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Wayfinder #6 is now available for download!
Go get your copy, read up, and let us know what you think! Feedback and reviews are VERY, VERY important to everyone who contributed to the issue, so please do so!
Tim Nightengale
Wayfinder Editor-in-Chief

Liz Courts Contributor |

Timitius is this your first issue taking over for liz or did you also put out issue 5? Either way I look forward to reading this.
Tim's been in charge since Wayfinder #5—this is his second issue, and he took the reins over from me.
Typing and Downloading! I can't wait to read it!!
Didn't know there was a new fella in charge (congrats Tim) ... And I presume Liz is moving on to Paizo formally, now. (Congrats there, too.)
I've been here over a year now!

Liz Courts Contributor |

Lookit all those cool new monsters! I'm inspired to do a Land of the Linnorm Kings adventure now...or at least drop some of these nasty things into my Wounded Earth pbp here on the boards.
Tim, which artist did the the pic for the landvaettir? Freaking awesome. Hat's off to the artist.
That would be Crystal Frasier. :)

Lilith |

It looks great! Still have to read it in detail, but first impression is good.
Also, I wanted to give a particular shout-out to Frank Hessefort for drawing Bram and Liut, they look amazing! (You can draw characters for me anytime!) (=
I'm enormously pleased with Bram & Liut, both the young & older versions. ^_^
Great Hunt looks like an inspired departure from what I've come to expect. I'll have to print out a copy and give it a go.
Yeah, I want to make a nice wooden board game set of it. :D

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Ryan. Costello wrote:Great Hunt looks like an inspired departure from what I've come to expect. I'll have to print out a copy and give it a go.Yeah, I want to make a nice wooden board game set of it. :D
Let me know what you think of it. And if anyone does make a serious board <nudges Lilith> please, please, please send me pics of the set! I am toying with the notion myself, but I am not sure when I will have time to break out the woodworking tools.

Shadowborn |

Shadowborn wrote:That would be Crystal Frasier. :)Lookit all those cool new monsters! I'm inspired to do a Land of the Linnorm Kings adventure now...or at least drop some of these nasty things into my Wounded Earth pbp here on the boards.
Tim, which artist did the the pic for the landvaettir? Freaking awesome. Hat's off to the artist.
Thanks. :)
You rock, Crystal!

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I would like to take the time to thank Erik Mona for his editorial in the front of the magazine.
Now there's a little bit of memory lane. The days of the Oerth Journal back when the Greyhawk AOL boards and the "Council of Greyhawk" were active! I remember back in the day - long about '96 or so - heck, I even still have some of the stuff in TXT from way back then! It's odd to think now that some of the early groundwork for the Lands of the Linnorm Kings came so early ... especially since Erik's "Beyond the Flanaess: The Bounds of the Earth" was just republished from those '96 AOL Boards in the most recent edition of the Oerth Journal (Oct '11).
Nevertheless ... It is especially endearing to hear Erik waxing philosophical about his days with the World of Greyhawk (WoG). And as a fella that has long since been a lover of GH, it's nice to see the work on the world of Golarion (which is also lovingly referred to as "WoG 2.0").
More than anything, I am glad that such material is still coming out, and is being treated so well by fans and authors alike. I am thrilled with this issue - and it makes me want to root for the Minnesota Vikings just on principle.

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Wayfinder #6 is now available for download!
Go get your copy, read up, and let us know what you think! Feedback and reviews are VERY, VERY important to everyone who contributed to the issue, so please do so!
Tim Nightengale
Wayfinder Editor-in-Chief
Thanks, Tim. Downloading now. Thanks for the hard work.
How did you come upon the EIC position? I love stories like that. Please share yours?

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Wayfinder #6 is now available for download!
Go get your copy, read up, and let us know what you think! Feedback and reviews are VERY, VERY important to everyone who contributed to the issue, so please do so!
Tim Nightengale
Wayfinder Editor-in-Chief
My only complaint is you guys mispelled my name in the front and on the webpage ;)
Otherwise, woot! My article got in! Now to write the solitaire followup.

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10 people marked this as a favorite. |

I've said it before for previous issues, but I'm gonna say it again.
Most of the folks contributing art, design, and words to this publication are doing it out of their love of the game and the love of the setting. The only reward they get is knowing that they've supported the community and the feedback they get for doing so. Please find time to enjoy this publication and provide feedback either on this thread or by reviewing the magazine (Feel free to go back and review older issues too). It would mean a lot to those who agonized over their work. I only did some editing for this issue, but I always delight in seeing the love put into Wayfinder.
Show some community love to some of the folks supporting the community.

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It looks great! Still have to read it in detail, but first impression is good.
Also, I wanted to give a particular shout-out to Frank Hessefort for drawing Bram and Liut, they look amazing! (You can draw characters for me anytime!) (=
Thank you, glad you like them.
Can't promise anything about those Characters though. My schedules are pretty tight outside vacations. ^^°
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LightSprite wrote:It looks great! Still have to read it in detail, but first impression is good.
Also, I wanted to give a particular shout-out to Frank Hessefort for drawing Bram and Liut, they look amazing! (You can draw characters for me anytime!) (=
Thank you, glad you like them.
Can't promise anything about those Characters though. My schedules are pretty tight outside vacations. ^^°
Those were some gorgeous illustrations.

Kevin Andrew Murphy Contributor |

LightSprite wrote:It looks great! Still have to read it in detail, but first impression is good.
Also, I wanted to give a particular shout-out to Frank Hessefort for drawing Bram and Liut, they look amazing! (You can draw characters for me anytime!) (=
Thank you, glad you like them.
Can't promise anything about those Characters though. My schedules are pretty tight outside vacations. ^^°
Those are particularly nice character illustrations.
I also like that we get to see the same characters at different ages.

Shadowborn |

Gregg Reece wrote:
My only complaint is you guys mispelled my name in the front and on the webpage ;)How the-??
You know, I die a little each time we find an error.... :(
We'll note this, and make corrections, and upload an updated version next week (I hope).
No publication ever makes it to release error-free. Just be glad this one is a pdf and can be changed after the fact. ;) You and your crew did a damn fine job, Tim.

Cheapy |

I saw that you did a little editing on my article (hope that the other was left out just because it was not in-flavor and not... ugly). Was the Witch Hound's different judgment ability left out intentionally?
Hey, I can have a "contributor" next to my nick now, can't I?
Contributor is only for the people who contribrute to Paizo books.

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Was the Witch Hound's different judgment ability left out intentionally?
I just reviewed that, and the editor took it out in his editing. My guess is that we needed to get it down closer to 750 words, but also it was possible that those abilities were a bit too powerful and unbalancing. I'll see what the editor says about it.

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How often does the Wayfinder come out?
HerosBackpack is correct...twice a year. We do an issue for PaizoCon, which released in PDF AND a limited, PaizoCon-only printing (about 500 copies). Then, there is the Winter issue, which is PDF-only, usually released Dec., Jan., or Feb.

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I downloaded my copy earlier today, and have only just skimmed through.
It appears the flavour text on both my entries made it through intact; I haven't checked if there were any edits to the mechanics.
They've had some very good art; two pieces from Butterfrog, and one by Stephen McAndrew, who I'll have to look out for in future.

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There's a good showing from the UK this time. Three of the contributors are from Halifax; me (The Cursed Hoard, Outiko), Craig Cartin (Frosted Template, Frosted Hunting Spider), and Chris Leaper (art on pages 63 and 83).
Chris can also be found in his alter-ego of Jesmond Cat.
I've congratulated both of them on the phone today, and we'll see each other later in the week.