Pathfinder Society Scenario #5–25: Vengeance at Sundered Crag (PFRPG) PDF

2.60/5 (based on 19 ratings)

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 7–11.

Two foes of the Pathfinder Society race toward the dwarven Sky Citadel Jormurdun, aiming to snatch away the Pathfinders' prize. The Society dispatches its best agents to intercept the duo. Can the PCs prevent their enemies from ruining the expedition and put an end to the threat posed by these villains?

Content in “Vengeance at Sundered Crag” also contributes directly to the ongoing storyline of the Grand Lodge faction.

Written by Paris Crenshaw.

This scenario is designed for play in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, but can easily be adapted for use with any world. This scenario is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

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Average product rating:

2.60/5 (based on 19 ratings)

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Fun, but a little underwhelming.


Firstly, I did enjoy the flavor of this scenario quite a bit. I thought that a lot of the environmental effects (more flavor than anything else) were pretty fun and added a solid amount of eeriness that should definitely be in play when you're going into the Worldwound.

That being said, our party consisted of some pretty serious damage dealers and we were able to basically mow down the entire scenario with very little issue whatsoever. There were a couple of cool moments, and one of our PCs needed a breath of life in order to make it out, but mostly I never felt particularly threatened.

Also, people keep talking about this scenario running long, and we finished it, including role play and the like, in under 3 hours. With the exception of having less ridiculous damage dealers ending fights 4 or 5 rounds before they might have ended otherwise, I don't see how this scenario could last as long as some are describing.

Either way, this was fun, but not nearly as epic as you'd hope a season ender to be.

Good, but not great


I had a lot more fun playing this scenario than I did running it.

I played it at high tier at PaizoCon 2014 with a full table. Most of us didn't know the others. So we were more like a bunch of talented individuals rather than a cohesive group. That actually made for better tension. I mean, the Pathfinders are at war, a bunch of high-level agents are cobbled together in an ad hoc strike team to take down the enemy before the clock runs out. The GM (Walter Sheppard, VC for Eastern Washington state) did a great job of running it. Our cleric went down a couple of times (never turn down an offer of help, sir!), and we steamrollered the final encounter--which is fun for murderhobos.

I ran it yesterday, August 10, at my FLGS. Again: full table, high tier. This time, though, the party knew each other and worked well together. They had a life oracle, a sorceress, a bard, a ranger, and three barbarians. I've never seen so many confirmed crits rolled at a table. (Locally, we tend to roll in the open so everyone can see the dice. There was definitely no fudging.) If my group at PaizoCon steamrollered the combats, then this group annihilated them with nukes. Each of the barbarians crit multiple times.

This scenario wasn't a challenge. It wasn't even a speed bump. Fine for a "normal" scenario--players like to feel powerful every once in a while, after all. But, one expects more from an event that's supposed to be a season capstone. The fights could have been more well-rounded.

Terribly disappointing


My table played this scenario shortly after it was released at a midnight madness table at a convention in New Jersey. The GM we had did a great job, but despite that I hated this game. I went in expecting something along the lines of Waking Rune or at least Portal to the Sacred Rune. The scenario delivered in being true to its blurb, being combat heavy and satisfying in some extents due to being able to personally kill a certain NPC. That being said, none of the fights were at all difficult unlike the previous two season enders and the whole thing was kind of anticlimactic. We just walked through high tier, with very little issue. The most interesting encounter was the filler encounter at the beginning due to a cool terrain feature. After that it was just badly designed cake walk leading up to a fight in which the BBEG was so terribly out gunned and stuck between a rock (Paladin) and a hard place (Huge Allosaurus Druid) that he was just simply forced to teleport out. This before he could do anything to affect the party in the least.

As a player...


This was fun but ran way over time.

I had a GM who had prepared brilliantly (3D maps etc...) and was playing with a decent spread of PC's (11,9,9,8,7) all who had played together previously and are experienced PFS players.

We ran to about 7.5 hours; which is appropriate for finale but could be very tight for a Con. A party of PC's prepared, coordinated and supporting each other should may get that time down but don't bank on it allow for time to run over.

The issue is a lot of high-level play and effects to consider; When I run this a GM I will be putting in extra time in on the books and putting together reference tables, and stats beforehand.

I really enjoyed playing this one; when playing advise your PC's to play smart (avoid the meatagame of course) but if they make a sensible suggestion - go with it - our party completed this scenario because we cooperated and listened to each other over the 7.5 hours.

I am a bit apprehensive about running it myself but I will be recommending allowance for extra time because it's time well spent

I will come back with an EDIT to this review after running it.

Great if you'd been at it since S3.


The comments above are quite accurate in that even with players who were paying attention and (mostly) getting things done in a timely fashion, the scenario was loooooong. You couldn't do it at a normal con slot (at least in 10-11 where we were).

Now to the good news.

The guys that finished this were a group that started all the way back in the Blackros Museum and had been following the story arc here through S3 , S4, and the events of S5 through a cherry picked story arc.
For those veteran players they had the joy of watching about 10 or more scenarios small details and story arcs all unfold with a final defining encounter and that epic feeling of what can be summed up as a campaign style game in the truest sense of the word.

For other players I can see getting to the end being met with a 'what was all THAT about?' and a sense of bewilderment with what appear to be a lot of random features.

So for the capstone to an amazing chain of scenarios I can only say its a thriller and a total barn-burner.

I can see where the low review might be coming from though.

There is a lot going on in this scenario, and not one you can just pick up and run. Likewise without a lot of prep a GM will find themselves effectively playing librarian looking up a bajillion different things whilst fielding way too many NPC's and spell effects simultaneously. Not fun. I'd recommend a second GM to play some of the NPC's. It was really hard work to run and fried my mind.

Really really happy though and thrilled to have delivered this for my players, but wouldn't run it again for love nor money.

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Webstore Gninja Minion

Announced for July!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

In the blurb the prize belongs to the Pathfinder Society, in this case using the shorthand of 'Pathfinders' to refer to the society as a whole, or many of its individual members. Since the prize does not belong to a single Pathfinder, it should be a plural possessive. " snatch away the Pathfinders' prize." rather than a single possessive " snatch away the Pathfinder's prize."

Congratulations Paris! (If I'm not mistaken, this is your first adventure credit!)

I'm looking forward to this one immensely!

Webstore Gninja Minion

Typos fixed, greysector—thanks for the catch!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

So this one will not be offered at PaizoCon?

Please little Baby Cayden, let this be the one where TD gets his just deserts.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Thanks, Majuba! It is, indeed! I'm really grateful for the opportunity!

Paizo Employee Developer

waltero wrote:
So this one will not be offered at PaizoCon?

It's being debuted at PaizoCon, in fact.


Grand Lodge

I think the question there John was that the release date says July 30th. When should we expect this and Assault on the Wound to be available to the public for conventions or game days?

Shadow Lodge

When should gencon volunteers be expecting this? I have this as like half my tables and I'm wanting to start reviewing and prepping asap.

Paizo Employee Developer

doc the grey wrote:
When should gencon volunteers be expecting this? I have this as like half my tables and I'm wanting to start reviewing and prepping asap.

As has been the case for every PaizoCon that I can recall, we put a lot of effort into ensuring that GMs get the scenarios at least one weekend in advance. That means Friday's (6/27) our internal deadline for getting those out the door. Because several of these scenarios are on the complex side (e.g. large-scale interactive features, new-to-PFS mechanics, etc.), we're hoping to get one or more in GMs' hands a little earlier than that.

Shadow Lodge

John Compton wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
When should gencon volunteers be expecting this? I have this as like half my tables and I'm wanting to start reviewing and prepping asap.
As has been the case for every PaizoCon that I can recall, we put a lot of effort into ensuring that GMs get the scenarios at least one weekend in advance. That means Friday's (6/27) our internal deadline for getting those out the door. Because several of these scenarios are on the complex side (e.g. large-scale interactive features, new-to-PFS mechanics, etc.), we're hoping to get one or more in GMs' hands a little earlier than that.

Sweet! I'll call it a birthday gift if I can get it before the 28th. I've been sweating these 7-11ths since I found out it was half of what I was running and wanted to start prepping it asap.

Paizo Glitterati Robot

Now available!


Grand Lodge Global Organized Play Coordinator

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Please do not run this until July 4.

Shadow Lodge

I don't see mine showing up in my downloads.

Whats with the staircases?


Map They seem VERY steep if they are going to join, almost ladders...!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16, 2010 Top 4

As a player, I must ask: Is this adventure really supposed to start with an totally unavoidable explosion that killed me graveyard dead before I even rolled for initiative in the first encounter? I mean, I placed my figure on the map at the GM's command, and then failed my Reflex save and died. End of game.

I'm running this after the weekend. I have a question that probably won't affect anything, but it is bothering me something fierce: Who is "KV" (from the player handout)?

Paizo Employee Developer

Paulicus wrote:
I'm running this after the weekend. I have a question that probably won't affect anything, but it is bothering me something fierce: Who is "KV" (from the player handout)?

Minor Seasons 4-5 Spoiler:
The common speculation is that it's a powerful outsider referenced several times during the latter half of Season 4 and the first half of Season 5. Unfortunately, knowing his exact name is a bit of a spoiler during another adventure, so I'm including that in a second spoiler below.

Bigger Spoiler:
Koth'Vaul, a powerful demon

Have a great game!

just in case:
I thought it might be something beyond the scenario.

Thanks for the speedy reply, John!


Worse spoiler/edit:

Ooh, it's that "gnome." Now I remember!

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