How to Write Stories PDF

2.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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A short but comprehensive book on how to write stories.

Includes setting and character generation, character description and development, plot, and more. Sections are devoted to TV, movie and novel writing styles. Also included are three training excercises suitable for a quick "boot camp" on writing.

10 pages.

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2.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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For a Free Product, this is a fairly good outline. It does use a lot of Pop-Culture references to show different styles of writing, & how publishing companies view certain styles.

I agree with the previous reviewer about Typos, & need for a Copy Editor.

Follow your own advice


This wasn't a 1 star review simply because the author did parrot out a lot of the so-called "rules" of writing, but, geez, man, get a copyeditor if you can't clean up your own typos.

Seriously, with this advice you’re getting what you pay for. If you want help with learning how to write, you’d be better off subscribing to David Farland’s free “Daily Writing Kick” at

Now, I realize Paizo’s trying to help GMs figure out how to come up with fun plot lines for their campaigns. For someone who knows *nothing*, this is possibly worth reading with a glass of salt water at hand. If you know some stuff, but aren’t an experienced writer, this is a waste of time. Experienced writers who are willing to wade through the typos may find something that resembles an interesting arm-chair writing philosophy, but it’s still more of a time waste than not.

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