Arcane Focus: Secrets of Sensory Magic (PFRPG) PDFOutland EntertainmentMany spellcasters know divination as the school of magic related to knowledge: divination spells can remotely explore and examine the world, foretell the future, and uncover secrets hidden by magic, deceit, and even time. Sensory wizards view “knowledge” as bits of information acquired through one’s perception of the world, inextricably linked to the senses that absorb the information and interpret its significance. What good is a name, for instance, without ears to hear it or eyes to read it, when its meaning is lost on those unable to perceive it? To comprehend ideas and philosophies, one must first be able to experience one’s surroundings through one’s senses, the oldest and purest means of acquiring knowledge. Within this book you will find:
Written by Nicholas Wasko & Christopher Wasko Product Availability
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