Feedback on an alchemist feat?

Homebrew and House Rules

Liberty's Edge

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One of my players has an alchemist PC who would like to be able to deliver their elixirs via a dart gun. After considering the options, I decided that a feat that would allow elixirs to be applied as though they were injury poisons made the most sense for accomplishing this. Would anybody be willing to give me some feedback on this?

You can apply your elixirs to your ranged weaponry. This gives the elixir the Poison and Injury traits. Activating the elixir is a two action Interact activity. If you attack a willing ally with one of your elixirs, that ally is flat-footed to you and you can choose to deal minimum damage (as though you had rolled a 1 on all damage dice). An unwilling target may make a Fortitude save against your alchemist class DC to negate the elixir's effects.

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