Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide (PFRPG)

4.30/5 (based on 17 ratings)
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide (PFRPG)
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Ray Guns and Rocket Packs!

It’s one thing to face a dragon armed with a longsword and a suit of magic plate mail, but what if you had an atom gun and powered armor? How many zombies could you blow up with a rocket launcher? What happens if you’re standing next to a graviton reactor when it explodes? All of these questions and more are answered within the pages of the Technology Guide—an invaluable manual of items, hazards, and character options for use in science-fantasy settings like Golarion’s Numeria, land of savagery and super-science!

Within this book, you’ll find:

  • Rules for dozens of new technological items, including weapons, armor, force fields, hologram generators, grenades, cybernetic implants, nanotech devices, remote controls for robots, and more!
  • New feats, spells, and archetypes for technologically savvy characters, along with rules for how your skills interact with super-science.
  • Extraordinarily powerful scientific items and artifacts, such as extinction wave devices, powered armor, and nuclear reactors!
  • The technomancer prestige class, which allows you to use magic to command robots and power your technology .
  • Rules for artificial intelligences, the effects of the passage of time on technological items, the dangers of radiation, the seven skymetals of Numeria, technological traps, and more!

The Technology Guide is a must-have for GMs running the Iron Gods Adventure Path or anyone looking to introduce super-science into any Pathfinder adventure or campaign setting.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-672-0

Technology Guide Errata
Last Updated - 12/16/2014

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4.30/5 (based on 17 ratings)

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paper quality is bad


Nice book with a lot of sci-fi items,, something like Wizardry in Golarion .. I woud like to give this book 5/5, but I cant. Reason why I cant do like that is simple, the quality of paper is just terrible. Paper Quality of Paizo books is going down, what is sad .. for me 4/5

Essential for Adding Tech to Pathfinder


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

The Technology Guide provides gamemasters with the information and items they need to add technology into their fantasy games. It's not particularly exciting or innovative, but that's not really its point. Instead, it forms the necessary baseline for other books to build upon, much like the Core Rulebook provides the baseline rules for the entire game. If you want technology in your games, it's a book you really can't do without.



There are some interesting items in here but having sci-fi with magic breaks the immersion for me.

Pretty damn cool


I picked up this as a pdf because it looked interesting, and I was not disappointed. I used it to write an adventure (crashed UFO in a fantasy setting), and it led to the most fun I have ever had running a game. It would be useful if it had suggestions for other books containing some of the referenced monsters (such as certain types of monsters which I found on the pfsrd), but all in all it does exactly as promised.

Yes. Get it.


If you have any interest at all in genre fusion in your adventuring, this book is a must buy.

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Liberty's Edge

Heretical Zed wrote:
Savage Tech's rage says that increases to strength apply to dex instead at higher levels, but I *think* they mean the bonuses to constitution are transferred to dex as described at the beginning of the feature.

I'm not so sure about that. I took it to mean that, for example, if I take Strength Surge, that it boosts my Dex instead of my Strength, in keeping with the archetype's ranged focus.

Shisumo wrote:
Heretical Zed wrote:
Savage Tech's rage says that increases to strength apply to dex instead at higher levels, but I *think* they mean the bonuses to constitution are transferred to dex as described at the beginning of the feature.
I'm not so sure about that. I took it to mean that, for example, if I take Strength Surge, that it boosts my Dex instead of my Strength, in keeping with the archetype's ranged focus.

Aaah, I hadn't thought of that. Good point. I thought it was referring to Greater and Mighty Rage for some reason.

Still though, some clarification on the Cyber Soldier's features would be nice.

Artanthos wrote:
Poldaran wrote:
StarMartyr365 wrote:

I may have to do questionable things to get this and the ACG now because waiting until payday next week is out of the question. I put a bunch of campaign development on hold until this came out so I could follow Piazo's lead and not reinvent the wheel.


There's always plasma donation. And it would be a fun kind of coincidence to buy a book with rules for donating plasma with extreme prejudice by donating plasma at a clinic.


I actually did this for gaming material, more than once, when I was younger.

I would totally do that... would have the added benefit that my doctor advised that repeated donation could help with a medical condition I have (obviously not one that would disqualify me from donating). Much as I hate needles I was ready to give it a go... less than a month later I was sent to a few different countries for work. Came back 2 months later... yeah turns out I'm disqualified for years now. And by the time that would run out, I'll have most likely been to a few other places that affect it

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Expedition to Barrier Peaks was always a fun addition to the old AD&D campaign. I like that Numeria is keeping that tone alive for those that seek it. Can't wait to get my hands on this new manual!

Question, in the spell description for Memory of Function it states...

"When the spell’s duration expires, the object returns to its broken or drained state, and any unused charges bestowed by this spell are lost."

however the duration is listed as instantaneous. So either the effects of the spell are basically permanent or it ends the moment the spell is cast? Kind of a waste of 10,000 gp in powdered sky metal.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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RCM wrote:

Question, in the spell description for Memory of Function it states...

"When the spell’s duration expires, the object returns to its broken or drained state, and any unused charges bestowed by this spell are lost."

however the duration is listed as instantaneous. So either the effects of the spell are basically permanent or it ends the moment the spell is cast? Kind of a waste of 10,000 gp in powdered sky metal.

Yeah, that's an unfortunate error. Reposted from my reply to this from another thread...

James Jacobs wrote:

The problem with allowing this spell to remove the timeworn condition from an item is that it essentially allows you to "make money" when you cast it on an object more expensive than 20,000 gp.

At the same time, the fact that it functions as a resurrection for constructs is pretty cool.

The spell really should be two different spells—one that functions as a resurrection for constructs (and thus equals the resurrection spell's 10,000 gp material component and instantaneous duration) and one that temporarily restores a timeworn item to full functionality (with a duration of 1 hour/level and a less expensive material component cost—say, 1,000 gp).

The simplest solution is to say that the spell cannot remove the timeworn condition, and that when it is cast on a timeworn object, it merely recharges the object to full capacity (something you normally cannot do).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Another bit of errata for folks—

Rocket launchers use 1 charge per usage, not 10. They're still disposable.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Heretical Zed wrote:

Reading through this now, neat stuff, but there's at least one outstanding issue. Paizo needs to step up their proofreading and editing, two examples being the cybersoldier's Cybernetic Combat feature and the Savage Technologist's rage feature changes. Cybernetic Combat flip flops on whether the bonus applies to just attack bonuses or damage bonuses, and doesn't indicate that it's both as I believe in intends, and also specifies that it doesn't stack with the bonus from a class feature that it outright replaces anyway. Savage Tech's rage says that increases to strength apply to dex instead at higher levels, but I *think* they mean the bonuses to constitution are transferred to dex as described at the beginning of the feature.

I'm pretty sure I get what's meant to be conveyed in these features but it's still a little confusing and, frankly, irksome. This isn't even a unique problem to this book, as in past books it's apparent that there's communication issues amongst the staff.

Having said all that, neat book.

For the cybernetic soldier, the bonus applies to attack rolls and damage rolls. Saying that it doesn't stack with the class feature it replaces isn't an error so much as it is just covering our bases if we give out that class ability with another class some day in the future.

And yes, the Savage Technologist's bonus to Con changes to a bonus to Dex.

Sorry about the errors, folks. I'll try to keep up with clarifications in this thread.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Poldaran wrote:

Yay! It's here. I'm saddened that power armor is an artifact, but at the same time, the ASF was too high for me to use it for my plan anyway. I'll have to talk to my GM about using the section about making tech versions of magical items to reskin my previously planned clockwork construct armor into "power armor".

Aside from that, loving much of the stuff in here.

It's basically an artifact because the total gp cost went over 200,000 gp. Same reason we made the autodoc an artifact.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Mal_Luck wrote:

The Charge Cycling deed from the Techslinger archetype seems incredibly powerful.

Charge Cycling + Signature Deed = Near-Infinite Energy?

Signature Deed is, in my opinion, kinda a troublemaker.

That said, charge recycling will indeed let you recharge her weapon pretty dang efficiently if you do that combo.

If that bothers you, I'd suggest removing Charge Recycling from the deeds you can affect with Signature Deed.

That said, it's an 11th level ability, and sometimes it's nice to give martial classes nice things. ;-)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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RJGrady wrote:


p. 12 Cybersoldier, under Cybernetic combat says, "This damage bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels gained." The ability does not grant a damage bonus.

The Iron Priest is described as being powerless over undead. Their channel energy ability is modified to affect constructs; however, it is not modified as not affecting undead.

Does an automatic weapon's line extend to its range, as stated, or its maximum range?

Cybersoldier's bonus should grant it to attacks and damage.

And yes, even though the "Channel Energy" ability for Iron Priests doesn't say anything about undead there, they don't get to harm or hurt undead with this power, as implied by their flavor text above.

An automatic weapon's line extends to its maximum range, but range penalties still apply.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
dorgrim wrote:

Typo: Page 3, 2nd column, 3rd line -- print version

"...on page xxx of this book."

Same page and column, 10th line

"...on page xxx for the robojack."

Same page and column, 2nd to last line in first paragraph

"...dermal plating (see page xxx)..."


Sure, this will eventually get fixed in the pdf but it's pretty bad since I'll have to pay extra if I ever want a corrected print copy.

Yeah... this one's particularly embarrassing.

page 17
page 51
page 37

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Troodos wrote:
Can you get more cybernetic arms than you originally had? The book doesn't say one way or the other. Also, The Rocket launcher's entry on the table sits it as a one shot disposable item, but the description makes it sound like a multi-use weapon: "A newly created rocket launcher contains its entire load of rockets and energy charges" This seems to indicate that the launcher is loaded with multiple rockets, but does not specify the amount.

Not with the cybernetic arms presented in the Tech Guide. Those only replace arms your body has the skeletal superstructure to support.

Additional cybernetic arms over and above those you normally have would be an entirely different cybernetic item.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Catharsis wrote:
PRD wrote:
A semi-automatic weapon normally fires one shot as an attack. However, the user can take a full-attack action to fire twice
Does that mean a semi-automatic cannot make more than one attack per round by default, unless one uses this ability? Or is this just an extremely poorly worded way of saying that a semi comes with built-in Rapid Shot that sort of stacks with actual Rapid Shot?

Semi-automatic weapons grant the built-in extra attack that sort of stacks with Rapid Shot, but otherwise, like bows, can make iterative attacks. The poor wording is an artifact of the unfortunate fact that the core rulebook doesn't actually define iterative attacks, alas.

With a semi-automatic weapon, you can as a full attack...

1) Make all your attacks allowd by your base attack bonus, or

2) Do #1 above, plus make one additional attack, all at a –2 penalty to all attacks, or

3) Do #1 above, plus make one additional attack with Rapid Shot, or

4) Do #2 above, plus make a 2nd additional attack with Rapid Shot but only by increasing your penalty from –2 to –6.

Hope that clears things up.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Alexander Augunas wrote:

So basically, if I'm reading this right, a semi-automatic weapon can make one extra attack during a full-round action as if you were using Rapid Shot, and if you actually have Rapid Shot it can instead make two extra attacks, abet at a –6 penalty on all attack rolls made during the round.

Sound about right to anyone?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tels wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:

So basically, if I'm reading this right, a semi-automatic weapon can make one extra attack during a full-round action as if you were using Rapid Shot, and if you actually have Rapid Shot it can instead make two extra attacks, abet at a –6 penalty on all attack rolls made during the round.

Sound about right to anyone?

Sounds about right to me. I'm just curious if you can still make iterative attacks, or if you're locked in to making only 3 attacks.

Mmmm... find some way of making a Laser Longbow on a Sohei Monk... NaStY!!!

Yes, you can still make iterative attacks. They'd all be penalized by the –2 or –6 penalty as well if you want to make those extra shots.

(And it's the ability to make that extra shot that is the bulk of the price for a semi-automatic weapon, by the way...)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tels wrote:
brad2411 wrote:

You still have to make a ranged attack to hit someone "directly."

rocket launcher wrote:
A creature that takes a direct hit from a rocket cannot attempt a saving throw to reduce the damage taken.
Also the rocket launcher is not a touch attack like most of the other high tech weapons,

That makes no sense.

Armor doesn't work on bullets because bullets pierce armor.

But rocket launchers? Yeah, that chain shirt stops it.

Rocket launchers should have the touch ability.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Squeakmaan wrote:

I've got a question about Force Fields.

** spoiler omitted **

It's one charge per minute.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Troodos wrote:
Poldaran wrote:
Troodos wrote:
Guess I'll have to house rule it in, whats the point of getting to be a cyborg if you can't be General Grievous?
You could just start out with a Kasatha to get the required number of limbs.
Yeah, but Grievous started as a Kaleesh, which have the normal number of limbs

He didn't use cybernetic arms for the extra arms.

He used something that would be called something akin to "Extra Cyberarm" or the like. A cybernetic device that grants an additional arm (or more) to a creature. It would be a more expensive item, since instead of replacing an existing option, it gives you a new option. More attacks is more expensive.

There may well be just such an item scheduled to appear later in Iron Gods. Maybe.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drakol wrote:
Christopher Van Horn wrote:
Question on slow firing weapons, can they be used with abilities that use only a single shot to some greater effect, such as Vital strike and the gunslingers Dead Shot deed?

Along the same lines as this :: y

How does Snap Shot and other Attack of Opportunity things work with this?

Currently using a gunslinger (Techslinger) with a Rail Gun, using Ricochet. But it did come up as "Full Round Action to use" but it isn't "1 round" as a spell, etc.

- Personally, there are a few deeds that do not work with Slow Firing (Dead Shot for example), however the Techslinger gives the ability to use Deeds with Heavy Weapons. Did they really think about this at all?

I'd say that you shouldn't be able to use slow-firing weapons in this way at all. It's simpler, makes the faster firing ones have an extra advantage, and prevents weirdness.

Not every deed needs to work perfectly with every weapon. Some deeds don't work at all with some weapons.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

JiCi wrote:

Slow-Firing weapon + Speed = doable?

I know a hasted creature can't fire twice, but what about a speed slow-firing weapon?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Shisumo wrote:
Heretical Zed wrote:
Savage Tech's rage says that increases to strength apply to dex instead at higher levels, but I *think* they mean the bonuses to constitution are transferred to dex as described at the beginning of the feature.
I'm not so sure about that. I took it to mean that, for example, if I take Strength Surge, that it boosts my Dex instead of my Strength, in keeping with the archetype's ranged focus.

AH... yeah, that's what it means. It could certainly have been written more clearly.

James Jacobs wrote:
Troodos wrote:
Poldaran wrote:
Troodos wrote:
Guess I'll have to house rule it in, whats the point of getting to be a cyborg if you can't be General Grievous?
You could just start out with a Kasatha to get the required number of limbs.
Yeah, but Grievous started as a Kaleesh, which have the normal number of limbs

He didn't use cybernetic arms for the extra arms.

He used something that would be called something akin to "Extra Cyberarm" or the like. A cybernetic device that grants an additional arm (or more) to a creature. It would be a more expensive item, since instead of replacing an existing option, it gives you a new option. More attacks is more expensive.

There may well be just such an item scheduled to appear later in Iron Gods. Maybe.

This makes me wonder, have you ever teased something that might appear in a book or AP, fully knowing it wouldn't?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Whew! Just wen through this whole thread, and I think I addressed the errata questions; I'm keeping them in a file for eventual use if we reprint as well. Let me know if there's more and I'll answer them as well!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tels wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Troodos wrote:
Poldaran wrote:
Troodos wrote:
Guess I'll have to house rule it in, whats the point of getting to be a cyborg if you can't be General Grievous?
You could just start out with a Kasatha to get the required number of limbs.
Yeah, but Grievous started as a Kaleesh, which have the normal number of limbs

He didn't use cybernetic arms for the extra arms.

He used something that would be called something akin to "Extra Cyberarm" or the like. A cybernetic device that grants an additional arm (or more) to a creature. It would be a more expensive item, since instead of replacing an existing option, it gives you a new option. More attacks is more expensive.

There may well be just such an item scheduled to appear later in Iron Gods. Maybe.

This makes me wonder, have you ever teased something that might appear in a book or AP, fully knowing it wouldn't?

No... but I've teased something that I'd HOPED would appear in a book or AP and then as it worked out that thing I teased didn't show up at all.

I teased the Jade Regent AP as "the next one coming out" at a Paizocon once, for example, and then it came out a year or two later.

I try not to tease things about upcoming content, as a result, until it's actually in print.

The "extra cybernetic arm" device will be appearing in the

6th Iron Gods
book, if it appears at all. I've not yet developed that adventure, though, so it might not make it or might end up being changed. We'll see in about a month.

James Jacobs wrote:
Tels wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Troodos wrote:
Poldaran wrote:
Troodos wrote:
Guess I'll have to house rule it in, whats the point of getting to be a cyborg if you can't be General Grievous?
You could just start out with a Kasatha to get the required number of limbs.
Yeah, but Grievous started as a Kaleesh, which have the normal number of limbs

He didn't use cybernetic arms for the extra arms.

He used something that would be called something akin to "Extra Cyberarm" or the like. A cybernetic device that grants an additional arm (or more) to a creature. It would be a more expensive item, since instead of replacing an existing option, it gives you a new option. More attacks is more expensive.

There may well be just such an item scheduled to appear later in Iron Gods. Maybe.

This makes me wonder, have you ever teased something that might appear in a book or AP, fully knowing it wouldn't?

No... but I've teased something that I'd HOPED would appear in a book or AP and then as it worked out that thing I teased didn't show up at all.

I teased the Jade Regent AP as "the next one coming out" at a Paizocon once, for example, and then it came out a year or two later.

I try not to tease things about upcoming content, as a result, until it's actually in print.

The "extra cybernetic arm" device will be appearing in the ** spoiler omitted ** book, if it appears at all. I've not yet developed that adventure, though, so it might not make it or might end up being changed. We'll see in about a month.

Sweet! I've got a Goblin Alchemist/Tetori Monk character idea with four arms (Vestigial Arm) that I think just isn't wacky enough. I think he needs two more :P

James Jacobs wrote:
Poldaran wrote:

Yay! It's here. I'm saddened that power armor is an artifact, but at the same time, the ASF was too high for me to use it for my plan anyway. I'll have to talk to my GM about using the section about making tech versions of magical items to reskin my previously planned clockwork construct armor into "power armor".

Aside from that, loving much of the stuff in here.

It's basically an artifact because the total gp cost went over 200,000 gp. Same reason we made the autodoc an artifact.

I figured it was probably something like that. It's not like I could get the ASF down enough to make it viable for a wizard anyway without just investing in an ungodly number of still spell rods.

James Jacobs wrote:
Rocket launchers should have the touch ability.

And the rocket launcher goes back on the table. Just when I thought I'd made a decision.

Since you're hinting at all sorts of things for the AP, I'm curious if there are plans to have the gravity and radiation based rocket launchers hinted at in the weapon's description make an appearance.

Sovereign Court

Maybe I missed it but is there any explination as to why most of the cybernetic implants instillation DC's don't match the formula given (20+ double the implant #)?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Poldaran wrote:
Since you're hinting at all sorts of things for the AP, I'm curious if there are plans to have the gravity and radiation based rocket launchers hinted at in the weapon's description make an appearance.

Not at this point. You can use grenade launchers with atom grenades and gravity grenades in the meantime though! ;-)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cylerist wrote:
Maybe I missed it but is there any explination as to why most of the cybernetic implants instillation DC's don't match the formula given (20+ double the implant #)?

Looks like it's just an error. Ignore the formula and go with what's written for each item's installation.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

awesome book, just wish you put in a tech based alchemist archetype

3 people marked this as a favorite.

After seeing the back of Iron Gods I'm upset. We need an Ultimate Technology with spaceships and hardsuits and more equipment at each WBL line and technological weapon properties. So much more to cover. I mean I LOVE the Technology Guide and will use it for my Pathfinder IN SPACE/Pathjammers campaign but I'll buy ten of them if it means an Ultimate Technology gets put out.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Malwing wrote:
After seeing the back of Iron Gods I'm upset. We need an Ultimate Technology with spaceships and hardsuits and more equipment at each WBL line and technological weapon properties. So much more to cover. I mean I LOVE the Technology Guide and will use it for my Pathfinder IN SPACE/Pathjammers campaign but I'll buy ten of them if it means an Ultimate Technology gets put out.

Post a glowing review of the Tech Guide then! Let us know you love the book and the concept! With enough sales and great reviews... who knows what the future might unlock?

6 people marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Malwing wrote:
After seeing the back of Iron Gods I'm upset. We need an Ultimate Technology with spaceships and hardsuits and more equipment at each WBL line and technological weapon properties. So much more to cover. I mean I LOVE the Technology Guide and will use it for my Pathfinder IN SPACE/Pathjammers campaign but I'll buy ten of them if it means an Ultimate Technology gets put out.
Post a glowing review of the Tech Guide then! Let us know you love the book and the concept! With enough sales and great reviews... who knows what the future might unlock?

all bow down to the great James Jacobs and go buy more technology guides

Grand Lodge

I'm not finding what skill is required for crafting items like Pharmaceuticals, anyone see what I seem to be missing?

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Blackvial wrote:
awesome book, just wish you put in a tech based alchemist archetype

Fullmetal Alchemist sounds familiar...

Gorbacz wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
awesome book, just wish you put in a tech based alchemist archetype
Fullmetal Alchemist sounds familiar...

i was hope for something to deal with the grenades, cybertech, or both

Andrew Betts wrote:
I'm not finding what skill is required for crafting items like Pharmaceuticals, anyone see what I seem to be missing?

it requires the feat Craft Pharmaceuticals, which requires Technologist, Heal 9 ranks, and Knowledge(Nature) 9 ranks

Grand Lodge

Blackvial wrote:
Andrew Betts wrote:
I'm not finding what skill is required for crafting items like Pharmaceuticals, anyone see what I seem to be missing?
it requires the feat Craft Pharmaceuticals, which requires Technologist, Heal 9 ranks, and Knowledge(Nature) 9 ranks

Thanks, that much I knew I mean what skill is used for crafting, you know where is says Craft DC in the item box.

Andrew Betts wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
Andrew Betts wrote:
I'm not finding what skill is required for crafting items like Pharmaceuticals, anyone see what I seem to be missing?
it requires the feat Craft Pharmaceuticals, which requires Technologist, Heal 9 ranks, and Knowledge(Nature) 9 ranks
Thanks, that much I knew I mean what skill is used for crafting, you know where is says Craft DC in the item box.

you know what, i don't think they put one in, it just says that you need heal or knowledge: engineering to identify pharmaceuticals

Grand Lodge

Looks like it might be Craft (mechanical) from the skills section of the book, but that seems odd for pharmaceuticals.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's a Knowledge (engineering) or a Heal check to craft pharmaceuticals (see page 33 under the heading for "Craft" at the start of the section).

Grand Lodge

Ah missed that part, thank you James

While I love this book for what it is, it's not quite what I was hoping for when it was first announced. Are their any plans for a more general "Technology of Golarion" that goes more into the "normal" but otherwise fantastic vehicles and technology that have been developed and mentioned in core books like Ultimate Combat (like Steam Giants and Alchemical Dragons) or various Adventure Modules and Paths? Stuff that's more Steam- and Clock-punkish that people are working on across the Inner Sea and beyond?

SAMAS wrote:
While I love this book for what it is, it's not quite what I was hoping for when it was first announced. Are their any plans for a more general "Technology of Golarion" that goes more into the "normal" but otherwise fantastic vehicles and technology that have been developed and mentioned in core books like Ultimate Combat (like Steam Giants and Alchemical Dragons) or various Adventure Modules and Paths? Stuff that's more Steam- and Clock-punkish that people are working on across the Inner Sea and beyond?

This technology guide was to support the iron gods campaign in numeria. What you are looking for will likely happen when we get an Alkenstar Adventure path. Unfortunately, thats not any of the next 3 adventure paths, so you will be waiting a while. Though I guess its possible for us to get some additional alkenstar material prior to it being an AP, i would expect something on the order of the technology guide would be more crunch then that would contain.

Blackvial wrote:
awesome book, just wish you put in a tech based alchemist archetype

Would that not be just a chemist?

John Kretzer wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
awesome book, just wish you put in a tech based alchemist archetype
Would that not be just a chemist?

1) Not necessarily, though that's a possibility. Instead, it strikes me more as a technomancer-like base class.

2) Even if it was, how would you go about doing that? Because you've got to come up with solid game mechanics to back the idea up. And that could be really awesome.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6, Contributor

Blackvial wrote:
awesome book, just wish you put in a tech based alchemist archetype

I had a few different ideas for such, but both of them would have consumed as much space as any three other archetypes in the book.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Just curious, but does anyone else see the vortex gun as a BFG 9000?

...'cuz I do! :)

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