Ryan Snyder |
I'm rabbidly awaiting my copy of Pathfinder #1, but in the meantime my friend has graciously let me borrow his copy he picked up at Gen Con '07 this year. I think it has the potential to outstrip Dungeon magazine. In your face WotC. Sadly it doesn't have as many crunchy bits as Dragon magazine. But that is what GameMastery Item cards are for.

John Warren |

I agree with everyone who says that this is a gorgeous product. And the $19.99 pricetag (less if you subscribe) is very reasonable considering all the 32-page modules out there for $10-$13.
I also have to agree about the tiny print being a problem, though. I'm glad that the staff is cramming as much info as possible into the available space, but the tiny type is off-putting. (At least I also get a free PDF of the issue, so I can view the text at larger size on my PC if I have to.)
I picked up Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale yesterday, and the font in that module is much easier to read. I would love to see Pathfinder use the same layout as the GameMastery modules.

cambion |

The font, the font, oh my... the font! After years of reading a magazine with the same size font, one would think that the complaints about font size would have occurred prior to their subscription running out. If the font size is that much of a factor, Paizo sells a magnifying glass, as does the local pharmacy (hint, pick one up). Most everything in the module (I began in the eighties, I use old school terminology, deal with it) creates an atmosphere and setting that is unique, above all that is essential for creating a long term game. Some of the elements are left open for questions to allow people to go their own route or await further development. It works rather nicely, although creation of a new world is difficult, it seems to be handled rather well by the people at Paizo. Well done.

Rob G |

The only thing that makes me sad about the new Pathfinder is that Paizo has to keep reinventing the wheel by building an entirely new game world and wasting so much space fleshing out a new world. If only they had a setting that was already in existence, as they were able to do with the Dungeon and Dragon magazines, there'd be a lot more substance for the gaming material. I give them a ton of credit for relegating much of that background to the Player's Guide, however. The adventure looks like it'll be a lot of fun to run, the art is beautiful, and the whole thing is well-worth the value for a person who just wants to pick up an adventure and run with it. I hope the next one is worthy of it; I have no doubt it will be.

GentleGiant |

The font, the font, oh my... the font! After years of reading a magazine with the same size font, one would think that the complaints about font size would have occurred prior to their subscription running out. If the font size is that much of a factor, Paizo sells a magnifying glass, as does the local pharmacy (hint, pick one up).
Go on, I'm sure if you try hard enough you can be even more condescending!
First of all, not everyone who buys Pathfinder has been a Dragon and/or Dungeon subscriber (or even casual buyer).Second, so, you have no problem with the font size, even though Paizo has confirmed that it's actually a wee bit smaller than in the magazine since it's a different font (yet held at the same font size), that's great, but what on earth gives you the right to belittle those who actually DO have a problem with the smaller font???

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Can we ask questions about the material in Burnt Offerings here? I don't think any of them are spoilers, just have some background questions I'd like to ask.
You'd probably do better to post such things on the Pathfinder boards.

P.H. Dungeon |

I really was impressed today when I received my first Pathfinder issue. I have had the pdf for a couple of weeks now, but the actually magazine is really gorgeous. Its a really slick product. I have heard a number of complaints regarding the font size, and well I agree that it is a tad small I haven't had trouble reading it in the printed issue (it was a little frustrating reading the pdf on my laptop). Of couse the trade off to larger font would either be less content or a larger page count, which would cost more money to print. Therefore, I'm happy to read the smaller font if it means more content packed into those pages. However, if there was a way to keep the same ammount of content and have a larger font without an increase to the price of the mag I would be in favor. What font is it by the way (I have a mild typography fetish)?

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A couple of questions then:
The population of Sandpoint is listed as 1200 - does that include the farmlands homesteads, or just the inhabitants of the walled part of the town. Does it include the residents of the manors? What's the racial mix?
Could someone at Paizo possibly come up with a list of the Core deities that we might use to replace the deities (some) in the pantheon in the module? I'd rather not use a 100% entirely new pantheon, but I also don't want to omit one that's key to the future story line.
Thanks, Jim

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A couple of questions then:
The population of Sandpoint is listed as 1200 - does that include the farmlands homesteads, or just the inhabitants of the walled part of the town. Does it include the residents of the manors? What's the racial mix?
Could someone at Paizo possibly come up with a list of the Core deities that we might use to replace the deities (some) in the pantheon in the module? I'd rather not use a 100% entirely new pantheon, but I also don't want to omit one that's key to the future story line.
Thanks, Jim
The population of Sandpoint doesn't include the farmlands, but it DOES include the residents of the manor houses just south of downtown. The racial mix is given in the Sandpoint stat block on page 59 (90% human, 3% halfling, 2% dwarf, 2% elf, 1% half-elf, 1% gnome, 1% half-orc).
The deities of the PHB/Core D&D pantheon are the intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast, which is why we built an entirely new pantheon (and, indeed, an entirely new world) for Pathfinder. As such, we can't really provide anything like a Core deity to Pathfinder deity conversion chart.
That said, if someone here on the boards wants to take a stab at that conversion chart, that'd be neat. It just can't come from someone here at Paizo—there can't be an "official" conversion chart.

Lilith |

That said, if someone here on the boards wants to take a stab at that conversion chart, that'd be neat. It just can't come from someone here at Paizo—there can't be an "official" conversion chart.
*gets out a sharpened dogslicer*
Alrighty, here's what I got...Boccob = Nethys
Corellon Larethian = Iomedae, Cayden Cailean
Ehlonna = Erastil
Erythnul = Norgorber
Fharlanghn = Desna
Garl Glittergold = Abadar
Gruumsh = Rovagug
Heironeous = Torag
Hextor = Asmodeus
Kord = Gorum
Moradin = Torag, Irori
Nerull = Urgathoa
Obad-Hai = Gozreh
Olidammara = Calistria
Pelor = Sarenrae
St Cuthbert = Sarenrae, Iomedae, Torag
Vecna = Norgorber, Zon-Kuthon
Wee Jas = Pharasma
Yondalla = Shelyn
Tharizdun isn't a core PHB deity, but I would use Lamashtu in his place.

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I'd disagree with equating Hextor with Asmodeus. They are quite different deities - one is a warlike deity focused on combat and warfare, the other is more of a politician. Besides which, Asmo, as a devil, exists in both realms so doesn't need an equivalent. That being said, I'm not sure where Hextor fits.

Lilith |

Besides which, Asmo, as a devil, exists in both realms so doesn't need an equivalent. That being said, I'm not sure where Hextor fits.
Probably Gorum, upon further reflection. Asmodeus is treated as a deity in Pathfinder, so I tried to find an equivalent deity in the standard issue whose realms overlapped. I think I did the Asmodeus = Hextor comparison because of the "tyranny" angle more than the combat/warfare angle.

NorthernOkie |

The deities of the PHB/Core D&D pantheon are the intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast, which is why we built an entirely new pantheon (and, indeed, an entirely new world) for Pathfinder. As such, we can't really provide anything like a Core deity to Pathfinder deity conversion chart.That said, if someone here on the boards wants to take a stab at that conversion chart, that'd be neat. It just can't come from someone here at Paizo--there can't be an "official" conversion chart.
Hmmmm, the core pantheon isn't OGL???....Well, that stinketh!
(AND more evidence that Lawful Neutral "is the worst alignment you can be because it sucks the life out of everyone." :-) Thank goodness, I have Chaotic tendancies...)Can Paizo make "official comments" on a submitted conversion chart?
(ie. "We see housecreated-god as more closely associated with copywrited-deity #2 than with copywrited-diety #1." )

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Builds on the APs from Dungeon and then some. Bought Dungeon the past three years and Dragon for two for the AP and Pathfinder feeds that need perfectly. Outside a couple of Malhavoc book I don't think I've seen better material available for D20. Great concepts, evocative text and well handled art work. Plus the more mature, 'realistic' tone to the material is a real nice change. I don't mind the font size if the content is worth it, which it is and then some. I haven't been this satisfied with a campaign product since Ptolus, or as inspired to game. Congrats to the Paizo team; Pathfinder rocks! If you haven't purchased the book yet, do it, you won't regret it for a minute.

ghendar |

To James Jacobs,
Serious question that I feel I must ask. As much as I love what you're doing with Pathfinder and as much as I want to support Paizo, I'm not sure I can justify paying the cost of Pathfinder every month. Realistically, is there any chance at all that the price will be dropped?
I've read commentary on many gaming sites to the effect of "I'd like to buy Pathfinder but it costs too much."

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To James Jacobs,
Serious question that I feel I must ask. As much as I love what you're doing with Pathfinder and as much as I want to support Paizo, I'm not sure I can justify paying the cost of Pathfinder every month. Realistically, is there any chance at all that the price will be dropped?
I've read commentary on many gaming sites to the effect of "I'd like to buy Pathfinder but it costs too much."
While I understand that Pathfinder's an expensive option for some... its price is pretty much set in stone and won't be changing in the near future. It's actually a relatively GOOD price for a full color RPG product of its size and print run, to be honest.
I suppose if we saw a mass reaction of "it costs too much" we'd consider lowering the price, but that would also mean lowering the page count or switching to black and white art or some other drop in quality as well, which would, I think, also cost us customers.

Mr.Moose |

From the description:
"In the days that follow, a mysterious malady that leaves its victims monstrously deformed and dangerously insane spreads through the town. The PCs must not only determine what’s causing this strange contagion, but also discover the sinister connection between the plague, the goblin attacks, and the emergence of a strange rune from an empire thought to be long dead."
I've read the first three parts of the adventure and I've read absolutely everything else, yet I found no mention of a disease/plague. Did I miss it? Did the adventure change since the description was written?

John Warren |

After years of reading a magazine with the same size font, one would think that the complaints about font size would have occurred prior to their subscription running out.
You don't know what you are talking about. The font size is NOT the same as the font size from either DUNGEON or DRAGON.

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From the description:
"In the days that follow, a mysterious malady that leaves its victims monstrously deformed and dangerously insane spreads through the town. The PCs must not only determine what’s causing this strange contagion, but also discover the sinister connection between the plague, the goblin attacks, and the emergence of a strange rune from an empire thought to be long dead."I've read the first three parts of the adventure and I've read absolutely everything else, yet I found no mention of a disease/plague. Did I miss it? Did the adventure change since the description was written?
That element got cut from the adventure when it became apparent that it would have required another 30 pages. Originally, the runewell of wrath below town was going to infect several folks above and start transforming people into sinspawn, and that was going to be the hook to lead the PCs down into the Catacombs of Wrath. Again... there was no room in the adventure (both pagecount wise and level wise) for that whole new section, so it turned into the glassworks section. Which frankly, I think, works better. It would have been a shame to have so much chaos in the streets of Sandpoint that the PCs got the idea that goblin invasions and sinspawn invasions and what not were everyday occurances. Getting rid of the wrath infection and sinspawn invasion makes for a better adventure, I think.

ghendar |

ghendar wrote:To James Jacobs,
Serious question that I feel I must ask. As much as I love what you're doing with Pathfinder and as much as I want to support Paizo, I'm not sure I can justify paying the cost of Pathfinder every month. Realistically, is there any chance at all that the price will be dropped?
I've read commentary on many gaming sites to the effect of "I'd like to buy Pathfinder but it costs too much."While I understand that Pathfinder's an expensive option for some... its price is pretty much set in stone and won't be changing in the near future. It's actually a relatively GOOD price for a full color RPG product of its size and print run, to be honest.
I suppose if we saw a mass reaction of "it costs too much" we'd consider lowering the price, but that would also mean lowering the page count or switching to black and white art or some other drop in quality as well, which would, I think, also cost us customers.
I appreciate the response James. I'll continue to support Pathfinder for as long as I can.

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Runelord saga are setted in a relative little area (a kingdom size).
A bigger world setting will be released later ?
While the RotRL AP happens in the Varisia region (and the second AP too, since it begins in Korvosa and lets us travel a bit around that location), Varisia is but a portion of Golarion, the new world that Paizo staff created to house both Pathfinder Adventure Paths and Game Mastery Modules.
Most of the Modules out or announced so far happen outside of Varisia (save for Sword of Seven Sins and arguably Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale which happens barely outside the southeastern corner of the Varisia map). It seems there will be a big metropolis in Golarion, named Absalom, and there will be other regions as well, to be discovered as the products come out. You can also find some hints of those regions, like the origin of the Kaijitsu family in Burnt Offerings.
From what I understand, the whole setting is a work in progress and will be detailed as we explore it through the AP and Modules lines, as well as in the Pathfinder Chronicles line. I'm pretty sure that the authors have a general idea of the main parts of Golarion. But they will probably discover regions, explore their mysteries, meet local NPCs and understand their cultures, only a few months before we do, while they are writing the products...

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Runelord saga are setted in a relative little area (a kingdom size).
It is set in Varisia, part of the world of Golarion. Varisia is about the size of California.
A bigger world setting will be released later ?
Yes. The Pathfinder Chronicles Gazeteer will be out in January.

TommyJ |

I will add my voice to the choir to the tune of "pleeease raaise the foont siize" :-)
Otherwise the book is wellcrafted and a good read. I have some trouble with part of the artwork, which I don't as gorgeous as some appearently do. Wayne Reynolds is a god! And I also like the funky style of downer artist Kyle Hunter. But the blocky style of whomever it is on page 16, 19 and 23 is not my cup of tea.

Karlstar |

I'd like to add my vote about the 'darkness' of Burnt Offerings. Please make future modules a bit less dark. Especially considering the whole Mike Vick thing, the goblin in the closet and dog encounter was too much, and so are a couple of the other aspects of the module. I'd rather not edit your module and destroy the continuity by mistake, please just make it less dark. Its just not necessary. In case you are wondering, I am running this for teens, so it is relevant. They don't need M rated content.

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I have been strangely absent from the boards for a while now (the Real is a very demanding place indeed), but when I got my copy of Pathfinder 1, I tore into it with glee and was surprised by what I got. The quality of the adventure is above anything Paizo ever did with WOTC's mags (as it should be, IMHO). And the details...oh, I loved the details. I especially commend you on the situation involving the goblin trapped in the house. Your sensitivity toward its use is admirable and well-founded but the fact that you included it makes the setting more compelling for me. I look forward to the arrival of issue 2 with more anticipation than I did the first.
Keep em coming....

Datdude |

I realize that this is probably not the best place to bring this up, but I have not recieved my copy of Burnt Offerings and I ordered it mid September. Has anyone else had problems with recieving their copy? I am currently in Iraq, but i talk with my wife daily and she has assured me that it hasn't come to the house. Also, I thought you got the PDF version if you ordered the book copy. So I have neither the book copy nor the PDF. Do you only get both if you are a suscriber? I had planned on suscribing starting with Issue 2, but I wanted to see Burnt Offerings first.

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I realize that this is probably not the best place to bring this up, but I have not recieved my copy of Burnt Offerings and I ordered it mid September. Has anyone else had problems with recieving their copy? I am currently in Iraq, but i talk with my wife daily and she has assured me that it hasn't come to the house. Also, I thought you got the PDF version if you ordered the book copy. So I have neither the book copy nor the PDF. Do you only get both if you are a suscriber? I had planned on suscribing starting with Issue 2, but I wanted to see Burnt Offerings first.
The shipping window for Pathfinder in the States is 5-14 business days if I recall correctly. If you ordered it any later than Sept. 17th, it might not be there yet. If you ordered it before then, it might be time to look into talking with customer service for a replacement copy. Also, only subscribers get the free .PDF, so if you are not a subscriber, you would not have gotten the .PDF with your order.

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Thanks Fatespinner. I am considering becoming a suscriber for the second installment, although I am worried that I haven't recieved my book yet.
If you have a particularly small mailbox, sometimes the mail carrier will leave a little note in your box that says "Come pick it up at the Post Office." If you've gone past the shipping window and haven't seen it yet, I'd give the P.O. a call and see if they're holding it for you. Otherwise, it might be time to call Paizo customer service @ 425-289-0060.

SJPaladin |

First off I love the first pathfinder. I will most likely never use it as an adventure, but it was a fascinating read (kinda like a good book), and I was able to grab some traps and creatures that I will use for upcomming adventures.
Personally I love dark so it didn't bother me, but it definately wasn't suitable for younger children. Maybe a rating in the product description?
While copying the stats for an adventure later this week I noticed something: The goblin snake has an initiative modifier of +8. Dex gives a +2 and no feat or special abilities are listed. Is this a typo or was some ability that granted it a +6 initiative accidently cut out?
I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place, but I don't know of any errata page/file for pathfinder products.

Sydrill |

I haven't played D&D in a while and finally got to DM the Rise of the Runelords adventure. I have to say that I really enloy the storyline, and the pacing seems good as well.
One thing I really like is how the material is set up in the book. It is much more handy than the D&D modules I've run. Things seemed to be set up where I would use them and are not as confusing.
Anyway the new Pathfinder series seems to be a new favorite of my group, and we've played together on and off since 1992. I can't wait to continue through the next 5 parts of the campaign. Having PDF's has realy added to my experience as a DM because I can take the material in more places.

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Well I LOVE the new world ... really the sense of ancient wonder that is cyclopian ruins (It made me toss some big old inscrutable background ruins into my Eberron game) and the rise of BBEGs is awesome. I love the flavour and the way the PAIZO guys describe what movies and books that they read to get there. EVERYTHING has flavour. The characters have motivation and follow thru and for once an adventure path feels like a REAL novel. Man o' man well done.
Oh and I love the new stat blocks too
soooo flavour, statblocks, characters ... and our beautiful red capes

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hello im just statting to prepare the adventure for my player i think
its great story but we miss a couple of photo ...exp (the other sign for deities adter the player handbook only 6 on 20 ,photo of some npc in sandpoint
sorry for my complane but my player are experimente and like a lot of photo
anyway i still think is a great story and amazing magazine
see you

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I can't realy help you for the NPC pictures, and can't provide symbols for all 20 gods, but at least here is the list of what those symbols look like (scroll down to Sept 7 blog entry).

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If I get Rise of the Runelords AP, does it describe enough of the setting (both descriptive and visual) to show my players? Or will I have to eventually purchase the campaign setting book?
Has anyone played this in a different campaign setting like Greyhawk or the Forgotten Realms?
Everything you need to run Rise of the Runelords is in Pathfinder and the (free to download and cheap to buy print) Player's Guide.

Watcher! |

If I get Rise of the Runelords AP, does it describe enough of the setting (both descriptive and visual) to show my players? Or will I have to eventually purchase the campaign setting book?
Has anyone played this in a different campaign setting like Greyhawk or the Forgotten Realms?
I have almost finished Chapter One, and between the actual Chapter One Book and the Player's Guide- it contained everything I needed.
The free forums here also filled in a lot of gaps----- let me rephrase that! :) There weren't a lot of gaps! But.. when I had questions, I found all my answers on the Forums. It's an additional resource.

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Plissken wrote:Everything you need to run Rise of the Runelords is in Pathfinder and the (free to download and cheap to buy print) Player's Guide.If I get Rise of the Runelords AP, does it describe enough of the setting (both descriptive and visual) to show my players? Or will I have to eventually purchase the campaign setting book?
Has anyone played this in a different campaign setting like Greyhawk or the Forgotten Realms?
(We're also assuming you have access to the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual, of course.)

Tim Franklin |

OK, I'm a latecomer here, but I've very recently picked this up as part of pulling a group together to start tabletop role-playing again after a long break. I haven't yet read cover to cover, but I must say I'm very impressed with my dips in and out so far - so much so that I've put in my subscription (starting from #6), and I'll be looking to fill in the gaps once we get playing.
Very nicely presented, seems a good mix of combat, non-combat and background material, intriguing foreshadowing and plot hooks, seems like plenty for 1st-level PCs to do without being relegated to just talking or a lot of running away. The re-imagining of goblins is inspired!
I'm avidly looking forward to future volumes...

lectric |

Hey all, I recently bought #1, Burnt Offerings, and have been running it online as a PBP. Don't have the other ones yet, but what a great adventure!
Beyond the quality, richness and originality in the work, James shows obvious dedication with his ubiquitous and patient participation on the messageboards. This personal touch, I'm sure, is one of the reasons Pathfinder has been so successful, and with such a great online community.
My only request is to make the messageboards a bit more organized. It's hard to find subjects, especially older posts. I'd really like to see a classic PHPBB-style forum, with categories, sub-categories, and where threads take a bit longer to disappear. It would also be awesome to have a "user-created resources" area of the web site, where we could find maps and handouts without having to dig through the threads.
In any event, keep up the amazing work! Thanks to everyone for all the maps, handouts, etc.

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I was reading the older pathfinders and in the chapter about ancient Thassilon, in the section about the domains of the empire, the name some cities that supposedly still exist today, like Torandey or Melesa. but i can´t find them in any published map, they were forgotten, cut from the world or just so far that they are beyond the scope of current maps (or maybe i just missed my spot check) ?
I am curious about how far Thassilon existed in the continent and the localizations of this two cities would be a great help into that.

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I was reading the older pathfinders and in the chapter about ancient Thassilon, in the section about the domains of the empire, the name some cities that supposedly still exist today, like Torandey or Melesa. but i can´t find them in any published map, they were forgotten, cut from the world or just so far that they are beyond the scope of current maps (or maybe i just missed my spot check) ?
I am curious about how far Thassilon existed in the continent and the localizations of this two cities would be a great help into that.
James Jacobs addressed this concern a few weeks ago, and the answer was that these were never followed up on, but might be in the future. There will be a map of Thassilon overlaid on top of the current landscape in the Campaign Setting, so you might want to check that out when it comes out in August.