no more than two attacks?

General Discussion

i was going through the classes and noticed that unless ive missed something, only the operative naturally gains the ability to attack up to 4 times in a full attack at level 13. why is this? wouldnt soldiers and solarions also benefit from bonus attacks, being the two other non-magical damage dealers? I wanted to know your opinions, or if theres something i missed somewhere, Thanks!

They both get to attack 3 times with a higher penalty and higher damage than the operative.
It is actually pretty well balanced.

yeah i just found the solarian triple attack bonus, my bad. missed the soldier's though, guess im blind hehe.

Soldiers Onslaught pg 112.

Don't forget operative is small arms or operative weapons only.

Yeah, operatives get more attacks but are limited to weapons that deal less damage. The solarion and solider can use much better weapons, with 3 attacks, and higher attack bonuses.

I did the math on it and the Solarians with abilities active get an average of 147 damage at lvl16 and the Operative gets 80 on average with small arms.

That's even with Solarians having 3 attacks and Operatives having 4 attacks.

Liberty's Edge

Yep. To link an example.

Operative does pretty decent damage with some solid debuffs, but it's only a bit north of half the damage of a dedicated Soldier or Solarian. It's the same with ranged combat, though the Soldier outdamages a Solarian if both go ranged.

Everyone needs to invest in Longarms or Advanced Melee Weapons to keep up with the Operative, damage-wise, though if they do that some builds can probably beat them out (Mechanic either using an Exocortex or counting their drone's damage leaps to mind), but not by a whole lot and without their debuff abilities.

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