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Por ahora es la versión sin corregir, para quien no lo tenga las erratas estan publicadas aqui: Erratas 1.0 Dropbox Devir
Sería interesante que cuando se actualice el PDF sin las erratas detectadas se incluya por lo menos links en el índice a los diferentes capítulos para acelerar la navegación por el documento. Si se incluyesen links en los términos importantes igual que en el inglés sería un plus. Gracias.

Alaryth |

Una excelente noticia, realmente. Me hare una copia, aunque seguiré usando basicamente los libros en Inglés. Lo que me interesa más saber es si van a traducir los Adventure Path; las aventuras en ingles exigen mucho más dominio que las reglas. He oido que posiblemente se publique Rise of the Runelords, ¿está confirmado? ¿se sabe de algun AP más que pueda ser traducido?
Great news. I will buy one copy, but will continue basically with the English edition. What I really want to know is if there will be Spanish Edition of the Adventure Paths. I have heard something about Rise of Runelords Anniversary Edition. Is there any confirmation of that? Any known more APs translation?
I know that normally only English text are within the forums rules, but I hope there can be an exception on this particular case.

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I know that normally only English text are within the forums rules, but I hope there can be an exception on this particular case.
I think in the cases of discussion threads for non-English products that it is okay to post in the language of the product however, please post a translation with your text (as you have done) or as a spoiler [ spoiler="English Translation" ] (without the extra spaces). There is no guarantee that Devir Iberia will read these posts, and providing feedback in a language that we have little to no fluency in is problematic for getting suggestions or issues resolved.
He utilizado Google Translate para escribir esto. Espero que sea comprensible.
Creo que cuando los productos no son en Inglés, que está bien poder escribir en el idioma del producto, sin embargo, por favor incluya una traducción en el mensaje o como un spoiler [spoiler = "Traducción Inglés"]* . No hay garantía de que estos mensajes serán vistos por Devir Iberia, y si hay algún problema o sugerencia Paizo puede ayudar, tenemos que ser capaces de leer los mensajes.
*(sin los espacios)

chocochobi |

Alaryth wrote:I know that normally only English text are within the forums rules, but I hope there can be an exception on this particular case.
I think in the cases of discussion threads for non-English products that it is okay to post in the language of the product however, please post a translation with your text (as you have done) or as a spoiler [ spoiler="English Translation" ] (without the extra spaces). There is no guarantee that Devir Iberia will read these posts, and providing feedback in a language that we have little to no fluency in is problematic for getting suggestions or issues resolved.
** spoiler omitted **
You are right, sorry.
What I said is that I am a little disappointed with quality and price.
The images on the book are low resolution, it feels cheap like a pirated book. For the price of this PDF the quality must be equal to the English PDF or even superior.
I own the physical CRB & PDF in English.

Alaryth |

Gracias por la comprensión, Sara Marie.
Malas noticias lo de la falta de calidad del PDF, pero de todas formas, de comprar una copia en castellano, sería en físico. ¿Que tal es la traducción del libro? Eso siempre es vital en estas cosas.
Thanks for the permission, Sara Marie.
Bad news the low quality of the PDF, but I'm more interested on a physical copy anyway. How good is the translation? That is what will sell me the Spanish version or not.

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El tema de la calidad de las ilustraciones siempre es algo que depende del uso, estaría bien disponer de la versión light (la actual me imagino es esta) para dispositivos móviles y tablets que pueden mover con fluidez el PDF ligero. Pero disponer de un PDF full con algo de calidad superior en imágenes para disfrutar cuando se revisa en el ordenador o en Pantalla grande.
El tema del indice con links y ciertos términos estaría muy bien para acelerar la navegación del documento en el futuro.
The issue of the quality of the illustrations inside the PDF is always something that depends on the usage, would be nice to have the light version (I guess this is the one) for mobile devices and tablets that can move better a light PDF. But also having the option of a full PDF with some top quality images to enjoy when you check the document on your computer or bigger lcd screen.
The second issue is the index without hyperlinks and adding links to certain terms would be a nice touch to speed document navigation. Hope it is added in the future revisions of the document.

RottenFridge |
RottenFridge wrote:That's a question for the folks at Devir Iberia, alas! I'll see what I can find out, though. :)When will the second edition of this translation be ready?
I'm eager to buy it but not with the errata that comes with this one :/
The printed version was released already. Although I guess it's also up to them when to upload the PDF, right?
Thank you for your time btw!

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And now that it came to me...
Let's say I buy the translation as it is now. Will I be able to download the newer version with the amended errata when you upload it or will I have to buy that new version separately?
Many thanks!
For anything Paizo, and for most 3rd party publishers, when there's an update to the product for erratta/spelling, the file gets updated & Paizo send out an email saying it's been updated. I can't guaruntee that'll happen here, but I'd be reasonably confident (If I needed the prodcut I'd be willing to buy.

JuanAdriel |

Bueno, vuelvo a preguntar, que tal es la traducción?
Asking again; how good is the translation?
En general es correcta, pero hay detalles, como lo de traducir "mercy" como "merced" que no queda muy bien. Sería más correcto traducirlo, aunque también suene fatal, como "perdón" o "compasión" pues entre sus definiciones, debería recogerse la religiosa.
In general is OK, but details like the traduction of "mercy" isn't accurate enough, because they took the literal, not the religious one.

JuanAdriel |
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A proposito de la edición física, las erratas son gordas, de no mirarselo dos veces. No hubiese comprado la edición física de haber sabido la dejadez con que se ha maquetado.
About the fisical CRB, the errors are big, just with a second look they should found it. I would not bought the fisical edition if i knew about the laziness in the final publishing.

RottenFridge |
I am told that we should be getting an update to this in the next couple of weeks. You will receive an email notification that the file has been updated once that happens.
When you talked about that update that was to come two or three weeks ago, were you talking about this particular manual or about any of the other published stuff? ('cause I know that the Spanish Bestiary was updated recently).
Thanks in advance

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Since I'm fluent in English I never saw the need to purchase the Spanish version of Pathfinder... but a friend of mine did recently.
Dear Paizo, please know that Spanish-speaking players are getting a VASTLY INFERIOR product. Translations are too literal and confusing, often muddling concepts that are already hard to grasp.
This issue isn't even new. Devir was also in charge of the translations for 3.0 and 3.5 (and I think 4e too, though I've never been through those and thus have no insight on the matter) where these same issues were also commonplace.
I understand if you have no one on staff that can check for these things (you probably don't even sell that many books in Spanish) but, as is, Devir isn't giving your product a good name.