Heroes of NeoExodus: Brelin Swift (PFRPG) PDF

3.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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Some men are drawn to danger and ruin like moths to a flame. This rare breed seeks out lethal conflicts, deadly beasts, and cunning foes with reckless abandon, forever searching for a greater conquest, for the ultimate thrill. Brelin Swift is one such man, but thankfully an honorable nature guides him towards battles that can benefit the world. Born into a noble family on a small prime material world, Brelin spent his adolescence on deadly safaris. His dabbling in the mystical arts provided broad new vistas to hunt: the elemental and outer planes. All the multiverse was his playground, and many of his battles led him to greater and greater mastery of strange spells and incantations which strengthened and empowered his body. And powerful he became. By the time he was 20, Brelin was known as a slayer of demons, devils, and worse, yet he was still not satisfied. He was a good man at heart but the hells could not be changed by his conquests. Dejected, he turned his attention to the mortal realms, and one world caught his attention—Exodus.

    This supplement includes:
  • The History of Brelin Swift
  • Brelin Swift Counters
  • Initiative and Monster Cards
  • Combat and Initiative Tracker

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3.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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A nice ranger/sorceror with an uncommon background.


This pdf is 9 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial & SRD, 1 page counters, 2 pages monster sheets, 1 page combat & initiative tracker, leaving 3 pages for Brelin Swift.

Brelin Swift is a hunter of assassins and foe of a secret organisation that will be detailed in an upcoming release. He is a Ranger 1/Sorceror (starsoul) 14 character and, apart from his background, we also get information on how to use him as ally and enemy of the PCs as well as his mindset etc. He is a cool character and his statblocks seem solid enough, as he features some nice signature abilities.

Layout and artwork are beautiful, but there are two minor editing glitches: There are some upper case "B"s in the feat section and his fluff has a plural mistake. That being said, I think he is a cool character, although I would have loved to see some lore section with sample DCs for the PCs to gather some information about this fellow. As he is not from Exodus, I also think that the character would have been predestined to get some cool, far-out template or unique abilities to set him apart from regular characters, but oh well. Due to the minor editing glitches and the fact that he could have been more unique or complex, I'll settle for a good 3.5 stars that you as a reader may round up or down, depending on whether the low price is more important to you than a complex statblock. Brelin is definitely a nice buy.

Now available at Paizo!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Nice review End.

Thanks again!

Endzeitgeist wrote:
Thanks again!

Well at least we are moving in the "slightly right" direction with out products. So I guess that is a good thing.

The editing in this one was better. I also think your ideas are great and still love the ideas you guys put out. The problem with this character is just that e.g. the Faces of the Tarnished Souk-series features 3 statblocks instead of one and at least one is usually more complex.
I gave the latest FotTS, Viscount Zanzig 3.5 stars as well, as he featured more content, but had a less beautiful artwork, so I guess they evened out. :)

The Exchange

The Uppercase "B"s are "Bonus Feats"

Endzeitgeist wrote:

The editing in this one was better. I also think your ideas are great and still love the ideas you guys put out. The problem with this character is just that e.g. the Faces of the Tarnished Souk-series features 3 statblocks instead of one and at least one is usually more complex.

I gave the latest FotTS, Viscount Zanzig 3.5 stars as well, as he featured more content, but had a less beautiful artwork, so I guess they evened out. :)

Brelin Swift directly ties into the upcoming Enemies of NeoExodus: Folding Circle (SHAMELESS PLUG: Coming out next week) where each of the five main vilains have five different CR stat blocks, so you can play them a various levels a GM might be running. I think you will tink Enemies of NeoExodus: Folding Circle is more in line of what you like.

UH, I'm so looking forward to this organization - I'm having my fingers crossed with regards to editing. I'm confident that you guys will manage to do a good job on this upcoming file - you already demonstrated that you can do it! :)

@Kathran al-ZAwree: I know, it's just that they are supposed to be in a smaller font and written like an exponential, not just a big "B" at the end of the feat name. :)

You can also save some money of this product if you pick it up as part of the NeoExodus: Agents of Evil Bundle available at RPGNow.com.

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