner: Curse of the Crimson Throne Player’s Guide
Master of Disguise: The End of Eternity (not to be confused with the Rogue Talent of the same name)
Lost in the Crowd: Osirion, Land of the Pharaohs
Conceal Scent: Osirion, Land of the Pharaohs
Carefully Hidden: Taldor, Echoes of Glory
The City Protects: Legacy of Fire Player’s Guide

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I like how Alric is caught alone in his social identity on this cover. Nice!
If he kills everyone it doesn't matter. No witnesses, and your cover stays intact. :)
Not that you should kill random innocents to preserve your cover, but the only people around being enemy combatants lets him go to town without worrying too much. Which leads me to believe those Medusae are in for an unpleasant surprise.

Fourshadow |

They are very easy on the eyes, especially considering they are supposed to be so horrible to look upon as to turn you to stone;)
Why would we look if it wasn't pleasant to do so?! That's how they get you.
A Bellflower vigilante archetype?! Any chance of an Andoren or Twilight Talon archetype some time?!
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Not sure what Agathiel is (it may be something campaign set specific, I'm not thoroughly versed in Golarion lore yet), but Teiatsu (or similar translates to scout in a couple of Asian languages. So maybe a ninja like archetype?
Agathiel might be something agathion-related, which would make sense for Andoran.
From the sounds of things, we'll have a ninja archetype. Thanks for the translation! ^_^

Fourshadow |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Looking forward to this!
The cover looks quite nice, although I suspect the "flying" medusa of using some form of costume glue. Under normal circumstances there's no way that that kind of movement doesn't shift that sort of décolletage.
Fantasy=suspension of disbelief. And have you not heard of artistic license?!

Xethik |

Xethik wrote:It sounds like Ninjas have not received a large amount of love in Ultimate Intrigue. I'm crossing my fingers for some Ninja love here, Owen!QFT!!
It sounds like they got some love in Inner Sea Intrigue, though. So not too much of a worry.

Porridge |
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A multitude of cunning new options, including alternate uses for skills...
This is the part I'm most excited about!
While spellcasters get more and more options as new spells come out, and martials get new options as more and more combat feats (and stamina tricks) come out, skill-focused characters (already weak to begin with) have seen little increase in what they can do with skills. And so the relative value of skills (relative to the value of feats and spells) started low, and has been on a downwards trajectory since then.
(Some options, like skill-unlocks, have helped a bit. But even these require feat-investment, doing little to boost the value of skills in and of themselves.)
But periodically adding new uses for skills sounds like a great way to help the value of skills keep-up with the rest of the game. So I'm really happy to see this addition. And I hope it becomes a regular feature in companion releases from now on!

Porridge |
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It's probably too late to make requests, but the skill-use I'd most like to see introduced is one that allows characters and monsters with high Stealth scores able to quietly dispatch lookouts, or guards.
(The text of the Silent Dispatch talent and Quiet Death feats in Ultimate Intrigue suggest that:
--With this talent, if you attack someone who is unaware of your presence, the DC for hearing your attack is (Stealth check-5).
Speaking as a DM, this is a frustrating nerf to a lot of stealthy monsters who don't have at least 2 levels of vigilante or 10 levels of rogue. Want a vampire with a 7 levels of aristocrat and a base Stealth bonus of +25 stealthily take out the guards in the citadel the PCs are guarding? According to the implicit ruling here, that's impossible! Want a spectre to manifest and quietly eliminate those on watch? According to the implicit ruling here, can't be done!
And that makes it much harder to set up natural plot points which involve creatures doing precisely these kinds of things.
What would be great is to have an explicit skill option (even if flagged as an optional rule) which allows characters and monsters to use the stealth skill to quietly dispatch things.)

Amanda Plageman |

Bellona wrote:Fantasy=suspension of disbelief. And have you not heard of artistic license?!Looking forward to this!
The cover looks quite nice, although I suspect the "flying" medusa of using some form of costume glue. Under normal circumstances there's no way that that kind of movement doesn't shift that sort of décolletage.
Suspend disbelief. Not 'hang it by the neck until dead'. <snicker>
Regardless, awesome art!