BenS |

I'm actually wondering if this might even be those articles collected into one volume with additional added goodness to round things out!
I hope you're correct, as that would be a very smart move IMO. New players don't want to hunt down old issues of PF to get those individual articles, and even those of us who own them all would like to have them collected. Add new material and it's win win win.
But I could be wrong on the intent here.

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Those articles are the GM's perspective on the gods, I suspect. This is a Player Companion, so it'll be the player-focused material.
Wouldn't surprise me at all to see a 256 page hardback compilation of the articles after they get all 20 of them published, though.

artemis_segundo |

I for one will be very disappointed if they are just a rehash of stuff I already have...these are going to be make or break books for me on this subscription
+1. If that books only compilate the gods articles I don't need it, I have my APs. It seem to me that the next year will be the Reloaded Year (Reloaded Campaign Setting, Reloaded Gods, Reloaded Gazetteer...)

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I for one will be very disappointed if they are just a rehash of stuff I already have...these are going to be make or break books for me on this subscription
Completely understood. One thing to keep in mind though is that there are a pretty large number of Pathfinder fans that PLAY in these APs but do not DM them, so we don't HAVE these AP issues! So unless we buy all the APs issues with the deity write ups and then resist the urge to open them until after we play the AP or something like that, many of us never SEE these great write ups!
It's a difficult line for Paizo to walk, I'm sure. That's why I'm kind of thinking (hoping?) that this might collect the various AP write ups (for those of us that have never seen them before) AND THEN add a bunch of cool NEW stuff to them so that DMs and those others that have the APs will still find value in them.
Just a thought!

Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

Those articles are the GM's perspective on the gods, I suspect. This is a Player Companion, so it'll be the player-focused material.
Wouldn't surprise me at all to see a 256 page hardback compilation of the articles after they get all 20 of them published, though.
Correct. This book is "What does this belonging to religion do for my character, even if I'm not a divine spellcaster?" rather than "here's the outlook of the deity, its church, and its relation to other deities."
Think of it more as a "here's why your character should join this church!" rather than "thousands of years ago, this god blah blah blah."
Paladin codes for specific deities is a good thing to talk about in this book! :)
This is not a rehash of Gods and Magic and the AP articles. While it'll draw on the same material, the focus is different. I've explicitly told the author that he's not to regurgitate the text from the other sources. You'll see the inspiration there--the section on Cayden Cailean will mention he was an orphan, but it'll talk about how being an orphan of the church affects your character background and outlook, your attitude toward the church, and so on.

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This book is "What does this belonging to religion do for my character, even if I'm not a divine spellcaster?"
I think is a good idea, often overlooked in most RPGs -- why should a character who isn't a cleric/paladin 'have' a god. I thought Book of the Faithful -- Power of Prayer from Jon Brazer Enterprises was a good start, but I still feel there is much room here to explore.

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I'm mostly not that keen on the length. I understand that the player's companion books are 32 pages, but it seems kind of a disservice to the topic. Given the typical 2 pages each for "Combat" "Faith" "Magic" and "Social", that leaves 3 pages per deity. At that length, I can't help but feel it'll only be a glossing over of each faith and just going over the basics of the faith (the rehash part) will be at least a page of each entry. Any chance of maybe dropping the other chapters, so that there is at least 4 pages per faith?

Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

I'm mostly not that keen on the length. I understand that the player's companion books are 32 pages, but it seems kind of a disservice to the topic. Given the typical 2 pages each for "Combat" "Faith" "Magic" and "Social", that leaves 3 pages per deity. At that length, I can't help but feel it'll only be a glossing over of each faith and just going over the basics of the faith (the rehash part) will be at least a page of each entry. Any chance of maybe dropping the other chapters, so that there is at least 4 pages per faith?
Well, the options were:
All the deities in one book: about one page each for the main 20 deities.
All the good deities in one book: about two pages for each deity, plus supplemental material that crosses over multiple deities.
One deities per book: tons of room, but it would take us over 3 years to publish just the main 20 deities, so that's not acceptable.
The middle path is the best compromise.
Players already have access to the general god info in the campaign setting, plus whatever the GM lets them see from the AP articles and Gods and Magic. Given that the AP articles usually have only one page worth of material on the role of priests in the church, adding 2 pages of new PC-oriented content about each deity is a huge amount of additional info.
As for the artwork, other than showing the deity symbols, I don't see the point in illustrating the deities in this book. Showing a typical adventurer follower of the deity is much more useful, and as we have very few illos like that so far (the ones in the AP articles are mainly of priests), odds are we'll be seeing plenty of new art in this book.

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Call me when Rovagug gets his due.
Unfortunately, I doubt there will ever be a "Faiths of Corruption" or whatever the appropriate title would be for an evil gods Companion, because these are Player Companions, after all. Evil PCs are (AFAIK) one of those niche areas like Epic levels or Psionics that don't appeal to the majority of gamers, and so it would probably be a poor seller, and thus a bad idea for the company.
Even if it would be really cool to see. Maybe if we get a Pathfinder equivalent to Book of Vile Darkness as a GM-focused book, but not as a Player Companion.

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cappadocius wrote:Call me when Rovagug gets his due.Unfortunately, I doubt there will ever be a "Faiths of Corruption" or whatever the appropriate title would be for an evil gods Companion, because these are Player Companions, after all. Evil PCs are (AFAIK) one of those niche areas like Epic levels or Psionics that don't appeal to the majority of gamers, and so it would probably be a poor seller, and thus a bad idea for the company.
Even if it would be really cool to see. Maybe if we get a Pathfinder equivalent to Book of Vile Darkness as a GM-focused book, but not as a Player Companion.
As it turns out, most of us here at Paizo think it'd be really cool to see a "Faiths of Corruption" book as well.
Some folks like playing evil PCs. I'd like to periodically support that play style. Unlike epic rules or psionics, the rules for playing evil characters already exist. There's no actual barrier to play characters like this, apart from the psychological, so it's not like we'd be producing a book that only a subset of the customer base would be able to understand.
And I suspect that a "Faiths of Corruption" type book would NOT be a poor seller, because folks love the evil, and more to the point, this would be one "Player's Companion" that GMs would, I suspect, pickup in DROVES if only for use with NPCs.

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Kvantum wrote:cappadocius wrote:Call me when Rovagug gets his due.Unfortunately, I doubt there will ever be a "Faiths of Corruption" or whatever the appropriate title would be for an evil gods Companion, because these are Player Companions, after all. Evil PCs are (AFAIK) one of those niche areas like Epic levels or Psionics that don't appeal to the majority of gamers, and so it would probably be a poor seller, and thus a bad idea for the company.
Even if it would be really cool to see. Maybe if we get a Pathfinder equivalent to Book of Vile Darkness as a GM-focused book, but not as a Player Companion.
As it turns out, most of us here at Paizo think it'd be really cool to see a "Faiths of Corruption" book as well.
Some folks like playing evil PCs. I'd like to periodically support that play style. Unlike epic rules or psionics, the rules for playing evil characters already exist. There's no actual barrier to play characters like this, apart from the psychological, so it's not like we'd be producing a book that only a subset of the customer base would be able to understand.
And I suspect that a "Faiths of Corruption" type book would NOT be a poor seller, because folks love the evil, and more to the point, this would be one "Player's Companion" that GMs would, I suspect, pickup in DROVES if only for use with NPCs.
Also, it's quite possible to worship an Evil God, without being Evil (at the very least as the neutral version of whatever alignment the god is, so LN for Asmodeus etc... I don't want to summon seekerofshadowlight!)

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As it turns out, most of us here at Paizo think it'd be really cool to see a "Faiths of Corruption" book as well.
Some folks like playing evil PCs. I'd like to periodically support that play style. Unlike epic rules or psionics, the rules for playing evil characters already exist. There's no actual barrier to play characters like this, apart from the psychological, so it's not like we'd be producing a book that only a subset of the customer base would be able to understand.
And I suspect that a "Faiths of Corruption" type book would NOT be a poor seller, because folks love the evil, and more to the point, this would be one "Player's Companion" that GMs would, I suspect, pickup in DROVES if only for use with NPCs.
Well, then color me quite pleasantly surprised and very happy I have a Companions subscription! :)

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Hey, what about Most Holy Asmodeus? Shouldn't He -- the most powerful and pure of all the deities of Golarion -- be in this book?
I'm shocked, mr. Jacobs, that you have the nerve to exclude Asmodeus from this tome... surely you do not want to face His righteous wrath?
Asmodeus share a book with other, lesser deities?

Enpeze |
this book is a very good idea. Dont forget we are playing a roleplaying game. And helping a player to act and play his role by giving him practical infos about the gods rituals is urgently needed.
One of the things I would like to see in this book are artwork examples for typical tempel, color schemes and religious motives of certain gods. Also behavioural patterns of priests the PCs could met in these temples should be described. (not all should be the archetypical christian style "wise father". Eg. if you go into one of the fortress-temples of gorum with a full load of weapons, it could be a duel challenge for some hot headed war priests)
The same treatment for evil gods would be great too, of course. :)

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Asgetrion wrote:Asmodeus share a book with other, lesser deities?Hey, what about Most Holy Asmodeus? Shouldn't He -- the most powerful and pure of all the deities of Golarion -- be in this book?
I'm shocked, mr. Jacobs, that you have the nerve to exclude Asmodeus from this tome... surely you do not want to face His righteous wrath?
That is... that is... BLASPHEMY! How could a Chelaxian citizen such as yourself imply that our Most Blessed and Pure Lord Asmodeus would not belong in this book? I have already informed the Inquisition, and I'm sure a visit by the good Knights of the Order of the Rack shall er, banish such heretical thoughts from your mind!

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Enlight_Bystand wrote:That is... that is... BLASPHEMY! How could a Chelaxian citizen such as yourself imply that our Most Blessed and Pure Lord Asmodeus would not belong in this book? I have already informed the Inquisition, and I'm sure a visit by the good Knights of the Order of the Rack shall er, banish such heretical thoughts from your mind!Asgetrion wrote:Asmodeus share a book with other, lesser deities?Hey, what about Most Holy Asmodeus? Shouldn't He -- the most powerful and pure of all the deities of Golarion -- be in this book?
I'm shocked, mr. Jacobs, that you have the nerve to exclude Asmodeus from this tome... surely you do not want to face His righteous wrath?
You misunderstand me, my fellow. Of course our Lord deserves to be in this book, but if he were to be included, these other pathetic beings would have to be moved out of the book to allow for his majesty. Better to wait until the last book in this series - Faiths of Power perhaps? of Majesty?

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Asgetrion wrote:You misunderstand me, my fellow. Of course our Lord deserves to be in this book, but if he were to be included, these other pathetic beings would have to be moved out of the book to allow for his majesty. Better to wait until the last book in this series - Faiths of Power perhaps? of Majesty?Enlight_Bystand wrote:That is... that is... BLASPHEMY! How could a Chelaxian citizen such as yourself imply that our Most Blessed and Pure Lord Asmodeus would not belong in this book? I have already informed the Inquisition, and I'm sure a visit by the good Knights of the Order of the Rack shall er, banish such heretical thoughts from your mind!Asgetrion wrote:Asmodeus share a book with other, lesser deities?Hey, what about Most Holy Asmodeus? Shouldn't He -- the most powerful and pure of all the deities of Golarion -- be in this book?
I'm shocked, mr. Jacobs, that you have the nerve to exclude Asmodeus from this tome... surely you do not want to face His righteous wrath?
Hmmm... 'Faiths of Majesty'... I like that! Perhaps I was a bit hasty in judging you so quickly. I shall inform the Inquisition that they need not get involved in this; however, in the future, please refrain from calling an Infernal Librarian a "fellow"; such a word implies disrespect, which I am fairly sure you do not intend to do, right?

Justin Franklin |

Maybe we'll finally see Oracle Mysteries for Love, Beauty, etc.
(Way too late for my PFS character though).
I hadn't even thought of that yet, bu they could easily put more Mysteries in the Faith books and Factions for that matter.

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MerrikCale wrote:Well, Lyingbastard SAID that they wanted the book, but you can't really tell for sure that they actually do want it...Lyingbastard wrote:I will be getting this.does anyone else thinks its funny that someone named "Lyingbastard" wants this book?
Well you do need to learn how the other side thinks.

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Will there be some options to customize clerics of these faiths?
I'd love it if the Domains had some optional abilities (bear in mind, I haven't seen the APG sub-domains concept yet), so that multiple clerics with the same Domain might have different Domain powers.
For example;
Good 1 (replaces Touch of Good)
Kind Word (Sp): As a standard action, you can speak an inspiring word to a creature within 30 feet. That creature receives a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1). You can use this power a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Good 1 (replaces Touch of Good)
Virtue’s Reward (Su): Whenever you successfully save against a mind-effecting affect, you can choose one of two free actions; either to draw resolve from your victory, and gain the benefits of a bless spell for a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom modifier, or to share your moral fortitude with others, allowing all allies within 30 ft. another saving throw to break free of the mind-affecting effect you have resisted. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Good 1 (replaces Touch of Good])
Purity’s Banquet (Su): Whenever you successful save against an instance of poison or disease, you can choose to grant all similarly-afflicted allies within 30 ft. another immediate saving throw to shake off that same poison or disease. Your allies gain a bonus to this saving throw equal to your Wisdom modifier. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Good 1 (replaces Touch of Good)
Act of Mercy (Su): If one of your attacks would ever reduce a living creature to negative hit points, you can choose as a free action to negate any damage that would reduce the creature below zero hit points. The creature affected is infused with a portion of your own goodness during this process, and any creature that does not possess the Evil subtype or more Hit Dice than you have Cleric levels will find itself less inclined to act against you in the future, suffering a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls, skill checks or ability checks against you, and a -2 morale penalty to saving throws or opposed skill checks against you. These benefits vanish immediately if you ever strike the creature again for lethal damage or take some other action that betrays the fragile trust your act of mercy has inspired (GM adjudication may be required). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
The Good Domain is obviously super-easy to come up with such ideas for, as one can just do what I did and pop open a web-page on the Seven Virtues and riff on that, but tons of Domains have equal potential to be made more versatile.

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Will there be some options to customize clerics of these faiths?
I'd love it if the Domains had some optional abilities (bear in mind, I haven't seen the APG sub-domains concept yet), so that multiple clerics with the same Domain might have different Domain powers.
For example;
That's exactly what the APG subdomains are like. Swap out a domain power and a few of the domain spells to slightly change the flavor of the domains.

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Set wrote:That's exactly what the APG subdomains are like. Swap out a domain power and a few of the domain spells to slightly change the flavor of the domains.Will there be some options to customize clerics of these faiths?
I'd love it if the Domains had some optional abilities
Cool. I proposed that sort of thing back in Beta, for Sorcerer Bloodlines, Cleric Domains and Wizard School powers, and it was pooh-poohed (pick another Domain/Bloodline/School if you don't like the options presented, was the rebuttal), so it's nice to see that the train has come around to that station again.
I am again excited to see the APG, since the reviews of Archetypes was all-or-nothing and not at all 'a la carte.' Sub-Domains sounds very cool!

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I am again excited to see the APG, since the reviews of Archetypes was all-or-nothing and not at all 'a la carte.' Sub-Domains sounds very cool!
Well, there aren't any Cleric archetypes at all in the APG. Nor Sorcerer or Wizard archetypes, either. New bloodlines, the Elemental schools, and then Sub-Schools like the Sub-Domains, but no archetypes for any of the major spellcasting classes, except Druid, and those are just for the terrain types, not any type of differing class foci.

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Maybe we'll finally see Oracle Mysteries for Love, Beauty, etc.
(Way too late for my PFS character though).
I would second that. A range of oracle mysteries would be great and, in the lives of ordinary folk, the mysteries of love are more pertinent and more welcome than the mysteries of battle.
Wouldn't mind some more curses too.
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James Jacobs wrote:And I suspect that a "Faiths of Corruption" type book would NOT be a poor seller, because folks love the evil, and more to the point, this would be one "Player's Companion" that GMs would, I suspect, pickup in DROVES if only for use with NPCs.+1
Hell yeah -- I absolutely LOVE all things Evil!