1 on 1 Adventures #12: Journey into Riddle Canyon (PFRPG) PDF

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Our Price: $6.00

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The shrieking goblins of the Barren Steppe have been unusually quiet as of late, and it is your task to uncover the cause of their decreased raiding. Are they amassing an army to invade civilized lands? Have they been displaced by hardier and more dangerous foes?

No one knows for certain, but wiser heads hope that Riddle Canyon holds the answer.

Welcome to 1 on 1 Adventures: action-packed scenarios designed for 1 player and 1 GM.

This module includes 20 adventure-packed pages, complete with detailed maps and descriptions, forming a ready-made adventure for the smallest gaming group. Although it is designed for a Fighter level 6–8, with some minor scaling, Journey into Riddle Canyon is suitable for use with a traditional four-player party.

If you enjoy this adventure, look for future releases in the 1 on 1 Adventure line from Expeditious Retreat Press.

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My wife and I love this 1 on 1 Adventure!

Gaming with small children in the house can be difficult to say the least. We have a great table of friends, all of whom are parents, but when the game really gets exciting it's impossible to keep the voices of 6 - 7 adults down so the children don't wake up. So when we can't get a sitter or send them to the grandparents, we get our gaming fix with another Journey to Riddle Canyon!

My wife was very hesitant about trying to GM for a group of vetern players but thanks to this 1 on 1 module, she has had enough time behind the GM screen (1 on 1) to feel comfortable running this adventure for our group.

This adventure is designed for a fighter 6 – 8 level and comes with a cool pregen which we both have used. We have now moved on to making our own characters for this adventure, like my dwarf barbarian and her human paladin.

We have had so many great adventures with this one module, we can’t wait to get another one!

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've used some of the 1on1s in my games, and I'm ready to see some more... I hope this one's good...

Dark Archive

The important question is: when this one is going to be available in print form? I'm hanging on waiting for this before buying the 1-11 compendium to save postage.

Lewy wrote:
The important question is: when this one is going to be available in print form? I'm hanging on waiting for this before buying the 1-11 compendium to save postage.

#12 should be available in November.

Joseph Browning
Expeditious Retreat Press

Dark Archive

jgbrowning wrote:
Lewy wrote:
The important question is: when this one is going to be available in print form? I'm hanging on waiting for this before buying the 1-11 compendium to save postage.

#12 should be available in November.

Joseph Browning
Expeditious Retreat Press

Great, thanks for the response. Will order both then! As the postage is to the UK the difference is significant.

Do these require tweaking to be suitable for Greyhawk / FR 3.5? If so, how much?

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