Soulcaster Class and NPC (PFRPG) PDFWordcasting EntertainmentThe Soulcaster is a new base class designed for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The class is designed with the intentions of adding a caster version of a paladin. Diversity of spell selection gives this class options to shape it in many ways and combine it will other classes. This book contains the base class, eighty spells designed for the soulcaster, class-based feats, and a NPC section. Unlike other casters, soulcasters get a select number of abilities that can be used over and over again without loss. This allows the class to retain its usefulness throughtout a campagin where other casters dwindle as thier spells exhaust. This book has a NPC section so that even if the soulcasters are not used as a player character class it can still be easily added to provide flavor to any campaign. Product Availability
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