Fantastic Maps: The Ship's Graveyard PDF

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Seek the final resting place of the great ships with the Kobold!

Jonathan Roberts cartographer for Kobold Quarterly, Sunken Empires, and Coliseum Morpheuon, presents another Fantastic Map: "The Ship's Graveyard." Take your adventures to the silty bottom of the cold, briny deep and fight amongst the broken hulks. This adventure originally appeared in Kobold Quarterly #13 to illustrate the adventure 'The Wreck of the Goodwife".

This multi-page PDF allows you to print out the battlemap at a 1 square=1 inch scale and is also available in a printer-friendly light grayscale version. High-resolution Jpegs of the map with and without grids. The file also contains two maptool campaign files set up for quick use in the 4.0 version of the world's most popular roleplaying game and its 3.5 thriving spiritual successor. The Maptool file requires Maptool 1.3b84 or newer to work.

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5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Where was this when I ran the Sahuagin trilogy? I LOVE it!


This new installment of the fantastic maps series is 129 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page how-to-use the map-pack.

First we get a one-page version of the map, after that, we get 63 pages of a blown-up version of the map in full color for use with miniatures and a printer-friendly b/w version of the 63-page miniature map. The map also comes in a separate 111-page A4-format version for Europeans like yours truly that also includes the blown-up versions of the maps. We also get high resolution versions of the map as jpegs in both color and b/w both with and without grids. The maps also come with full map-tool support and the respective objects.

This is a very straight-forward one to review - the map is absolutely STUNNING and the plethora of supported formulae just rock. We get normal and printer-friendly versions and even poor Europeans like yours truly are supported. Thus, due to the awesome map, I'll rate this beautiful map-pack a full 5 stars.

Sunken Ships and Mermaids!


Okay, I know there is no actual mermaid in this map pack. But who's to say you can't have one here, or a sea hag, or something even creepier or dangerous? This is the kind of GM's tool I love, something that is a springboard for the imagination and a visual tool for players.

As with all map packs put out by Rite publishing and created by cartographer Jonathan Roberts, this has a lot of nice tools for any sort of game a GM can run. This is gorgeous in full color and also contains a printer friendly black and white version.

I love this map, so much that I am going to try to find a way to use it. Now all I have to do is sink a ship.

Oh yes, five stars for this one.

Edit: I meant to point this out, Kobold Quarterly #13 has an adventure that is specifically designed to go with this map (or vice versa).

I wanted to thank Liz for getting this up.


Thanks Sasha! Really glad you like it. Let me know how your players enjoy their trip down into the briny deep :)

JonathanRoberts wrote:
Thanks Sasha! Really glad you like it. Let me know how your players enjoy their trip down into the briny deep :)

I surely will!

I love a good map. I am a bit of a cartographer myself, or was, once upon a time.

Also sent this review to GMS magazine and posted it on DriveThruRPG. I'll also post it on EnWorld as soon as the review function of the damn site works again.


Nice work, Dark Sasha! You've got quite a reviewing run going!

Dark Sasha wrote:
JonathanRoberts wrote:
Thanks Sasha! Really glad you like it. Let me know how your players enjoy their trip down into the briny deep :)

I surely will!

I love a good map. I am a bit of a cartographer myself, or was, once upon a time.

Jump back in - the water's lovely. If you do fancy some casual cartography, the Cartographer's Guild is a fun place for it.

@Endzeitgeist Thanks for the review. This one seems to be going down really well (which I am very happy about!)

Scarab Sages

Dark Sasha wrote:

I just read your review and thought I would point out Kobold Quarterly #13 has an adventure for this very map, if you are looking for a way to use it. :)

Wicht wrote:
Dark Sasha wrote:
I just read your review and thought I would point out Kobold Quarterly #13 has an adventure for this very map, if you are looking for a way to use it. :)

Thanks for reminding me. I meant to add that to the review. As for me, when I can afford periodicals again, the first one I shall resubscribe to is the Pathfinder Adventure Path.

Good call Wicht, and the link to the KQ13 pdf, and the excellent Wreck of the Goodwife adventure, should be added to the product page shortly. This was an example of a happy coincidence between a map I was working on and the development of Sunken Empires.

I really can highly recommend the adventure. Underwater adventures are tricky to plot out, and this one's a cracker.

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