Pathfinder Society Scenario #7–14—Faithless and Forgotten, Part 1: Let Bygones Be (PFRPG) PDF

4.20/5 (based on 14 ratings)

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-5.

Ever since the tragedy at Delvehaven decades ago, the infernal empire Cheliax has rarely allowed Pathfinders to explore its many ruins and archaeological treasures—even then only after its recently disenfranchised liaison Zarta Dralneen fought for that privilege. Cheliax has once again extended its hand to the Society, inviting its agents to investigate an abandoned keep that dates back to the Chelish civil war. It's up to the PCs to navigate the Corentyn's streets and politics as they uncover the buried past and lay the foundation for a new partnership with a one-time foe.

"Let Bygones Be" is the first scenario in the three-part Faithless and Forgotten campaign arc. It is followed by Pathfinder Society Scenario #7-16: "Lost Colony of Taldor" and Pathfinder Society Scenarios #7-18: "The Infernal Inheritance." All three chapters are intended to be played in order.

Written by Brian J. Fruzen, RPG Superstar 2015 finalist.

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4.20/5 (based on 14 ratings)

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A good balance


As a first time Pathfinder Society player I found this scenario to be a nice balance of thinking and fighting, with plenty of opportunity to explore game mechanics. Thematically it illustrated the variety of talents Pathfinder Society agents employ to complete their missions, and hinted at the inner politics of the Society itself.

My one complaint is that the more action-oriented second half seemed to pass too quickly compared to the role-play heavy first half.


What every PFS mission should be


great taste of Cheliax


I don't want to add spoilers but the final encounter was one of the most memorable for my players of all time.


I played this scenario.
Party was kineticist 1, paladin 1, druid 1 and gunslinger 2.

This scenario is split effectively into two parts. One half is nicely role play and problem solving heavy while the other is more traditional adventuring. The role play side of it is very good but the more combat orientated side was just a walkthrough and over far too quickly (but probably because we found another way around it)

For me it was an average scenario. If your party is up for role play then it's great but pure combat parties and characters probably won't enjoy it as much.

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Community Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Announced for January!

Im a big fan of the mini-series in PFS scenarios. Is this one going to me more along the lines of Scion of Sky Key or Destiny of the Sands (in terms of wanting to play them in order and on same character)?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well THIS sounds exciting.

Paizo Employee Developer

Duncan7291 wrote:
Im a big fan of the mini-series in PFS scenarios. Is this one going to me more along the lines of Scion of Sky Key or Destiny of the Sands (in terms of wanting to play them in order and on same character)?

Yes, I recommend playing these in order.

Thanks John for info.

Do scenarios such as these need to be played in a row or just in order? (I.e., can the same character play other adventures between the scenarios of this arc, or should the scenarios be played without anything else interrupting?) Thanks!

Paizo Employee Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AJD wrote:
Do scenarios such as these need to be played in a row or just in order? (I.e., can the same character play other adventures between the scenarios of this arc, or should the scenarios be played without anything else interrupting?) Thanks!

These scenarios need not be played in order or in sequence or even with the same character; however, it is to a player's benefit to play them in order just from a storyline appreciation perspective. In fact, there are no scenarios that I can think of that require one to play them in immediate order without any break between.

At their current point in development, there is no secret boon associated with playing them back-to-back. I try to keep those to a minimum, as those types of boons tend to make it harder to schedule events.

John Compton wrote:
AJD wrote:
Do scenarios such as these need to be played in a row or just in order? (I.e., can the same character play other adventures between the scenarios of this arc, or should the scenarios be played without anything else interrupting?) Thanks!

These scenarios need not be played in order or in sequence or even with the same character; however, it is to a player's benefit to play them in order just from a storyline appreciation perspective. In fact, there are no scenarios that I can think of that require one to play them in immediate order without any break between.

At their current point in development, there is no secret boon associated with playing them back-to-back. I try to keep those to a minimum, as those types of boons tend to make it harder to schedule events.

John, your attorney is showing. While some may not "require" it, there are some that clearly provide a benefit to playing them sequentially.

Scenario example:
Just look at 7-06 To Judge a Soul and 7-08 Part 2
for an illustrative example.

Yeah, I was thinking it may be hard to find events near me with these scenarios offered in a row, so unless I wanted to go quite some time without playing a particular character, it's likely that I'll look for these scenarios when I can find them (and definitely play them in the proper order), but probably with other adventures sprinkled in between... Thanks for responding, I appreciate it!

Don't know your area but we are offering them in a row (at least part 1 and 2) at CoastCon in Bilixoi this March.

Liberty's Edge

John Compton wrote:
In fact, there are no scenarios that I can think of that require one to play them in immediate order without any break between.

Eyes of the Ten? I can't think of any others.

Scarab Sages Contributor

Rats of Round Mountain fits into that category, I believe.

Silver Crusade


Wonders in the Weave
if memory serves.

Grand Lodge

Those aren't required to be played in order, just encouraged.

I believe The Devil We Know or Echoes of the Everwar are the only ones that have any wording about required play order.

Scarab Sages

Does anyone know about which mission boxes to check for this?

Sovereign Court

Ausk Caller wrote:
Does anyone know about which mission boxes to check for this?

I'm re-reading the scenario to check- so far doesn't look like there's anything. I'll reply here if I find something!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

There are no mission boxes to check for this scenario. Faithless and Forgotten is designed to be a mostly contained three-part scenario. I did try to foreshadow and set up for events that occur in Parts 2 and 3 though, as well as make players feel like their choices matter. If you're running Parts 2 or 3 with the same group, there are places where you can carry over elements of the party's play-though to give a better sense of cohesion.

A few examples:
Zefiro may continue to be sour towards the PCs (in attitude only) if they failed to keep Mireille out of the hands of the Order of the Rack. If he succeeded, he may act friendly, but forlorn at the knowledge that Mireille fled the city for a time.

Illuvia Thorn's familiar Inverness could harass the player that tried to strike her in Part 1, or the bird could be another raven altogether if the PCs killed Inverness. Illuvia might be particularly angry at the PCs if that was the case.

Loyalty Day approaches, and if the PCs captured and turned over Arenzo, then there might be rumors that Thrune is preparing something special for the impending celebration.

These things all fall under the purview of roleplaying though, and shouldn't have any impact on the goals of subsequent scenarios.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Maybe she does have two familiars named Inverness indeed :D Part 1 Inverness speaks common and Part 2 Inverness speaks infernal

Silver Crusade

Would a lawful neutral faithfull citizen of Cheliax PC be at ease in this adventure, or would he be more obstacle than help to its party?

Paizo Employee Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

PRuano wrote:
Would a lawful neutral faithfull citizen of Cheliax PC be at ease in this adventure, or would he be more obstacle than help to its party?

Good question

In Response:
This series does involve some cooperation with Cheliax and some clashing with Cheliax. That is simply the nature of the infernal empire, which is not the nicest place and is willing to pull some dirty tricks to maintain power. If your character is a die-hard citizen of Cheliax who believes Thrune can do no wrong, you will chafe at part of the story. If there is any room for skepticism in your character's heart, I think you could have a really great time.

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